THE DAILY NEWS GERMANS HAVE EVACUATED CZERNOWITZ = ———— VON MAC! /2NZEN WITHDRAWN FROM SERBIA-~HUGHES WANTS: 21 NEW DIVISIONS CZERNOWITZ IS EVACUATED BY GERMAN FORCE NEW DIVISIONS SIR SAM WANTS | TWENTY-ONE Russians Capture Many Prisoners Canada will Furnish an Army of 500,000 Men—British in Bukowina — Mackenzen Called from Serbia to Stop Russians. (Special to The Dally Newe) I don, Jan. 5.—The Teutonic evacuated Czerno nave Bukowina, following the of the The Russians heights by the have . i irge number Von Mackenzen to Command. aA ( ‘ Von Mackenzen al has Serbia to vithdrawn from mand of the on the reutoni Bessarabian fron- 10,000 Prisoners. Jan. 5. Ten thousand i prisoners,, who have ned over to Italy by Ser- be concentrated in Avez- the zone which was de- sted by the terrible earthquake ng They will be em- i by the Italian government 1 rebuilding the wrecked cities. Kaiser Speechless. Paris, Jan. 5.—The Matin af- i that the German emperor! ering from cancer of the hroat and that he is no longer abie to speak. THE SCANDINAVIAN LEAGUE | Scandinavian League will annual general meeting January 11th, at 8 p.m dinavians please attend JIN DYBHAYN, Secretary. annual meeting of the Re- Merchants’ Association will n the Board of Trade rrow night at 8 o'clock ers for this year will be PIANO LESSONS—A pupils taken. Mrs. L. J poone 497, few ad WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE GREAT ATTRACTIONS FOR 150 WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY 1650 Daniel Frohman Presents His Famous New York Lyceum Theatre Success SEVEN SISTERS In Five Acts, Featuring MARGUERITE CLARK AS MIC! CONWAY TEARLE as Count Horkoy. Marguerite Clark surpasses all characterization in cts’ delight, Splendid pho kraphy and secenery,, Also the LATEST UNIVERSAL GAZETTE \bsolutely up-to-date, News of the rid and also showing the latest fashions, Chaplin in ( forget Charlies of German | 5 ; “SHANGHAIED were PP C0 Coe. LONDON CAFE And Grill DAINTY MEALS AT REASONABLE PRICES Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES "PPO toes. otine Sir Sar here la 21 new Canada. visions Britain pletely By the will hay several believed but full hand A. R ed the W. Pag Purkis. layes, ham, D. den, D Lean, D Phen ¢,. Loop, 6.8. lain. A lig speeche coming AH, horticul lets wh the tabl glad t handy |} make $41.00 At present, C trenches, end of this month Canada and will, men manufacturing DISASTROUS FIRE A disastrous fire of Prine ODDFELLOWS ELECT In the Phillips, D. D. G, M. Lodge No, 63, Daggett, 6. 1), eG, bD. G. banks, N. G.; 8. V. Bn. F. Self, V. Gi W. G. Rec. Secy., A. R. Phillips, Fin Secy., S. M. Newton, Treazurer; \ J Garland, Warden; H. M. Daggett. Conductor; G. rR. Naden, Rn. 8. N. G.; 8. Mussallem, iis nN. G.: GC. H. Crossett, RSV. Gs Cc. B. Chapman, re a Ce the depé eee} mothods 0 application. slippers, Columbia to pro- vide 36,000. (Special to The Dally News.) to, Jan 5; Maior-Gen. | a banquet that n Hughes, at ‘ st night, announced divisions will be raised in British Columbia will furnish 2 Alberta 2, Manitoba and Saskatch-| ewan 3, Toronto 5, Eastern On- | tario 2, Western Ontario 2, Que hee and the eastern provinces | Kach division will consist of | 18,000 men, anada has two di- at the front; awaiting the call to the four in Great and two in Canada com- trained and ready to sail. e 250,000 men in uniform in addition, have 100,vuv munitions. IN PRINCE GEORGE wiped out east end It is that three lives were lost. buildings in the e George last night. details are not yet to NEW OFFICE-BEARERS K. of P. Hall last night, install- officers of Prince Rupert assisted by H. M. DG: Ma: G.:o. Marsifall, 8. C. secy., R. Acting D. D>. Des a, BN0, treas., C. J. Warden; G. R, Na- aud A. Me- Gra- Db. G Chaplain, D. Guardian ew officers are: A. Brooks- Cox, J.P. G.; Barrie, Re. 