K December 4, 1915. gaturday, a= ARP ATTACK = = REPULSED ous Condition Relieved Just In Danger > Time By “Fruit-a-tives’ PEE MR. F. J. CAVEEN 632 Gerrard St. East, Toronto., For two I was a victim Acute Indigestion and Gas In The It afterwards attacked my years, Heart, and I had pains afl over the body, so I ee uld hardly move around, I trie nds of medicines but none of th lid me any good. At last, ac the advice of a friend, I Jecide » try ‘Fruit-a-tives’. I bought x last June, and now I am using only three boxes. nd ‘Fruit-a-tives’ to anyone , from Indigestion, no matter FRED J, CAVEEN, e Indigestion often leads to {ttacks, Catarrh of the Stomach well, aiter Heart « and constant distress of mind and body, If you are bothered with any Stomach Trouble, and especially if Constipation troubles you, take ‘Fruit-a-tives’. foe. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or ‘sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, LAND NOTICE. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTHICT OF COAST post planted at Creek, on its in a northwesterly high water mark: more or less, in a south to low water mark; more or less, in @ south following in a northeasterly Commencing at a Humpback ‘ } chains rect rollowing ther hain, weste lirection ther hains, easter lirection, mark 1 chain lirecti to point of commencement, taining icres, more or less, ANDREW JACKSON & CLAUS PETERSON t 18th, 191456. Subscribe for the Daily News. Fifly cents per month. of TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Jackson and s | n, of Porcher Island, B. C., | pation ranchers, Intend to apply for lease the following described the east low water and i AN ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING AT LIBERAL HEADQUARTERS (Continued From Page Two.) and the building of the G. T. P, and Prinee Rupert drydock, quoted figures comparing 1896 trade of 1914, nearly all of which had been trebled returns in with those PY or quadrupled, He next dealt with the Laurie; | oh policy, quoting speeches j made by George EK. Foster and |Robert Borden approving of jt. and refusing to entertain the idea a contribution policy. and six both | placed before the Imperial con- ference in London. took the what [glorious results we know. In 1910 |Laurier took at ls quimelt the | Niobe and Rainbow as training | ships. destroyers of Laurier’s proposal to build five eruisers was ' i accepted by parties, and Australia at jonee up idea with over drydocks and Halifax and bye-election in Quebec. came | | Suddenly there was a change. A j along and the policy was to beat “A Nation- ;alist was put up by the Tories and Laurier at any cost. j the naval policy made the issue. |Men lamongst the farmers, listing their in uniforms were sent | boys in case they were needed for The victory, }Laurier’s navy.” result was Nationalist for which | the Tories have been paying the ;price ever since, i <2 See as ee the | Nationalists did was to ask if the a first thing | Borden government would repeal jthe Laurier naval act. Hazen answered “yes,” but it is still on the statutes. Mr. Stork referred scathingly to McBride’s attempt to “form the nuclus of a navy in the purchase of two American submarines.” Referring to Bob Rogers’ “dry- doek” speech at Vancouver, he said that, had Laurier remajned in power, Prince Rupert drydock | would have been busily occupied and THE DALY NEWB. CANADA’S WOMEN OF CANADA &. “CANADA FIRST” FIRST MILK IN QUALITY AND POPULARITY. Best Food Value—Best by Governmént Test—Clean, Pure, Sterilized—Keep a few cans on hand—Never be without Milk. ““Canada First’’ Condensed Milk saves half the sugar in cooking. “* Canada First’’ E vaporated is best for Coffee. and a fleet sailing the Pacific from water down, and then tackled the war contracts scandals, showing where huge profits had been made by firms represented on the shell committee, WSOOL ELIE LOL LOLOL DOLL ODD LODLLOL OLD LDP OLLIODD LOD DL OLLL ODIO D or Tickets to and from Norway, Sweden, Den- mark, Finland, ttaly and Rusela. SAILINGS FROM NEY YORK “United States’......January 3rd. “Bergensfjord” January 8th. “Kristianiafjord’.... February 29th “Hellig Olav” February 3rd. Have Your Reservations made Early. For Rates, Mlustrated Folders and Geygeral Information Apply to DYBHAVN & HANSON Insurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, B. CO. $erereoe Mee. RECRUITING OFFICE AT OFFICE plate entering the Service. QUESTIONS 1..-How long am I to you will be clothed, equipped ment, month there will be paid her PLPLL LPL OL LL OEP ILE L! PLL PLEO LOOP OL PL LPL ODD PDO} w Will further assist them, 4 until you are discharged, your injury er disability. While on Active Service? adequate pension, that will « selves, wore Your King and Country | Need You RECRUITS WANTED FOR 62nd OVERSEAS BATTALION, CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. —_—_——_— In view of the recruiting which is in progress at present throughout ‘the Province, it is apropos to answer a few of the questions which are considered Lhe following is a list of perti- nent queries, together with he information which each elicits. serve? ind six months after if required. 