_ THE i DAI LY NEWS vOL. VI, NOs 303, ——<—<—<—s ———————————————— PRINCE RUPERT, B. pe eS eee C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1915. — —________. $$$ PRICE FIVE Sete GE,MANS LOST 8,000 MEN CHRISTMAS DAY TUR! |S DEFEATED | AT KUT. EL-AMARA-BRITISH LOSS SLIGHT-SERB KING IN ITALY DECISIVE FIGHT NOW PENDING AT SALONIK Allied Position impregnable — Greek King Wired Protest to The Kaiser. (Special to The Dally News.) Believed to be NO CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ON THE Fighting Between Ypres and Armentieres — Greece Will not Fight. Hotel Prince |, WESTERN FRONT Germans Lost 8,000 8,000 Men in Heavy ——-- _ ———— wa i } | | Courtesy Rupert i on, Dec. 27.—The British London, Dee, 27.—There was vaiting news of the result}no Christmas spirit in the battle at Saloniki. trenches this year, heavy firing Constantine Wires Kaiser. being kept up all day. king Constantine has tele- Germans Lose 8,000. hed to the Kaiser saying that There has been severe fighting | be impossible to allow the|between Ypres and Armentieres and Bulgarians to enter|which is looked upon as a test of soil. the Allies’ strength. The Ger- fhe Allied forces number 400,-|]™ans lost 8,000 men and at no the enemy have a much|P!ace did they make a single gain. numbet of troops. The Germans used gas in the Decisive Battle Expected. attack. The British lines remain i 7 eault of the battle will |intact. se REAL WAR TRAINING FOR CANADIANS IN AN ENGLISH CAMP. the German plans for the Greece with Allies. A Canadian cavalryman in an English trainingeamp working in n of Egypt. General uas- Premier Gounaris of Greece|@ flooded trench. Conditions are made as nearly similar to actual in an interview with the|S4ys that all Greece is with the} fighting as pymerb ie, ited press at Saloniki, says| Allies, but that she cannot enter 5 eae hoa eee be impossible for the enemy |*he war. EXTRADITION OF VILLA BORDEN GOVERNMENT dge the Allies from their rege a, seen ee i QHRISTMAS DANCE DEMANDED BY BRITISH AND NEW TAXATION \ position. is admirable both ae Sper en Tome Late Mexican Leader to be Charg-| Ottawa, Dec. 25.—-The chances nsive and defensive oper- On Thursday night, the em- ed with -Murder of British are that the government will be P ployees of tne Granby Company Subject—Villa Held looking about for new taxes at i ah arene se glee aes ee i er im ina ee a plan ato cin * dighiewine “awa lightful dance by Superintendent (Special to The Dally News.) Ne na ror er i and Mrs. Bone. The hall was f squeeze they will presumably di- | iry classes of Greek troops beautifully decorated for the oc- Washington, Dec. 27. rhe, rect their attention to the war| Lucky Sailors. eee casion, while the daintiest lunch British government is demanding profiteers—that is to say if they | ms + Sg 9000, BEF RO and the finest music imaginable |*"¢ extradition of General Villa/are careless of hurting their own | grand Christmas prize in the gov- were provided. The Junch was for the murder of W. 8. Benton, | friends. lottery has been won by provided by Mr. Macey, boarding a British subject. Mr. Rehhon,: War Although the operations of the of the cruiser Alfons house boss for the company. a prominent mining man working |shel! Committee have been par-| The prize is divided be- Programs were served to over|'” Mexico in the interests Of @/tiaily uncovered the public will] 719 men who subscribed 200 people and there were never British syndicate. not rest satisfied until a full] ra ticket. fewer than sixty couples on the General Villa is held under a|.tatement of its transactions is| Bs es floor during the evening. The $20,000 bond at El Paso OM @lpjaced before Parliament. Ex-| TISDALL CONSIDERS dance programs, provided by Mr. charge of bringing stolen prop-|euses to the effect that the Shell | SHIPBUILDING SCHEME (Special to The Dally News.) Dec. 27.—C. E. Tis- couver, nd a sub-committee d of members of the govern- are investigating the ques British to bringing legislation the WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW of shipbuilding in nbia with a view on eubject. “HEART BEATS” Two-act Drama “TUSSLE’S RIVAL JONAH” r'wo act ke y stone | “GASOLINE Gus” Comedy. “HEART OF GOLD" Drama. Cc Come dy. Coming next Wednesday and Thurs- day, Ina Claire in “The Puppet Crown”. Coming Jan. 7th and 8th, Charlie Chaplin in “Shanghaled.” 