THE ~ DAILY NEWS ———— si aah aa na = = voL. VI. NO. 270. PRINCE RUPERT, B, C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1915. i: a a Vi anja, comes acmaesiaiiial , uy (. ae WED JAY, NOV BER 17, 1915. PRICE FIVE GENTS ees mame ee be AR ANS REPL ———— f ~ — = ED ALONG ENTIRE LINE = = = ANTI DYNAST! OUTBREAK IN GREECE--VENIZELOS WILL NOT FACE ELECTIONS BULGARS ARE 28 MINERS DEFEATED AT © ARE ENTOMBED CERNA RIVER AT RAVENSDALE c— cae: Enomy Lose Heavily—Bulgarians ‘eslacien caused by Gas and Dust will retreat from Babuna —Rescuers Busy—Three Pass as Position is j Men Are Dead and Now Dangerous. Three Rescued. 8 } | | (Special to The Dally News.) Nov. 17- (Special to The Dally News.) | v.35 ander N General Sar-| Seattle, the French | miners are entombed in the work- announce es | of the North Twenty-eight of Balkans, result of on the Western Coal at Ings thirty-six | Ravensdale, of iC jompany'’s mine Cerna river | thirty-five miles southwest thirty thou- Serbia, Bulgarians were repulsed, here. th he osses Coal dust mixed with gas is along the en-| ta single French gun | supposed to have caused the ex- plosion which oceurred on Babuna Pass. rted that the ive for days been try- 500 foot level. Bulgar- reach the | | noon today. Three Dead. a through passage have been compell- dead and three the of owing to the dan- Three men are rt position being turned! were rescued by use The remaining 28 are be dead. The engaged in the mine were pulmotors. tion of French and ‘ 0 Saloniki ti s without jneident. Act of War. n discloses the believed men ops at con- mostly foreigners. PATHE MASTERPIECE AT THE MAJESTIC THEATRE fact tor- jiornad LIgall bmarine which teamer Firenze was crew wearing Ger- At first, the the German ilttack on this steamer Italy The Majestic Pathe it of sub- tonight presents flying another masterpiece. On is Shakespeare's Richard III.” ir This been this occasion The three Dy as an act of Crown ) spectacular acts: COLLECTIONS world-famous drama _ has famous actors as Mansfield just played by such ince committee present- rt from the city Irving, Richard and Robert Mantell, as full of grandeur and charm on the It is one of the most magnificent pro- Henry city treasur- and is council Monday that $118,987 of taxes had been collect- nat wing ‘nS screen as on the stage. { considerable sums the arrangement. pér cent of the collected. filmed, Pathe first real naval battle ductions ever There showing the e to come 1() ‘ cent, in under is also a Gazette rebate 63% had port was adopted. ast ever snapped by the movie Camera ixes Pp wr” , wT *? , been man. “Tom Wise in the Treasure is a very fine comedy-drama, is a scream- The entire tat while “Uncle Finish” state auctio norrow, & Comet funny comedy. is good. ingly show BELGIAN FUND SOP PODS MAJESTIC :: THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow wy gS The following amounts. were collected for the King Albert Day celebration by the following: Path _ © Famous Historical Masterpiece Bank of Commerce,.....- $45.00, HE CROWN OF RICHARD III.” ‘ : 27.5 in three Sinaiaaunaneaaes: City Hall Staff.........--- 27.50 | famous Shakespearean drama Bank of Montreal........ 27.70 been played by such famous Bie 25.30 wlors as Sir Henry Irving, Richard Tinian BAOk aks cscs ts ee +2 25.31 \ leld and Robert Mantel. Rinwal: Rank .».oseseccess 22.15 PATHE GAZETTE Bank of B. N. A....