-DrPRIcEs BAKING Sixty Years the Standard Made from Cream of Tartar Made in “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Good Weber piano, in first- class condition; reasonable price. Apply Box 118, Daily News. 278-84. FOR SALE—15 pairs extra Plymouth Rock Homer Pigeons, mated and squab pro- ducing, at a bargain; also Belgian Hares. Apply 925 Borden St. tf. WANTED. WANTED—Local representative to handle the Famous MURPHY LINE of Art Cal- endars, will make liberal contract with right man. Reference, Address Box 882, Vancouver, B. C. 278-80. WANTED—Young girl to care for two small children. Apply 217, 4th Ave.,E. WANTED—Servant for general house- work. $20.00 per month. Apply Box 117 News office. CORSETS SPIRELLA CORSETS—Mrs. R. H. Shockley, 717 Lotbiniere, phone Black 401. 84. === HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND HAND GOODS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A 4 SMALL PROFIT Canada A VIGNETTE FROM THE WESTERN FRONT “Just as I finish breakfast a man rushes in, ‘Our aeroplane’s scrapping with a Hun, sir.’ I seize my glasses and dash outside. over- are four machines The Hun is distinet by the There head. shape of his tail. He js making for his own lines, but it is too late. A monoplane is over him and swoops down like a hawk, the Hun turns and finds a B. E. bi- plane alongside of him. He nose- dives several hundred feet and tries for his own lines again, but another B. E. dived him, and he is headed again! across He turns once to climb; he looks dike getting away, but the Morane has been climbing and now dives straight at him— only misses him by a foot or so. (I hear that the Morane’s gun get jammed at this critical moment. The Hun, apparently flustered, turns across a B. E.—pop, pop, pop goes the machine gun—the Hun comes to ground. Down come our machines to claim their bird! has more and tries Try 828 3rd Ave., Or Phone Red 268 ; Sheet Meial Work ! Now is the time to have your roofs repaired, eve- troughs and skylights seen to, and heating plant put in good shape for the winter. In such Cases Consult a Practical Man if You Waat Results _ I served a regular appren- tice at the Sheet Metal and Heating business, in a regu- lar Sheet Metal Shop Not in A Jam Factory. C. 0. ROWE The Practical Sheet Metal Man PHONE 340 P. O. BOX 467 Shop Opposite Board of Trade Rooms 322 SECOND AVENUE Estimates Furnished to Can- tractors and others Free nately a member of the > THE IMPERIAL WATER HEATER COIL FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Patentod 1615) Is made to meet the demand for Hot Water instantly and without additional fuel being used. WARNING! Purchasers of any in- fringing 6tove Coll lay themselves open to prose cution equally with the Parties manufacturing or meking same. Now is your chance to get the best In Hot Water Heating Appli- an Coll Coll minus Connections. .§15.00 Your Money Back if It Dont suit. As I own and control the above, Connected........ $20.00 no ope can put same in. Shall vig- orously prosecute any infringements. HARRY HANSON Phone 489 P. O. Box 395 More power to them.’’—Daily Chronicle. SCIGHT FIRE About 2:30 this morning, the Peter Pan Bakery, near the city hall, had a narrow escape from Fortu- police serious damage by fire. staff discovered the outbreak be- fore it had made any great head- way, and the brigade very quickly extinguished the blaze. An over- heated oven was the cause of the trouble. Application forms for the Do- government war bonds are to be had at the Royal Bank of Canada, minion WANTED Representative for one of Can- ada’s leading pianos. An excel- lent opportunity for man _ with moderate finances to open up & piano business that will be very profitable. — Answer, care of Fred S. Cross, Wholesale Dept., 323 Portage Ave. NN F. W. HART AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER OFFICE CORNER 3RD AVE. AND 5TH ST., REAR OF HART BLOCK ~ AUTO DELIVERY EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE 1.2 ede... Phone Red 339 | ad 4 i fH— DAMA NLWS ————— Local News Notes “For right smart Xmas Cards the latest ideas—see McRae Bros. ee ae For best home-made bread and goodies — The Woman's Home Bakery, 3rd Avenue. D.16. eS 2 22 Don’t forget St. Andrew's mas- querade on November 30th, in St. Andrew's Hall. * Jack Wynne intends to go to the front with the new British Columbia regiment. * * * The boys of the 62nd Battalion, who arrived in Shorncliffe some weeks ago, have been drafted into the 48th. J. A. Kirkpatrick has been ap- pointed for the new northern regiment which is being paymaster formed. s * * In the final match of the St. Andrew’s Sdéciety pool tournament James Dunn beat A. Kinghorn in a very exciting game. es. ®& Fred Darley, formerly of the Bank of Commerce here, who was severely injured by shrapnel, has recovered sufficiently to be able to proceed to his home in Treland. Fred expects to be in Prince Ru- pert next summer. Friday, November 9¢ 1945. | The ladies of the Catholic Church wish to thank most heart- ily all who helped in any way to! make the bazaar a success. eo 8-6 The Manhattan, of the Neg Eng- land Fish Company, brought. in area pounds of halibut this morning and the Flamingo 45,000. The. Flamingo will go to Vancou- ver. Wise men gnake mistakes, but fools repeat them. You may be deceived some day by an imitation of "DALADA Bulg and possibly you will not detect this imitation until the tea~pot reveals it. Demand always the Senuin, “Salada” in the sealed aluminum packet, anq me that_you get it, if you want that unique flavour of fresh, clean leaves