2.—-What pay shall I receive? be $1.00 per day and 10 cents fleld allowance. 3.—What will my wife receive during my absence? Every also part of your pay) and if this be not enough to com- fortably maintain your family, the Canadian Patriotic Fund 4.—What will. happen if | am wounded or sick? You will be cared for by the Governiient If you are permanently disabled an ; allowance -will be paid you; varying according to the-extent of 5.—What will be done for The ‘nable the family to live com- fortably uutil the ehildhen ar The widowed mother her sole support, is treated in the same way as a wife. PRCVINCIAL GOVERNMENT NOW OPEN. by those who contem- ANSWERED. Until the end of the war Your pay as a private will Besides this and subsisted by the Govern- a separation allowance of $20 and your pay continued my wife and children if I die Government will provide an % e old enough to look after them- of a-single man, if the son be to which leaurier had been defeated, that on Referring reciprocity, on the~Tories diverted that in he said the naval issue occasion to a question Quebec, a re and | ligious to where, He the G. T. of Wilfrid put Prince Rupert on the Ontario, them question in whatever suited the the great described building of p. Laurier’s as act Crowning make of Prince Rupert a great and} J. H. Myers, in to town last night, expresseg | creat appreciation of the speeches He the delivered, congratulated fine quarters, and assured that they were not asleep in Ter-| ‘hey weré organizing there He the race. strongly. said Tories | i > province However, just as the} Germans lost the war at the battle of the Marne, the defeat of the} MeBride government started March, when Sir last Richard declared the election and drew back. Every day the Tories are losing ground | . | and nothing can save them from utter rout. MINERAL ACT NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER TO J, A. ROGERS, TAKE NOTICE that, whereas I eaused to be done the assessment work | for the year 1915 on the mineral claims known as “Ladybird No. 4” Mineral Claim, situated in Cascade Creek valley, north of Silver Lake, in the Stewart, B. C., Mining District; and the “Stumpy” Mineral Claim, situated on the east side of Cascade Creek at the head, in the said Stewart Mining district, and have paid for said assess ment work the sum of $200.00; unless you pay to me the sum of $100.00 for your share of the said assessment work together with the costs of this advertise ment, # shall, at the expiration of ninety gays from the date’ hereof, apply to the Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C., to have your interest in the said “Ladybird No, 4” and “Stumpy” Mineral Claims vested in me have in pursuance of the provisions of the “Mineral Act,” Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 5th day of November, 1915. A, LUND Per Alex, M, Manson, his solicitor. WATER NCTICE McGinnis, whose British Columbia, TAKE NOTICE that R. B address is Alice Arm, will apply for a licence to take and use Nfteen second feet of water out of Trout Creek, which flows Westerly and drains into Kitsault River, about 16 miles north of its outlet at Alice Arm, B. ©, The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 500 vertical feet above point of use, near its mouth, and will be used for power and mining purpose upon the land described as Wolf Group of Mining Claims, This notice was posted on the ground on the 26th day of October, 1915. A copy of this notice and an ap plication pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1014 will be filed in the oMece of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B, C, Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Hights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper, The date of the first publication of this notice 18 November Oth, 1015, Kh. B, McGINNIS, Applicant, By H, C. Ingle, Agent. this port Mr. Stork next dealt humorous- ly with the post office site, and the Tories’ effort to keep the | 1 | career, Sir| , ; : been made to rigister Antonello Angelo, map and the grand old man said Jor prince Rupert, B. C., as the owner in ai , ; ; |Fee-simple, under Tax Sale Deeds from recently that he hoped to live to |the collector of the City of Prince Rupert, aan : ‘ ‘ : aa 4 }to Antonello Angelo, bearing date the 17th ee the day when hi plans to day of September, A. D. 1915, in pur | palits flourishing city would bear fruit.