+++++ 18 wing @ ‘Thrill B164.7 4 rilling Actual Naval re sie we oh $164.70 the only real one taken yet. ET “TOM WISE IN THE TR RE” _ RED CROSS SALE Comedy-Drama, “UNCLE FINISH” Side-splitting Comedy. Miss t—It le Extra Good. A Don't The usual sale of home cook- ing for the Red Cross Society will be held on Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The committee desires to make this sale a very success- ful the for funds continues to increase, The sale will be held at Max Heilbroner’s jewelry store, corner of Sixth St, and Third Ave. Mrs. J. KE. Mer- ryfield and Mrs. Holtby will be in ADMISSION 10 and 15 cents. Crore. one, as need the | Rescuers expect entombed miners at! |W. P. HINTON IS NEW GERMAN GAS SHELLS Picture shows German asphyxiatiing gas shells all ready for use, found by the them in the as they were French on the ground recently captured by big offensive. FIRST CONTINGENT [ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION INSURANCE POLICIES FORMED LAST NIGHT The following is a list of sub- | About forty of the boys held a scribers to the second premiums | meeting in the city hall last night on the insurance policies taken on|when the Prince Rupert Amateur members of the 1st Prince Rupert|Athletic Association was formed. contingent:—Balance on hand,|The following office-bearers were $45.59; Prince Rupert Hotel Co., elected: Hon. president, William $104.00: Prince Rupert Licensed ;Manson, M. L. A., hon. vice-pres., Vintners, $35.00; Savoy Hotel,.F. H. Mobley; president, Fred. $5.00: S. M. Newton, $2.00; Wil-|Stork; ist vice-pres., H. 8S. Irwin; liams & Manson, 02.00; William! 2nd vice-pres., C, Garden: Secre- Manson, $2.00: Ganon Rix, $2.00;| tary, W. D. Vance; treasurer, S. P. Burns & Go., $2.00; McCaffrey! Winsby; executive, Jack Judge, & Doyle, $2.00; Kelly, Douglas &| Wallace Anderson, Arthur Man- Co., Ltd., $10.00; Stewart & Mob-/son and Charles Blyth. lev, Ltd., $5.00; F. G. Dawson,| The boys are showing the $5.00; Brackman & Ker, $5.00; | greatest enthusiasm, and it is ex- H. P. Wilson, $2.00; A. T. Broder- | pected that a gymnasium will be ick, $2000: J. W. Clansey, $2.0: | fitted up in suitable quarters 4. Margetts, $2.00; Patmore g [vith thout delay, probably in the os Bais | Motntyre Hall, where the National Fulton, $2.00; L, M. DeGex, $1.00; ) @) ting Glub had their gym. Drs. Kergin & Kergin, $2.00; Dr.| am J. P. Cade, $2.00: W. E. Fisher, MAN MISSING 04.00; Alfred Carss, $2.00; Dr, C.} \. Eggert, $2.00; Dr. MeNeil, The Salvation Army has been $1.00. Total, $248.59. Amount asken. 10 lopate ne Jack Beans, nationality British, age 34, height required, $244.00. aft. 6 a acm in., occupation black hair, dark complexion. Has a glass eye. G. T. P. TRAFFIC MANAGER He was supposed to have left cilia bila Winnipeg two years ago _ for In addition to the promotion of} Prince Rupert. He is a fisherman, George A. MeNicholl, reported and is likely to be employed in yesterday, the Grand Trunk Pa- e of the fisheries. cific also announces that W. P. Would anyone knowing of his Hinton, assistant passenger traf- oreaee: pereepee wena? ny , munieate with Staff Captain Sims fic manager, is to be trafic man- 59 Fountain Street, Winnipeg. ager in charge of passengers and 3 Bieta it freight of the G. T. P., with head- POLICE COURT quarters in Winnipeg, and also western traffic manager for the A hefty Scotchman was sen- tenced to thirty days in jail this morning for committing an as- sault on Wm, Stuart at his home Canadian Government Railway. THE WEATHER BOB ROGERS IS HANDING OUT A | "FEW DRYDOCKS' Sob is There With the Promises in the South—New Found- land Awaiting Verdict On Prohibition. (Special to The Dally News.) Victoria, Nov. 417.—Hon. togers is making an inspection of| he Pacifie coast harbor and dock | icilities. He has shown the importance of hav- drydock coast. states that the Governmen says that the war jing facilities on the Pa- cifie He vill spend large sums on harbor dock the future. and improvements in Prohibition. Nov. 17.