A . VOL. Wi. NO. 4 Legislative Library a —. — PRINCE RUPERT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS ET - - ee a ENORMOUS GERMAN LOSSES IN BUKOW NA TERRIFIC ARTILLERY DUEL ON ITALIAN FRONT — AUSTRIA CALLS LAST LINE GERMAN LINES ARE PIERCED BY THE RUSSIANS Enemy Losses were Enofmous— Few Prisoners Taken-—Czar Says no Peace so Long as Enemy Remains. (Special to The Daily News.) grad, Jan. 6 The Aus ans, in concentrating oppose the Rus sive, suffered enormous Few Prisoners Taken. e opposition set up Dy varians accounts for thr hat few prisoners were] issians have pierced the nes around Czernowitz, ng them to retire Czar’s Manifesto. zar, in a manifesto issued ops, says that he wil ky i Moreat ae seventeel peace till the last enemy | years i. wh vas cited in Jof ) I was cited in Jo driven from Russian] fees O f the Day on Novem- ntil a peace agreement ipnar ond She is shown wearing arrived at with his/ihe Croix de Gu which had Allies ist been pinned on her. During - the atta Loos she killed thre PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVES Ge a grenades and two e with a British officer’s re- lowing were amongst iss passengers on the PI George this morning: M endlesome. Mr Conduit Mr .erland, Mr, Colburn, Mr ALONG LEGATE CREEK Hes Ml br ks and wife, Mrs ) Perry and wife, Rev.| Mé Whit e and Orr have M1 Belrose and wilt st had 1ade on. ore son. Mr. Lord and wilt Fris claim, which I ‘ chil Mi \ oe nue ; wa ited last July, and the re \ Mr. and Mrs. Goldth F ~ { s prospects of anotnel M Mantel, Mr. ¢ B. Mac : , Li Mr. H. ©. Roberts, Mr{"!é ude property on Legat ' ‘ ‘ r e S eit te \ Mr. Diamond, Mr. M.|&T' The “Fr is 81 hal he gro. ife, Mr. R. BE. Colman]? half a th Mr. Parker and wife,|*hey »onded to Messrs. Price and Ml itkel st } e ore frol Witherspoon, Mrs. Dann, M1 Aitkel . fall rh : I ssaved up » 40 pe " M laylor, Mr. Shaw, M1 this p assayed up | oy Mr. Cameron. For Anyox t pper, and showed total ves of 1iost $300 er ton Walter Ross, Mr, Masse, Mr. Har-|Values of almost | Olds, O. F. Haun, J. G.]The “! shows outcropping M Matson, Mr. Drun f | te and chalcopyrite, ; a nea ‘ I running the u M i. ©. Buckley and}!!" " engtl f th cla $$$ I place 12 inches f cleal +e HHH HOH Ornite is to bes 1 thg hang : . gy A haleopyrite : THE MAYORALTY PRG oe ee, ree ee . #) on from 4 to 6 feet on thé . Electors of the City of #* ig ? * ore ’ * | foot va The quartz assays ° ind =Gentlemen:—In_ re *leo7,.00 per ton, and the bornite ¥ the wishes of a large * sail . ratepayers, I have con #1 8314.0 th latt is follows: * igain become a candidate * TY 8.4 | nt.: silver, 83 3 . Mice of mayor for 191¢ ° " | ntary system but simply the/..) sank. Neither ship received carrying out of an honorable ob-} any warning from the submarine. | igation to the married men who had enlisted under Lord Derby's | Armed Hallan Ship. scheme. New York, Jan. 6—The Italian Under the terms of the bill, alljsteamer Guiseppe Verdi, whieh males between the ages of 18 and/jarrived here from Genoa, 1s 40, who are bachelors, or widow-| Mounting two four-inch guns at children dependent | het stern to repel submarine at- e liable ers without itacks. The state quest that the led before the Derby's re-jican waters. Capture in Africa. —The Kingani surrend- 26 to the | Naval Expedition on Lake upon them, ar for military service, department will re-| | fact men had rhe premier emphasized the that, enlisted icruiting 3,000,000 vessel leaves Lord | of whom preb-| though under scheme, 2500,000 would be London, Jan. 5. ably qualified | for service, the armed steamer not but government could | consider the had not enlisted number of/ered on Dec. men who singe as substantial. janyiki, in Central Africa. The ac-| Kitchener’s Opinion. ition, which resulted in the cap-| Lord Kitchener. in addressing |ture, lasted ten minutes only, All the House of Lords, said that|the German officers were killed. The fact that she those Kingani, despite the r duty only affected idea of thei compulsion who had a poor tion, brought to port. as citizens. was RENEWED ACTIVITY IN | VANCOUVER LADY THE COPPER MARKET | CALLED TO THE BAI: | -_——_—__ | Edith L. Patterson, Wil- fully | lowdene, Shaughnessy Heights, pV anes eer was called to the bar Tuesday by Mr. | Miss Expectations of renewed ac-, fi tivity in have been copper exceptionally heavy realized, an n week, . Justice Greg- demand developing this ory. She is a native born daugh- both for foreign and domestic ac-|tep of British Columbia and took count Great Britain alone is} a high place in her law examina- edited with having placed @jtions, Miss Patterson was offered | tract for 150,000,000 pounds,|, partnership in a prominent To while makers of munitions, a@8/ponto law firm. but declined, pre- well as the brass and wire mills.