Wednesday January 5. 1910 : ; C ; ; _ = — eres BN rs Ps eT eer |THE PRIMA DONNA” AT Yorcoorosereneoeseeeserrtosrress,, $3 THE MAJESTIC THEATRE |> ¢¢ ° | Local News Not | e Daily News” 9 § oca ews Oo es HA I ht tI Maj tic pr sents j i He Tonight, the Majes ye 4 Kas HH A star Asta Niel CLASSIFIED ADS i ; BS jthe world-famous tal R | e g1 ans High class shoe repairing; war 4 on in “The Prima Donna,” in ee : prices. @G. Hill, opposite post- $3 23 T! seme 0 oool it Ps tihree great acts Ss en 1} F ; rf | Depend on us office. eo tf Ba ihe most beautifully staged pro FADED AND GREY HAIR RE ; ! | wetions given to Majestic pa- atural color. No cure, no : The Retail Merchants Associa- eg | duction Aven : alae ore 80 pe ” PA lip for a long time, while the P. G. Box 248 tion, at its annual meeting tomor- Eg jtrons for ¢ : oa all iii . ° é ° ‘ oni wf sonsider > es F# acting of Asta lesen alone ; ‘| if Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians elec sc Botoab compa a f A |e well worth seeing. e — ' have depended for food entirely on the “Commission ee ae Soa You feel sa e HE Chere is also a splendid Pathe SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISs1 id for Relief in Belgium’’. i ood , : HH i ‘lass com- e engine, mew, $165. frei a ; In Igi Their own store of food, M. M. Stephens has again taken When youve washed Eg | Gazette and two first-cla n cand wer iabihanes a 79 Freight paid fe or. if aos destroyed as pillaged, would last only yver the business of M. M. Step with Lifebuoy Soap. aa iedies. “A Pippin’ Is a thousand Co., Hamilton ‘Caneéa — ‘Otor three weeks—they have had no chance to raise more— : : aC 2 Mr. Wa a on No —. how = A I rect of continuous laughter, while} ——__. : end the ens 10. Mr. ade le: s on your hands—no matter ss : acai is nina WAN ; ruthless Germans refuse to supply them! Thuraday for Montreal, while Mr. ow germ-laden they [Hot Stull” is ary Hicking comedy; TED Backed by the | Halsey is going to the front with ee bs ~ won Bo ll of ely action WANTED—A good kitcher ‘ work, Lifebuoyc ean There is a Broadway Star so address at News OMice . )9 1e! . ED ae : - - | ee ee gor'*e se and safeguards your ‘ty feature fof Friday and Sat-]wanrep—Position by exp. j skin. The mild carbolic ae : . ‘ i keeper. Apply Savoy Hote} R. G. Johnson, of Inverness, is uickly vanishes, rday aol with some sdatadedl fo Fe b Oe q be fit li r LARGE OR SMALI TUMI : . ‘in the city in connection with the ut its benefits linger. BR comedy. ee el ale “only ng " : so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United lease of Van vy. J, H. Todd & @ons Aut Grocers FH ——$—$$————— ty ane ented Srenie g ee i States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported Bon Ta Mma neta ine aa 4 | INSTALLATION OF WATER involved and Wo explosives use. war enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation an action for damages through 4 = 0 y Fe METERS IS APPROVI for particulars.—Ideal Stum; ome ; so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in collision between a tug belonging | ' 35 , Co., 160 Broadway, East; Vanconyer the country have been able to pay for their daily allo f | - Fi . Hie e coun ve nm able to pay for thei daily allowance o to Messrs. Todd with a gasoline HH ‘ ; bread—but a steadily growing number have no money left. ead HEALTHY =: The city council Monday night] - eco te general scrvam : at. #3 scussed the stallation of 2 light, state full partic ars, Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of Me Ss 0 A ? HH a * ; ‘ah ae ae on eis bee 12 Daily New; women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the James Killas, assisted by his it saan |Terer Meters as 8 tes cr Adaline ree i expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible |brother Harry, will open the Royal reerensueesnaseonennsecte sanatatnepecassneusiene @ & veal was recommended by tre e Peer or—ooooee I Seslinaiiishhalaipiaaiids someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month—every ies iriiinany i the stove tale: board of works and finance co — ; month—all this winter! ie Saal ie : oi Mr I aii A flaps 7 he reason for the Stlh FOR TAX] Priy occ aC y Mr. sando, oO POLL POCOP LLCO LP PPO LPI OCEE ATED O OM “i er ii No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute it ; rin { SJoestion is that the water depart : asotel cuanto! h aa Third Avenue. The partnership ' I 5 ; eZ ’ Sihcloimcatii gencrously as we nadians © cause has ever nh more Set - Kills . : In Mie Letter Box ; ent is having diMeulty in col | deserving of help! In the name of Justice and Humanity—for of Smith & Killas has been dis- 2 the sake of our own self-respect—let us give all we can to solved. . ting under the present system help our martyred Allies! __ Ald. Maitland said that the} }] one : aaa + as on lo the Ed | | your subscriptions weekly, monthly or im one lump sum to Local or eee iny pp Oe ee ae ee oe Provincial Committees, or to the 5 FROZEN BAIT ° : : line estimate and that the meter ” : Central Executive Committee, 59 St, Peter St., Montreal jabout the Alberta Liquor Act - vould act as a check. Sind . 