ent oAILY NEWS 1, 1945 _ _ $$ - =— = — —— : YEAST pared the 18 years of Lory rule => ; ; , WHEN BUYING up to 1896, with the 15 years v! THE DAILY NEws INSIST ON HAVING ral rule upto 194141, and the 3 T , THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA THIS PACKAGE Liberal rule uf Vil, ¢ EE] ] Y Published Daily and Weekly spell of Tory government from i Yh Guaranteed Largest Circulation Mivyvyrevrverveyerer 19t1 to date. He described Prince SATURDAY MONDAY THURSDAY 10-20 a aS Bagge as ‘ a th Rupert today and in 1911 as the $5 Mm eee ee hair-restorer ad- TO EDMONTON, SASKATOON. Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.e. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, rates on application, —S——SSS—S_——e—eeeeee— ——] DAILY EDITION FISHING RIGHTS There was some delightfully piain speaking on the part of the fishermen at the meeting with the British members of the Fisheries Ad- and Columbia Yisory Board last night Thursday in the city hall. The the board that in the regu- representatives on very readily agreed im- mediate changes lations governing herring fish- ing are absolutely necessary, in order to aid the halibut in- dustry, while they also are anxious to foster the packing of herring at Prince Rupert. There was not so much har- mony however when it came to discussing salmon fishing con- The promised to voice the views of the but they felt; that the board would probably ditions. representatives fishermen, not look upon drastic changes ase gne Saturday, Dec. 4, this dine of fishing with a} { Messrs | in great deal of favor. Cunningham and McIntyre} in the} did not! candid they were perfectly matter, that seek to stall off the fishermen | in with promises for betterment, | but sought to point out the} difficulties in the way. How- ever, it is clear that the one great difficulty is that the can-| nerymen are strong and tightly combined and have enjoyed a} monopoly for so many years, | in most cases, that they con-} sider the monopoly as a right | Cannerymen, like other people, | have their rights, which t'iey| are perfectly capable of ical care of, but monopoly, in any | line of business, has no rights, | but these When | a detri-| simply privileges. privileges are ment to the men who are seek- | ing to earn a living, they must} be done away with. There is no doubt that, if the cannery- men had to bid for their fish in the open market, they would! have to pay bigger prices, and that bigger prices can be borne Telephone 98. Oontract iets : nthe with ease was instanced by Mr. Ww, J ORONTO OM rath DECLINE SUBSTITUTES Cunningham himself, when he stated that humpbacks worth 33 cents each to the can- What do the fisher- | are neryrien, men get for them? | by Mr. Naden for the name of the The Oriental question is a'man who made the refusal he ; : | ; big one, and it was news to/could not give it. John Oliver ; } ‘ many at the meeting to learn|proposed an amendment which that there are so many natural- lwould have secured the rights of ized British subjects } fromithe people of Prince Rupert, but Japan. It decidedly aa same tionable if so many Orientals} old bunch refused to should be allowed to become also pointed out that the railway is ques- consider the matter. The speaker During this year a large |company had power to construct ™ | all at the ex- this Of course!pense of the government. the has He nexly dealt. with a charter nothing to do with the question /granted to the B. C. Telephone Co. as to whether those gentlemen |to monopolise the phone system desire to Britishers or simply natural- |the bud by the old timers digging ized salmon fishermen, but it+up the money to form a company such, number were naturalized overhead bridges, district alone. court, we suppose, become naturalized here, which was only nipped in } ° rather important. From a/themselves, the assets of which national standpoint, the matter they turned over to the city with Is need no}out a cent of profit or interest. but from the} il standpoint of Skeena river fish- |} ment work, Mr. Naden pointed out ermen, it is of the very first that while the north had helped is small and cause complications, Going on to deal with develop- importance. Surely it would be/|to build up the south in the early if the north had to pay now for enough white and Indian fish-! a simple matter, there are /days, all its own development and more