éid DAILY NEWS Tuesday, December 7, 194 ‘ 15 —— qe ——— : = n ———— ——__—————— a cessing daa a council had just taken office when | THE DAILY NE WS the bank demanded the money and | a . ¥J ¥ THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA the issuing of treasury certifi- 3 i RAINS WE yt LEK i Na Published Daily and Weekly cates @vas the only way out. »Y Guaranteed Largest Circulation SATURDAY MONDAY THURSDAY 10:3 Ald. Montgomery said that} ‘30 AL Mm HEAD OFFICE aad ' - the bank had requested the mayor | TO EDMONTON, SASKATOON. Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.G. Telephone 98. : to pledge the council to secrecy) REGINA, WINNIPEG, ST. PayL TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, Contract ALD. MONTGOMERY AND until the wp ors ie , CHICAGO, EASTERN CANADA that time he did not understanc rates on ee RD AND UNITE —— = Soe THE MAYOR HAVE wo S treasury certificates, but he knew | D STATES ; about them now. i LY EDITION GG EPHO Lresilay, December -, 1945.] pyo city treasurer presented a Ch i | aa eee cree nea | Ald: Nicol said that this was| ange in Steamer Sailings —_ ~~ -—- = Ses ee eee report on ie proposer new Ss ; | Pentti es « z : , , J4915 and not 1942, and after a} WINTER SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE Nov. 2 — i#ELPING PRODUCTION of $50 per annum on the small/scheme of financing at the cily} | ; a aaa # Py nd FROM PRINCE RUPERT . : little more wrangling it was de-| For Vancouver, Vict 1, ‘Bride gzover . as ‘ : sing the license}council last night, It consisted o! ' oria and Seattle. Che MeBride government has plant, this being the license ‘ided. to proceed with the report : thirty-two pages and went)°'°°* eer Port: | S. S. Prince George every Saturday at 9 a lived for years like one of the paid by the largest ¢anneries.;Some thirty O Paces am ; rhe treasurer's report showed 8. 8. Prince R 7 4 a. m, , , an arieon o —s aa . Ss. e Rupe ues ‘ old-time protligate kings, who, The result has been that these; very fully into a comparison o! very plainly that the serial bone | For A ; Th ie gt ale » seris syste : a ee : , | r Anyox urs when the royal purse got thin, progressive men haye had tothe st rial bond system with that svutans would veh) santeoialio-s yox, ay Midnight. collected by force from his sub- discontinue the use of their |of the sinking fund plan. adhe the Gost of ‘Sarrving the! UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER SERVICE jects. In order to keep pace outtits, and the loss which may oo See eee city’s indebtedness, while it vastly | ° meute of iInnumera with an expenditure which has had taken steps to overcome/matter be considered at an in mproved: the élty's athnding in GO EAST via cote numerable Marvels’ : , s with n been criminal in its prodigality, still handicaps them in the de-| formal meeting. the eves of the American and TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON OTTAWA, MONTREAL en this government has not only velopment of their holdings.| Aid. Montgomery objected to this Canadian financial world. The sie anne ve = mortgaged and given away the Although the injustice of this method of discussing such an im report was adopted. | ce resources of B. GC. but has treatment was brought to the | portant matter. He proposed go- = | Full Particulars Cheerfuily Furnished ground down the progressive attention of the department Jing right ahead. . pe ALBERT DAVIDSON, General Agent PHONE 2 man who endeavored to make months ago it has declined to) Ald. Beveridge supported this APERHANGING “ the most of his holding. Every remove the tax or do Te yiew, and in doing so said that KALSOMINING \ possible line of activity has that wag improve the epee city treasurer’s department PAINTING : BP este been taxed to the uttermost, dition of these small landhold- jw as one he had the greatest con- | - om and, whenever an_ individual ers. [fide nce ; F. G. ROSERTS D E N T? STRY | CANADIAN PACIFIC discovered some new means of —_—_——_— Ald. Dy eiidren said that his idea 44 Dyer Apts. P. ©. Box 