00 IR $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. || | aoe [view of the coming plebiscite in] "aig, Montgomery was opposed|f] “SDE 7 OST NPOr ; \ — a lee | IC E i this province I sl i e lo ex { plar There was plenty olf PE ODL OLOLOP OPPO OPOLOOEP LOL OC COON i = , | plain that this act does NO’ water and he did not approve of] Lag | PLO PLL LPO PPLE LOR EOOD aii He suggested ; EE - = = — ———— 3 FINEST FROZEN HERRING |! ae me es ia stter be lest to the now? Walker’s Music Store it pore | | nal, mechanical, s i 1 4 | | Removed to Werner's Old Stand $25.00 per ton. icramental purposes s nee si aaladiid abl’ ieee | On Second Avenue. For Sale b overnment vendors, w eive Baa a anak | | r Sale by governmen ive], t ste 20 meters carrie | PIANOS KINCOLITH PACKIIG CO. Pare iceo gp detied and " hey st § PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC SHINGLC”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS LIMITED commissions to sel '$ ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC. AND such purposes under definite #ARCUERITE CLARK AT i\$¢ SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. . ; PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. | ware strictions, such as a doctor's pre WESTHOLME THEATRE | For further particulars Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager j apply to scription, 1 does i : Ce | set Ave. and McBride si. PRINCE RUPERT, B. ling . ** ast ee Pianos to Rent. PHONE 25 . e THOR JOHNSON il mela ats pe pares There is a movie treat. at Shelg sdeseessenborroces ranch Yard at Smithers j i Roe Py : : : Be oe ys : seeereren oon? of Central Hotel. pus Own nouse and private use} Westh f night whe Dan a | | eo|a limited amount of liqu but hman presents -Marguerit =—_= ——— = —E 2 eee it DOES prohibit within the prov- irk in the great American com-| H if ¢ a a ince all sale of intoxicatingledy “Seven Sisters. As Mici, the |$ BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC } ' —<— ——= = " liquors for beverage purposes,|fourth of seven Hungarian sister sbig Lump and so abolishes the bar-room|this dainty little actress se res | C O A L ce and does away with the treating greatest screen success The system. foundation of the story is an oid $9.50 per Ton — Cash on ==> The chief point of difference lungarian law which insists that Delivery : between the Alberta Liquor Act|the sever daughters be wedded Money Back If Not Satis- ind the Saskatchewan Liquor Actlacecording to their ages. A voung factory 7 is this: in Saskatchewan to bring eutenant wants to marry Mici UNION TRANSFER (0 As children, our first de- fabout a great ref ore grad-|but is in duty bound to find suit 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 i e e ually a certain number of dispen- s for her elder sisters ‘he re eee . mand is for nourishment ; our ap 4 i j for Ider I The rew | Sw e5noeeorororroroasreerrrrrerrittte 3¢ es unde! stri government its are exceedingly amusing, second for facts. Fe taal RR SR Sagiae | nee 7 rth , iq “ he ¢ lax is reached wher woe PEOPLE EOLION . Sa beverage I the arge ne f f ci refuses y wer Ler All through life we go about ae ren Mici refuses ‘to wed b HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR searching for information. afi par oun se en ihe . ae a e eee SECOND HAND GOODS ‘ ‘ 5 ‘ , 5 ‘ J ing & ‘ Z ption to close thes grove ent ‘ . : cl oe» OF ALL KINDS 5 t We make a new acquaintance; cern ito matrimonial tangles. ” This ; ® . . }dispensaries by vote f they s! s a comedy which no one should BOUGHT AND SOLD 2 c but before we will accept him |to do so. In several eases this| miss. A Universal Gazette of —— } | fri Invi 1 thas latel ag ek > ee HVERSAT GAZELLE OF WAL) > WARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A } ; as a friend or invite him to our Jhas lately been done ews completes a great program MALL PROFIT 2 f = | While there 1 Ss LP ; : home we as!: for facts about him. | While there may be many of us os Try 828 rd Ave., OF Phone Res 208 | 5 sg ; ep teree bia who would MINERAL ACT