8.) or ae Hillard : Rev. J. F. Dimmick, Chap- ht lunch was served and a by the retiring and in officers were delivered. POTATOES Tomlinson, government has received from little different turist, irtment neat book- ich detail fifty f preparing potatoes for Tomlinson will be of this e. Mr ) furnish copies kitchen guide to any who CE An's fur top and felt 8 days special, SHOEMAN, regular THE pECK lar en ——- W. D. Vance, on behalf of the | The Pri Association, app! Mo ere scl an open-air Place, to go to the CANADIAN HIGHLANDERS IN FRANCE Off to the front. After id Battalion arrives at one train for the months of training the Canadian High- ofthe British bases in France and trenches. Civic LEAGUE OPEN-AIR RINK committee of conservation Athletic ied to the council nee Rupert Amateur |proposes that a civic league for Canada be inaugurated and nday night for permission to) city is javited to make suggestions rink on Market all proceeds over Patriotic expenses |eonvention at Ottawa on Jan. 20. fund. Per-| he matter was referred to the mission was granted. city solicitor for report as to the KK sending of suggestions. COLD FEET! Ta See ; ae 1 CHEAP FUEL Warm wool and felt top slip- ; fs Good wood cut to any length, pers in all sizes, regular $1.50 and $1 .75; 3 days special, $5.00 cord. 2 feet $4.50, $1.00. Sree tan Pe ae this | and also to send delegates to a 4 feet BATTALION OF ~ JAPS FORMING IN VANCOUVER Fiftyfive Little Brown Men Joined Yesterday — Big Patriotic Effort — Head-on Collision. (Special t The Dally News ) A start has recruiting a Vancouver, Jan. 5. been made here in | | Japanese jmen passed the battalion. Fifty-five doetor yesterday jafternoon, all of whom were jtrained soldiers and naturalized }(anadian citizens. Patriotic Fund. rhe Vancouver the Patriotic campaign on January committee of will start a 16th, which until the 29th, to {raise the $400,000. Head-on Collision. Moose 5.—A head-on collision took place last night at ten o'clock. between fund will continue sum of Jan. Jaw, in a blizzard, ULSTER WANT 5 COMPULSION IN IRELAND ALSO Unionists Declare that Exclusion of Ireland is an Insult and A Humiliation—Grey Answers Germany. (Special to The Dally News.) London, Jan. 5.—Ulster Union- ists, at a meeting last night. pre- sided over by Sir Edward Carson, the Ulster clared that Unionist leader, de- the exclusion of Ire- service is* to a land from compulsory humiliation patriotic population. an insult and Premier Asguith will introduce a modified measure of conscrip- tion in the House of Commons to- day. Grey Replies to Germany. Sir Edward Grey has answered the complaint of Germany, made through the American Embassy, the Regina-Moose Jaw local, and the tri-city ex- press. The fireman of the tri-city ex- lpress is missing and it is feared that he The mail car was smashed to match- is under the wreck. |wood. Several of the passengers lare being treated at the hospital here. B.C. TELEPHONE CO. WANT | DOMINION CHARTER A letter from the solicitors of regarding the destruction off the coast of Ireland of a German sub- marine crew by the British aux- iliary steamer Baralong. Sir Edward refers to the various German outrages and offers to submit such incidents, including the Baralong case. to an impartial tribunal composed of, say, officers of the United States navy. GUY DALRYMPLE NEAL information of about thirty years of age, six feet in dark brown hair, sallow grey eyes, generally has a mustache, is short-sighted and often wears prince-nez, kindly communicate with Malcolm R. J. Anyone having Guy Dalrymple Neal, over height, complexion, Reid, Immigration Inspector, Van- couver, B. C, THE WEATHER By F. W. PECK THE SHOEMAN. $3.50. Also best lump coal. j|the B. C, Telephone Co. was read ee pte oe ce en PONY EXPRESS. lat the council Monday night