~ THE DAK. NLWs Wednesday, Decem)m { ———————— = — —— ———— — —_—_, MRS. M’MORDIE HAVING Z: Local News Notes 3)" picy TIME IN ENGLAND ia .) ae For Yourself Made from Cream of Tartar cade Sank Ay ake |. ¢ bene aeice You Wallace's. tf. Pa located iv Folkestone, Gift to you r Friend present 7 © ® e Xmas Cards, toys, games, rolls,|Kent, England, near the barracks sleighs, etc., at McRae Bros. where Major MeMordie is drilling, eo oe is having a busy time visiting the RRIN °'§ iw Christmas pudding bowls Prince Rupert boys Who are in Wallace's. tf. GI OVES Cc R EAM nie + England recovering from sickness The well known Perrin trademark as | A “nice” present—fine china-jand wounds. RIN mate Weatages. tf. There aré sixty-eight hospitals Fe in the neighborhood. On the day shown in cuts should be on a. High ot ea repairing; War) ft writing to a friend here, Mrs you get, as this assures you perfec: ; | 1ces, i ill, site post- n¢ Sixty Years the Standard price t oppes: MeMordie had been visiting a boy Ss l Fi — 6% e named Grist, the first of the 48th ty e, t and Finish. . 1] to’ be wounded. Pte. Grist was Best dealers the worid over sell the Everything for the kiddies in re aplw Ip LA rt, t NTAINS NO ALUM dre ends and taye—Wallace's, [formerly in Prince Rupert, but] qq oe -6-0% joined the battalion in Victeria.| He had been struck in the neck| - — genuine PERRIN’S GLOVES 1 Come in and “look around’’— Wallace's. tf.|by shrapnel. Van Dyke, who was | oS: Fam seriously wounded early in the} For best home-made bread and] summer, has been moved back to goodies — The Woman's Home} (Canada. i ‘ : * ~* . — |} Bakery, 3rd Avenue. D.16 rs rs. N ordie had Get“ More Money for your Foxes : Major and Mrs. McMord a s ao May Muskrat, White Weasel, Beaver, Lynx, Wolves ee oe, | MINERAL ACT ; : a visit recently from Joe Howe Marten and other Fur bearers collected in your section a : %9 | W. Cameron, postmaster at]. he sine sutende io mailer \ SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to “SHUBENT” te nen ’ 6“ | N Stewart, is in town, accompanied S t ate eae ee enTe AMERICAN RAW FURS st c » As » & “ ' ” a reliable—responsible—safe Fur } € 1 e al y ews | Certificate of Improvements. pnt ra utatior r cessfulr AND PRO rs. Write for “Cie sbubert Svinye by his wife and daughter, who are ‘é aa , rn ery ; CLASSIFIED ADS Seniesa Glam, situate in the}going south for Xmas, PROMISING COPPER-GOLD »” te) the only rel le. ra aaa t ° Skee risic yf Cass istrict. - i or it—N i —it's FE | NWhere located:—On the ‘west fide of| ee PROSPECT AT MILE 82 A.B. SHUBERT, Inc. 22.2)" .097 01 ] ane mht —-———~ | Hidden Creek, about one and one half} The Ladies Athletic Glub will WANTED—Capable general servant, duties |@ddress is Alice Arm, British Columbia, ore. a ee ne ee ae ers OC Send i FOR SALE }miles from Goose Bay, and south of the/, — ae : ; - cs 1 | Kaien Mineral Claim, Lot 2996, Cassiar dis- | ave a basket ball game on Dec A promising copper-goeld pros-/ ~ any oe 7 j trict. Lawful holder, Myron Knox Rodgers; ; 28th in Agricultural Hall, in aid] ..¢ jc peinge developed by a lo- oo BARGAINS In Piana-player, cali up Mc-| number of the holder's free miner's certi 5s my I as e cr] ; PPC CC +> CLO OOS. ; on of the Red Cross. Admission, 25}, natn at ay g tl $ ; Caffery & Gibbons’ oMfce 207 ficate, 9424¢ x cai syndicate al u the Gr. /3 2 ee ee ee rs Take notice that I, Myron Knox Rodgers, | cents. Fees T ; eae os nt $ 7 ; wr lof City of Seattle, in the State of Wash a oe t. 2 he showings are igh ; Launch A liceB ; SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- | '@!°2: free miner’s certiNcate No, 94240 : feet wide and are be ‘ A 2 ~ ine engin " pew, $165 freight paid B, intend at the end of sixty days from Bulger & Denike have been ap- f 498 ; ie e @ e, ow, so a : ° an average C ize . » hereof, to ) , i some an 2 Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor | @¢ ‘ate hereof, to apply to the mining |) Ginted G. T. P. watch inspectors A ; : P Co., Hamilton, Canada tr recorder for a certificate of improvements, copper. A winze is be es ) ; 1 10. oe neers ‘lror the purpose of obtaining a Crown/for the mountain § division Mr i ue 2 ; a Ce ee Vet Ne ea ates cn eas J I t | i ; ; ? \ 4 , Grant of the above claim . 