xeember 2, 1945 Thursday, December 2, 1915, ——— nie QQEAT BLOOD IRIFIE ofruit-a-tives” Cleans, Pyrifies, Enriches is Nature’s own remedy. A-TIVES,’’ the famous keeps the blood pure Fruit juice ePpRUIT fyuil medt ne / 1 rich because it keeps the whole » free of impurities. *r rsmiteactives’? improves the Skin | 1 , Adion ; enables the stomach to digest f + nroperly ; makes the bowels move is and relieves the strain on regu ' the Ihidneys. : py its cleaning, healing powers on eliminating organs, “Fruit-a-tives’’ sha eystem of all waste matter and insures a pure blood supply. hox, 6 for 2.50, trial size 25ce. jealers or sent postpaid on receipt of hy Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. _———$—_—$— WEA . Leet OOT SHOES Dawn of a THE DALLY NEWS. . “THE DAWN OF A TOMORROW”.—The police hunting for Dandy, Glad’s sweetheart, in “The Tomorrow’ at the W estholme Theatre tonight. for every SPORT EIGHT GOOD REELS AT and RECREATIO - ST | . os wi Worn hy every member | BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC THE WESTHOLME THEATHE) of the family i LUMP | ar | ey Mary Pickford is always at- ( C O A L tractive, and in the great drama \§ $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Pe ee ee slums, “The Dawn Delivery fa ap Oreo she is particul- re | Money Back If Not £atis- pee a Me sughout a Six SOLD BY ALL 600D SHOE DEALERS ' factory ee 1is WOI Cees ae ee |displays wonderful dramatic . UNION TRANSFER CO. power and the large audience at Sub be for the Daily ewe. 4 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 | the Westholme last night followed Fifty cents per month, erresreoons WOOMOOPOR hid every movement with the 0ceeeeeseeeteeeet O0CPOOOOOOOOOPOLODOODOOOODDIODLOOOODODOROOD OOOO DOOD # keenest interest, The story is an 5 ,e eloquent sermon illustrating the 1c e t triumph of good over evil, and S must rank as one of the finest PRINCE RUPERT ‘et Ave. and MoBride ©. PHONE 25 Core nooo. Need plate entering the Service. 1..-How long am I to ment, also part of your pay) and if Will further assist them. be cared for by the Government until you are discharged. your injury or disability. on rhe While on Active Service? selves, The widowed mother of Wore, SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS A. Jd. BURROUGHS, Your King and Country RECRUITS WANTED FOR 62nd OVERSEAS BATTALION, CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. RECRUITING OFFICE AT PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OFFICE NOW OPEN. In view of the recruiting whic throughout the Province, it is apropos to answer a few of the questions which are considered by he following is a list of perti- hent queries, together with le informationgvhich each elicits. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. serve? ‘nd six months after if roquired. i 2.—-What pay shall I receive? be $1.00 per day and 10 cents fleld allowances, you will be clothed, equipped and subsisted by the Govern- 3.—What will my wife receive during iny absence? Every month there will be paid her a separation allowance of $20 this fortably maintain your family, the Canadian Patriotic Fund 4.._What will happen if | am wounded or sick? You will If you are permanently disabled an allowance will be paid you, varying according to the extent of 5.—What will be done for my wife and children if I die Government ‘dequate pension, that will enable the family to live com- fortably until the childhen are old enough to look after them- her sole support, is treated in the same way as 4 wife, to and from Norway, Sweden, Den- mark, Finland, italy and Russia. SAILINGS FROM NEY YORK United States January 3rd. Bergensfjord January 8th. “Kristianiafjord February 29th “Hellig Olav February 3rd Have Your Reservations made Early. For Rates, Illustrated Folders and General Information Apply to DYBHAVN & HANSON Steamship Agency, B. Cc. Insurance and Prince Rupert, LUMBER C9. Manager PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. Branch Yard at &mithers ee PPOLOLOL SID You PP Oo. h is in progmess at present those who contem- Until the end of the war Your pay as 4 private will Besides this be not enough to com- and your pay continued will provide an a single man, if the son be y productions of filmdom The Eng- ram, is highly amusing. stowaway is the son of an lish peer who has fallen on hari youug times. Discovered by a American lady he is hand-fed for a few days, but is ultimately dis- lcovered and set to scrubbing. The \*feeding’’ episodes are deliciously funny, while the story ends with la heroic rescue in New York har- bor, after which the only necessity is a parson. You can blind men by throwing gold dust in their eyes. : SKEENA LAND DISTRICT | DISTRICT OF COAST rAKE NOTICE that Andrew Jackson and Claus Peterson, of Porcher Island, B. C., eccupation ranchers, intend to apply for permission to lease the following described hands Commencing at 4 mouth of Humpback planted at the east post Creek, on its side, thence 30 chains in a northwesterly direction, following high water mark; thence 14 chain, more or less, in a soutb- westerly direction to Jow water mark; fhence 30 chains, more or less, in a south- easterly direction, following low water mark; thence 1 chain in a northeasterly direction to point of commencement, and coutaining 3 acres, more or less. ANDREW JACKSON & CLAUS PETERSON October 18th, 1915. NAVIGABLE WATERS’ PROTEC- TION ACT. R. S. C. Chapter 115. RICHARD B. McGINNIS hereby gives notice that he has, under Section 7 of the said act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the offtee of the District Registrar of Titles at Prince Rupert, B, C., a description or ithe site and of the plans for a wharf proposed to be built in Alice Arm, Obser- vatory Inlet, British Columbia, at a point situate about 3-4 miles south of the south east corner of Let 1074, Range 5, Coast | District, B. C, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, Richard B. McGinnis will under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his oMce in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans, and for leave to construct the said wharf. DATED at Prince Rupert, B, C., this 22nd day of October, A. D, 1915. RICHARD B. MecGINNIS, Applicant, PPPOLIL OL