‘THE Datty NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. DAILY EDITION agQEge> «Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1915. THE TRIUMPH OF GREED time than it takes to get the Evidence accuculates that Sir men to wear them, and if the of militia had the of these matters there a different story t minister handling would be tell. Purchasing Robert s3urden’s Commission is playing politics with war contracts. The Hon. A. E. Kemp, as the responsible | head of the commission, can-| INO ALUM “The situation is best illus-| attention to tl not afford to ignore the very} trated by a case that has oc- - roan casioment aa definite charge of maladminis-} curred in the city of Torot - A ates ne % rae JIMMIE SINGER tration made in the current is-; {pn spite of the number of bona | pm ie ad: egw Brilliant balf back of the To-| sue of Men's Wear, a journal) fide clothing factories anxious| Fre da by Men’s|Ponto rugby team in the 0. RF devoted to the interests of the to get a share of the work, aj a See “s b tie | t whose good placing recently | clothing trade, and published large contract for unifo rms | wet eee ca Hf oe larainst Hamilton aroused great by the Acton Company, a firm was recently given to a real Pees harley ' Tt Ce ene praise of excellent reputation. Mens’ estate man. who had no more go half clad?—Toronto Globe. | Wear says: experience in clothing manu- NOTES AND COMMENTS Salvation Army. “It is not a shame, it is a facture than the member of} Public meetings, Tuesday crime, that in a time of life or parliament who got him the!| ie Adil canal’ rh irsday a at 8 p.m death with the nation men contract. He farmed out the; ee ec ae fee. fu ener it 7:30 p.m should traffic in its needs. | order to a firm of re Slaek Ie ee ae a seal There are men fattening at the at a net profit of over twen a eanaehbal deel Bob| BREAD, PIES AND PASTRY public trough while their fel-| thousand’ _ dollars, promptly! —T ee ee repedtetinds’ lows pour out their life blood covering his chances for lo re ncaa * bat the sain tial | Miss James has opened “The in a foreign land. There are with insurance. Here is a man z a : 1 5 Aaetcle: WOMAN’S HOME BAKERY men scheming to make money! who, beyond perhaps a sub- i bacle left ng < sing ame | Bevo ee out of this awful tragedy while | ription to the party fund, has | a? oad teat tities ee ee the cries of heart-broken wid-| never turned his hand in the| “©” **'® “at “em Try her delicious a i oaks % jheard that there had been any and dainty cookies. pies. an ows and orphans rise to heav- making of a fortune out of his # his = Wiskorta. ‘Thin oe: \ . ’ I ; en. Ous soldiers go half clad country’s necessity. No doubt}? " —- ae va all the delicacies moth while political tricksters and instances might be multiplied ~ 7 . oT ie = anche a used to make cowardly shysters play this almost indefinitely. As we have hac ni Nee er ai hia Set] . e boodle game. | already said, it is not a shame, | c Ney tes oO ee aE ett Bi et “Canada’s minister of militia it is a crime. \s chan tieniek seein. ‘ is not to blame for the equip- The Globe gives space t aig sora a a FROZEN BAIT ; ment blunders and delays that very serious statement in the} cite is Be a $ have held back his efforts to hope that Sir Robert Border F re mY anit ees ete put the full number of men in will insist upon a public in-|! ae - See ‘ aka - te E 3 gets ee oes Say | ie. Se. iene feneent seat of trouble rather than a : could have accomplished more| attending the awarding of con-| | et to telegrams. Conversa-|$ FINEST FROZEN ‘HERRING ; than General Sir Sam Hughes} tracts for the clothing n0t se ema ara ad : has done in the past year to equipment of Canadian rouge. Fa stabil fies NE ay ons.te per ‘tan. give this country her true place} The incident referred to in fico da ca Mates or Bale by ; in the great conflict and the} Men's Wear is not an isolated Ba mother country the support; one. Some of the strongest rc lanai. cal Mat ae daa KINCOLITH PACKING CO. ; she needs in this greatest crisis} Conservatives among the man- Semiuied Saas, Uneshud tn dtes. Oe LIMITED 5 in her history; but his hands| wufacturers of Toronto could “Crossing” Ang got cae MILL BAY. B. C. have been tied by a cursed po-| tell similar stories. There were na he ae eek at