_ THE DAILY NEWS —_—_ —_ — ——$—$— _-_—_. _ ———-— VOL. VII, NO. 7. —————— RUPERT, B. €., MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1916. PRINCE ——— -- PRICE FIVE CENTS TWENTY-THREE ALDERNIA —— —— ve Library | CABINET 4 NISTERS TO RE ?ECTIVE ROLES Ottawa, January 7.-—The new year sees the cabinet ministers definitely assigned to their re- spective roles. Premier Borden is the heavy fathér, Finance Min- ister White is the leading juve- nile, Sir Sam is the Man on Horse- back, Sir George Foster is wise old Ulysses with a touch of Nes- tor and a dash of Cassandra, while the Honorable Bob has what they call a thinking part, which means that he but to think deeply over what oc- curred in Manitoba. This is a part that suits his mood and he needs little Arthur Meighen is the whole company. The share Brumble in is supposed to say little prompting. understudy to seems to do his Premier he emits a distant the presence of th Club of New York or his way to and from when Canadian Boston on he hot springs In Virginia where ie goes to warm his feet. Mean- vhile the important announce- ment falls to Finance Minister White who distributes the sun- shine in his heart among the electors. In a cabinet of elderly gentlemen Mr, White passes as young and he gets a young man’s work to do. He speaks not only for for leagues who remain silent and ac as a backg#ound. The Rinvincible cheerfulness. that's and he does jit very well indeed. In the Bseventeen months the Empire has himself but all his col- minister's role is Keep ‘em finance smiling his cue, been at war not one doleful word Mhas escaped his lips . According o the finance minister this coun- try is getting along as well as ild be expected and a good deal etter. His had an message is that Can- has unprecedented da vheat crop, that the foreign trade mditions are prodigious, the customs returns buoyant, the special war taxes fruitful, bor rowings not too dificult, and gen- the is a consummation eral upgrade. All of which to be wished and prosperity on me devoutly most encouraging if the statements are The been face value. has taken at their minister never downhearted at any stage of the that t! precautions which he took at the outbreak of the war, ind which were based on the wis- dom of the ages sifted through the business” intellect of White were all that could be de- sired, It is true that he set aside the advice of a number of bankers but unning this show anyway, the linance being convineed game, financial Tom ind money kings who is rons o TO THE ELECTORS OF PRINCE RUPERT Your Vote and Influence so- licited for GEO. H. MUNRO AS ALDERMAN FOR 1916. “_ eon LONDON CAFE And Grill DAINTY MEALS AT REASONABLE PRICES Hart Bik, Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES EKHHHHHEERER HE DO EY McCAFFERY’S ATTITUDE Perhaps the most re- markable feature of the mayoralty campaign is M. P. McCaffery’s attitude of calm, complacent confi- dence in the people. With- out any unnecessary fuss, or hollering as to what he will do if elected, or threats as to what he will do if not elected, he smil- ingly awaits the verdict ot the ratepayers. that tions for the position are Re KKK KK KKH KH KH KR * He is sat- isfled his qualifica- known and to all. He seems to say, though as a matter of fact he actually says very little about it, “the people know well apparent RK KKH HR HH KH RE HH HR KH KH HE HB & me thoroughly, and they also know Let my opponent. them make _ their choice.” To meet him, one would think that he was to be elected by acclamation, so little attention does he pay to the fact that he has an He effort to has never attack opponent, made an Mayor Newton, so evident- ly satisfied is he with the knowledge that every rate- payer is aware of the situ- ation. quietness of greatstrength coupled with the knowledge of the his opponent. As a man of sound judg- His quietness is the weakness of ment, he knows too well the difficulties ing * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * * confront- * * venture on a campaign of * ” * * * * * * * * * * * ¥ * + * * * * . » * * the city this year to for the future. that will be in promises chief cleaning He knows his work has been left His one promise up what badly done, or undone, in the past. all foresight is that he will devote his energy and to the Rupert. affairs of Prince His these ability to affairs is to all, need be handle thoroughly known and little said. He is not out clamor- more ing to be appointed to a job, but has come forward many at the request of wholehearted citizens, to do his duty as a citizen. Everyone knows that that duty will be well and faithfully done. HHRKREES ARERR EEE EH [|e KKK RK KKH HK Hee HH HH KEK RE KR OH OK bankers or Tom White, the mat chosen of the Mean- while it is a safe guess that the finance minister