—The ques- tion of prohibition in New Found- St. Johns, land depends entirely on the de- ‘cision of the district of St. Barbe. of 685 to carry the “dry” plat- and it is eXpected that it pass by the bare number. The returns from 8t. Barbe can- not be had for three days yet. There is a majority re- quired form, will CHARLIE CHAPLIN AT WESTHOLME THEATRE The Westholme bill tonight is composed of two star features. One is “Ambition,” which is the first three-reel Chaplin to be shown here. Three thousand feet of Chaplin should produce enough laughter to lift the roof off the theatre. The other item is of an entirely different character, a three-reel Broadway star detec- entitled Per- The play is the being tive drama, “One formance Only.” of produced and is Mullin, It is a tale of daring daylight rob- work Charles Brown by Eugene bery, in which a poisoned needle and a cleverly made-up confeder- The confession of the criminal is most ate play important parts. dramatic and spectacular. VISIT OF INSPECTION FROM THE PROPRIETORS T. P.’s Journal tells one of the best stories of the war. The scene is outside the Y. M. C. A. Soldiers’ Hut at Euston Station, London. One day a group of very ragged and dirty little children were out- as they bolder came into the entrance. The at- “Now, away, this is no place for children, but for little gamin, brighter rest, side, and, grew tendant said, run soldiers.” One than the we've put our said, “Please, sir, money into this show, and we've come to see how it’s run” They were taken in and shown all round. Afterwards it. trans- pired that these from one of the poorest provided schools in the north of London, children came 2 on Seyenth Avenue last night.Jand between them had subscribed By F. W. Dowling. The disturber, who had been|two hundred farthings to the For 24 hours ending 5 a. m.|drinking, smashed a chair over|Children’s Hut: Fund of the Y. M November 417th. Mr. Stuart's head. Cc, A. Barometer. « ss amale vis + 0s Goeeees —_—--— ~— an ow the crowd to Self's|charge of the sale. A new bread _ There is a reason. Next|will be offered for sale by Mrs, Majestic Theatre 102tf.] Syrotuck. 270-72, Max. temperature ....... 44, Don’t forget—-Auction sale city Min. temperature ....... 36. lots tomorrow, two o'’cloek, Hart Rainfellieissviieiih ian) OR Knives and scissors sharpened, umbrellas repaired-——Fritz, phone | | Bob | | the HUN METHODS -RESENTED BY PATRAS GREEKS Demonstration Against Dynasty. Ex-premier Venizelos Will Not Contest Elections. Fleet at Saloniki. (Special to The Daily News.) Nov. 17.—Anti-dynasty demonstrations have broken out at in jdeclares that he will not contest the elections, which are fixed for | December 19th, lagainst the methods employed by Paris, Patras Greece. Venizelos as a_ protest government to over-rule the people. Deputies With Army. Fifty of Venizelos’ deputies are | now mobilized with the Greek ‘troops and cannot leave their |military districts to contest the elections, Fleet At Saloniki. The Allies are concentrating a \large fleet at Saloniki. The French tri-color was displayed yesterday at Athens in honor of the arrival of the French minister, M. Denys Cochin. Pro-German Report. Bucharest, Nov. 17.—Former Premier Carp, a pro-German, in an interview says that Roumania will join Germany in December, after communications make new offers possible. WATER SUPPLY At the city council Monday night, a letter was read from Peterson on Ninth Ave., ean be laid Claus E. Kast, on to his property in Section families asking if water a 7, there are several in the district are obliged to muskeg water. The matter was referred to the finance com- to act. as who use mittee with power forget auction sale of tomorrow. Don't lots SAFETY FIRST— USE NEW WELLINGTON COAL. PHONE 116 ni2. ESTHOLME WEStnoLm OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW CHARLIE CHAPLIN In the Great 3,000-feet Comedy “AMBITION” Three Big Reels. city Broadway Star Feature, Entitled “ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY” three-part Detective Drama CHARLES BROWN EUGENE MULLIN A fine Author— Produced by POPULAR PRICES, 10 and 16 ots. Next Monday and Tuesday—the 10th Episode “The Diamond from the Sky.’ LONDON CAFE And Grill DAINTY MEALS AT i REASONABLE PRICES Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES 583, 270-2.