properly prepared and packeg, = Sees, Give Jewelry For Christmas. it is always treasured and kept. Good jewelry is not an PP PPPPP PODS COOP PC oes Launch AliceR. Te App! Minis We can give you good values. Bulger G Denike (The Wark Store.) extravagance: it keeps its ter of Ma sb value forever, and nothing Pass: Boat gives the receiver more For terms and particular pleasure. The jewelry you Call wear shows your taste-and to W. J. THOMAS, Phone a certain extent your social Green 904. and financial standing. evcores OPCCCCCLS. vaundl A nice diamond ring on a . = — = shea gentleman's finger places . te | se him atvonce several notches : ‘ a ee higher in most people's esti- FOR TAXI Walker's Music Store mation. Removed to Werner's Old Stang Many people buy diamonds —— _____OM Second Avenue. as an in¥estment, knowing it PIANOS to be the only way they are sure of saving their money. Phone 99 PLAYER PIANOS, music ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND ' SMALL MUSICAL Goons. Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos, Pianos to Rent. Stand - Hotel Rupert OPTOMETRISTS AND JEWELERS POLI PPIPRIOLOLLEL DS SPPPPPOPP CCC + OS. re = eee ECUTTEUARATTETA AGHA of cash for the purpose with on behalf of th TRUYONAGOOEOEGREQUOGAEAOAUASOUUSEUORNAENGAOUAEOAEOEEONGAROSEROOUOAOOAOGSOOOUOOOOOOOGUROOEES EE = 74 “ = 20 “ = 20 = oe = 20 u of four per cent per of Finance. cent of the amount through the medium of Canada and both Forms of applica branch of any charter office of any Assistant In case of partia will be applied toward HVUUOUOOOUEONOOUAUAGUAOUSUAUEAGOGOYERGAUUOEUASUARUOUEEULU AEE and payment endorsed money, they may be e attached, payable to b a DOMINION UUALONOOUNANGOUEOOAVEAAAERAGOOAOUOGSOEOUAAEEUAU GAGA ‘SURE EU UES WAR LOAN ———E———EE__ SE es z= OF CANADA ISSUE OF $50,000,000 5% BONDS MATURING Ist DEC., 1925 REPAYABLE AT PAR AT OTTAWA, HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALGARY, VICTORIA. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY—lst JUNE, lst DECEMBER. ISSUE PRICE 973 A FULL HALF-YEAR’S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON ist JUNE, 1916. THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. In the event of future issues (other than issues made abroad) being made by the Government, for the purpose of carrying on the war, bonds of this issue will be accepted at the issue price, 974, plus accrued interest, as the equivalent of subscriptions to such issues. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers here- e Government the above named Bonds for subscription at 974 payable as follows,— 10 per cent on application, “* 3rd January, 1916, ** 1st February, 1916, lst March, 1916, Ist April, 1916, Ist May, 1916. “ cit “ The instalments may be paid in full on and after the 3rd day of January, 1916, under discount at the rate annum. All payments are to be made to a chartered bank for the credit of the Minister Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previous payments liable to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. Applications, accompanied by a deposit of ten per subscribed, must be forwarded of a chartered bank. The bank will issue a provisional receipt. This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament principal and interest will be a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. ..on may be obtained from any ed bank in Canada, and at the Receiver General in Canada. Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars, 1 allotments the surplus deposit s‘payment of the amount due on the January instalment. Scrip certificates payable to bearer will be issued, after allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts. When the scrip certificates have been paid in full thereon by the bank receiving the xchanged for bonds with coupons earer or registered as to principal, or for fully registered bohds without coupons. Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made through the chartered banks. The interest on ‘the fully registered bonds will be paid by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupons will be payable free of exchange at any branch of any chartered bank in Canada. Holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds with coupons, payable to bearer or registered, without payment of any fee, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert, without fee, into fully registered bonds without coupons at any time on application in writing to the Minister of Finance. ' The issue will be exempt from taxes—including any income tax—imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. The bonds with coupons will be issued in denomin- ations of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 or any authorized multiple of $5,000. Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. The loan will be repaid at maturity at par at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria. The books of the loan will be kept at the Depart- ment of Finance, Ottawa. Recognized bond and stock brokers will be allowed a commission of one-quarter of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications which bear their'stamp. / Subscription Lists will close on or before 30th November, 1915. Finance Department, Ottawa, 22nd November, 1915. | MMUVNOVULEUV0RUNU GOEL USSHOVNOSRNGAUORLNNUOURGAAGAUGENN UU UALARAUGAMONNUTOOUONEUGASAONRNUUOGRNNUUUOMGNOGUUGERNEGOUGGOROUUUGGONOUOUOGOANEUUOOOENEOOOGOONUTOOOOEUNUOUGOOERUOOOOGOEREUUUGOQGONURUOOOnOnENAGUOQGnnNTngUaenaneeesOOOSOELGG Geary gayeeananncnnueneenOOOOnetOUOOUAOEAEUUH r =I)