does nothing that Bankers’ people? will cost the Canadian Association a minute's sleep. The gold standard being fo) the moment suspended, Canada need lack money so long as the printing good running order, What's more never presses are in or trade with the Yankees, is more than willing to lend and the peo- ple of Canada themselves are al- ways ready to help the finance minister out of the hole at five per cent, or better. Wherefore it the Borden government hopes to stave off domestic loans until the (Continued on Page Two.) Vote for the “Straight” Edge, the United States, overlooking those cruel words about no truck Supported by:— J. to the above (Nominee? I consent 7), Block thirty..three (Nominee NOMINATION OF M. P. McCAFFERY FOR MAYOR WE HEREBY NOMINATE (Name in Full) MICHAEL PETER McCAFFERY (Address) 605 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. Occupation) Merchant.-as a candidate at the election now about to be held for Mayor in the Municipality of the City of Prince Rupert. PPOPOSOM 66s hb sis vc cee 8th h ee toe + onus D. G. STEWART. SECONDED 645 00 6.0 66 4SHTST Lae cee e ewe M. M. STEPHENS G. Scott, James H. Thompson, G. Nickerson, A. R. Gordon, Wm. T- Kergin, O. H- Nelson. Dated this 10th day of January, 1916. nomination, # MICHAEL I qualify on the following property, namely: 33>, Section one (1), Prince Rupert. MICHAEL Ww PETER McCAFFERY. Lot seven PETER McCAFFERY. OUTBREAK OF FIRE AT DYER APARTMENT About seven o'clock on Saturday evening the fire brigade had a rush call to the Dyer Apartment, and arrived just in time to quell what looked like being an ugly blaze. The outbreak resulted from an overheated stove in Suite No, 13 and quickly gained a firm hold. Had there been the slightest hitch in the the brigade, there might have been a operations of very serious conflagration. Mr. and Mrs. Porter, the ten- ants of suite 13 lost nearly all of The extent of building has but it their belongings. to the estimated, the dainage not been must be considerable. yet PROTECTION You cannot protect yourself against fire occuring, but you can protect yourself against loss by fire if you insure with us. Our companies are old and tried and besides, we guarantee you a lower rate than you can secure in any See us before your turn comes: CONSOLIDATED SE- CURITIES, LIMITED, Office, rms. 11-12 Smith Block. Phone 51 for our representative to call on you. other office. THE CRADLE Born to Mr. and Mrs. Meth Davies, 9th Ave. and Conrad St., a daughter, at the general hos- pital last evening. SONS OF ENGLAND OFFICERS INSTALLED The annual installation of of- ficers of the Sons of England took place in the K. of P. Hall on Fri- day night, when the following were installed: Past Pres., Geo Hill; President, S. King; Vice- President, 8S. Darton; Chaplain, Birch; Com- E. Unwin; Treasurer, S. M. mittee, H. Smith, A. Fuller and D. Guard, H. Atkins; Outside Guard, M. Davies; Fred. Stork and C, Freeman; Trustees, Canon Rix and C, Freeman. The ceremony was conducted by District Deputy A. H. sides, after which a very pleasant Secretary, H. Newton; Slocumb, A. Linzey. Inside Auditors, Silver- time was spent by the members and refreshments were servd. SCHOOL TRUSTEES for school candidates for five vacancies There the trustees. Mrs: Eliz. C. S. D. Macdonald, Manson. Miss R- M. Davies; nom., W. E- Fisher, see-, Geo. W. Morrow. Dr. W- T. Kergin; nom., W. H.- Montgomery, sec-, P. W. An- are three They are: Kirkpatrick; nom., Wm. sec., derson. Olof Hanson; nom., James Hamp- ton, see-, J. S- Johnson. P. W. Stewart, Anderson; nom., D. G. sec., J. G Seott. Vote for the “Square” Edge. MAJESTIC :: THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow 7 os SPECIAL 7-8UBJECTS PROGRAM “THE GILDED CAGE” ‘The Knaves and the Knight’ “FROM A LIFE OF CRIME” “WEARY GOES AWOOING” “TEASING A TORNADO” “THE THIRD PARTY” “Canimated Nooz Pictorial” Don’t Fail to See This 7-Reel Variety Program. ADMISSION 10 and 16 cents. _ Coming Wednesday and Thursday— Pathe Color Masterpiece, “Traitors to Thelr King.” WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE “THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY" “King of Diamonds and Queen of Hearts'’’—Episode Seventeen. UNIVERSAL ANIMATED WEEKLY rribute to Sea Heroes of Trafalgar, France’s Sea Giant, Canal Battleships Enemy in Belgium, Cartoons by Hy Mayer. “THE COME BACK” Drama in two acts, “THE SCHEMERS” Comedy—Some Riot, rout POPULAR PRICES, 10 and 16 cts. Coming Wednesday and Thursday— SPECIAL — “The Fighting Hope,” featuring Laura Hope Crews; and Charlie Chaplin in “His Musical Ca- reer. ‘ nnn FOR MAYOR FOR 1916 M.P.McCAFFERY SOLICITS YOUR SUPPORT = PROMISING TO DEVOTE HIS ATTENTION TO THE AD- MINISTRATION OF THE CITY'S AFFAIRS ALONG LINES THAT WILL TEND TO MAKE GRESSIVE CITY. PRINCE RUPERT A PRO- KKK KH