1 tunnel driven in to cul the ; > : . by sgulger i r pen years rh gi a gg A gg me gem os And further take notice that action, Bulger has had over fifteen yea 1t a depth of about fifty ; nee ; f ducing, at & bargain; also Belgian Hares, Under section 85, of the “Mineral Act’ /experjence as a W atchmaker ; For ; , Apply 926 Borden St. tf.,;must be commenced before the issuance ae ae soon as this has bee i plis : ——— | of such Certificate of Improvements. hic ian gett dees a WANTED. Dated this 10th day of December, A. D The Fortnightly Club will meet a | ‘ OMA e : ingiecciamisiititiillasisiaghileacininatmninmaties tOOSE, MYRON KNOX RODGERS Lata echeheehaean Wet taatets 5 f w, as the ve las b 3 een 3 i WANTED—General servant. Good plain} By his agent, H. G. Cameron. ris. | ° by . eo ae , a ; a neovered at various points fi } perorooooos cook, for small family, no children and present a farce camedy, to- oat ' | e. 5 Sth , distance of about 3,600 Teet ey} rf Apply 415 Sth Ave., I tr WATER NOTICE gether with a good musical pro- ie 2000 ‘a ; wners are confident that they will] - ik WANTED—Girl for general housework. pram. Admission free. Everybody , - 3 . : ¢ Phone 412. 287-93 . soon have a shipping mine. Sever-| Walker $ Music ore s . esheets , welcome. ; “_ TAKE NOTICE that R. B. McGinnis, whose SRE FOR | AXI : ee me ‘ fifteen second feet of water out of Trout PRL PLLLOCPROOL DOL OLD LLL LLL L LL OO ; ‘ ; s light, state full particulars, experience, |!) apply for a licence to take and use THE ROUND TABLE neighborhood. bs ee Svenue salary, etc. Apply Box 120 Daily News. sien Sioiasitiee J i tiaesisassiediltetibi tilda eee | OPCCK, Which flows WeSterly and drains eae cual ; PIANOS ey gore ao a oe 16 ee ro The current issue of The Round FOR CHRISTMAS Phone 99 PLAYER PIANOS. MUSIC } La STR cT of its outlet at Alice Arm, B. C. PR aca i RD REG! ve water will be diverted from the stream| Table is quite up to the high es ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND ¥ Ae at @ point about 500 vertical feet above/c KS, mifis, sterno aicob amps] egy OE peg beedemghanel brings'‘a Smile on Christmas Morning t@th day of August, 1915, and the ihe i ncident to the sale ards, andres topac« r i i: nF pecans was og 24 - forins—picture posteards of Ru-} What better thing can you do Christmas also gives you 4 : Ic. 9 “the 1mm oxy of angen, 0008. Ipert. iefters, slippers, books 2 young man than to put chance to put Father or Uncle in ¥ ; OHN SHIRLEY, i —FREE—ev . - . AUTO DELIVERY jase Sherif of the County of aun. | YTHINE materials, chewing gum. | = = rs sr in th waa? touch with real shaving luxury in z ) =~ sss tl leant te ies aici ae ay, the finest shave in the world? as . —_ e form mbin- aor ‘NAVIGABLE WATERS’ PROTEC- | That’s what the gift of a , of a Gillette Co ‘ | TION ACT. . ; ation Set. EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE ;| Gillette means ! i} itaiaail meena PERHANGING > The new “Bulldog”, with its If he has never had a Gillette, oy 7 R S.C. Chapter 116. KALSOMINING _ : i | re wi vel- *4 a Sere ae 3 : stocky grip and splendid balance, its velvet shave will be a reve the said acti, deposited with the Minister 7 f Public Works at Otewa, and in the ei young man. Or perhaps he’d If he already has a Gillette, the et eee i ar of te Dusarict Registrar of Titles : at Prince rt ~. a description of i i " en ee site Gad af the plane for & eaatis $0.09" ftp )8=— 8. OO oe Fi like an “Aristocrat’’ or a Pocket Combination feature will be an cs ; i proposed to be Dullt in Alice Arm, Gibser- | ; Editi ; vatory Inlet, British Columbia, af 8 point | ! on. added convenience, particularly ? situate about 3-4 miks south of the south-/ — ‘| i 4 ener of Let t074, Range 5, Coast) : District, c ! | My BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC 3 OSSD Sr ik Nomce mat amer me ex | Gillette “Bulldog”, $5.00 — iy. Lump as Soe mem am Se Se of “Aristocrat” — Standard i {cs cacss | Albert Rooms et ene About the finest “little gift” | id Act, apply to imister of Publix ° cl wk C 5 8 oe i i i ( ( ) A | We nem ws omice in the cuy of ¢ a ; ===== 2nd Avenue=——=— $5.00 to $6.00—C m bination fora Gillette user is a Packet ad fo 0 c i > Close to the estholme Thea 90.59 per Ton — Cash on 3) hres: ee ee o ae w me 3 Sets, $6.50 up. of Blades—50c. and $1.00. 22nd day of October, A. D. 1045 . Delivery RICKARD 8B. MeOINNIS, Applicant CENTRALLY LOCATED : A Meney Geek Of Met Satie 3) kor OR SMALL STUMPS CAN BE DE STRICTLY moo@Rn Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited, when he is travelling. * } factory stroyed at the cost of « few cents each $ RENTS REASONABLE by our chemical process; no hard labor 4 TIMBON TRANSFER (0), §) isverce snc nc crptosives usee wrae|$ tweatiy or menunty by Arvengument GILLETTE BUILDING, - - MONTREAL & P for particulars.—ideal Stump Destroyer " gl) S33 2nd Ave... Phone 36 ‘ t60 Broadway, Bast; Vancouver, |? UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT i oe : sno a — 4 :