ff DAILY HLWS W ednesday, Decem)< rf 1945 Sixty Years the Standard Made from Cream of Tartar Made in Canada —— — a GROUSE MOUNTAIN MINES LOOKING WELL Glowing reports are being re- ceived from Grouse mountain, the new Bulkley valley mining dis- trict, where five claims were re- cently bonded by R, P. Trimble. Pete and partners, the contractors, are working on these Powers properties, with results of a most On Monday down thirty encouraging nature, last the shaft was feet, all in solid ore, carrying eXx- cellent values which ap- | pear to increase with depth. It is impossible at present to judge the of the copper with lead, as jno walls have been found. | ‘The present shaft will be cqn- | i tinued to the 100-foot level, | | which is likely to be reached be-| ifore Christmas. i Development on a large jis béing arranged for and will be | ~|started soon after the holidays. | }Mining men will watch with the House For Kent Ow PLANK ROADWAY. ENTIRELY NEW, NEVER YET Ny OCCUPIED T. D. PATTULLO 2nd Avenue : GSTH REGIMENT, E. G. O. “The Daily News” . commanding, week ending Dec. CLASSIFIED ADS. ith, 4915. PARADES—A and B Companies will parade as one company FOR REAT POR RENT—Farm ai Refuge Bay. Good house and furniture; cheap. Apply Bak 4119, Dally News. 2381-2586. 8 p.m. at the Exhibition Building Wednesday night, December {st. persons not members of militia wishing to drill I jweicome at any of the parades. By Order, J. CHAS. HALSEY, Lieut., Acting Adjutant. Any will FOR SALE—| Let 283, Known as State of Montana BOUGHT AND SOLD eral Claim, Lot 285, known as Arizona Mineral Claim; an undivided one-quarter ee ene me te ee ee eee imterest in Lot 286, known as Adams Min- HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A eral Claim, and Lot 287, known as New SMALL PROFIT Try S28 3rd Ave. Or Phone Rec 268 York Mineral Claim, all in Group t, Cassiar | District, province of British Columbis Subject t© a judgment for the amount PODODP OPO OO DIDO DOT P OE f $11,726.60, interest thereon at the rate R lor nve per emt. per ansum from ‘ 2ithe 10th day of August, 1915, and the F. W. HART $} costs jecidental to the stile. AU ; Said judgment was registefed in th: CTIONEER Land Registry oMce at Prince Rupert, B ihe AND APPRAISER {com OFFICE CORNER SRD AVE. AND STH ST. REAR OF HART BLOCK i2th day of August, 1915 JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff of the County of Atlin. sancti eccertinnanestatoe THE IMPERIAL '§ WATER HEATER COIL FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Petentes 1815) is made to meet the Gemand for Bot Water instantly and without additional fuel being used. Sheet Metal Work ! Now is the time to have your roofs repaired, eve- troughs and skylights seen te, and heating plant put in good shape for the winter. in seach Cases . Goasalt a Practical Maa if You Want Resalis _ I served a regular appren-\ tice at the Sheet Meta! and Heating business, in a regu- lar Sheet Metal Shop Net in A Jam Factory. C. 0. ROWE The Practical Sheet Metal Man PHONE 340 P. O. BOX 467 Shop Opposite Boars of Trade Rooms S22 SECOND AVENUE Estimates Furnished to Can- tractors and others Free WARNING! Purchasers of any in- fringing Stove Coll tay | thernselwes open te prose- cullon equally with the Your Money Back if Kh Dont Suk. As | own an4 comtral the above, mo one can pul same im. Shall vig- orously prosecute any infringements. HARRY HANSON Phone 489 P. 0. Box 395 j =iw hose Orders hy Major J. H. McMullin, | |greatest interest the opening up jof this prospect, which shows jevery indication of becoming a big mine.—Omineca Miner. i MARY PICKFORD AT THE WESTHOLME THEATRE | | ' The Westholme Theatre tonight and tomorrow presents a great eight reeb program, in which the dainty Mary Pickford holds the | screen for six reels. In “the ‘Dawn of a Tomorrow” Mary por- itrays the weird and wonderful icharacter of Glad, the beautiful lragged girl of the London slums, con- this courage In undying starvation. play, Mary Pickford is delightful. Tuers even The management has cut down ithe orchestra and jis devoting the expense saved to the production if even finer pictures than have been hitherto shown. There will be three gavettes weekly in future, British and and the finest features that money two one American. ean busy. “The monste cludes a great two-reel comedy, entitled “The Girl and the Stowa- This zood seciety comedy. ¥ in he ‘ aa show toni way.” is an exceptionally CAR HIRE The f works, reporting in the Monday on an ac- nt presented by J. R. Morgaz r $15 a hire stated tha € was net enough evidence t ng of the cars to warrant uz the account. passil Ald. Nicol said that there was absolutely nothing in the records te show that there had been any such transaction. Ald. Dybhavyn said that he be- lieved that Mr. Morgan had ample evidence of having hired the car to the city, and that the ac should not be turned down unless the officials were certain that s had been returned Aid. Nicol said that Mr. Mor- Zz in had pre duced no. evidences show that the cars had been | The mayor said that the city engineer had stated that the « = had not been hired. The board af works had referred the matter t the council that they might ar- rive at a conclusion. Mr. Loren: had gone into the matter fully and nothing could be ascertained | to lead to the belief that the cars had ever been hired The matter was laid on the} table pending a report from the] city solicitor he Snot 5 cents to 35 cents—Xmas!