VOL. vis NO. 8 ee —— - RUPERT, B. C., Wee re JANUARY 12, 1916- PRINCE THE DAILY NEWS — — — — votes FIVE mininie ENEMY MOWED DOWN ON WESTERN FRONT —=S— HUNS LO E. 100, 000 WOUNDED IN BUKOWINA—RUSSIANS TAK E MANY PRISONERS SUIT AGALEST MCKENZIE-1:ANN FOR LARGE SUM Plaintiffs Claim Million and Half Over Pacific Terminal Move— Copper Refinery for Vancouver. (Special to The Daily News.) Vancouver, Jan. 12. Pacific Limited entered Properties has cuit against Mackenzie & Mann and the C- N. P- Railway for a million and a half dollars dam- ives for fraud and deceit over the sale of a million dollars’ worth of real estate in Port Mann in 1912 The plaintiffs claim that it was ted to them at the time that Port Mann would become the Pacific terminus of the Canadian Northern system Copper Refinery. Hon. Lorne Campbell, in an in- terview, states that it is the in tention of the provincial govern ment to erect a copper refinery o. two stacks on the coast in the vicinity of Vancouver to handle British Columbia ores: CHEAP FUEL Good wood cut to any length, $5.00 cord. 2 feet—84.50, 4 feet $3.50. Also best lump coal J30. PONY EXPRESS. Vote for the “Gilt” _ Bdge MAJESTIC :: THEATRE Tonight and Temorsow rr To ¥ Extraordinary Color Master- piece- TRAITORS TO THEIR KING In four spectac ular acts. PATHE NEWS News from Everywhere. “MONKEY SHINES” \ rp roaring comedy, ADMISSION 10 ond 16 cents. Coining Friday and Saturday Sensational Feature, ‘Tides That Meet.” wre OR ROK Rn RR RR ROR ROR OR OF THE MAYORALTY To the City of Electors of the Rupert, Ladies and -Gentlemen In re- sponse to the wishes of a large number of ratepayers, I have con sented to again become a candidate for the office of mayor for 1916. In the past 1 have’ made it a point of always being on the job in carefully guarding the affairs of the city along the lines of im partiality, practicability, economy based upon efficiency, and the pre servation and success of our public utilities, If these efforts have met with your approval, might I again solicit your support as a means of the continuation of such a policy for the next year? Yours truly 8. M. NEWTON. KER EE EERE EEE HEHEHE SE KM MEER EEE EEE EEE EH HK OR RR aR RR RR a RF OF oe LONDON CAFE And Grill DAINTY MEALS AT REASONABLE PRICES Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES | ' i FRENCH GUNS MOW DOWN HUNS IN CHAMPAGNE Determined German Attacks Re- pulsed on Saturday and Sunday | —German Infantry Faces a Terrific Gun Fire. (Special to The Dally Newer) Jan. 12—-The German | attacking in the Champagne | Paris, force, region, lost very heavily in a de- termined offensive on Saturday and Sunday. | AN E ASY PROBLEM MUNRO is one of twenty-two, Make him one of eight. High class shoe repairing; war prices. G. Hill, opposite post- office. e tf. eer Your Vote and Influence So- licited for WILLIAM ANGLE Candidate for Aiderman FOR MAYOR FOR 1916 M.P.McCAFFERY SOLICITS YOUR SUPPORT PROMISING TO DEVOTE HIS “ATTENTION TO THE AD- MINISTRATION OF THE CITY'S AFFAIRS ALONG LINES THAT WILL TEND TO MAKE PRINCE RUPERT A PRO- GRESSIVE CITY. GERMANS LOST | igreater than was at first reported A * * i | * * * * + * * * * | * |e | ot * | * * * |* * * \* |» a * _ VERY HEAVILY IN BUKOWINA vany More Prisoners taken than at First Reported—German Wounded Number Hun- dred Thousand. (Special to The Daily News.) Petrograd, Jan. 12— | ber of prisoners taken by the Rus= isians on the eastern front is much party of The num- 2,200 has reached Kiey not whether McCaffery will be elected, but as to what majority will be- * * * It is too bad that the old council did not make a contract with a movie op- before they dis- They might have that there generations to his erator banded. remembered are future be amused, eR ROO HR Ho ENEMY CLAIMS IMPORTANT GAIN IN MONTENEGRO Austrians Announce Occupation