ermen willing to fish for sal-jIn fact, they milked the northern mon, to bring in a new regula-|cow to feed the pigs in the south. tion by which the Japs, even if He showed how the P. G. E. had they are naturalized, shall wait} been engineered to open up the for licenses until the others) Peace River country from Van- have been provided with them. |couver, ignoring the fact that the natuval start was from the G, T. P., neries, would satisfy the fish-|let. | : That it would not sat- | was solely to benefit Vancouver, This, coupled with the abolish- ing of boat-rating by the can- | making Prince Rupert the out- In the south they claimed it ermen., isfy the cannerymen is certain, jbut William Manson tried to make but the care of the wage earner them believe it was for the benefit should be of the first import- |of Prince Rupert. The north has ance. ishown the most rapid develop- i Si eal ss Ba ee {ment yet it has contributed tar AN ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING more of the $16,000,000 spent AT LIBERAL HEADQUARTERS yearly than it has received. h lconclusion, he dwelt on the small- (Continued From Page One.) : ee " ness of Sir Richard McBride, When chalienged on this question twelve years ago, stated as his McBride said that the government | ideal in polities as had been offered the drydock site|when you are in, stay in.” Tha the policy followed When pressed |the peanut politicians whose in “get in, in exchange for it, but would not /is exactly by make the change. jterest is purely -personal. | THE UMON STEAMSHIP S. S. VENTURE 5. 5. CAMOSUN Sails for SKIDEGATE, JEDWAY’ IKEDA, Tuesday November 2nd, 16th, 30th, December 14th, 28th Salls for BELLA COOLA, RIVERS INLET and the South, Thursday P. October 7th, 21st, November 4th, 18th, December 2nd, 16th, 28th. JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent. 623 Second Avenue. Salis for GRANBY, NAAS, and PORT SIMPSON, Mondays at 11 a.m. Sails for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tuesdays at 8 p. m. SAILS for STEWART, GRANBY, Saturday, A. October 2nd, 16th, December 11th, 25th. Sails for MASSEYT, PORT CLEMENES, Sunday P. M., October 3rd, 17th, | Sist, November 14th, 28th,December 12th, 26th. | ithen the province; then the city, MeBride and jhis friends had reversed the pro- jand then himself.” on, jeess with dire results to the prov- 30th, November 13th, Ps h ince, Fred. Stork at the outset com- “A Dollar in the Bank is Worth Two in Promises” A. M., October Bth, 19th, u M., Phone 568. oe 3 = eo FRED Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable }) Iron Pipe K{ .. Rope } Pumps Stoves nnd Ranges Rubberoid Valves Hose STORK’S 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Sh‘p Chandlery Stee! Blocks Pipe Fittings “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” es HARDWARE HEN you have a substantial Savings Account, you do not i have to ask favours | Or court refusals when you | require ready cash. A Savings | Account in The Bank of British North America makes ou independent of promises. he money is yours—ready | when you need it—protected against loss—safe from fire and es Fishing Tackle Rifles and Shotguns Ammunition A Paint Roofing Corrugated iron highest current rates. | | | | . Deposits of $1. and upwards are | feceived on Savings accounts, THE BANK OF = —_= . WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ————— i 4 MP = British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. | CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. SS who, and | The} lideal of a politician should be | CO., OF B.C, LIMITED —§)-Pmpire arst, tien the Dominion; | ir LIMITED For further particulars apply to '§ THOR JOHNSON 1 Central Hotel. theft—and earning interest at: | revel sal of the showing “before and i9ii a fine, vertisement after,”’ © ‘In Prince Rupert was like prancing steed; today il is-like the spavined old horse which was changed for two ducks and a drake at Valcartier. “We are getting back to the Tory to 1896," the “when a times prior said speaker, man was to work for a dollar a day.” In ed; Tories prophesied but the Dominion entered upon a of for spell prosperity which long continued 15 years and went out with him in 1914. Surrounded by intellectual giants, he duced legislation which complete- ly altefed the country. One of the first measures pass- ed was one to reduce postage fron}! ear