} ards—Wallare’s. ; 1 AUTO DELIVERY EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE ee eee i + a ei scaler as buyers of halibut have to do. . . - §. Gannery licenses to be ope: oO-.any applicant, without . any limit to number. This is more a j|matter to impress upon the pro- vineial government than. it is i! 5. The removal of restrictions fon the exportation of « iny other fish for which a he ito be open to all fisherm« ——————S— i —— —————— LTERATIONS WANTED IN FISHING REGULATIONS. _— ’ ’ | following ten points con-| rhe stitute the questions which local | | fishing men desire Messrs Gun-| ' ningham and Melntyre to bring before the advisory board at Ot- tawa. for catching ring in beth gill nets and seines {. Licenses hers | be given to cover any territory in District No. 2. 2, Halibut fishermen to catch | their own bait, having due regard! « closed seasons and spawning} j to “Nothing Not Tea Leaves intermixe Dirt and Stems but all Vi SALA has the reputation of being the cj io. ga mutek SeMlect ten cold. On" ** BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED, But Le a aves” d with Dust, rgin Leaves. D i E 147 SEALED PACKETS ont Y ——$<_—_—.._> ONLY, Ee eee Nene o bee PP Peo grounds Only. . 3. Salmon licenses to be issued Launch AliceR to all British subjects, Indians, | te and white men, who signify thei: A intentions of becoming British} t ‘ isubjects, said licenses to be good | in any part of District No. 2 ' The abolition of the boat] Ws. Yuonina, piece rating, thereby forcing the can- iees ene ery men to compete for their j % PPPPLDOP PLD OLLPDD LIDS D DIDDDPDDI PDD DIOL DODD DODD DODO DOOR O 20004 ecove SPCC +e fish in the open market the same the Dominion. price can be obtained in a f narket. 7. The appointment of two re Pri board of the D ' dent f : Rr : , ' ’ s of nee { iupe 1vdvisory >) Whether For Yourself orasa Gift to your Friend PERRIN’S GLOVES The well known Perrin trademark as shown in cuts should be on every ; you get, as this assures you perfecti ve of a Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over sell the genuine PERRIN’S GLOVES. ] $1213 for Distri direct to Otlawa spector will report rave his headquarte! Rupert The yy} FOR Pho of a l tt nf lines thal ‘ Qo removal the n allowed to 10. Abolition canneries for Peeks. perate. = lish er he total of canne exclusion Toyland now re LOS OPEL AIL OLE LOLOL E DLE ED ES at addy Cr an ras “Some Then help him Nothing is too good to send to the boys who are serving King and Country. But let our gilts show thought and judgmend as well as good-will and lowe. Among the few melly acceptable gifts — smokes and pipes, chocolates and sweet biscuits, fountzin pens and tooth brushes, toilet and shaving supphes—the Gillette Safety Razor ranks as a warm favorite, for one of the real jaxuries of trench life is 2 clean, comfortable Gillette shave. It’s a luxury the lucky ones share with their pals, so send slong plenty of extrs blades. If he bas & Gilletic already, 2 few boxes of blades will Gillette Safety Razor ee OPO L LE POPPI DL OL LPO OLOLP LE LL ELLY OLDE Stand - Hote! Rupert Will Your Boy Spend Christmas >. On Second Avenue PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AxD SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. POC CCR ODOR ne 99 PPLDPIIDDOD IDL IDOL IL ODDO DOOD DO OOON, 5 7 . . ‘ F o . > Walker's Music Store Removed to Werner's Old Stand Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. ; Pianos to Rent. POP PPPS PLE ILE LE LOL ELLE AEI EE OL AAE PO OOPODIOPE POR EELEBDEPR ORE PRS ODOM re where in France spend it Merrily! go far toward making cam the most populst man in his Company. Welcome as itis on the firing line, the Gillette is even more keenly appreciated in the bospials With it the wounded can shave themselves s2!e/5, easily and regularly. They certainly do enjoy et Gillette—and Doors and Nurses can scaroey speak well enough of it. Giette “Bulldog” and Septet Sets cast $5.00 each—compad Pocket Editions $5.00 te $6.00—Combination Sets, in duding Soap, Srosh, etc, $650 up. If wish & you Deraogpist, Jeweler of Hardware ler will erange delivery thrvagh ai, of the Fron, =" the Set que sciexi, anitnaal . ahappung exponst le yas : Co. of Canada, Limited inte li eae, nelle ett enethe hae ita i ee 3 we