of Important Strategic Posi- tion Dominating Capital of Montenegro. (Special to The Daily News.) 12—The Austrian announcement of the oecupation of Mount Loveen in Montenegro by Austrian troops is uneonfirm- ed. The regarded some uneasiness in Italy as the London, Jan. report is with mountain dominates Cattaro Bay, the base, important Austrian naval it is also within big the capital while gun range of Cettinje, of Montenegro. Air Attack on Saloniki. A squadron of twelve Germa: aeroplanes dropped seventy-eight Saloniki, devoting the French and British camps: Twenty hits were scored, causing an sutbreak bombs on special attention to Three divisions, in all sixty land a thousand more are bringing thousand men, advanced in the lup the rear, all. unwounded. face of a terrific French artillery | 100,000 Casualties: fire, which took heavy toll of the | ‘The prisoners declare that the Germans BRITISH CYCLISTS LEAVE CALONIKI IN SNOW STORM |Austro « Germans? bad 400,600 Carefully Selected Men. Photo shows conditions at Saloniki where the theatre of war |..ngeq in the -recent fighting The German forces, which in-| holds most attention at the present time. The weather is so se- in Bukowina: cluded regiments from the Im-| ver that the cycle squad have been eonipel lled to dismount and walk- Germans fromthe French front erial Guard, were carefully se- jo ean ae Sep EERIE Oy ates pai SR. gs a eS oe ree 3 a agg 7 p ee Sane ‘Hack... ‘The in.|DR MoNEIL LEAVES | MRS. L- W. KENGIN’S MOTHER So eee ant ee tater’ attack followed 9 heavy TOMORROW NIGHT| PASSED AWAY IN TORON': © ee aaa bombardment which lasted for} ce oe EFS eT ma vee salads Weee es aa | Dr. Neil McNeil expects to leave] Dr. L- W. Kergin received 8) y y » x & kK KR RR RR HH ) dele tae tomorrow night for~ the south,}Wire from airs: Kergin in Toronto], ELECTION NOTES * The French made a prompt | Where he will take up his military rome es hat Mrs. Mc-|/y Mr- McCaffery is a man * reply with three-inch guns, which duties preparatory to leaving for|Caffery, Mrs. Kergin’s motuer, *% of most alert mind, and * stopped the first wave of attack |the front. The doctor, who comes ,hagsed away in Vhe Ontario CitY|% has made a close and in- * as the German troops left their jof rare old highland Scotch fight- o Monday: It will be cee * telligent study of civic * parapets. The enemy made four | nS stock, simply could not stay |¢4 that Mrs. Kergin was called], government. His utter- * separate attempts to carry the oa OF 300. 0ROn Oe Aeiaere 50 Ba ae moptie’ 460 0 |* ances have always been * French defences, and at the last the meantime, the immigration whites of the oie of her | x characterised by shrewd * left many men between the lines, | departme nt will be taken care of thers health. Phe sympathy | » common sense- There is * all of whom surrendered. [by Mr. Weston- of the whole COMBI will BO x no one more jealous of * —- + -- sul to Dr. and Mrs. Kergin et | Prince Rupert’s interests * Cee HEEB CORE EES PROGRESSIVE BUTCHER a poreavementy |* than he. No one will be * . XPLANATION ere ee ee ee * able o “p one over” * * A : Dn by his | Owing to the big demand for|OL2 TIME PROSPECTOR | 3 ae re ee and ‘a * * letter in The Empire yes- * Atkins’ sausage meat, Harry has| SUICIDES IN VICTOF!: * election, sigheca fromevery ¥* * terday, forces us to explain @ieen a . vee "e eer | Joe McGrath, better known as|* angle, will be for the com- * * that the letter which he — ore ener machine Joe McGraw, a former resident of |* mon good. * * sent to The Daily News in *|! Si oxentlaas me on ar "Tp ‘rince Rupert and an old time|* Ba “Reet * * regard to Borden Street wire of we ae and all are minae. off ie. Portland Ganal andt® The hubbub amongst the * % school contains: a pas- any ted ad call and, see this Bovel rcaehale the north, shot