lg For ee particulars litical system. There is abso- references to the diversion of oie acta e ete ek ees apply to ; lutely no reason why there! contracts to middlemen who hii THOR JOHNSON should be a word of complaint did nothing but collect a rake-| — : i le ie Central Hotel. with regard to the supply of off in correspondence that The . “Kulturiste” wh ' gs sii clothing, shoes, and accoutre- passed between the Canadiar aicieaka iiese tk Wek: etek We or ments. We have plenty of con- manufacturers and the govern-| Id be careful miss out the #4 Prince Rupert Feed Co. cerns in Canada to supply all| ment almost a year ago. Why shelling of lifeboats. Psaones ero ake that is needed in much less not ask Sir Charles Davidson ah —_—_—_—_— - = SST a HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS It is reported that Bill Bowse ; THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED S. S. VENTURE Sails for GRANBY, NAAS, and PORT SIMPSON, Mondays at 11 am. Sails for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE end VICTORIA Tuesdays at 8 p. m. S. S$. CAM ome for STEWART, GRANBY, A. mM. 36th, No ber atk, 27th, vem aesnas ith, aoe. : Salls for MASSETT, PORT CLEMENES, Sunday P. M., October 3rd, 17th, Bist, November 14th, 28th, becember 12th, 26th. Sails for SKIDEGATE, or EDA, Tuesday A. M., October 5th, 18th, November 2nd, 16th, 30th, December 28th. Sails for BELLA COOLA, RIVERS INLET and the Sou Thursday P. @., October 7th, 21st, November 4th, 18th, December 16th, 28th. JOHN BARNSLEY, 623 Second Avenue. Agent. Phone 568. ee FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | SAI =3e had to call in Bob Rogers in orde to convinee Sir Dick that London will suit his health much bette: than Victoria. Of course Dich prefers London to Victoria, bul he hates being sent there, he would much rather go of his own accord. “Safety First” is the Slogan of Business” O ‘Best 75 years of Banking in Canada, has demonstrated the strength, security, safety and service of The Bank of British North America. The history of this bank for over three- quarters of a century has been one of progress and development, and of rt 710 SECOND AVE t Carpenters’ Tools Suilders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery ‘ Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle ¢, iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns i Rope Vaives Ammunition Pumps tiose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roefing Corrugated iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Spee et — oe — * FRED STORK’S HARDWARE aaa ASAD aA — eo = =—_—_ ———S——- = EMPRESS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR consistent growth in the regard of the business world, AND FERTILIZERS WE HANDLE Bulbs, and Take Orders for Mureery Stock. Chicken Feed A Speciaity. Mail Orders rene: Attended To. P. O. Box 333. 908 Third Ave. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. PLL LOOP OPO —Stop it ° Conghing increases the irritation of the already in- Somat mucuous membranes and is moreover 4 to Ca: disease to others. * my Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly stops coug hit ng, and soon, thanks to its tonic properties, effects @ permanent cure. he wonderful popularity of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and @od Liver Oilis specially due to its gn value as a permanent Inng and bron- chia! healer. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS iN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. Prisca Manager. Sold everywhere, asc large bottles. For Further Information } I ; Apply to aoe. oo. SFACTION GUAR- 5 W. E. Williscroft, Phone ‘ ANTEEO—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT } Blue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- eee evanss—Sueel 4 ; trician, Phone 383. ? The Royal Standard Test Here's where we test the choicest samples of Canada’s six million acre wheat crop. We grind them into flour in the little mill you see on the left of the picture. Then comes the supreme test--bread-baking. ¥ the bread is perfect in every way we pronounce the wheat Al and the flou--ROYAL STANDARD. AT YOUR GROCER’S Vancouver Milling 8 Grain ald & few wcouver Wow Weermiastth. Ros ssimo Vere rm naynt en tN) vedve vee La) F. G. DAWSON COFF EE PRINCE RUPERT, ©