Thur sday, January PH# DAILY NEWS Bn Sit a —_—_—_—_— Se i . ae i Te a POTATOES : Bit ; a i pene Mth: | THE DAY NEWS | oe ; fii | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | ; i iii ! Published Daily and Weekly b 1H ; Guaranteed Largest Circulation 4 tie eee eigia aaa | Hit HEAD OFFICE g : iit ' : } Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Teiephone 98.|~ : edaete Bie, ‘ be S$. §. Prince George sails every 1 ial © this Saturday at 9 a. m. 14 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract/FURTHER EVIDENCE IN glad to furnis 9 Wetes "gees, a ; iF : . ‘ ‘ ° r e ; Ht rates on F appriostion. SUBMARINE ENQUIRY handy kitct guide 8 4 ; i ————— ; ai ‘ Tuesday at 7 Pp. m. ri DAILY EDITION aaa. Thursday, Jan. 6, 1916. | ti een duets lias ; =e rae, | The following is an extract PEAT . . : es ae ae =| fro m the examination of Admira! | ciTy OF PRINCE RY Train Service to the East ! = » a RUSSIAN SUCCESS | is in the position of a wild|Kingsmill by Sir Charles David-| NOMINATION NOTICE eens aa e-3 ie * a. ° i i : ver Trains leave Prince Rupert o Reports from the Russian| animal in a cage, dashing itself json in Ottawa, with regard to th | - obi: i cae a ; W i ¥ ' i . t 30 act for dmonton, nipe i front are meagre, but all are} against the bars, first at one purchase of the (-hiean submar-|t ; ; eT ins ay . ies i decidedly reassuring. The evac-| point and then at another Its |ines: Ottawa, New York and all Bastern P uation of Czernowitz by the struggles will gradually ceas« What have you to say about “THE ROAD OF MARVELLOUS SCENERY” | Clerk's | Germans is news of the utmost as its strength diminishes andjthe buoyancy anc ¢ ficiency of]... : ¢ Ja 2 h On Saturday also Mixed Train carrying passé ' impertance, the enemy having then the end. Meantime, the|these vessels?” asked Sir Charles i : ° : { dt ton at a. m., making close ia cupied this city since last cage must be kept firm and/ Davidson. to represent | with regular passenger train for Winnipes t summer. It is clear that the strong. | “Well, at the outset, one of the} meme : stes ; ‘ : | The 1 ; : For Steamship and Sleeping Car Reserva activity of the Russians is ser- lvessels, the C C 2, showed an in-| be as { ' t { urt of tl i 2 sted ‘ matiol regard) y ravel to any pat or the \ iousiy interfering with the|/PUBLIC OPINION clination to lose her buoyat ie ok subscrit ee movements of the Austro-Ger- Public opinion is making it-|when Capt. James endeavored t sees ied al pa As | G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, SRD AVE. man forces in the Near East. self felt in Canada so far as!submerge her Indeed CGaptair grein S “a = hie ' Agency all Atlantic and Trans-Pacific Steamship L General Yon Mackenzen, who the growing demand for more!James did not seem to desire t0/ tween 1 this not OS was to have led the Turco-Ger- honest government is concern-|submerge her. Commander Keyes | See aes ; ete ae inan expedition against Egypt. ed. Three provincial premiers {looked her over at the dock and! : ee = : i ng has now been recalled to more have been retired from public| found her hull slightly dented. It|Act, and sha i “ prou isto ’ : a 1a urgent business on the Russian life recently—Hon J. K. Flem |was believed she had struck some) son proy z| DE. D E N Ti STRY | CANADIAN PACIFIC front. ming, of New Brunswick: Sir|object before she was purchased , poll | $ RAILWAY Von Mackenzen is the one Rodmond Roblin, of Manitoba.!by the Canadian authorities. Th CROWN ano | pripas — : nn general of real genius which and Sir Richard McBride, ofjdefect was later remedied. 91 th nell Cha Lowest rates to all Eastern Points Germany Has discovered during| British Columbia. In the| “The Chilean government,” said|m. to the bour of 7 p. DR. J. F. BROWN |] wie Steamer to Vancouver and ine ser 1} s discove i ritis Solumbia. n ‘ The Chilean woo it, ud by ae sbrsasethyitodniee DENTIST CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWay [ the war and he is evidently cleansing sweep some other |Sir Charles Davidson, “seemed at cin tamenaintd ela tt Omics: Smith Block, Third Avenue Meals and berth Included on steamer Hy having to work overtime. By political oppertunists have ‘averse to making farther pay- a _ Qualiteation f for nae Phone 454 PRINCESS MAQUINA SOUTHEOUND the way, it appears that Mac- managed to run to cover just|ments on ie -Grat. Was 1: Def auensaa ea Ma SUNDAY, 6 P. m ; i kenzen is not entitled to the in time. Public opinion in the'cause they thought