no- | . : kK RK KR RK RR RK RK KH — ——_——_—-— | tifying the city that this company THE MAYORALTY . The sweetest songs are those|jntends to apply for a Dominion * heard when you were a child. jcharter in the name of the West- 0 : ectors » Cit of sie 2 2 ‘ fat ; x0 ; Stoane ate Oy aie ‘ern Canada Telephone Company. a eed u In 1 MEL ed The lett inted out that, as it adies and Gentlemen: n re 1e letter po ed oO atl, as sponse to the wishes of a large ¥* * LABOR MEETING Phi nS eedtid. ta. AaeaaRne number of ratepayers, I have con- | ¥ A special open meeting * I ‘ sented to again become a candidate * ; ah by phone with the Atlantic coast, for the office of mayor for 1916. * * of the Trades and Labor * | ‘ ; ae : }é . ‘he sharter does not Sane . de * ; : , ye | @ PPOvine ial char In the past I have ma * Council will be held in the it a point of always being on the ¥ ‘ od : Thur }cover the e ompany’ s field of oper- job in carefully guarding the affairs * * Carpenters Hall fhurs- * | fin a 1 ¢ ns, of the city along the lines of im- */% day, January 6th, at 8 p. *| abit : : partiality, practicability, economy ®& as x | The city solicitor advised that based upon eMciency, and the pre *|* m., for the purpose of ’ rr { hous ashen es " r ic > ithe eclty cier ye structec oO servation and success of our public *)/% furthering the campaignin *} , . . utilities * ; reply that Prince Rupert strongly If these efforts have met with */|* the interests of Labor rep- *} solicit | lobjected to a private bill being ited Apes rer might I again ; * resentatives in the Muni- » : ‘ial your support as a means of the # : ‘ a lpassed granting such a charter continuation ‘a such a policy for *|/* cipal Elections, The Labor | : : ’ is ; : t ; a s it conte sd a clause safe- the next year? Yours truly *!% - candidates are invited to wee s om eee ae safe 8. M. NEWTON. #¥ ; guarding the rights of Prince %/* address the meeting. * | & HE OO eR ROR ROR IER IE ae ak Gok ak oR oR HEE SR aE oe oie a | iRupert. He also advised that sent to Mr. Clements that | notic e be that he should such a FOR MAYOR FOR 1916 M.P.McCAFFERY SOLICITS YOUR SUPPORT PROMISING TO DEVOTE HIS ATTENTION TO THE AD- MINISTRATION OF THE CITY’S AFFAIRS ALONG LINES THAT WILL TEND TO MAKE PRINCE RUPERT A PRO- GRESSIVE CITY. see saving clause be inserted in the | bill. Mr. Peters pointed out that un- the company | jder such a charter | might get power to introduce its system into this city, and the fact yithat they had found it necessary ito notify the city implied some- lthing of the that Prinee Rupert was the first in B, iput in sort. He pointed out | city C. to have the power to its owyg telephone system the right must be and jealously guarded. 1917 CALENDER SAMPLES Don't muy out of town, See our line first. Post OFFICE BLOCK G. W. NICKERSON COMPANY | Ald. Kerr, seconded that itaken along the line suggested by by Ald. action be 4» | D@bhavn, moved the city solicitor, agreed with this so far as it went, but thought they further. He felt that the government should not grant Ald, Casey lshould go lsuch a charter to any corporation, | Dowling. For 24 hours ending 5 a. m. January 5th. Barometer, ..ccccccesers 29.729 Maximum temperature ...... 30 Minimum temperature ...... 24 MAJESTIC :: THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Classic Offering. “THE PRIMA DONNA” in three enthralling acts, featuring Asta Nielsen, world-famous star. PATHE NEWS War and news from everywhere, “A PIPPIN” One thousand feet _of laughter, © “HOT STUFF” A rip roaring comedy. ADMISSION 10 and 15 cents. Coming Friday and Saturday, Special Broadway Star Feature Comedy, “Lilllan’s Husbands,” In three-act Bocliety Comedy. Coming Soon— , Serial and great Masterpieces. Follow the crowd to Self’s Cafe. There is a reason.. Next Majestic Theatre. 102tf.