|»e® proprietor of the ate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Terrace Dispatch, who happened |i, more particularly known and described 4S oe de Liberals on the acquiring of such [terest in the said land by descent whose them | visions jtitie is not registered under the pro- of the “Land Registry Act’ are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within forty-fivVe—days of the jservite of this notice upon you. Other- |wise you and each of you will be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the said would try every possible means to |!4md, and I shall register the said Anton- ¢ ¥ jello Angelo as owner in fee, win as they dare not let the Lib-| Your attention is called to section 36 , jof the “Land Registry Act’? and -amend- erals have a chance to get at the|ments, and especially to the following ex- ° ; jtract therefrom which relates to the real truth regarding affairs in the |above notice:— so sold for taxes.” Dated at the Land Registry Office, at the City of Prince Rupert, Province of | British Columbia, this 23rd day of October, A, D. 1016. | H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. fo Grand Trunk Pacific Dey. Co, Ltd. B. L. Tingley, R. S. Ross, Amanda Anderson, J. P. Conrad. NAVIGABLE WATERS’ PROTEC-| TION ACT. | | R. S. C. Chapter 115. RICHARD B, McGINNIS hereby gives notice that he has, under Section 7 of} the said act, deposited with the Minister! of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the} oMce of the District Registrar of Titles} at Prince Rupert, B. C., a description of | the site and of the plans for a wharf proposed to be built in Alice Arm, Obser- vatory Inlet, British Columbia, at a point situate about 3-4 miles south or the south- rer corner of Let 1074, Range 5, Coast istrict, B. ¢ AND TAKE NOTISE that after the ex- Ppiration. of one month from the date of the first publisation of this notice, Richard B. McGinnis will under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans, and for leaye to construct the said wharf. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 22nd day of October, A. D. 1915. . RICHARD B. McGINNIS, Applicant. LAND REGISTRY ACT Notice Under Section 36. tAKE NOTICE that an application. has suance of a Tax Sale held by said Munici- on or about the 9th day of Septem- 1914, of all and singular certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- Empress Jams Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to te purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufac- turing of the deiicicus Jam contributes to the " prosperity of B. C. It will satisfy the most exacting. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-Ilb. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTB. Vancouver, B. C. Empress Jams oD Khupert in the Province of British Colum- LN. ~ d Lot Four (4), Block Forty-five (45);| =—— ore eee mn oe ——— Lot Eight (8), Block Forty-seven (47); Lot Thirty-five’ (35) and Thirty-six (36), EME AE OL EO ak a I ak Oa a a a OO a OOS lO ae tg Block Fifty-one (51). All in Section Eight (8), Map 923. You and those claiming through or an- sr you, and all persons claiming any in- “And in default of a caveat or cer- tificate of lis pendens being fed before the registration as owner of the per- sons, entitled under such tax sale, all | persons so served with notice, or ser- | ved with notice under subsection (6) of | section 155 of the ‘“‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,” or section 293 of the “Municipal Act’, or section 139 of the “Assessment Act, 1903,” or section 253 | of the “Taxation Act,”’ in cases in which | notice under this Act is dispensed with as hereinafter provided, and _ those; claiming through or under them, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered in- | strument, and all persons claiming any | interest in the land by descent whose { title is not registered under the pro- visions of this Act, shall be forever, estopped and debarred fram setting up any claim to or in respect of the land HAI II AIDA II IIIAIIAIISAIAI SAAS ASI AIA IIIA ISAS SAS AIS SSS SSIASSISAS.- Ramsay's Empire Cream Sodas in 2-lb. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon ‘“‘Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda Biscuits. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means crispness. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. * PIAA A API AAA AA AAA AAADA ASI ASA SAS SASSASASSSASASACSICSACM FOI Your It makes a thread —in gleaming silver and china—in the sparkle and absolute cleanliness of all table appointments—is best fostered by the use of Sunlight Soap, silver and china nothing else can compare. A $5,000 guarantee says there is nothing in Sunlight which should not be there—and the kind way it . treats your hands is another proof of its purity. Sunlight Soap Pride in Fine Damask linen as white as driven snow—and. never harms of the finest fabric ever loomed. For washing ot”, Sold by all grocers * ah * a en ma. SEN et SeenON _