him-|* ¢lamorous throng of al- * * sage which was distinctly #jmechine in opprenon, \celf with a revolver in his home |* dermanie candidates is a * libellous. When the letter *| eers|in Victoria the other day. Joe|* mere passing episode of * * appeared recently in The * TO THE ELECTORS OF B vas an old naval man, and recent-|* misplaced ambition. No * * Empire, that part of it was *| PRINCE RUPERT ly re-enteded the service on board|* gsreat harm will result, no * * carefully omitted, else the * arora H. M. S. Shearwater. He was a|* matter who are successful, * * letter would not yet have * Your Vote and Influence so- aes specimen of manho a | but to reject McCafferyand * * appeared in type. When *| licited for land no reason ean .be found for |* re-elect Newton would be * * the letter was refused, the * lie aah ee i* a calamity for the city: * * ae of The Daily News * GEO. H. MUNRO en SS ~ ItEE | dha * * referred Mr. McPherson to ¥*| AS ALDERMAN | Best quality of household umole There is no truth in the 4% * the School Trustees, and *| FOR 1916. jand nut coal—Prince Rupert Coal | report that McCaffery in- * also brought the matter to * | > Co. Phone 15. f8.|* tends to present Mayor * the notice of a member of +|— ated Tee coe gs a | Newton's goat to the new * that body: x | OEPOFPIOOT ES Prince Rupert museum. * The rest of Mr. Mc- *| McCaffery will not be so * Pherson'’s effusion calls *| POLICY unkind as to rub it in. * for no comment, but we * i There will be fourteen * may add that the files of * Se ser ae “sadders and wisers”’ on * The Daily News are loaded * Believing the time has arrived for publie-spirited inter- the night of the 13th. % with unpublished letters, * est in civie affairs, I contend that, during the present crisis, Bi Se Tayo * dwelling upon the short- * with little in sight to be done, the indemnity granted the city Every blessed one of the * comings of Mayor Newton, * council for their services should be eliminated, or subsian- nandidates for alderman ene diana @ tially reduced: The support of those favoring such a policy ' ane he e Witch theater oe is requested on behalf of T- McCLYMONT for Alderman. thinks he wijl be elected * think ofsufficient public * What a curious thing is * interest to publish.—Wm. * the human mind. * Turnbull, editor. oh 3 x es eT Se ee Cee eres % ° ¢ * * * * ERD EERE EH EH The question which is ero most freely‘ discussed is * * * * * * * * a * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * of fire. Two of the enemy’s aeroplanes were according to a despatch from Sofia. shot down, HOCKEY GAME Prince Rupert Amateur Athletic Association will have a hockey practice this afternoon. 'The local wired to Hazelton ask- hockey boys to Thursday's train to play games here Thursday and The ice is in good con- thanks to the efforts of the of the association. boys have ing the come down interior on Friday: dition, members WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE Great 7-reel Show—Programme Jesse L. Lasky presents LAURA HOPE CREWS In a Picturization of Mr. Belasco’s Masterpiece “THE FIGHTING HOPE” Wonderful Photography and Scenery Why, look who’s here so soon Charlie Chaplin in his Keystone riot, “HIS MUSICAL CAREER” THE GAUMONT GAZETTE the Latest Possible News. Box office opens 6:45, show starts 7 sharp, Popular prices, 10c and i5c¢ Don't Fall to see This Show. Next Friday and Saturday, Charlie Chaplin in “HIS NIGHT OUT”, his latest Essanay Screen Riot. & 0 RR HE HH * TO THE ELECTORS Ladies and Gentlemen, * Having again consented » to offer myself as a Candi- date for alderman for the coming election, your vote and influence will be ap- preciated by Your obedient servant. JOHN DYBHAVN. * RR RR RK RE RK RR RH KX KK KK HK * * * Follew the crowd to Self's Gafe. There is a reason... Next Majestic Theatre 102t¢,