| ferring to remain on the coast. have bought on an extensive scale. | She is now with the firm of Bird, Under the stimulus of the unusu-| Macdonald & Ross, of Vancouver, ally large requirements, prices) __«ppoyince.” risen to the highest level CHEAP FUEL have holding elec-| thirty days | since 1907, sellers SUBMARINES pieces be dismount=| | Amer- | German British | Tang- | was in a sinking condi-| D. W. McPHERSON commanding No. 2 Field LIEUT.-Col. Now Ambulance in has France, wW ho been promoted to command the Canadian Convalescent Hospital at Woodcote Park, ‘STEAMER THESSALONIKI _ ABANDONED IN IN ATLANTIC (Special to The Dally News.) York; Jan. 6.—The Greek Thessaloniki | abandoned 350 miles southeast of Hook, but Epsom, England. New |steamer has been Sandy remains alloat. |/Three hundred passengers have lbeen taken aboard the steamer Patria. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ELECT OFFICE-BEARERS The semi-annual installation of officers of Skeena Lodge No. i5 of the Knights of Pythias, took place in the K. of P. Hall on Mon- iday night. The services were conducted by D. G. C. Bro. F. Shaw, assisted by Bros. P. C. H. M. Daggett, as G. P.; P. C. F. W Hart, as G.Y. G., R, Mc- Kay as G, M. at The following officers were in- stalled:—C. C., Bro. G. W. son; V. C., W. Hume; Prelate, P Lindsay; M. of Work, W. W Wright; M. at Arms, G, son; 'M. of Fin., 8. Hamblin; M. Exch., F. Shaw; K. R. Kay; I. G., W. Cobb: O. G., A Avarison, | After the social and P. ¢ Arms. Jobn- S. John- & S., R. Meo- services the members spent a evening in songs land speeches, supper being served |by the social committee. ‘RED CROSS SALE OF COOKING On Friday there will be another cooking It will and popular sales of Red Cross Fund, Mrs. lfor the be in charge of Cambie trolytic at 2i4e. for oe delivery and sales on a cash basis Good wood cut to any length, | being ti he at 20%c. Similarly,|$5.00 cord, 2 feet $4.50, 4 feet there has been a sharp adyance $3.50. Also best lump coal, at London, electrolytic in hag 780. PONY EXPRESS. lmarket on ‘Thursday rising ? _————_—— jof the $510, while standard spot went) Man has three creators, God, above $420. Exports from do- \himse If and his fellows. Few Fal alize the extent to which we ari imestic ports thus far this month | 26,000 Pons. Duns jhave hu- made by the great mass of excee dec manity of which we are a part, Review. FOR MAYOR FOR 1916 M.P.McCAFFERY SOLICITS YOUR SUPPORT PROMISING TO DEVOTE HIS ATTENTION TO THE AD- MINISTRATION OF THE CITY’S AFFAIRS ALONG LINES THAT WILL TEND TO MAKE PRINCE RUPERT A PRO- GRESSIVE CITY. ~~ |be the |Mrs. MeNicholl. The sale is to be held in Parkin & Ward's store, | opposite the post office, There will regular sale, and some drawing from 10 in the forenoon to 6 in the afternoon, The usual liberal donations of home cook- ing are requested from the ladies of the city. Mrs. Eardley and her little son left for St, John this morning, iwhere they will board the Scan- England, Mr. Bard- jley is going to the front with the \62nd Battalion, dinavian for what we believe is truth to us, else we would never believe it. | | CARNAC ALPS _ ARE SCENE OF TERRIFIC DUEL |Austrians Driven Back by Italy’s Heavy Guns—British Officers | Called Home—Austria’s Last Line. | ciemcsenitininat (Special to The Dally News.) Rome. Jan. 6.—There is violent lfighting today in the Carnac Alps, with the duel of the advantage being Italians in an artillery The have been forced back. British Officers Recalled. All British Italy land terrific magnitude. Austrians army officers in have been recalled to Eng- those of- today, including ficers who were observing the Italian warfare for the British office. Austria’s Last Line. Jan. 6.—Austria has called up her last line of reserves. war Paris, Many who are unfit for field ser- vice will be employed as auxiliar- ies in the rear. DESPERATE MEASURE PROPOSED IN HUNGARY Count Tisza, the Hungarian Premier, contemplates making the cultivation of wheat a State mon- The Post's Budapest correspondent. who de- that it is a desperate that national bankruptcy and ruin are not far The correspondent says opoly, according to clares scheme, showing distant. it seems incredible that the gov- should such a ernment propose measure, and the mere fact of its being proposed proves the gravity of the present situation. Referring to the idea in Parlia- ment M. Szterenyi, a former min- “Tf the ister, said to Count Tisza: of |dastardly act government proposed a monopoly on wheat it would be the most ever committed by the government, and they would find millions of people involved in before the plan open revolution could be adopted.’’—Special to Toronto Globe. Concealment in love may be prudence and not deceit. KKK KR KKH HEED * LABOR MEETING * * A special open meeting * * of the Trades and Labor * * Council will be held in the * * Carpenters’ Hall Thurs- * * day, January 6th, at 8 p. * * m., for the purpose of * * furthering the campaignin * * the interests of Labor rep- * * resentatives in the Muni- * * cipal Elections. The Labor * candidates are invited to * * address the meeting. a * RR RR RR RR RK ROKR RO MH Follow the crowd to S8Self’s Gafe. There is a reason., Next Majestic Theatre. 1n2tf, ee cute ee