| THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. DAILY EDITION axes gnre Monday, Nov, 22, 1945. TORY SCHEMING On served up an article from the Telephone 98. Contract ridiculous as to bring about a from Sir Wilfrid, the for happen is entirely If the Tories more interested in provid- | Saturday, the Journal! refusal responsibility whatever | | | | which was} up to The ar- Victoria Colonist, may typically Matsonian. the Conservatives. ticle, which stated that Sir Wil- are frid Laurier and Sir Robert Borden had not yet been able to agree as to the extension of the life of the present parlia- ment, went on to point out that ing for themselves and their| i friends than in conducting the} business of Canada at a time, when the country is embroiled ’ : is did t t in war, they must take the con- . ~ aap bem: = oN ca sequences. The situation is ee j perfectly clear to all. The; $ responsible for bringing about z " Tories want an assured exten- an election. Could anything be idicul ‘ sion of life for two years, and, ore ridiculous? , : tet failing that, they will take a| The Rogers press, since the} chance on a “patriotic” elec-| debacle in Manitoba and the tion. In other words, they do exposure of graft all over the not hesitate to use the war as country in connection with war a party weapon. contracts, has been loud in its demands that the life of the NOTES AND COMMENTS Borden government be extend- ed for two years after the end) ‘he farmer wants free wheat; of the war. The Journal ac-/the jumberman wants free lum- cuses the Liberals of playing | ber: food. for time, when the Tories are!) ¢ nobody wants ‘reciprocity. deliberately playing for an ex- a eae The Liberals time to the people want free Hold-up men in Vancouver are are taking their own oppressively consider- consider such a proposal, while the Tories are demanding two years of time which do not be- long to them. Why all the rush? The life of the present parliament does not end for @ year yet, and in that time may happen which will have a bearing on the Meantime, the duty of all Canadians, Liberal and Tory, is to prosecute the war with all vigor. Sir Wil- frid Laurier has loyally sup- ported the government in its efforts to cope with the war situation, though he could not; bring himself to shut his eyes | to the graft which was going on. Loyalty demanded that he protest strongly against the bleeding of the people by the Tory leeches. If the Tory demands —— THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED S. S. VENTURE . Salle for GRANBY, NAAS, and PORT SIMPEON, Mondays at 11 a.m. Salis for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tuesdays at 8 p. m. S. S. CAMOSUN SAILS for STEWART, GRANBY, Saturday, mM. October 2nd 4 ett 36th, November 19th, azth, Sails for MA SSETT, PORT CLEMENES,’ Saniay P. October 3rd, 17th, sale 31st, November ath, 2th, Cecem - i2th, o 7 on 4 Selle for BELLA COOLA’ aiv Reoamber oa tee take Pp % ; an on e ‘th. - Gusher, tie, te, theaeiee 4th, 18th, Dec conber kina. tome eth, 28in. JOHN BARNSLEY, 623 Second Avenue. becoming tension of years. : ate. The Roumanian King is pro- German and the Roumanian peo- ple are pro-Russian. The King | should fight for the Kaiser and | the peopie for the Czar. much e S:°o Russia put Roumania on the map, but Germany kept an eagle eye on the throne. s s situation. 2 Prince Rupert is keeping Se- attle worrying over that fish trade, but no amount of worrying will change the geography of the Pacific coast. Many a man fails to arrive be- cause he started with cold feet. | | —— If a man does wrong he thinks jhe’ s doing right to keep it a are so seeret. ae aaiee Phone 568. So W FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | ii 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery . Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle (| Iron Pipe Pipe Fittinge Rifles and Shoiguns Rope Vaives Ammunition a Pumps Hose Paint ; ‘ Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated fron } ti “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” icone OM = vas as, f d FRED STORK’S HARDWARE imore eat HAILY NEWS Monday, Novemb« 22, 1945. | and Sevigny, who was in line for | promotion. that Mr. vigny’s claim to a portfolio has | aside by the Patenaude, it} would be if | he is the same willing supporter | of the that he been ever since he found the road WHEN BUYING YEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE Now Se- been brushed ap- | pointment of Mr. interesting to learn government has | to preferment. Meanwhile it can- not be denied that the leaders” did for Parliament and only Nationalist themselves | left that | something well in troubled arena when j}more permanent offered. Messrs. | | | Pelletier judges, while Mr. and Coderre are now Nantel is a rail- They jserve who wait till they get some- DECLINE oe SSTITUTES way commissioner, also —————— | TIME TAKING ITS REVENGE ON BORDEN GOVERNMENT lthing better. “Latterly, for the Nationalists have been away from the ment. True Mr. Blondin, retary of State, sits so tight that | some reason or! (Continued From Page One.) other, alist rank and file. For a time there was a disposition amongst falling govern. | as Sec-| seven or eight of the younger and headed by loose, nobody him Mr. can pry and| of} fiery members, Mr. Sevigny, to stand up for more Patenaude, a Nationalist 3 TRAINS WEEKLY SATURDAY MONDAY THURSDAY 10:20 A. m TO EDMONTON, SASKATOON REGINA, WINNIPEG, sr. PAUL. CHICAGO, EASTERN CANADA AND UNITED STATES Change in Steamer Sailings _— WINTER SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOV. 2nd FROM PRINCE RUPERT For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. S. 8. Prince George svery Saturday at 9 a. m. S. S. Prince Rupert Tuesday at 9 a. m. For Anyox, Thursday Midnight. UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT GO EAST via 3... TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON OTTAWA, mMoNTREAL ALL POINTS In EASTERN CANADA and UNITED stares including New York and Boston. CHARACTER SERVICE “Route of innumerable Marvels’ Business Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished ALBERT DAVIDSON, General Agent PHONE 2% or less glorious principles and|repute and a skilled organizer ej imake a fight of it, but wiser|/Quebec where organization is so counsels prevailed, and when aj|much needed, has just been taken eee, | amen cabinet shift lifted Mr. Sevigny|into the cabinet vice et D E N T ISTRY ‘i CANADIAN PACIFIC into the position of Deputy Speak- signed, but things, as weet Little | | RAILWAY er, the last ounce of starch was); Buttercup says, are not just what| CROWN a BRIDGE WORK en taken out of that pocket revolu- | they seem and skimmed = milk} ae | Lowest rates to all Eastern Points tion. |}masquerades as cream and tlto-| DR. 4. eRown via Steamer to Vancouver and the As » we ; fation-|gether the Nationalist politicians CARADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY As time went by the Nation jset oa ‘ ’ Pacers P 28 | Office: Smith Biock, Third Avenue | Meals and berth Included on steamer lalist leaders and followers in the;!n Parliament are not feeling a ; Phone 454 enmmones | os , ne er ae SOPHIA SOUT ‘House of Commons were asked | gay as they did, say a year ago.| ay 2 » Aha to swallow one principle after |" looks, to some extent, as if the | : PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND lanother, all of which they did | government's face were turned ‘ . SUNDAY, 6 P. M. ‘quite cheerfully, knowing that}from them and as if they felt the | Prince Rupert Dairy J. @ MCNAB, Genera: Agent ‘ | ns i } Corner Fourth Street and Third Ay ithey were on the sunny side ofjchill. } " |} Has-cut the price of Milk $} ‘the fence and that there must be| It may be that or it may be in half | - a good time coming. For somejthat the policical instinct, the [Office corner @nd Street and tra ri i B 5 e P ars is sense oOo N aASssrs, Jel etier, the good oe came, for other ixth sens f lesst Pellet PURE FRESH MILK PACIFIC CARTAGE LNT jonly promises. Fortune favored |Coderre and Nantel, saw the gov- Delivered