they were de-| shall be any person w! s a male Britis ore PRINCESS MAY FOR ALASKA Ports Hi Cao oA : : : ,isubject of the full age of tw 2 MONDAY, JANUARY 10TH Hy ‘Yon” by birth, simply having Dominion arena has had the/fective so far as buoyancy and). it disqualified id . ; e . $ | that Saar oe upon aaah of a sa eae a Sica as for the § ‘s sar .1 Prince Rupert Dairy Ps ren. es Ave q him by the Kaiser. Mackenzen Prime Minister stand up on thr | “Well, they are continually out) ee ti iy : red bis si re er er Has cut the price of Milk sounds so Scotch that in some floor of the House of Commons!diving and firing torpedoes,” re-jtand or real property ; in half i quarters there is a belief that and disassociate himself from |peated Admiral Kingsmill. The a cas ay ana oe aida Dolahe 3 ‘ffice corner 8nd Street and 3 this gentleman is a descendant| the methods political of two|first day they arrived, Commande: und above any regis é 3 PURE FRESH MILK PACIFIC CARTAGE LIM ATED Hy of some Scotch highlander who patronage back-benchers, be-|Keyes submerged one of them inty Gee haa = Ss ete} or . 2 Delivered in city at 10c per uccessors to Pacific Tra had located in Germany, and ing Messrs. Garland and DeWitt|The other had the defect, but it Qualification for Alderman. quart and Sc per pint Genere! Cartage the fact that the “Yon” is a Foster. “The will of the people had been remedied, as I said. ” shel saved sy a al Bad a : ; er eid LADYSMITH COAL | , : ee __— , s e recent addition adds color to must prevail” is a time-worn| “Didn't the contract with the]be s persons as are male |} 13 a) G 262 83-—Phone—#2 | kn i eile eae alan fe Ro =z | — this idea. He certainly has platitude, not uncommonly |Chilean government call for a test} ig who are not disqual pewrsacees a) Alex M. Manson, B.A ’ shown some Scotch fighting used by the least scrupulous ef of two months with peovias ms on|law, and have been for ‘ mont! + rere W. E. Williams LB alities. fice! ‘dodeers,-— Ottawa |board? Did these vessels undergo] pcgisterea owners, in Ea Ne as > 2 ee WILLIAMS & MANSON : qualitie . political dodger The Ottaw: ibo i d Pee ter ne rere terling Marine Motors Hi Yon Hindenburg, on the Riga Free Press. such a test?’ Mice, land real property in i i Barristers, Solicitors, Etc } of the assessed value on the last Municipal | ii front, has had a disastrous nate “No, they have not been away es a aed Five Hundred Dolla Can be purehased In town. A MONEY TO LOAN fii a ; i Box 1585 it time since the snow began to THANKS OF I. O. D. E. from their parent ship. They |or more over and above any registers Motor that will give you en- ja ‘ az re ’ fly that the Russians are At the thly meeting of the|were purchased for coastal de- judgment or charge, and who are ether-|% {ire satisfaction. Built for een lock Prince Rupert, t ae yagi oan. Paay.Coapter f-Gs0-1,,0.\tenoe,-not for | hee fae duty aune as Municos! Yores. |$ hard work. Guaranteed. Ay , sv g . 1e ary Che or Bde . | fenc 0 ng cruisine. 1e% ° evidently busy all along the|Queen Mary Chapter of the Pe eReS, MOL 205 10) isi 1 am’ notified by the Secretary of th —HEAVY pUTY— JAMES GILMORE | line. A continued run of suc-|D. E., a hearty vote of thanks was /|were not so tested.” School Board that ii will be necessary t ee 1 fesses’on the eastern front will|iendered to all those mite oo Ce a We ee, a5 : id an election for two serene . : ron FISHERMAN’S ENGINE Architect ag a bh in tk Christmas treat for the sol CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT fora term of two years, to take the plac 2 Cyl.—6 1-2 In. by 7 in., 12-15 lead to weakness both in the|the Christmas treat for the sol- “ Messrs. P. ¥ pnaeret and Dr. W 3 Horse Power. 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street ty Balkans and on the western |diers’ children a complete success, The electors of the City of Prince Ru on a eet ait the ve in ca ed: were ‘aos eet, me 4 front. The recent heavy ar-|especially to the Presbyterian |pert are hereby given notice that It Si}ine resignation of J. A. Kirkpatrick, 1 ’ : ‘ } = . ‘ . |the intention of the Municipal Council tO}serye for a term of one eal It wil Do your remodeling with a first- a ‘, tillery work in France must|congregation for the use of thes take a vote at the coming elections on] therefore be necessary that nominations be class engine. B C UNDERTAKERS it have played havoc with the|hall; to the merchants of Prince |the following question:— handed to the Returning OfMfcer