2 «=69POPULAR PRICES, 10 and 16 cts. LONDON CAFE And Grill BOXES FOR LADIES MWroree eee |will arrive Moore, excellent orchestra played for the dances, little card, on thanked the hearty whose were in the form of a neat which Mr. Moore publie of Anyox for support. their A program of twenty dances stretched out to forty kept until 3 a.m. voted and danc- was up the most enjoyable event of the and ing Everyone dance to be the and Superintendent season, Mrs. Bone were heartily thanked. TO SHIP ANTIMONY ORE Gordon McClennan leaves this week for his Babine claims to ar- range to bring out several tons which runs 49 He has three It is under- of antimony ore per cent, antimony, sacked now. that the government is to tons stood purchase the ore ab the railway. mineca Herald. ——— NEW TRAIN SCHEDULE After January 2nd, trains will leave for the east Mondays Thursdays at 10:30 a, ™m, and on and oa on ‘Tuesdays and Fri- days at 6:15 p.m. A mixed train Edmonton at 6 will leave for o'clock on Saturday mornings. 1. H,. Rogers, one of Prince Rhu- pert’s most popular old timers, spent Friday in town on his way to Anyox. erty into the United States. VARIED PROGRAM AT There is a splendid blend of drama and comedy at the West holme tonight. ‘Heart Beats” is a very fine two-act drama, and “Heart of Gold” is one of the stone comedy entitled ‘‘Tussle’s Rival Jonah.” A screamingly funny “Gasoline Gus" comedy completes a bright program, Wednesday management For and the monster eight-reel show, “The drama announces a includ- ing Puppet Crown” a five- act featuring Next week, Charlie Chaplin will be at the Westholme in ‘Shanghaied.’ Ine Claire. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION The rooms of the Prince Ru- pert Amateur Athletic Associa- tion will be formally opened at 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening, when the boys will provide a splendid musical program, in Mec- Intyre Hall, is of great benefit to the young citizens Such an association men of the city and all are heartily invited to attend the The tainment will be bright and will opening ceremony, enter- Jeost you nothing. most pleasing little dramas seen for a jong time. There is a great two-reel Key-| Thursday, | : ; j hearts on the committee, Committee is now an _ imperial | | high, fularly jing to his number on the patron- munition board and as such not | subject to scrutiny by the ¢ lana-| WESTHOLME THEATRE | 5}. Parliament will be received | with scant patience and no doubt Flavelle, the own which is Chairman for sake .of his prestige, | will insist on adequate dis- closures. Honor and good busi-} ness demand a complete revela-|} tion before the government can be off with the old Shell Committee and on with the The old Shell Committee good thing new, was a while it lasted and the took full were profiteers advantage of it. There several tender | partic- dis- toward Conservative tress, and all a manufacturer had to do was to pull a long face and} that the business, at the say war had ruined his same time point- age list, to get a fat contract. The poor mouth became a favor- ite game at Ottawa, even the richest manufacturer in it with touched the taking part signal success. It Committee's bowels Allthe wanted anyway was an excuse for of compassion, Committee handing out relief to the faithful, Charity begins at home and this shell contracts to the extent of hundreds of millions all gravitated to side of polities. explains why of dollars one Apologists for the profiteers } Will go to Saloniki. Ito go to Saloniki to confer lence | j;dogs when a meteorite j the jman for several hours. jmoney jmeans, | the idivide voluntarily with the Se SERBIAN KING ~ HAS ARRIVED AT BRINDISI «ing Peter is Anxious to Return to the Front—Will go to | Saloniki—ttalian Liner Hl Submarined. | (Special to The Daily News.) | Brindisi, Dec. 27.