— . on P sian aa =— $$ ______— — = —— ——— —— yoL. VI. NO. @ ‘ PRINCE RUPER' 3, C.. SATI SCEMBER 4 5 CE FIVE ————7l Bh Si es RUPERT, B. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1945. PRICE FI CENTS = aes : - ——————— SRE LL TANS GAIN 12 MILES ON RIGA FRONT aa — PRESSURE APPLIED TO GREECE. BRITISH SUCCESS ON THE STRUMITZA FRONT IWELVE MILES GREEK SHIPS. [yyy | AN ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING HUN TRENCHES AGAINHELDUP (2° 2 AT LIBERAL HEADQUARTERS G. R. NADEN AND FRED. STORK SHOW HOW PRINCE RUPERT ARE CAPTURED BY THE ALLIES. |, <7 hibit 7 GRADISCA — = t HAS SUFFERED FROM TORY MISGOVERNMENT— Big Russian Gain—Two Steamers Greeks Too Slow in Complying Rec ee go WHAT RUPERT WOULD HAVE BEi:N and German Submarine Sunk | With Allied Demands—British / off UNDER LAURIER in Mediterranean—War « | Guns Silence Batteries WT AVS 2 io —_-— Loan Doubled. At Strumitza. k ff { es The Liberal headquarters were |mentioned so that the government —— meetin La ale eee ee teen! > packed to the door last night when |did not sin in ignorance, but with (Opec eee (Special to The Dally News,) i/ yy - PLA a EA U = G. R. Naden and Fred. Stork de-|their eyes wide open. London, Dee. 4.—The Russians Paris, Dee. 4.—Greek foree | \¢f aaa Bradiavinn aCormen, livered interesting and illuminat-| Another point which had been tiga front have taken 12 )h ave not been withdrawn fron mS Monfalcone SW, x eo ee ye ‘ing speeches relative to the effect |neglected was that all Prince Ru- German on ee lSaloniki. and the Kntente powers | ' § Canciano j f X “7 +e Cc of Conservative government onj|pert streets were to be 66 feet and quantities of food; bith bhi hens ‘tse POR ¢ vee \ en Prince Rupert. wide. They are 56 feet wide, munition. ea cy items rence 1 es trladl ee =e T. D. Pattullo, who presided, |though a 30-foot lene is provided. Steamers Sunk. jlong to consider their demands introduced the speakers as old-| At that time, Hon. M. A, Mac- ritish steamers Middleton | More Pressure. THE ITALIAN CAMPAIGN AGAINST GORITZ. timers, both in Prince Rupert and|@onald moved that a committee Macleod have been sunk} [t has been decided to agaii that the Italia have taken Podgora Heights | British Columbia. who were well|0f three Tories and two Liberals wines in the Mediter-j|.j.6 the economic measures wh lends 1 intere to the desperate, but hitherto indecisive fight- | qualified to speak on their respec- |e appointed to investigate the ranea | were ie iui = ‘toaintaht manip oe eee If Goritz were taken the Italians could direct |tive subjects. question involved, but the goyern- German Submarine Sunk, Silesia aah deeueil ‘Hrobibt heir att ind campaign against Triest. Mr. Naden, in dealing with the|}ment to a man opposed it. They Shore batteries on Europa Point)... tne departure from Britain of| | 3 oe aE aN agreement entered into between/Voted against the procuring of the island of Gibraltar, have) 1) vessels loading ‘cargoes for GERMAN-AMERICANS FORD'S PEACE PARTY the G. 'T. P. and the McBride goy- ane The same a ap- irge German submarine.) | oo ag Dp ‘NT T A ernment, said he was a member |Plied to the division of the water- Canadien Se | ane opinion in Athens is ARE SENT 10 JAIL REFUSED PASSPORTS of the opposition when two such|frontage. The government used ve Dec, 4.-The govern. veering round toward iliest (Special t wei pias News.) t (Special to wie teed News.) |agreements passed through the ng Rarena u asta, ig age decided to retain the iceeptance of the demands of th < fic ss pos pe New York, Dec. 4-— Ford's|"ouse. He stated that in 1908 : sion, Sen ES oie rast OF prop- - aa ia jEntente powers. B iat asi uh Kotter and J ia peace party is assembling. They a providing or the purchase of ses ss ee ae ‘the etin an0.066 nar Balkan Movements. Poppi : dire sii thi due to leave for Europe at ee Hine ore ae mets ne (Continued .on ‘Dawe tero,) : ets q London, Dec. 4.—British artil-| io ,.purge-American line of steam }® Clpek Uus afternoon and should |!" Mile district through the Do- establish a war eredit for wat lery yesterday silenced the Bul-|.);)- have each been sentenced |#!tive in Christiania, Norway, on minion government was passed,