THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largeét Ciréulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING-—5° cents per “inch. rates on application. DAILY EDITION apo Tuesday Nov. 23, 1945. THE WAR LOAN The £50,000,000 of Canadian bonds at 97% bearing interest at 5 per cent., payable half-yearly, are a very Government attractive investment to those who are looking for something; sure and safe. The fact that the proceeds are to be used purely for war purposes makes the attractive from a patriotic standpoint, in that in- issue i ' j ' ; i | vestors are aiding the country/ to carry on the war, while, at the sanie time, they are making) a sound investment. The man} i who purchases these bonds is} doing something for his coun-! try just as surely as the man who is subscribing to the var- ious patriotic funds. The-bonds will be issued in denomjnations of £100, $500 and $1,000. It is just possible that they would have been attractive to a larger number of the smaller invest- had they been smaller denominations, as were those of the Imperial govern- ors issned in ment, but nevertheless the is- sue should be largely oversub- scribed. They will be listed on the Montreal Toronto Stock Exchanges. and TALKING ABOUT HOGS The Toronto Telegram, il- lustrating the failure of Can- ada’s banks to recognize the great opportunities provided in the munition industry for bis- that “orders from Committee carried iness, says the Shell little er no weight banks. A Canadian manufac- turer secured a contract for a certain article of war supplies. The price of the article was £3.80. The manufacturer's cost was The on each article head charge was 50 cents margin of profit was $2.55. Yet the banks would carry this he had not manufacturer until reeeived returns 'Montagny, so that he is a “really What are |! \the Toriés going to do about it? | how, was that he felt the money with the? — = et from contracts given by the | Shell Committee.” i = rst profit $2.55, or a (si0Triou chance, LA goods $1.25; little more than 200 per cent still, the British taxpayer footed the bill. Our dear did the bleeding. Talking about does The Telegram know many moré like the man who in time of war regarded the chance to| gouge a 200 per profit from his beloved country as a And more glorious motherland hogs, cent. great opportunity lost because of the shortsightedness of the banks *’—-Toronto Globe. NOTES AND COMMENTS The provincial government is simply doing its duty im filling staff vacancies with men whi have served their country. If it hand out bouquets doing the Conservatives is necessary to to a government for thing, the congratulated. e ss obvious are to be The Vancouver Province says: “It is a pity that Lavergne is only If he were a really truly colonel, there might} be him | for desertion in the face of the| enemy something that.” The latest quarterly military list, published in Ottawa, this gentleman full rank as lieutenant colonel of the 6ist Regiment de an honorary colonel. some way of punishing In or like gives truly colonel” after all. . s > Colonist is that the Mec-} never Victoria fact Bride government has The be- i moaning the re- a ceived fair criticism. The Colonist} need not worry now, as the funer- | 75 cents. The over- a] will leave nothing to be desired. |?ere. U > > > The Colonist addresses an edi- torial to Mr. Pessimist in which | it points out that things are n worse in British Columbia than ————— = = THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C, LIMITED S. S. VENTURE 5. 5. CAM Sails for MASSETT, PORT CLEMEN 31st, November 14th, 28 Sails for SKIDEGATE, November 2nd, 16th, Salis for BELLA LA, Riv! 30th. 623 Second Avenue. Salis for GRANBY, NAAS, and PORT SIMPSON, Mondays at 14 am. Salis for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tuesdays at 8 p. m. SAILS for STEWART, GRANBY, Saturda October 2nd Jetn, aden r . . h, Decem JEDWAY’ \KEDA, Tuesday December 14th, 28th. ERS INLET and the South October 7th, 21st, November 4th, 18th, JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent. A. mM. 27th, - » Novémber 13th, Sunday P. M., October 3rd, 17th, 72th, » ‘ A. M., October Bth, 19th, Thursday P. Mm. December 2nd, 16th, 28th. Phone 568. ; FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Sulfders’ Hardware Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle ; Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifies and Shotguns Rope Vaives Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” STORK’S FRED Ship Chandlery “ ————— es HARDWARE | Dae ; J Contract | ; | ' Iwho does not care who itee toc £800 for ' ené oathbY NEWS Tel ecatee 27.11 cosa INO Se ee ee ee ee lin Washington and Oregon, that all that is wanted is for M: | Pessimist to get busy and pro- iduce something. Someone has described an optimist as a mal! a damn wha long as it does not happens s happen to him, and a pessimist as a man who bas lived with a ptimist. British Columbia is suffering from a government of optimists of the “don’t care” va- iety. MARRIED MEN V. SINGLE DISCUSSED AT LENGTH (Continued From Page One.) there. They tves about that. The Beverid ize could please them- mayor suggested that Ald Ald. brought Montgomery, had the should say what was to be done. Ald. repared to be one of a commit- and in motion, Montgomery said he was nsider the question. Ald. Beveridge said he would be pleased to do the same. He proposed asking married men to apply for certain positions and, if a big number came in, he would suggest putting the names in a hat. Ald. Nicol asked “what about men returning from the front Ald. Beveridge said they would) get jobs wherever possible. Ald. Casey warned the counci not to get too excited over the matter. There would be plenty of married men and returne soldiers out of work and the mat- ter should be dealt with as op- portunity crops up. One reason why he opposed the