—King Peter ;Of Serbia has arrived here on an The King at first but litalian cruiser. refused to leave his army, yielded to the urgent entreaties ;of the prince regent that he must | preserve his order | that he the head of his reorganized army. strength in might be able to return at King Peter says that he intends with his minister of war. Italian Liner Sunk. Rome, Dec. 27.—An _ Italian liner has been sunk by an Aus- trian submarine. TELEGRAPH LINEMAN HAD UNIQUE EXPERIENCE | Andrew Joebosons-atelegraph lineman on the Yukon wire, who s stationed at Naklin, south of Atlin, had a most unique exper- TURK TROOPS — REPULSED AT KUT-EL-AMARA Official Despatch statesTurks left 800 Killed on the Field—Brit- ish Losses were Under Two Hundred. (Special to The Daily News.) Delhi, Dee. 27.—An official re- port from Genera! Townsend, who is in charge of the British expe- ditionary Mesopotamia, states that a vigorous attack was made by the Turks on the British forces at Kut-El-Amara on Satur- day. force in Turks Repulsed. The Turks driven back with heavy leaving eight hundred killéd on the field. The total British casualties were un- der two hundred. were losses, GOOD SEVEN-REEL SHOW AT MAJESTIC THEATRE There is a seven-reel program at the Majestic tonight which should please the most exacting. ‘Blow for Blow” is a thrilling two-act story of revenge which is 1ighly sensational. “Crossing Marmaduke” is a_ screamingly funny comedy, “Hans and is guaranteed to make — while His Boss” recently while patrolling the line. Johnson was travelling behind his three fell, killing stunning the some distance and line- dogs The earth where the meteorite fell appeared to have been subjected to intense heat. Johnson has fully recover- | ed.—Victorian. jurge that as the shells were made for England and were paid for by the British government the Cana- dian government has no right to jtax this outSide money. In making this argument the munition mil lionaires overlook three important |facts—that the of Militia nominated Canadian Minister the Shell }Committee, awarded contracts on that shells is the ho a partisan basis, and received for longer outside money, but is now jingling in Canadian pockets. Al- together a pretty strong connec- tion is established between the old Shell Committee and the Bor- den government, which, by this made several of its favor- millionaires. As good ites one turn deserves another it is up to either to Borden new millionaires government or submit to a tax of fifty per cent. on their gains. If Finanee Minister White has the courage to do this he can the millions to swollen next year’s interest debt from that source alone. pay national on forty wit However, the chances are that the shell profileers will get off lightly because it is not in the government's heart to load a stiff tax on a group of friends who would be in the awkward position of not being able to pass it along to the general public, as the rail- ways, or the loan companies, or the banks can. The shell contracts (Continued on Page Two) anyone laugh. “The Telegrapher’s Peril” is a two-act drama which will hold the interest of all from start to finish. “The jungle story Tiger Slayer” is a great in which a real live It is of two men in love The girl gets jungle and of course at the right mo- . The tiger figures prominently. the old. story with the same girl. lost in the the right man, ment saves her from a tiger entire bill is good, CHRISTMAS SUNDAY Yesterday being Christmas Sun- churches the oc- rendered special Christmas music, aided by the children, who sang Christmas day, the various were beautifully decorated for casion, and the choirs carols. MAJESTIC :: THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow &§ Special Seven-ree!l Variety prearem . “BLOW FOR BLOW” In Two-reel Sensational Drama, “CROSSING MARMADUKE” A Rip Roaring Comedy. “THE TELEGRAPHER’S PERIL” In Two Thrilling Acts. “THE TIGER SLAYER” Starring Jungle Subject Dwelling ' Amongst the Tigers. “HANS AND HIS BOSS” One Thousand Feet of Laughs. Don’t miss it—These five subjects an entertainment equal to and per- haps superior to any sertal, Coming Wednesdany and Thureday— A Society Classic Photoplay, “THE INGRATE” Follow the crowd to Self’s Cafe. There is a reason,. Next Majestic Theatre, 126f. i SP. ey = — =~ SE 1 I ~~ —e eS = 78. sitters = a Et a EOE