nainennennenbtnoonnocccooooooorrs® : We visit a foreign land; and from [prefer the Saskatchewan systen oe ee J the moment we step across its as more moderate, in the plebis Certificate of Improvements. pa enecernernets . . cite to be s ibm tted to . i ple Bet ica eae , ‘ ; border we are asking questions— “a ys ieiniis: in Sst F. W. HART ; iif there should be 1 confusit aa , late in the ; v . } rusineg ‘| Skeena Mining Diviston of Cassis si ‘A ; searching for facts. I} the main issue Details should Where 1 dion = > an a a AUCTIONEER } . , . . . . iL be left for future considerat Hidden Creek about ne and ia half AND APPRAISER We are asked to try a new food product; isn’t it instinctive | ee ne Boe niles from Goose Bay, and south of the|$ OFFICE CORNER SRD AVE. AND - ° . allel W great the f sien Mineral Claim, Lot 2226, Cassiar dis ock with us to ask at once: |! DN i EE gL : “Jeriet. 1 aa Satan, ithe re ae 5TH ST., REAR OF HART BL “Who makes this new article ?”” | Jof the public good int) so dara | sumer of the holder's tree miner's, earu.- | swrenreeeenewecnorerere rene" } Iiplic wood i nes ivs ate 94240 B Te : Pe he te d : ss oe } of stress and strain, bearing i: — = —— mn n Knox Rodgers, Suhssrthetfor the Da How is it made? what goes into it ? | dinind that: Salus coral; coccsc,, {tect of Seattle, im the State of Wash a | I ‘ evyiel SUprewm oe mee. pane 8 certiNeate No. 942940| Fifty cents per month i : . ex, jet us rise up throvue ‘ end at the end of sixty days fro “Is it worth the price charged for it ? BB Us Find, Up throughout li, Gate norco, $0 eopir wo cnr eee aiaaal this province is verwhelmi: rder for s certin PI [0 The MIDINE | seeeeroerooerooosrr er eee rrrrt i I yverw im i ler f a cer cate of improvements, Facts—we are simply hungry for them. 11 jnumbers and “Banish the Ba ae bury a“ f obtaining a Crown RY . e Yours faithful! \ a tu tn * a ge 0 . ac 0) Strange, isn’t it, that we should so often have to search for 4 ear ae a i i ter section 8h, nf tar oe AUT DELIVE them ? Odd, that some manufacturers still withhold the facts H [Bishop of Caledonia and Metro-|of such Certincate of tentonneee — ite of Improvements about their product. Not always because they are facts to be | politan of British Columbia , ; ved this 10th day of December, A. D EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE ashamed:-of—for there are many worthy articles yet unadvertised. — - By bus agent, BG lame ni ‘t- Curses do not always land : Saccieaenine But it will not be so much longer. The fact-hunger of the _ |where they are sent ADVERTign De or Red 939 human race is becoming keener and keener. The more facts |NAVIGABLE WATERS’ PROTEC- we get, the keener our relish for more of them. TION ACT. THE DAILY NEWS . . . . a ae 5 eoeceernt Soon it will be impossible to sell a man or a woman anythin oi as ese . . | t j . MCGINNIS hereby gives eee until everything has been told about the goods that can be tol [notice that me nas. under Section of | oo | 7” et, eposi tec with the Minist CPPCC +O® sis ser through Advertising. lof Public Works at Ottawa, and in tho| . " paneseres ‘ ;oMce of the District Registrar of Titles| ; j}at Prince Rupert, B. C., a description of| . . ** 8 a c ( 2 la 5 * 4 é The public has discovered that Advertising tells much-needed facts— proposed 1 be built in Allee arm> cyuar! unc iceb : . es ok lvatory Inlet, British Columbia. at'a no ; \ that, in fact, Advertising satisfies fact-hunger. |situate sbout 3-4 miles south ar thee ponte | ne CS * if X jeast corner of Lat 1074, Range 5. ¢ vast | ' you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with | District, B. C. oe 4 Advertising Department Ss aaueeenms the pa TAKE NOoTIC F that after the ex Approved by Mi ) ion of one month fro he date of : ‘oy \ If you are doing « provincial or national business it would be well for lithe first publication of this notin eee ter of Marine ' to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A liet of these will be |B. McGinnis will under Section 7 of th. - nger Boat iy furnished, without cost or obligation, by the of Canadian Press | sald. Acs, apply to the Minister of Publi Passenge 7 4 ° orks at his office in the City Otte , . yarticulars 4 ‘ (19) Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toroato. ae eoapeal’ ae tee s the Cit of awa For terms and pa i ¥ - i ae « construct the said wt aod : * ee " : Call % y tb at rine Rupe : c adit a - 7 1 o= = (2@nd day of October, A D hie this -_ = ; w. Jd. “ne” Phone RICHARD B. MeGINNIS, App beara - Green 39 t pplicant | “PPP eeeror—oroooocesococs eanerertett a ee &