in city at 10c per Pacit 'Pelletier, Nantel, Coderre, Blon-|ernment’s finish and that they| quart and 5c per pint General Cartage idin, who were cabinet ministers, | scurried for cover while the coc — LADYSMITH COAL <= - lscurrying was good—it may be SPhonesGreen 252 oe ieitter of these things, .but the) =... ctxitecadate GEA Sieeete. B.A : i fe a LIMITED MILL BAY. B. C. For “Safety First” is the Slogan of Business” VER 75 years of Banking in Canada, has demonstrated the strength, security, safety and service of The Bank of British North America. The history of this bank for over three- quarters of a century has been one of progress and development, and of consistent growth in the regard of the business world, THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. further particulars apply to THOR JOHNSON Central Hotel. Prince Rupert Feed Co. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS WE HANDLE Bulbs, and Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Feed A “Specialty. Chicken Mail Orders Promptiy Attended To. P. O. Box 338. 908 Third Ave. WHOLEGALE DISTRIBUTOR EMPR PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH 3 P. mane meager. 4 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. - OPO P ew F'RE ALARM SYSTEM $ | fact et a ali “ce a W. E. Williams, BA, LLB es lforesighted Nationalist leaders Sterling Marine Motors WILLIAMS & MANSON CIRCUIT NO. 1. |are getting out from under an Barristers, Solicitors, Ete, Sex ae e. ~~ ~ Axe |that the Borden government is § Can be purchased In town. A MONEY TO LOAN Sox 18—46tb St. anc Ave. ne Box 158 Gox 14—8th St. and 8rd A making no attempt to stop them eneeee vet ee GENO Oe OO son Blo eR C ti tisfactio Built for Pee’ n Block Rupert, B Box 15—Junction of ist, and ty bas re satisfaction. u : te aise What's your hurry? Here's you hard work. Guaranteed Box 1G@—ist Ave., between Sth and hat. That seems to be the at- 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) , : . 3 —HEAVY DUTY "JAMES GILMORE titude toward the Nationalist —_—_—— Box 17— ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen ’ FISHERMAN’S ENGINE tra) Hotel.; leaders whose relative propor- aed a ak tae ial iat cal Architect q yl. -2 In. by n ~ cenburt we. £. tiens in the cabinet has recently shakin dncealaed 7 heads near McBride Stree Box 22— 3rd Ave and Bro st. ¥} been cut down one-fourth. Only 4 Cyl.—6 1-2 In. by 8 in., 25-36 oN — (Foat Office.) * eed ‘ : ee Horse Power. ss ’ : x three Nationalist cabinet minis- Box 23-—-3rd Ave and McBride 5t Do your remodeling with a first- Sex 24—iss Ave. and McBride 7 ters grow now where four grew class engine. B C UNDERTAKERS Box 25—2nd Ave, and snd St * (Cotinued on Page Three. ~ de a Ses . S8-204 Ave. end $B OF : For Further Information . Gcx 27—G. T. P. * Apply to FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- ; * m4 pply BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- CIRCUIT KO. 3. z Ww. E. Williscroft, Phone QNTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Box 315th Ave. and Fulton 8t * FROZEN BAIT ue Se 2 B, Brave, Slee- 417 2ND STREEY—PHONE 41 Box 22—Borden snd Taylor Sts 3 ’ r : Box 346—7th Ave. and Fulton 8t. * << § Box 35-——9th Ave. and Comox Ave ¥ Box 37-—th Ave. and Dodge PI > Box 38. 5th Ave. and Thompson St. ) CIRCUIT NO. 4. 7 ‘ om 4th Ave. and Emmersoo 7 FINEST atictientite HERRING + . % * Box 42—-5th Ave. an ide St # $ ox 43—sth Ave. and Green st. =f $25.00 per ton. + Box 44=—6th Ave arid Basil St. * For Rs Tt Pb % ‘or Sale by > Bou 45——7th Ave. and Ehberts. a } Sox 141—7th Ave, and Young St. KINCOLITH PACKIIG C0 + * > ~ The Royal Standard Test Here's where we test the choicest samples of Canada’s six million acre wheat crop. We grind them into flour in the little mill you see on the left of the picture. Then comes the supreme test--bread-baking. If the bread is perfect in every way we pronounce the wheat Al and the flour-ROYAL STANDARD. AT YOUR GROCER'S ancouver Milling & Grain Calc. ROvAL STANDARD \ nea 7 F. G. DAWSON ESS COFFEE PRINCE RUPERT, 5: ©