(REEK BLOCKADE ADVOCATED BY PARI BULGAR REGIMENT REF USES TO OBEY—BRITISH SUBMARINE DOES GREAT WORK PARIS URGES BLOCKADE OF GREEK PORTS Growing Distrust of Greece Paris—Rigid Blockade Advocated as the Only Course. (Special to The Dafly News.) Dec, 7—There is a grow- ust of Greece re, The Matin Athens playing for Allies will be the corres- that in the forced Teutons in says tim» il the ea by an Blockade Advocated. that any will A} The a rigid blockade calculated to aid the of the Greek royal policy. Greece of the week hence. aimed to concede wates scontent th the | cireles are very anxious the Allies, starvation the 2 ni ckade ing ial a move by means to ruin whole HERRING CONCESSIONS GRANTED BY OTTAWA The following eived from F, G.W. Nie wire has been erson, Cunningham: Prince Rupert, Department approved ex- north na area licenses to and herring Island Island line drawn end east to Yolk Turtle including Dundas south pania ary from Farrant Island, Gill” fsland, Rupert harbor. F, H, CUNNINGHAM. on “THE BROKEN COIN” AT m THE MAJESTIC THEATRE of “The produces no end of | 20th installment 1 Goin” excitement. Count ick falls foul of the boat from and skippel the island, he attention to furious which the paying rescues when him and there is some ping, Maker” a is an labor abble plays a prominent part. qaovernor on which story in is a most thrilling motor ident An inter- animated weekly and a de- tfully in the story. amusing matrimonial entitled “It Might Serious,’ complete a good ix-up, Have gram, drama the here is a sensational ining Wednesday and one iid only Gharlie Chaplin is due WELLINGTON COAL. 116 on two reels of mirth, Ay rhe en- Bank.” SAFETY FIRST—USE NEV PHONE ni2. eer eompr LONDON CAFE And Grill DAINTY MEALS AT REASONABLE PRICES Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES Meee. being dis- A BRITISH SUB SUNK SIX SHIPS | of Marmora—Germans Sent | Reinforcements to the Westren Front. (Special to The Daily News.) A British sub- Sea of Marmora on London, Dee. 7. j marine, in the a 28 thre December 2, 3 and 4, sunk Turkish thousand-ton supply steamer four land trains. knot destroyer, a Turkish sailing transports bombarded rajlroad also | | German Reinforcements. Newspapers in the sdéuth and west of Germany, which for | sending their publications outside days been debarred | from rg if Germany, have now been allow- ied to resume doing indicating that the transit of German re jinforeements for the expected on the western front have drive jbeen cempleted. ALD. BEVERIDGE WANTS At the city council last night a report of the city engineer to the board of works regarding complaints of insufficient and ir- regular water supply, lodged by residents on Park Avenue, was brought down. The engineer Park Ave. a 2-inch wooden main, that was supplied through reported which had probably become broken. He ad- vised replacing this with an 8-in, cast iron main for a distance of 910 feet, the same to form part of the permanent system. The estimated cost was $4,030, in- cluding hydrant and connections. The of mended that the report be adopt- ed. The finance re- commended that the main be laid in accordance with the proposed system to Digby Island. Ald. Beveridge said that if this vas to be part of the government it should be left until next if work board works recom- committee work, there was a prospect of that being started then. He that Alderman Maitland had said that some man ealled Joe had stopped this work. He wanted to outside of the council should have anything He thought that it was time all this “Toa By Avenue, to provide the necessary hydrant on 4th Avenue, so that the efforts of “Joe” had seriously interfered with the welfare of the city. The mayor said that the Digby Island to a deadlock in the council. No one seemed to be willing to make a omise therefore the matter had been dropped meantime, He was satisfied that if the city did this part of the work now it would taken over by: the government summer understood know why anyone to do with the work. business had stopped. doing this Park the city would be unable work on scheme had come be along with the rest, The report was adopted. IN THREE DAYS in| Submarine has Busy Time in Sea TO KNOW ABOUT “JOR” FATHER SENT TO ARREST HIS To Escape When Wanted on Sericus Charge—Flour Mill Fire. (Special to The Daily News.) Tacoma, Dec. 7.