OL I. Palace Of Sweets Stocks of BANANAS In Season The Cholcest ORANGES, APPLES, And Other Fruits Fresh Stock of RAMSAY'S, LOWNEY'S AND HOME- MADE/CHOCOLATES ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES — H. KILLAS, Prop. Hart Blook, 3rd Ave. and Bin &t. be o ore we " ~~ wer The Girl and the Stowaway,” two-reel society comedy which |} completes a splendid eight-ree MINERAL ACT NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER TO J. A. ROGERS, TAKE NOTICE that, whereas I have caused to be done the assessment work ifor the year 1915 on the mineral claims | known as “Ladybird No. 4” Mineral Claim, |situated in Cascade Creek valley, north of | Silver Lake, in the Stewart, B. C., Mining District; and the “Stumpy” Mineral Claim, | situated on the east side of Cascade Creek | | }at the head, in the said Stewart Mining |district, and have paid for said assess- ment work the sum of $200.00; unless }you pay to me the sum of $100.00 for jyour share of the said assessment work ‘together with the costs of this advertise- lment, I shall, at the expiration of ninety j}days from the date hereof, apply to the Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C., to have your interest in the said “Ladybird No. 4” and “Stumpy” Mineral Claims vested in me in pursuance of the provisions of the }‘*Mineral Act.” Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 5th |day of November, 1915. | % Per Alex. M. | waco A. LUND. Manson, his solicitor. WATER NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that R. B. McGinnis, whose address is Alice Arm, British Columbia, will apply for a licence to take and use lifteen second feet of water out of Trout Creek, which flows Westerly and drains into Kitsault River, about 16 miles north of its outlet at Alice Arm, B. C. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 500 vertical feet above point of use, near its mouth, and will be used for power and mining purpose upon the land deseribed as Wolf Group of Mining Claims. This notice was posted on the ground on the 26th day of October, 1915. A copy of this notice and an ap- plication pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914” will be fled in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. Objections to the application may be fled with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice 1s November 9th, 1915. Rh. B. McGINNIS, Applicant. By H. C. Ingle, Agent. LAND REGISTHY ACT Notice Under Section 36. NOTICE that an application has rigister Antonello Angele, of Prince Rupert, B. C., as the owner in Fee-simple, under Tax Sale Deeds from the collector of the City of Prince Rupert, to Antonello Angelo, bearing date the 17th day of September, A, D. 1915, in pur- suance of a Tax Sale held by said Munici- weides jo ep yi6 ei INoge Jo uO F111 ues ber, 1914, of all and singular certain parcel or tract of land and premises sttu- ate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Rapert in the Province of British Colum- bia, more partieularly knowp and described as:—Lot Four (4), Block Forty-five (45); Lot Eight (8), Block Forty-seven (47); Lot Thirty-five (35) and Thirty-six (36), Block Fifty-one (51). Ali in Section Eight (8), Map 923. You and those claiming through or un- der you, and all persons claiming any in- terest in the said land by descent whose title is not registered under the pro- visions of the “Land Registry Act’ are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within forty-five days of the service of this notice upon you, Other- wise you and each of you will be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the said land, and | shall register the said Anton- “TAKE been made to ello Angelo as owner in fee, Your attention is called to section 36 of the “Land Registry Act” and amend- ments, and especially to the following ex- tract therefrora which relates to he above notice: “Aud in default of a caveat or cer- tificate of lis pendens being fed before the registration as owner of the per- sons entitled under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, or ser- ved with notice under subsection (6) of section 155 of the “Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,” or section 293 of the “Municipal Act’, or section 139 of the “Assessment Act, 1903," or section 253 of the “Taxation Act,” in cases in which notice under this Act is dispensed with as hereinafter provided, and _ those claiming through or under them, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by+virtue of any unregistered in- strument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the pro- visions of this Act, shall be forever estopped and debarred fram setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes,” Dated at the Land Registry Office,. at the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, tais 28rd day of October, A. D, 1946, H, F. MACLEOD, District Registrar, fo Grand Trunk Pacific Dey, Co, Ltd, B. L. Tingley, R. 8. Ross, Amanda Anderson, J. P. Conrad, SSS = a ————— ee JOU UUUUU UCU UU YOUU OGCAU CC ~ Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas worrcerrore ee eee In 2-ib. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire’ when buying Soda Biscuits. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickiy, Insuring freshness, which means crispness. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. PIII AADAAAAAAAAASDA AAA AAA AAA ADIAAAI SI ASIA INADA IIIA IIIS IITA FI IIIS ISI IIS III IIS II ISI IS ISIS IS ISIS ISISIS AISI ASISIIS IS. (7 —- Empress Jams = Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of * the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to 1e purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufac- turing of the deiicicus Jam contributes to the prosperity of B. C. It will satisfy the most exacting. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS in 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTP. Vancouver, B. C. Empress Jams . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern :} British Columbia :: Largest Circula- $ THERE tion means the } |S of the local Ad- Best Advertising A : Medium =: $ REASON Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! - . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ PS ee