oF ae ces to 2 cents. have returned to the old Tory 3 Mr. Stork then dealt with Laurier’s immigration pplicy 3 cents Today, we cent basis. (Cotinued on Page Three. e e Digestive Troubles cause headache, biliousness, constipation, impure blood and other unpleasant symp- toms. If these troubles are neglected they weaken the body and open the way for serious illness. Many chronic diseases may be traced back to indigestion that could have been immediately lieve relieved by Beecham’s Pills. This well- known home remedy has proven itself dependable, safe and speedy during sixty years use. The fame of having a larger sale than any other med- icine in the world proves the dependable, remedial value of PILLS Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Sold Everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. ‘FROZEN BAIT | ICE FINEST FROZEN HERRING $25.00 per ton. KINCOLITH PACKIIG CO. MILL BAY. B. C. Prince Rupert Feed Co. HAY, GRAIN, *EED, SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS WE HANDLE Bulbs, and Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Chicken Feed A Specialty. Mali Orders Promptly Attended To. P. ©. Box 333. 908 Third Avg. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. glad | {896 . brilliant Laurier appear- | th ruin, pro- | For Sale by ; eee | | | REGINA, WINNIPEG, sr. PAUL CHICAGO, EASTERN. CANADA AND UNITED STATES Change in Steamer Sailings WINTER SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOV. 2nd FROM PRING? RUPthy For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. 8. S. Prince George every Saturday at 9 a. m. S. S. Prince Rupert Tuesday at 9 a. m. For Anyox, Thursday Midnight. UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER SERVICE GO E A ST via “Route of tnnumerable Marvels’ Combine Pleasure with Bus TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON OTTAWA, MONTREA) ae ALL POINTS in EASTERN CANADA and UNITED 8TATES Including New York and Boston. ; Fuil Particulars Cheerfully Furnished ALBERT DAVIDSON, General Agent PHONE 2 5 ‘CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY DENTISTRY | CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY } DR. J. F. BROWN Lowest rates to all Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver and the DENTIST CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWay Offices: Smith Block, Third Avenue Meals and berth Included on steamer Phone “64 ‘“ PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND FRIDAY 7 P. m PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY, 6 P. M. J. f PETERS, Genera Agent Corner Fourth Stree and Third Ave Prince Rupert Dairy Has cut the price of Milk in half Fz oer ae corner 2nd Street and 8rd Avenue PURE FRESH MILK PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED Delivered in city at 10c per | (Suecessors to Pactf sf : quart and Sc per pint Qenors! Cartage sos LADYSMITH COAL — Phone Green 262 83—Phone—#3 pereer cae atime — } Alex M. Manson, B.A +. or" W. E. Willian L.L.B ; ; 3 Sterling Marine Motors WILLIAMS & MANSON ~ Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. Can be purchased In town. A MONEY TO LOAN Motor that wili give you en- Box 1585 tire satisfaction. Built for Helgerson Block Pr B. ¢ hard work. Guaranteed. ge —HEAVY DUTY— aie JAMES GILMORE FISHERMAN’S ENGINE Architect 2 Cyl.—® 1-2 In. by 7 Iin., 12-15 Horse Power. Ynd Avenue, near McBride Stree\ 4 Cyl.—S 1-2 In. by 8 In., 25-35 Horse Power. ay aly Do your remodeling with a first- ; class engine. B C UNDERTAKERS For Further Information 2 Apply to FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND ~ 4 ek FACTION GU o 3 W. E. Williscroft, Phone 3 ao ee bay AND NIGHT $ Blue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- $ euone 41 : trician, Phone 383. ; 417 2ND STREET he +) EERE eS. Ma ESS COFFEE .F. G. DAWSON Co i= rr The Royal Standard Test 5] 4 Here's where we test the choicest samples of Canada’s six million acre wheat crop. We grind them into flour in the ” little mill you see on the left of the picture. Then comes the supreme test--bread-baking. If the bread is perfect in every way we pronounce the wheat Al and the flour--ROYAL STANDARD. AT YOUR GROCER'’S Vancouver Milling 8 Grain CoLta | ROYAL STANDARD \ | —~> 2 ene A EE a Oe O_o Veneouver. New Westminst@r. Nansimo. Victoria a See Se eee eee PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©.