a ee ené DAILY NEWS a ‘THE Datity NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE rates on application. DAILY EDITION SLANDERING THE LIBERALS = > The charge of unprepared- for war, so persistently made by the Northcliffe agita- tors on both sides of the At- lantic, is the half-truth ~..«ut is worse than a lie, and is equalled in effrontery only by the slanderous assertion of ine Toronto News that ‘the Liberal party in Ganada, as in England, is a party disgraced and utterly discredited.” Be- fore the British Liberals came into power, in 1905, the foun- dations of German aggressive policy were well and securely laid, and the opprobrium now heaped upon Mr. Asquith and his colleagues differs only slightly in degree from that which Conservative statesmen had to bear at the hands of the “professional whimperers” during the previous five years. Even Mr. Joseph Chamberlain did not escape the slings and arrows of the Maxses when, in 1899, he went the length of declaring for an Anglo-German ness alliance. The history of Brit- ish foreign diplomacy in the twenty years preceding the present war represented in the main a continuity of policy by both the great parties. Prince Bernhard Von Buelow, in ‘‘Im- perial Germany,’ makes the striking admission that: cat in no small degree due to the unbroken continuity of her foreign policy, handed down from century to century pursuing its aims on definite lines, independent of changes of party government, that Eng- land has won such magnificent successes in international pol- icies. The alpha and omega of English policy has always been the attainment and main- tenance of English is naval su- premacy.” This war provides a complete refutation of the sweeping gen- ato Friday, November £9, 1915. Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract = by the To responsible for eralities indulged in Northcliffe scaremongers. hold the successes Liberals in recent years which attended German diplo- |! in directions calculated to strengthen her a great world-power is to fly in the face of incontrovertible facts. Nor are the Maxses and the Northcliffes on more solid ground when they allege that this conflict, with all its sur- prises in technical could have been foreseen and provided against. Nothing in the whole course of Lord Rob- erts’ campaign served to throw any light whatever on the ac- tualities of war as revolution- ized by German secret prepar- ations. Had the proposals of the military critics been carried into effect the immediate re- sult would have been an enor- mous outlay on methods of warfare which German military science has rendered obsolete, and a consequent waste of re- sources which would have ser- iously weakened Britain in the day of resting. macy position as warfare, Those who delight in mini- mizing British efficiency in this war should read the memoran- dum appended to the German Navy Bill of 1900. No one can rise from a perusal of this document without a feeling of thankfulness that the efficiency of Britain as a maritime pow- er, resting her naval supremacy, has brought to pass the forebodings of Ger- man statesmen: security on “An unsuccessful naval war of the duration of even only a year would destroy Germany's sea trade, and would thereby bring about the most disas- trous conditions, first in her economic, and then, as an im- mediate consequence of that, in her social life. Quite apart from the consequences of the Es = THE UNION STEAMSHIP C0., OF B.C, LIMITED —= = S. S. VENTURE SAILS for STEWART, GRANBY, Saturday, A. M. = October 2nd, 16th, 36th, November 13th, 27th, December ith, 28th. Seite tar MASSETT, PORT 17th, Bist, November 14th, SLAMENES, 0 *WKEDA, Tuceday LA’ RIVERS INLET. and thong, and the uth October 7th, 21st, November 4th, 18th, December 2nd, JOHN BARNSLEY, Salis for SKIDEGA’ November 2nd, Salis for BELLA JEOWAY 623 Second Avenue. Salle for GRANBY, NAAS, and PORT SIMPSON, Mondaye at 11 a.m. Salle for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Sunday Fm P. M, October 3rd, ra .» October Eth, 19th, Thureday 'P. M., 16th, 28th. Agent. Phone 568. EMPRESS COFFEE FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Wire Gable iron Pipe Rope Pumpe Valves Hose Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Builders’ Hardware Stee! Biorks Pipe Fittinge Ship Chandlery Fishing Tackle Rifles and Shotguns Ammunition Paint Corrugated Iron ; 4 J f “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” = FRED STORK’S HARDWARE WHOLEGALE DISTRIBUTO aaa E possible peace conditions, the destruction of our sea_ trade during the war could not, at the close of it, be made good within measurable time, and would thus add to the sacrifices of the war a serjous economic even depression.” Germany's emergence into the regions of world-policy was a challenge to Britain at sea, as Bismarck, forty years earl- had challenged the military powers of Europe in th furtherance of his continental The efficiency in this war of the British navy—for Liberal government responsible— the in maintain- ier, policy. which a directly not challenged by The British navy, was enemy. ing the unbroken traditions of British policy makes victory for Germany impossible. Democracy in the hour of trial has stood the test of war - and belied the false prophets. Hence the fury of the North- cliffes and the Maxses.—To- ronto Globe. —— = = ESE “Safety First” is the Slogan of Business” VER 7 years of O Banking in Canada, has demonstrated the strength, security, safety and service of The Bank of British North America. The history of this bank for over three- quarters of a century has been one of progress and development, and of consistent growth in the regard of the business world, THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. Coughing scatters germs —Stop it ° Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed mucnous membranes and is moreover apt to carry se to Others, . Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Sree an st coughing, and soon ficeks to'its tonic properties, effects - a nent cure. ‘ e wonderful popularit of ‘Mathieu 8, Byrup of Tar and God Liver Oilis specially dneito its great value as a permanent Inng and bron- chial healer. Sold everywhere, 45c large bottles. &. L. MATHIEU CO. Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. Per pratatess wwe Mathlews Nervine at Giso to chase tha » eccompany ‘ 2 tds. fee 4143 is} The purty aud Baby’s Own Soap have imade it a universal fa:cr'te. Its useis B beneficial to euy skin 44-13 Albert ie Limited, Montreal, CROWN PRINCE’S MOTHER- IN-LAW DISSATISFIED the Grand Duchess of Mecklen- burg, Russia, of the Crown Princess of Germany, is at pres ent residing at Cannes, on the French Riviera. Her relations with the German Court and with known | mother her son-in-law are well not to be of a friendly character; and Le Matin, in her, states that she the project of endeavoring to get to leave the C rown | an article on} has forme a daughter She has not yet succeed- her Prince. ed, Fifteen days ago, Matin, the powerful auto of the Grand! says Le the frontier. There toof the train to Innerlaken, Swiss happy, her daughter, She believed her daughter had ab- solutely decided to quit “un Em- maudit.” But the Prince mistrusted his wife, and had taken precautions. The young mother was there, but not the Crown Princess. pire Crown had her two children, of whom she is very fond. She believed she would have been able to bring them with her, force. It was a Princess in tears that the Grand and with whom she Duchess found, could have a short interview. Duchess returned to her chateau in Cannes alone. But, Matin, to from spair. She has sworn away her daughter who have her happiness, and who shaken one throne was called.” RED CROSS SALE The usual sale of home cook ing for the Red Cross Society wil be 10 to 6 p.m, held on Friday from a.m The committee desire to make this sale a very success ful the continues to increase. Max for The one, as need will be held at jewelry store, and Third Ave. ryfield and Mrs. Mrs. J. E. Holtby will be A new brea Mrs charge of the sale. be offered Syrotuck. will for sale by born a Grand Duchess of} =f | but thy had been detained by “with her ardent and fear- definitely compromised have to which she funds sale Heilbroner’s corner of Sixth St. Mer- in d 270-72. AND ICE FINEST FROZEN HERRING $25.00 per ton. For Sale by KINCOLITH PACKIIG CO. LIMITED MILL BAY. B. C. For further particulars apply to THOR JOHNSON Central Hotel. FROZEN BAIT | Prince Rupert Feed Co. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS WE HANDLE Bulbs, and Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Chicken Feed A Specialty. Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. 0. Box 338. 808 Third Ave. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. but she is not without noe. Duchess took her from Cannes to | she| very | for she was going to meet} only } pa . | rhe Grand | those j says Le} less disposition, she does not de- | take | 3 TRAINS SATURDAY MONDAY UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT GO EAST via TO EDMONTON, REGINA, WINNIPEG, srt. PAUL CHICAGO, AND UNITED STATES Chan nge in Steamer Sailing gs WINTER SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOV. 2nd FROM PRINCE For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. 8. 8. Prince George every Saturday at 9 a. m. 8S. S. Prince Rupert Tuesday at 9 a. m. For Anyox, Thursday Midnight. TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON OTTAWA, MONTREAL ALL POINTS In EASTERN CANADA and UNITED states Including New York and Boston. Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished ALBERT DAVIDSON, General Agent WEEKLY THURSDAY 10:30 A. N. SASKATOON, EASTERN CANADA RUPaRT CHARACTER SERVICE “Route of innumerable Marvelg” AND Combine Pleasure with Business PHONE 2 = DENTISTRY | CROWN AND GRIDQE WORK A SPECIALTY DR. J. F. BROWN DENTIST Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 ? Prince Rupert Dairy Has cut the price of Milk in half PURE FRESH MILK Delivered in city at 10c per quart and 5c per pint = Phone Green 2 52 ae ore Sterling Marine Motors Can be purchased In town. A Motor that wili give you en- tire satisfaction. Built for hard work. Guaranteed. —HEAVY DUTY— FISHERMAN’S ENGINE 2 Cyl.—5 1-2 In. by 7 In., 12-15 Horse Power. @ Oyl.—6 1-2 In. by 8 in., 25-35 Horse Power. Do your remodeling with a first- clasa engine. Further Information Apply to WwW. €E. Williscroft, Phone Biue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- For 4 trician, Phone 383. +22. iisieet siscesszis Here’s where we test the choicest samples of Canada’s six million “acre wheat crop. We grind them into flour in the litile mill you see-on the left of the picture. Then comes the supreme test--bread-baking. If the bread is perfect in every way we pronounce the wheat Al and the flour-ROYAL STANDARD. AT YOUR GROCER'S Vancouver Milling & Grain CoLte Vancouver. New Westminsf@r. Nanaimo. Victoria. +, sS2s35 >< Ssikeseteiee Sg ———_ ae CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lowest rates to all Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWay | Meals and berth Included on steamer PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND FRIDAY 7 P. Mm. PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY, 6 P. m 4. @. MONAB, General Agent Oorner Fourth Street and Third Ave Office corner PACIFIC CARTAGE I ITE Pacif Genere! Oertage LADYSMITH COAL 93 —Phone— 63 2nd Stree 1 Avenue (‘successors to Alex M. Manson, B.A. W. E. , B.A, LLB WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Helgerson Block I ~ JAMES GIL one Architect M Willis rince ments B.C. 2nd Avenue, neal Bride Stree\ B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 4117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 F, @. DAWSON , hace PRINCE RUPERT,