642 ; RAILWAY using a natural product,’a new NOTES AND COMMENTS jwas to have an informal discus-|% ine CROWN faust: wanes line of taxation was establish- tf p in Shs : ; sion after which the details of tien Sr eee o Lowest rates to all Eastern Points *X-Premier 3 eeiOSs 1S al-| 4 - Kt l 7 wi 8S SOPHIA seuUT that could be disposed of had} 7 ii ‘3 ~~ Hfinanecial measure in private and | rou es ae > a nenee ee . zoveren consort . Th, as been sold, the Tory organs re- go a jit had cost the city $100,000. That cause headache, biliousness, PESPOS ; PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND Sa N GR: atin inikia a. protudtion’ : ae ‘ » counc ssuec ; SUNDAY, cently started a productio: It was too bad that September |¥ when the council i oh th constipation, impure blood p ‘ R rt D ‘ Y,6P.m sampaig some ‘aculous "ed ‘"y certificates 912. I > ; . Gen nt campaign, By some miraculous} g.i.6 petered out. However, the |Teasury certificates in 1912. On) and other unpleasant symp- rince nupe alry : scat SETERS, conch Aen. “ANS ’ atso i ress : ‘ “casi 3] e ere O ‘ > > ‘ . and r " means, the Matsonian press German general staff will be keep- that occasion the members of th toms. If these troubles are Has cut the price of Milk }/'— x discovered that the people of]... . keen eye on those cars yet Council were sworn to secrecy, he neglected they weaken the in half ; ut British Columbia import a huge ve thew and ‘likels tn need nies being the only one who refused body and open the way for ! Le 3" Mfice cor rd Avenue quantity of produce every year, BR : to be bound. If the public had serious illness. Many chronic | PURE FRESH MILK ; PACIFIC CA RIAGE LIMITED which could be quite. easily} ‘ a ae jbeen taken into confidence they] diseases may be traced back Delivered in city st 10¢ per } produced in the province. In| 4 Zoliverein is described as a, Would never have endorsed the} to indigestion that could | quart and Sc per pint : Senere! Ceriece ‘ > this connection, it is interest-|¢joser customs union, with free |Project. have been immediately | a | LADYSMITH COAL . > anie > ‘ ‘all hone Green 252 2 o3--P 63 ing to note how the McBride |trade between the states covered; The mayor denied emphatically relieved by 1 eee : ae o ioe government has taken cate of/py it. Prussia arranged one in|that the council was pledged t 's Pills. This well et ns - | Alex M. Manson, B.A A, is well- oat e. > pe es the producer in the past. 1834 with the little German states Secrecy. Sree roe ee it ngs oh lly re >me dy has F a im FI img wy The small fruit grower each/ang in a few years these became jand he thought he could say the proven itself depend: ible, safe Sterling Marine Motors WILLIAMS & MANSON season finds difficulty in mar-|part of the German Empire. It ‘same for the others, there was and speedy durit ng sixty years’ | Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. keting his produce, and many) ae ae iMac ctria (no pledge of secrecy, and it was} use. The fame of having a Can be purchased In town. A MONEY TO LOAN : jlooks rather ominous for Austria.} le tl any other med- Motor that will gl a ie 4 of these-men found that a small | s 2 2 a most “damnable” thing for Ald.| larger sale than } wea pet agg agg Helgerson Block Rupert, B. ( ; i ve oa \ als ; : Fees ae icine in the w rid proves the tire satisfaction. Built for 3)" pert, and inexpensive fruit canning— yon Bernstorff is very much Montgomery to come tars and dependable, remedial value of Rind seat emnetiaaned. i plant could be installed, which leoncerned about getting safe con-|Make such statements. The 19! oe | —_HEAVY DUTY— _ JAMES GIL MORE could be operated by them-/quct for his satellites who have | BS oes re : ae FISHERMAN’S ENGINE | tect selves without hired help, thus|peen ordered out of Aemrica. He Coughing scatters germs 2 Cyl.—S 1-2 In. by 7 In, 12-15 3] — enabling them to save CON-|was not so much concerned about ° | Horse Puwrer. 2nd Avenue, near M e Street siderable quantities of fruit, the safety of the workers in the —Stop it Py § 4 Oyl.