—City Detective Reeob, who permitted his son to escape when he was wanted on 1. charge of making a criminal ittack on a sixteen year old girl, has been assigned the task of re- capturing his sen without pay. If he fails in his quest he will be called upon to face trial with a prospect of being sent to the penitentiary or of being dismissed from the service. Flour Mill Fire. St. Catherines, Ont., Dee. 7— | Fire did damage to the extent of /$300,uv0 to the Maple Leaf Flour {Mills here last night. "ANGUS STATES THAT THE “STRONG MEN” OF Photo taken October 30th di Cher fatmas C sande Wallace's. NAGANO STABBED PITMAN Continuing the ted of Nagano and Ohara for the murder of Johi FOLANCE AND ENGLAND iring the hurried visit to London "WAYWARD SON’ Tacoma Detective ive Alloa his Son Lsipeinthan Flegiment Refused to go 300 BULGARS MUTINIED AND PAID PENALTY To Aid of Turks—Germans Preparing for Drive In Mesopotamia. (Special to The Daily News.) London, Dec. 7.—A Bulgarian , Which had been ordered to proceed to the Gallipoli Penin- Turks, go and mutinied. of the and shot. regiment sula to aid the refused to Three hundred mutineers were lined up Von Gallwitz is expected to join the an Macedonia in the Bulgarians in effort to British forces. Mesopotamia. Dec. 7. erush Franco- Geneva, ~The Germans are preparing for large operations Mesopotamia under Von Der Their aim is to reach the Persian Gulf from Bagdad during the winter. in Goltz. DR. M’GUIRE RESIGNS HIS ORGANIZERSHIP Vancouver, Dee. 7.—Dr. Mec- of the French commander in chief for the reported purpose Of|pjttman at Port Essington on|Guire has resigned from the or- making arrangements for a closer co-ordination of the French, | July 30th, yesterday afternoon|ganizership of the prohibition British and Russian forces, shows General Joffre acknowledging |Harry Murphy was in the witness|movement on the plea of the pres- . cae > . : 1 the cheers of the crowd on leaving the British War Office with|pox. He testified to going into}sure of business. He has been Lord Kitchener. the Jap restaurant witu Angus}succeeded by G. F. Gibson. ER a aie a ee Sete oe and Pittman. Carlson was hay- Dr. McGuire was formerly a ‘ALD. BEVERIDGE WANTS [NORTHERN OLD- TIMER jing a bowl of soup and a dis-|Conservative member for Vancou- LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT | INTERESTED IN RUPERT |turbance arose over the paying|/ver, and resigned his seat in the for house some months ago. It has | , @ . » of _|been rumored repeatedly that he A report from the light super- | Captain J. O. Williams, who xaraeda grabbed = ore ‘ We ore aes f | th { | |ness’ crutches, then Nagano threw|is slated for a senatorship. endent egarding » erecting s ht , » ey : intendent 1 irdi le ered jhe as bten on the Yukon river be la stool. Murphy’s other crutch Ueda a lek of a large lamp at Cow Bay was | tween Whitehorse and Dawson for ‘was taken and both were broken CARD PARTY REALIZED presented to the council las ehithe past seventeen years, arrived | in the melee, He remained seated $35 FOR RED CROSS night. He recommended that it ) s Wi 0 oria and the Japs jumped on him. -He ee eek re : ligh nendec I. the city on his way to Victoria ‘ ‘ ; oe I peters: At the home of Captain Hill last » connecter » cluste ‘Ainnday 2 floor. ea : sg be connected with the cluster atyon Saturday. be " . ae RE at night, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Knight- ’ > : r hes & e Japs e [Davis’ float, the work being done} Captain Williams is a New owing Selias.any ’ hall entertained about forty peo- , ; ‘ ithrough the back door. with material on hand and eli. (rageteeans and knows the fish-| : ‘ ple at a card party. After re- ; , .. | The white men made for the], out any outside help. ing business from A to Z, He in-| : freshments had been served about ' the front door where they got : “ ‘idg “ i that thi tends to spend a week around Bw . {1 o'clock