LARGE OR SMALL “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FORMER PRINCE RUPERT NEWSPAPER MAN ENLISTS Vancouver, Dec. 9.—In addition FOR SALE FOR SALE--Norris Safe, used only a few months, cos! $110.00 will sacrifice for $55.00... 965 22nd Ave., West, Vancou- ver, B. C. 287-90 SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- line engine, new, $165 freight paid. Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor Co., Hamilton, Canada, wu. FOR SALE—15 pairs extra Plymouth Rock Homer Pigeons, mated and squab pro- ducing, at a-bargain; also Belgian Hares. Apply 925 Borden St. tf. WANTED. housework. 287-93. WANTED—Girl for general Phone 412. WANTED—Capable general servant, duties Mght, state full particulars, experience, salary, etc. Apply Box 120 Daily News. Junior Duties Experienced teacher wanted for grade, Prince Rupert schools. to commence at opening of January term. State age and experience. Initial salary $80 per month. Applications will close December i3th W. D. Vance, secretary, P. O. Box 1556. 290. STUMPS CAN BE DE- stroyed at the cost of a few cents each by our chemical process; no hard labor involved and no explosives used. Write for particulars.—-Ideal Stump Destroyer Vancouver, Co., 160 Broadway, East; B. C. F. W. HART AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER OFFICE CORNER SRD AVE. AND 5TH ST., REAR OF HART BLOCK HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND HAND GOODS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT Try 828 Srd Ave., Or Phone Red 268 AUTO DELIVERY EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE 4 LS RT, Phone Red 339 Sheet Metal Work ! Now is the time to have your roofs’ repaired, eve- troughs and skylights seen to, and heating plant put in good shape for the winter. In such Cases Consult a Practical Man if You Waat Resul’s _ IT served a regular appren- tice at the Sheet Metal and Heating business, in a regu- lar Sheet Metal Shop Not In A Jam Factory. C. 0. ROWE The Practical Sheet Metal Man PHONE 340 P. O. BOX 467 Shop Opposite Board of Trade Rooms $322 SECOND AVENUE Estimates Furnished to Can- 4 to the several Queen's graduates who have returned to join the Queen's battery at Kingston, Mr. G. L. MaclInnes, a graduate farts ‘07, has obtained transporta- tion for twenty well known young Vancouver men, who are leaving on Wednesday to join the battery. Their applications have all been accepted and transportation ar- ranged. There are a number of B. C. University students among them. These are Messrs. Edward Berry, Kenneth B. Gillie, Hugh C. Me- Phalen, C. Me Farlane, E. Milton, W. C. Wilson, B. M. Carter. E. H. Pim, W. T. Maxwell and G. W. Godwig. Severla are former Mc- These are: Messrs A. Morrison, F. B. Mathers, A. H. Kerr and F. 8S. McRae. Messrs. J. A, McDonald and William Carey are from New Westminster, while the Urquhart, A. Blackwell, Leason are employed in offices in this city. Mr. year Gill students. others, Messrs. C. Dillabough Macinnes himself-is a final law student in the office of Russell, Macdonald, Han- his Messrs. & Co. gown without taking the examin- cox He will be given ation. | G. L. MacInnes was formerly | associated with George Sawle the production of The Optimist, into in|} which afterwards developed The Daily News. of his old friends in pert will go with him in his work for the Empire. The good wishes Prinee Ru- WATER NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that R. B»McGinnis, whose address is Alice Arm, British Columbia, will apply for a licence to take and use fifteen second feet of ee out of Trout Creek, which flows Westerly and drains into Kitsault River, about 16 miles north of its outlet at Alice Arm, B. C. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 500 vertical feet abuve point of use, near its mouth, and will be used for power and mining purpose upon the land described as Wolf Group of Mining Claims. This notice was posted on the ground on the 26th day of October, 4915. A copy of this notice and an ap- plication pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914" will be fled in the oMfice of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. Objections to the application may be fled with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoris, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice is November 9th, 1915. R. B. McGINNIS, Applicant. By H. C. Ingle, Agent. LAND REGISTRY ACT IN THE MATTER OF An application for the issue of a fresh Certificate of Title to Lot Fifty (50), Block three (3), Sec- —- seven (7), City of Prince Rupert, Map 923. Proof of the loss of the certificate of title to the above lands having been fled in this office, Notice is hereby given that it is my intention to issue, at the expiratfon of one (1) month from the first publica- tion hereof, a fresh certificate of title to the above lot in the name of Jehn R. Rodcoff, which Certificate of Title is dated i5th December, 1911, and is numbered 959-1. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. C., December 6th, 1915. j15. SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE OF IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH ; tractors and others Free PD IDO PDOOO4 ; BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC ‘ LUMP COAL $9.59 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Money Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 3 = Albert Rooms. ‘2nd Avenue———— Close to the Westholme Theatre CENTRALLY LOCATED ' STRICTLY MODERN RENTS REASONABLE Weekly or Monthly by Arrangemenw UNDER NEW MANAGEMENTS COLUMBIA. Between: R. H. TURNER, Judgment Creditor, —AND— ALASKA IRON COMPANY, Judgment Debtor Pursuant to an order of His Honor Judge F. McB. Young, local judge of the Supreme Court at Prince Rupert, B. C., dated thé 27th day of October, 1915, I will offer for sale by public auction at my office in the court house, Prince