spending of a kitchen, which would iprobably have been scrapped any- could be employed in relieving the returned men. He was thoroughly in sympathy with the employ- ment of married men wherever! possible, but he did not believe rushing and firing single me! in hor yr \ } mi iere ana everywhere, simp- oor The Cholcest Stocks of ORANGES, APPLES, SANANAS And Other Fruits In Season Fresh Stock of RAMSAY'S, LOWNEY’S AND HOME- MADE CHOCOLATES 1CE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES H. KILLAS, Prop. Hart Block, 3rd Ave. and Btn St. eae a and jdt “Safety First” is the Slogan of Business” VER 75 years of Banking in Canada, has demonstrated the strength, security, safety and service of The Bank of British North America. The*history of this bank for over three- quarters of a century has been one of progress and development, and of consistent growth in the regard of the business world. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. } Peeoas. ; | » because they were single. soe rpners have faced stafvation two years, | He eeks ahead of them for land it is nothing new to them, men jsuggested that married want be asked to apply to the} ineil for work, and the various | partments could then consider | the matter. Ald. Beveridge pointed out that! such Vancouver gett; the question, and he saw no harm in! Prince Rupert the Wd. Montgomery said that Aid. cities as were ng excited over same doing same. asey’s plan was to sit tight and thing He considered that the question had to be met and dealt with and that foresight must be exercised. There was no use | waiting until the matter be- | came too large. Ald. Edge said that he could not how the council could act on see this report. He thought the names | us depart . the vari ments should | be placed before the various com-| and that reports. He moved that the names | to the mittees, they bring in! be handed over various committees. Ald committees had already taken up (Cotinued on Page Three. Nicol said that the various Or Oe ee TTT) PO and Beauty Bath is assured when Lifebuoy Soap is used. It keeps the clean and skin radiantly glowing with health. Lifebuoy is an honest soap —unwrap a cake and smell it. A mild carbolic odor is there—that means an ut- terly healthy skin. But, the oder vanishes immediately after use. LIFEBUOY HEALTHY TR SRR PP Pe SPE PE OB CLL POD PD PLE PLE POP OOEEOSD i FROZEN BAIT | | ICE FINEST FROZEN HERRING $25.00 per ton. For Sale by $ KINCOLITH PACKIIG CO. LIMITED MILL BAY. B. C. further For apply to THOR JOHNSON Central Hotel. particulars Prince Kupert Feed Uo. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS | AND FERTILIZERS WE HANDLE Bulbs, and Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Chicken Feed A Speciality. | Mail Orders Promptiy Attended To. P. O. Box 333, 908 Third Ave. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. 3 TRAINS WEEKLY SATURDAY MONDAY THURSDAY 10:30 a. yy TO EDMONTON, SASKATOON REGINA, WINNIPEG, sr. PAUL CHICAGO, EASTERN CANADA AND UNITED STATES Change in Steamer Sailings WINTER SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOV. 2nd FROM pRiINce RUPERT For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. S. S. Prince George every Saturday at 9 a. m S. S. Prince Rupert Tuesday at 9 a. m. For Anyox, Thursday Midnight. UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER GO EAST via 2" sr TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON OTTAWA, MONTREAL ALL POINTS In EASTERN CANADA and UNITED srTares< including Mew York and Boston. SERVICE “Route of innumera Marvels Business Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished ALBERT DAVIDSON, Genera! Agent PHONE 2 DENT!STRY 3] CANADIAN paciric : | RAILWAY A SPECIALTY Lowest rates to al! Eastern Points DR. J. F. BROWN |] via Steamer to Vancouver and the DENTIST CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue Meals and berth Included on steamer Phone 454 . ; PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY, 6 P.M PRINCESS SOPHIA FOR ALASKA PORTS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2eth. $ ; ’ 4. R. PETERS, Genera! Agent Corner Fourth Stree and Third Ave Prince Rupert Dairy ; Has cut the price of Milk 3) LADYSMITH COAL 63 —Pnone 9 52 63 =“ Phone!Green t a . FOS POPOL PDE POODLE DLE LOPL POOLE LOCLLSE 4 Cy!l—5 1-2 in. by 8 in., 25-35 Horse Power. CPCs * w. E. Williscroft, Phone Blue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- trician, Phone 383. AND ANTEED--OPEN DAY 4117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 sorcrce ~ i > CASE iS» ~ PEO ea OS Here's where we test the choicest samples of Canada’s six million acre wheat crop. We grind them into flour in the little mill you see on the left of the picture. Then comes the supreme test--bread-baking. If the bread is perfect in every way we pronounce the wheat Al and the flour-ROYAL STANDARD. AT YOUR GROCER'S Vancouver Milling 6 Grain CoL te: Voncouver. New Westmins(®r. Nancimo. Victoria os” ” STANDARD ROYAL WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR EMPRESS COFFE F. G. DAWSON ERT, B. © PRINCE RUP er z —————— ee — in half | Orrice roer ¥nd Street and trd ct na Avenue PURE FRESH MILK =} PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED Delivered in city at 10c per 4) successors to Paci! ‘ ; quart and 5c per pint | Geners! Cartage oe Mex M. Manson, B.A ate eeroreees | WwW. E. W BA, LLB Sterling Marine Motors WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Can be purchased In town. A MONEY TO LOAN Motor that wili give you en- Box 155 tire satisfaction. Built for 3 | Helserson Block Pr pert, B.C. hard work. Guarantecd. : AY PTT en JAMES GILMORE FISHZRMAN’S ENGINE eee os 2 Cyl.—S 1-2 in. by 7 In. 12-15 Horse Power. °nd Avenue year M de Street Do your remodeling wilh a first- x Veet B. C. UNDERTAKERS For Further information os ey oe." a. NIGHT ere wef , Rit At til ; { i } |