dancing began and was Ald. Beveridge stated that this : art ijammed. Hé noticed the Japs : |Prince Rupert with a view to ; kept up until an early hour, and float was outside of the city. He} lcoming with knives. He was just B 3 |studying fishing conditions,’ w! everyone had a most enjoyable protested against the efforts of ; over the sill when someone stab-|.. the jntention of starting business : . time. The sum of $35 was collect- the committee in providing bette! , ; ibed him, He fell down outside y in that line. If satisfied, he in-| ' : ; ed for the Red Gross fund. light for a place outside of the land Kameda kicked him in the : ; E $ t hil { f tl , {tends to purchase three schooners | The prize winners in the card ? ic any arts oO 1@. GLLY : | @¢ Oe he eee es in the south and will enter the} 3 ; : games were Mrs. Tattersall and remain poorly lit. Outside of - ; Cross examined by Mr. Shoe- : | halibut and cod fishing from this} : Mrs. Moorhouse and Mr. Monti- Section 4, he held that the light- botham and Mr. Patmore, witness i : ja li the ise) ‘port. sich a dvonk. © < dor and Mr. Fred Miller. The £ jas i sgrace an C CK : X si i i son was ¢ e@ si s ia ps 7 ; oft ears , | From what Mr. Williams has rf Ms aE tt ; Wiel ladies wish to thank George Tite of lig a danger. | , f ( Japs in 1e «place, le tee Se : jalready seen here ,he is satisfies ae 5 oa for the use of the tables and Mr. The mayor said that Ald. Bey- , wae ned after he was stabbed he]. : : | that Prince Rupert will some day | Walker for the piano. eridge had been on the light com-| , ‘ 8 could not say. : he @ha |Support a big population by its | ae! ed as ae eg ott Ss re eee © for so ’ ’ 0 s anh . sarge gi , @ mce as ) mittes fOr" gome ten months & fishing alone, just as Gloucester, | Ph ss ; SALE OF WORK conditions had been the same] the wound which caused Pitt- ae Se |Mé ass., ‘does. 5 if > ; during thattime. He thought the} ester a amas a man’s death. He did net conduet In the Anglican Chureh on alderman should have brought/{to that meeting as a result of it. | the post mortem examination, Wednesday, December 8th, com- the matter up in committee. With} Ald, Dybhayn said hesconsider- ‘therefore did not probe the wound|mencing at 3 p.m. Splendid as- regard to the dight at the lioat, led? the lighting fairly good con-/to find out the exact nature of it.}sortment of plain and fancy work, he regarded it as an absolnte | sidering our circumstanees, The|He also testified to examining alhome cooking and candy. Tea necessity as men had fallen into |superintendent’s report was adop- pool of blood on the side walk]served, afternoon and evening, 15 the water in the dark. cae where Pittman fell. cents. Attractive program in the Ald. Beveridge said that he had asa This morning, Robert Angusjevening at 8 o'clock, Songs, re- been obliged to be away for some Santa Claus’ Headquarters —-|was examined. He testified to}citations and an amusing duolo- months. He objected to money Wallace's. tf. | the starting of the trouble| gue by Mes. R. A. McGee and Mrs. being spent off the city limits, wR RH RRR * ¥*¥ ¥ ® ¥ ¥ ® ® through Carlson ordering soup|Norman Mackintosh, No charge The mayor said that he might] — WERRING FISHERMEN ¥(|Which he could not pay for, After|for admission, 286-7. have brought the matter Up 1M} % ATTENTION x describing the row in the restau-|— > committee. x chelate %jrant, he told of the Japs follow- ‘ Ald. Beveridge said that he] We are prepared to buy */ig8 them outside, and asserted would just as soon bring these|* any part of 5,000 tons gill * most positively that Nagano stab- matters up in open council, * net herring at good prices, *}Ded ~ Pittman with a knife. At Ald. Nicol supported Ald, Bev-|%* Prifce Rupert Fisheries, 41:30, Geofge McColl, the fore- eridge in his contention regard-|% 344 2nd Ave—Oflice Estate » |man of the jury, took sick and fhe} FoNow the erowd to Self’s ing the poor lighting. He had|s @, Dp; Rand. ©86-7. %*|case was postponed until 2:30|@afe. There is a renson.. Next fallen down a stairway on the way | ¥ 96 a oe eK OK RR 6 ae ai lhis afternoon, Majestic Theatre, 1O2tf,