Rupert, B. C., on Monday, the 6th day of December, 1915, at the hour of 11 o’clock in the forenoon the following described lands:— Lot 283, Known as State of Montana Mineral Claim, Pot 285, known as Arizona Mineral Claim; an undivided one-quarter interest in Lot 286, known as Adams Min- eral Claim, and Lot 287, known as New York Mineral C€aim, all in Group 4, Cassiar District, province of British Columbia. Subject to a judgment for the amount Qf $11,726.60, interest thereon at the rate of five (5) per cent. per annum from the 10th day of August, 1915, and the costs incidental to the sale. Said judgment was registered in the Land Registry oMce at Prince Rupert, B. €., On the 12th day of August, 1915. JOHN SHIRLEY, 286, Sheriff of the County of Atlin. of, fHE DAILY NLws MSO mR CO Hee Made by Canadians. EVAPORATED CONDENSED “CANADA FIRST” FOR CANADIANS Best by Government Test. For use with Cereals. Mix one part water with one part “CANADA FIRST” MILK Best for Babies. Saves half the sugar in cooking. THE AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO. (UNSWEETENED) (SWEETENED) widely u Compounded from ve: harmful minerals an member of the family at the first si Sold everywhere in The Household Remedy for the ailments from which almost ev suffers—sick headache, constipation, ] muddy complexion, lassitude, backache, depression an other results of a disordered digestive system—is | BEECHAMS PILLS They have achieved the distinction of being the most B Eave fori thax cepentahin ateety atid sare fn people have found them dependable, y and sure in their action on stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. ble products, Beecham’s Pills are free from dangerous drugs. They do not promote the physicing habit—do not irritate the bowels. Should be taken by every that they are good for the aged, and for the ills of childhood, are Worth a Guinea a Box Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, Bogland, | Canada and U. 8, Ameri | one sometimes isturbed mae of illness—so mild and effective ica. In boxes, 25 cents. | Local News Notes | Mchae 288191. For Xmas Cards see Bros. s = Wst went south Maurice this morning. s The Patriotic Fund claims your aid on Monday. s Mr. McClure left for the south on the George today. es «¢ Rev. J. F. from a visit to the Indian mission at Cedarvale last night. e383: s and Mrs. Dimmick returned The Prince George brought 4 tons of copper from Granby last night. ae. High class shoe repairing; war prices. G. Hill, opposite post- office. tf. . = * For best home-made bread and Home D.16. zoodies — The” Woman's Bakery, 3rd Avenue. of the chief Port Essington one Bob witnesses Angus, the case, went south this morning oe in Dinner sets and open stock dinner ware—8 patterns to choose from and all at special holiday discounts—W allace’s. ie" © T. B. Shoebotham, accompanied by Mr. Nakai, left for Vancouver today : 7 2 Rey. Father Y. Van Webber, cf Wetaskawin, Alberta, arrived last night from the east and went south on the George. ie eae It is your duty to assist the de- pendents of those who are fight- ing for you. Do so on Monday. eee Ladies’ Housedress Speciai:— 68 of them at a special bargain, vaiues up to $3.50, all going at $1.90 each—Wallace's. tf. ‘ o. @:2 Mrs. C. B. Peterson returned home on the May yesterday, after spend™g five months in the south Her friends will be glad to know SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEws 4 that she has now quite recovered from her long spell of sickness. a: 2 Remember the boys at the front MORE RETURNED SOLDIERS One hundred and = seventeen more Canadian wounded soldiers have arrived from England, and | amongst them are Sergt. Ale¢ Holmberg and Pte. Cappelle, of the 16th Battalion, both of Prince Rupert. OOOO OLE I PLS FOF ~ Phone 99 © Get" More Money” for y. Marten and other Fur bearers collec, SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to “SHUR house in rle a third ofa We . WW rOhe e.accura narcetr rt ar Write for it—NOW —it's FR A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. 2527"! Dept.c 71 ( ee Lau: Ch Appr far le WwW. J. THO } Walker's Mus \ Asa fon 4 URE Dee mah LEE Muskrat, White Weasel, Beaver, Lynx the World dealing cxctusively in NORTH AMERICAN Green PPIPORPRIO OOD af, yur Foxes ’ Wolves, ed in your Section ERT’ the largest RAW FURS Shubert wt peer , EE T AUSTIN AVE HICAGO, U.S.A POPPLOLILEOLELOPIOEOPONO C+ Oe ‘iceB, lee ‘ ‘ ‘ 5 ‘ 5 5 ‘ W ; 5 § § 5 5 MAS, 391 Phone ic Store Removed to Werner's Old Stand On Becond Avenue. PLANOS PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. | ' eee fon A. H. Tomlinson, government | Gerhard-HMeintzman Piance. horticulturist, returned from the Stand - Hotel uipert Pianos to Rent. interior last night. ae. oe teteteteeteteteteeteteeeeebtdl on - “cao ee oe oe Ses Ds. IS y The Gillette “Bulldog” Razor Gillette means ! young man. Edition. ‘ Sets, $6.50 up. The new “Bulldog’’, with its stocky grip and splendid balance, makes a strong appeal to the Or perhaps he’d like an “Aristocrat’’ or a Pocket Gillette “Bulldog”, $5.00 — “Aristocrat”, $5.00 — Standard Set, $5.00 — Pocket Editions, $5.00 to $6.00—Comb ination brings a Smile on Christmas Morning What better thing can you do for a young man than to put within his reach—FREE—every day, the finest shave in the world? That’s what the gift of a Christmas also gives you a chance to put Father or Uncle in touch with real shaving luxury in the form of a Gillette Combin- ation Set If he has never had a Gillette, its velvet shave will be a revel- ation and a daily delight. If he already has a Gillette, the Combination feature will be an added convenience, particularly when he is travelling. ; About the finest “little gift” for a Gillette user is a Packet of Blades—50c. and $1.Q0. Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited, on Monday. GILLETTE BUILDING, - - MONTREAL. 86