Only Fine, Fiavoury Teas are used to produce the famous "SALADA" blends. Every leaf is fresh, fragrant full of its natural deliciousness. Sold in sealed packets only. Tickets to and from Norway, Sweden, Den- mark, Fintand, italy and Russie. CHRISTMAS SAILINGS From New York November 27th December 11th. January 8th Have Your Berth Reserved at Once. Por Rates, Illustrated Folders and General Information to DYBHAVN & HANSON Insurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, B. C. “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. Fun — FOR SALE—Good piano cheap. Apply | _P. O. Box 676. FOR SALE—15 pairs extra pinieeth | Rock Homer Pigeons, mated and squab pro-| ducing, at a bargain; also Belgian Hares. Apply 925 Borden St. tf.) FOR RENT FOR RENT—Five room fat, bath, hot and | ~—_ cold water; $12.00. Apply 433 7th | Avenue, East. 73.1 WANTED. WANTED — Experienced cashier, one who has knowledge of stenography preferred Phone 186. 270-2. WANTED—Young girl to care for two small children. Apply 217, 4th Ave.,E. WANTED —General servant or lady to come in for few hours daily. Apply Box 116, Daily News. LOosT LOST PROPERTY—Francis William Scott, late Lieutenant Royal Navy, deceased.— information is desired as to the present whereabouts of two trunks containing personal effects, property of deceased, believed to have been stored by him on leaving for England with the Canadian } | | Engineers in August, 1914. Communi- cate with Wilson & Whealier, 202 Winch Building, Vancouver, for McLeod Eyre Dowling & te Solicitors. London, Eng $50.00 REWARD offered to any person or persons finding the body of Y. Fukuda, drowned off village Island, Skeena river, October 12th. M. Sekitani, Balmoral] Can- nery, Jap Contractor. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND HAND GOODS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT , Try 828 3rd five., Or Phone Red 268 AUTO DELIVERY EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE ah oe Phone Red 339 Sheet Metal Work ! Now is the time to have your roofs repaired, eve- troughs and skylights seen to, and heating plant put in good shape for the winter. Ia such Cases Consult a Practica! Man if You Want Results I served a regular appren- tice at the Sheet Metal and Heating business, in a regu- lar Sheet Metal ‘thee Not in A Jam Factory. C. 0. ROWE The Practical Sheet Metal Man PHONE 340 P. O. BOX 467 Shop Opposite Board of Trade Rooms 822 SECOND AVENVE Estimates Furnished to Can- tractors and others Free > ~ Palace Of Sweets The Cholcest Stocks of ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS And Other Fruits in Season Fresh Stock of RAMSAY'S, LOWNEY’S AND HOME- MADE CHOCOLATES ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES H. KILLAS, Prop. Hart Block, 3rd Ave. and Sth St. F. W. HART AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER OFFICE CORNER 3RD AVE. AND 5TH ST., REAR OF HART BLOCK 4 rw oorrs BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 Money oe ene “ PLAYER PIANOS, Walker’s Music Store Removed to Werner’s Old Stand On Second Avenue. PIANOS MUSIC ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. Gerhard- Heintzman Pianos. Pianos to Rent. FOR TAXI Phone 99 Stand - Hotel Rupert | 5 THE IMPERIAL WATER HEATER COIL FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Patented 1015) is made to meet the demand for Hot Water instantly and without additional fuci being used. WARNING! Purchasers of any in- fringing Stove Goll tay, themselves open to prose-} cution. equally with the parties manufecturing of making same. Now is your chance to get the best in Hot Water Heating Appii- ances— Coil Connected........ $20.00 Coll minus Connections. .§15.00 Your Money Back if it Dont 6uit. As | own and control the above, no one can put same in. Shall vig- orously prosecute any infringements. HARRY HANSON Phone 489 P. O. Box 395 fHE DAILY NLWS Local News Notes Harry Smith, of Smithers, is in the city. . * . D. D. Munro arrived from Ter- race last night. * > . Chimneys, pipes» ranges and furnaces cleaned, call Fritz, phon® 583. 270-2 - > = J. ©. Eilers left this morning to spend a few weeks on the prairies. es For best home-made bread and goodies — The Woman's Home ' Bakery, 3rd Avenue. D.16. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Whiteford, of Kwinitsa, arrived on last night’s train. = = . The schooner Puritan brought lin 90,000 pounds of halibut yes- terday, the Alameda, 6,000, and ‘the Lillian N., 4,000, ca ce The annual bazaar of the Pres- byterian Church will be held the K. of P. Hall on Saturday, November 20, afternoon and eve- ning. Tea will be served and sale of plain and fancy home cooking and candies will be held. A good musical program will be rendered in the evening. in a sewing, The Salvation Army has been asked to locate one Jack Beane, nationality British, age 34, height 5 ft. laborer, black hair, Has 6 oceupation dark complexion. in., a glass eye. He was supposed to have left Winnipeg two years ago for Prince Rupert. He is a fisherman, and is likely to be employed in me of the fisheries. Would anyone knowing of his present whereabouts kindly com- municate with Staff Captain Sims, 259 Fountain Street, Winnipeg. RED CROSS SALE The usual sale of home cook- ing for the Red Cross Society will be held on Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The committee desires to make this sale a very success- ful one, as the need for funds continues to increase. The sale will be held at Max Heilbroner’s jewelry store, corner of Sixth St. and Third Ave. Mrs. J. E..Mer- ryfield and.Mrs. Holtby will be charge of the sale. be offered for Syrotuck. in A new bread Mrs. 270-72. will sale by FREER E REED MEM Ee FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PBB Se CiROUIT NO. 1 Sth St. and Bra Ave ~—6tb St. and 8rd Ave Gox 14 8th St. and %rd Ave Sox 16—Junctida of tat. 900 an 8rd Aves Box 16.181 Ave, between 4th 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Box 17-181 Ave and 7tb s¢ tral Hotel.; Box Box 12 13 and (Clepd CIRCUIT NO. Box 22- 38rd Ave sod (ro3t Office.) Bos 23 -trd ave Box 24--ist ave. Box 26-—-2nd Ave. Box 26-—-2nd Ave. Secs 27-6. FT. P. CIRCUIT NO. 8. 5th Ave. and Fulton 81. Border! and Taylor Sts. 7th Ave. and Fulton St. Oth ave. and Comox Ave. Sth Ave. and Dodge Pi. “tbh Ave. and Thompson 81. aru se and McBride S81 and McBride st and @ndad 8. and 6tb 8t. CIRCUIT NO. 4, 4th Ave. end Emmerson ide Ave. r Ave. ae si Ave and Bast) 81 Ave. and Eberts. AU OO UO ~ bib St 6th —Tth 141 mt a 7th Ave. and Yung a1 e rr ON JANUARY 13TH Ottawa, Nov. 17. date has been definitely thought that likely to meet for tion of business It business will be disposed the Easter recess. The war will be responsible for MOUSE MAY MEET ‘\ | Although no it} 18 | fixed, is parliament the considera- | January 13} that all! of be- on or 20. is believed fore the absence of a number of mem- Seven are now on active pers. and as many more will be} service in uniform probably before the house meets. St. Andrew's Society masquer- | ade ball will be held in St. An- drew'’s Hall on November 30th. Ladies free, gents $1.50. Re- freshments. Net proceeds to Da | triotic fund. at Se eo NAVIGABLE WATERS’ y PROTEC. TION ACT. R. S. C. Chapter 115. RICHARD B. MCGINNIS hereby gives notice that he has, under Section 7 of the said act, deposited wtth the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the oMce of the District Registrar of Titles | at Prince Rupert, B. C., a description of the site and of the plans for a wharf vatory Inlet, British Columbia, at a point situate about 3-4 miles south of the south east corner of Lot 1074, Range 5, Coast District, B. C. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex date of Richard piration of one month from the the first publication of this notice, &. McGinnis will under Section, 7 the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, of for approval of the said site and plans, and for leave to construct the said wharf DATED at Prince Rupert, B. { this 22nd day of October, A. D. 1915 RICHARD B. MeGINNIS, Applicant a. ‘ POPE OL OS MUSIC CRPARI.ES BALAGNO (Plantst at West TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE 'r jme Former pupil of F. G. Strong. TERMS MODERATE, Phone Biue 4c8 POPP LD IL LOD POE EL OLD ADVERTISE IN 1 hursday, Novem) er {RK 1945 SSS PEUPP PC COS OPOPOPOROD DS ODO Doo gg eos Christmas j Is Coming CAVENAILE. & HANNAN Have received a fresh shipment of all kinds of dried fp t uits and French crystallized dainties _—_ ‘ You must have the finest, so CALL EARLY, as this stock il wi move quickly and cannot be replenished. The House of Quality & Service PHONES 493 and 187 3rd AVENUE AND 2nd st PPPPOPO > by Ooeeeeeceate PPP ++. LUMBER SHINGL®’, MOULDINGS, ————“. DOORS PRIN’ E RUPERT LUMBER CO. * 4. BURROUGHS, Manager Ave. and MoBride PHONE 26 st PRINCE RUPERT, oo Branch Yard at Smithers proposed to be built in Alice Arm, Obser- | yo. POPP CC Ces THE DAILY NEWS | PPPOPEPORPOOOD, } Launch AliceB . OME EE ee Approved by Minis ter of Marine as a Passenger Boat For terms and particular Call W. J. THOMAS, Phone Green 391 rrr ~ ere —— ill YOUR FURS TO ‘SHUBERT dealing exclusively in AMERICAN wrURs Get“ More Money” for your FUR SHIP YOUR FURS TO “SHUBERT” reliable—responsible—safe—Pur House with an unblemished ¢