RK HK RK RH RHR HH ” ELECTION POINTS o * For the love of ‘‘Mike” * let us have McCaffery for * mayor. m Gn Mae 7 After having tried Sam * Newton as mayor for three * years, Prince Rupert is not * of a mind to say that it * will use no other. e * . * How to elect McCaffery without Sam un- necessarily is the problem of the electors. * * * = jarring A candid survey of the fleld leads to the opinion that McCaffery will romp To move- home an easy winner. the ment for re-election for a fourth term has failed. * * * date, Newton As the date of the muni- cipal election approaches, Ke Re KH KH HK KH HR HX it becomes more and more “KK HK HH KH HY * HK KK KK HK KH KK KK KH HK apparent to the man on the = : CF C CANDIDA TWENTY-THREE RUN . FOR ALDERMANIC SEATS are no fewer’ than twenty-three candidates for the eight seats at the aldermanic board in the forthcoming election, and two candidates for the mayor- alty. There For Mayor. The mayoralty candidates are: M. P. McCaffery, nominated by D. G. Stewart, seconded by M. M. Stephens, and supported by J G. Scott, J. W. Thompson, G. W. Nickerson, A, R. Gordon, W. T. Kergin and O. H. Nelson. 8S. M. Newton, nominated by H. Hoffman and seconded by W. E. Fisher. For Alderman. John Dybhayn; nominor, A Aker- berg, seconder, Alfred Stork. W. H. Montgomery: Nom., Wm. Thain, sec., W. R. Matheson. R. J. Smith; nom., Martin O'Reilly, sec-, Geo- D-Tite- Thomas McClymont; Murray, sec., W. McRae. nom., M. street that MeCaffery will be the next mayor of Prinee Rupert. The reason for placing a man like McCaffery in the Mayor's chair is simple enough. Something has to be done to put an end to methods of carrying on public the slipshod busi- ness which prevails in this GET THAT? city. It has not taken Mce- Caffery long to. gather round himself sufticient public sentiment and con- fidence to ensure his elec- of Prince Rupert by a crushing ma- tion as mayor jority. * * * ke KK KKK HK HK HK KK KH KK HR KK ROKK KK KX Why should Mayor New- ton ask the ratepayers to do him so great a favor as to re-elect him for a fourth term? He has done x KK * such a ar nothing to merit distinction. ee ee x * KOK RK 0 ORR OF RRR ROR OF THE MAYORALTY To the Electors of the City of Prince Rupert, Ladies and Gentlemen:—In re- sponse to the wishes of a large number of ratepayers, I have con- sented to again become a candidate forthe office of mayor for 1916, In the past I have made it a point of always being on the job in carefully guarding the affairs of the city along the lines of im- partiality, practicability, economy based upon efficiency, and the pre- servation and success of our public utilities, If these efforts have met with your approval, might I again solicit your support as a means of the continuation of such a policy for the next year? Yours truly Ss. M. NEWTON, ee eK HR A a a aN EK KKK KKK RK Re KH HE KK 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RMR KK HERE HHH EH Mr, McCaffery’s commit- * | FH KH HHH KH HH KH HHH HH HHH tee rooms are at the cor- * ner of 2nd Avenue and * Fourth St) Come in any * time, * We Re Oe ee Ee aa a CHEAP FUEL a Good wood cut to any length, $5.00 cord, 2 feet—4.50, 4 feet $3.50. Also best lump coal. J30, PONY EXPRESS. Best quality of household lump and nut coal—Prince Rupert Coal Phone 15, fs. Uo, Geo. B- Casey; nom-, S- D- Mac- donald, sec-, Geo. W- Kerr. Geo. H- Munro; nom., G A- Me- Nicholl, sec., Geo. D. Tite. O. H- Nelson, nom., T- R- Maitland, Sec., Martin O'Reilly. D. C. McRae; nom., L- W- Patmore, sec-, Geo. W. Kerr. Thomas MeMeekin; nom., Geo. W- Kerr, sec., Martin O'Reilly. EK. H. Mortimer; Olof Hanson, sec., J- Fred Ritchie- V- Basso-Bert; nom-, Thomas Trotier, sec., P. W- Anderson. W. G. Barrie; nom-, T- McClymont, sec, F. W. Chandler. William Angle; nom., D. W. Mor- rissey, sec., Lee L- Baker- F. E-. Clapp; nom., O. H. Nelson, sec., D. G. Stewart- A. W. Edge: nom., D. H- sec-, Lee L- Baker. D. N. Morrison; Olof Hanson, sec., W. E. Williams. Ronald C. Ferguson; nom., L. W: Patmore, sec-, Geo. W. Kerr. John Nicol; nom., 8. D- Macdon- ald, sec, Don- Maclean. W. Beveridge; nom., T. R- Mait- land, see-, Arthur Spurr. Anderson; nom-, Geo. B. White, sec., John W. Dean, D. W- Morrissey; nom-, M- M.- Stephens, sec., H. Letourneau Fred Shaw; nom., H. W. Miller, sec-, John Darling: James Hampton; nom. D. G. Stewart, sec: J. Fred Ritchie, Hays, oss 8: aOR HE TO THE ELECTORS * Ladies and Gentlemen, * Having again consented to offer myself as a Candi- * date for alderman for the coming election, your vote and influence will be ap- preciated by Your obedient servant. JOHN DYBHAVN, 6 ORR OR Re OR RR RR RO *KKKKK HEH HK & E licited for WILLIAM ANGLE * ” * + > * Your Vote and Influence So- Candidate for Alderman Follow the crowd to Self's Gafe. There is a reason., Next Majestic Theatre. 1O2tE,