—5 pe iccingt bag in., 25-35 4 ‘ which would otherwise go tO! munition factories which he had i oaeting increases the LE Fe ee ows aste. and at the same time!.)... . pis ‘ fritation of the already in- } edic the World. i iia poe = eee — planned to send skywards. flamed mucnous ert es PES Becerra 28 com ee. ee 3) B. i UNDERT AKERS TW tend to keep down the cost of e732. % and is moreover apt to carry -~\s re | Ra RL a ea i go Neees kth diSease to others. Tye For Further Information i . Sige living in’ the adjacent..town wermany..is ukely to De to Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and woreneserosccescicotbcosnscrrerecs \y Apply to |B FuNeraL OUECTORS o> The plan was highly success-jbusy quelling disturbances in he Cod canes Cone prema ego i3 Ww. E. Williscroft, Phone $| ee i DAY AND NIGHT ful, until the governmentjown factories in the future t rae et cen cae | FROZEN BAIT } Blue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- 3 | ET PHONE 41 putul : to its tonic properties, effects | i$ trician, Phone 383. 3 117 2ND STREE 0 scented a source of revenue injworry about raising them elee & permanent cure. Fs i ‘ ae os! ae 3 e wonderful popularity AND ae en it, and promptly imposed a tax; where. ———a of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar - = and od Liver Oil is specially s due-to its t value as a IC E | oe age a ga eras THE UNION STEAMSHIP C0. OF B.C., LIMITED Sold ee FINEST FROZEN HERRING S. S. VENTURE eee oy am. " ——- « ee = = 7 00 per ton. Salis for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tuesdays at 8 p. m. neniiedhin: ean ot sag Sale by ; SAILS for STEWART, GRANBY, Saturday, A. Mm. femiore—iees ane wage aie be Chass Ge i S. S. CAMOSUN Siie'S:f Fiat, EES *§ | KINCOLITH PACKUGCO. { : Rute for MASSETT, PORT CLEMENES, Sunday P. M., October Srd, 17th, 26th. N ber 14th, 28th, Dec Rane ; Sails for SKIDEGATE, JEDWAY" IKEDA. Tuesday’ A. M., October 5th, 19th, eee a November 2nd, i6th, SOth, December 14th, 28th. ; - Tn ee ; MILL BAY. B. C. c Salis for BELLA COOLA, RIVERS INLET and the South, Thursday P. #., “ Pt - a 7 October 7th, 21st, November 4th, 18th, December 2nd, 16th, 28th. A Dollar In the Bank is . For further particulars és JOHN SARNSLEY, Agent. . i tk ° * ” apply to 623 Second Avenue. Phone 568. Wo Two in Pro es THOR JOHNSON ip Central Hotel. PPO PPELEPPELOELECPELPBLELLELLELOLOLLLOOLELLOLLLL ELE ee —_—— — | HEN you have a cae z ee oe substantial Savings (w Account, you do not a a sag ch have to ask favours oonneee FRED STORK’ S HARDWARE | }, Or court ceneeis ee you ? | require ready cas avings | ; seers cece eens eS | Account in The Bank of Prince Rupert Feed Co. ; [ 710 SECOND AVE ere. Tiers America makes ——_——— Here's where we test the u independent of promises. choicest samples of Canada's HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery The money is yours —ready 3 ;: , ° six million acre wheat crop. Wire Cabie etch when you need it—protected AND FERTILIZERS ae ; - i Glesks Fishing Tackle | against loss--safe from fire and We gind them into flour in the tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns | theft—and earning interest at little mill you see on the left of Rope Valves Ammunition | highest current rates. Wwe anes the picture. Then comes the Pumps Hose Paint Deposits of $1. and upwards are $ Bulbs, and Take Orders for supreme test--bread-baking. If Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron es a con Nursery Stock, = the bread is perfect in every “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” | NK OF 1S enteken Seed A Specialty, way we pronounce the wheat ~ eel ot British North America)” — Al and the flour-ROYAL 78 YEARS IN BUSI i Mall Orders Promptty Attended To. STANDARD. OCER'S FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ji carat 200 sunreos. sxsseoo. | po. wor sss. 008 Thine ave AT YOUR GR | PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH {Prince RUPERT, B. ©. Vancouver Milling 8 Grain Colt P. MARGETTS, Mamager, Fee eee eee wader == EMPRESS COFFEE