at the i$ ay : ” it : - ‘ Sy ee “are you in favor of the proposed) pjace and time 5 the case of May Hy German defences wiih the re-|Rupert for gifts; to the Majestic) private Bin, notice of which has been i Ro wees ee fed by Statute in oo aes tg apres FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- hi s £ a coneerte infe -y | Theatre ' free admission to the} advertised in the Daily News and the|]ont at BALMERS — GATISFACTION GUAR- 4 ult that a concerted infantry Pheatee for free adm Ad ) Weide take to de anantladl 4, shove. | a aaa 3 W. E. Williscroft, Phone $ See SE aaY any went attack may be expected when-|matinee; to Mrs. McGee and] position of the City, authorizing the | second third class, any person be | Blue 508, or D. Brown, Eleo- ¢ PHONE 41 . a 4 ; : t é sai : Fe ee 5 trician, Phone 383. 3 117 2ND STREET— ert: He ever weather conditions are|friends for entertainment, and t convertion of ~ on sent debt to An ritish subject of the full age of twenty-|& gnc t , nuity or Serial Bonds?” e years, and having been for the s eel favorable. The German army |the press for free advertising. 313. ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk.| months next thes at the dat ‘. nor = = = ———EeEEV7O_——OoOOe | gs ation the Registered Owner in the Lar ie ; S$) Registry Office f land or real {| I f ) the city school district of the ASSOSSE 4 A. E. WRIGHT value on the last Municipal Assessmer Provincial and Dominion Be ee ween : an above any egistere judgment I ! > < Land Surveyor harge, and being therwise qualified 1 4 vote at an election f school trustees |i ig Get“More Money” for your Foxes Surveying and Engineering the said a hool district, shall . salatinn 4 Muskrat, White Weasel, Beaver, Lynx, Wolves, to be elected or to serve as a school trustee K Marten and other Fur bearers collected in your section P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 uke nite aelciat alateat SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to “SHUBERT™ the largest F Givan jindariuyy hand at-Prinos Renan j k g exclust in NORTH AMERICAN RAW ourth Street } 7 a relia Oe eons ome Pei ata with an cablemiahed rep- on aoe | is third day of January, 191f I utation existing for “more than a third ofacentury,’’ along suc- ERNEST A. WOODS, 4 cessful record of sending Fur Shippers prompr os SATISFACTORY —— Jan. 13. Returning Officer AND PROF ITABL JE dag na rite for we spommert Seine.” B k B M A retry : the only reliable, accurate market report an price list pubis: ° * Leeridisiiianaiabahaillataicectilia totais diate t Write for it—-NOW—it’s FREE an ail nd Saivation Arm y- A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. 2/.Poh ARETE y oe ; Save A Trip to Town Public ineetings, Puesday a _ I tte aT Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. in “ ; ‘ arora R the benefit of those | Suedaye at 7:30 pom ; " who live out of town, | FRED STORK’ S HARDWARE | we have arranged a | plan by which you can do [| Prince Rupert t Feed Co, os 710 SECOND AVE \ me Seen EY a quite ce Here's where we test the stood here at - mm: ae HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS choicest samples of Canada’s Carpenters’ Tools %uiiders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Bens te gad or coun oie AND FERTILIZERS six million acre wheat crop. 4 1 . . . Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle By gp thetinepiek c i ar ns ‘ We grind them into flour in the iron Pipe Pipe Flitings Rifles and Shotguns {i} eel ton write tor the ied aiaeal a little mill you see on the left of Rope Valves Ammunition ma . ie hes a the picture. Then comes the Pumps Hose Paint THE BANK OF PAM S . st a for supreme test--bread-baking. If Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron Ti ie rears. too the bread is perfect in every “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” British North America Chicken Feed A Specialty. way we pronounce the wheat i ie ae ca - -— Al and the flour--ROYAL YEARS IN BUSINESS. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. | STANDARD. 9 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000, ST . FRED STORK cas sen itt Lae a Tt tn AT YOUR GROCER'S ER 1 H | PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 3. ancouver Milling 8 Grain Colt P. MARGETTS, manent. j x aca | \ iver Ne w We stminet@r Nanoimo. Victoria a ————— —— a eli A Re er re Bi ils a) 4 " ¥ ) ii + Hi WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR i __F. G@. DAWSON - > a PRINCE RUPERT, ©