Wednesday, January 12. | fa DAILY NEWS —— =. ———— ee a “a $e HO OE EE EE ER How Will You Protect 5°" * \stano notes = * | | HE DAILY NEWS : | THE LEADING => NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Your Wife ORO OR IO IO a AT G.T.P. SCHEDULES Published Daily and Weekly —-— _ — - Guaranteed Largest Ciroulation and the children should you The body of Captain Ferguson PT bs ——'| fall ill or lose your employ- ment P Have you money in has not yet been recovered, Xai Steamship Service to South i HEAD OFFICE / : ¥ Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.6. Telephone 98. athe ark Ss ee Naden Harbor cannery will be S. S. Prince Georgo sails every : TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—650 cents per inch. Contract| feet” again P in operation this year. The Ven-| Saturday at 9 a. m. rates on application. : Every married man should |-— iets wien to’ the S. S. Prince John Sails every i SSS = am = geen “i account af our | ture made a ai ap aid Si Tuesday at 7 p. m. ‘ . - : Savi artmen cannery and whaling stati 0 i DAILY EDITION oeGGsyi: Wednesday, Jan. 12, 1916. yen pedi of his coenluataiines | Monday. i Pea. esa . | = = = <--=s==== | week or month. _—— Train Service to the East ‘4 BELGIAN RELIEF FUND is given to the peopie of Prince 4 net Rien tee eae A man named McLeod was ac EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2ND, 1916. i i Last year Prinee Rupert did Rupert to again contribute] A Sevings Account may be opened jcidentally shot on New Year's Passenger Trains leave Prince Rupert on Mondays a i h nobly in the way of a contribu- their share in this work, they | ee morning. He was brought to Thursdays at 10:30 a, m, for Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toront | bisa te tie Palate teliet Mane: will not be found wanting: THE BANK OF Massett, where Dr. Graves at Montreal, Ottawa, New York and all Eastern Points. and another opportunity will NOTES AND COMMENTS British North America ee ee 1 aay - vere ce . Y 78 YEARS 1N BUSINES On Saturday also Mixed Train carrying passenger coa be given the citizens to follow leaves for Edmonton at 6 a. m., making close connecti: : } : sale i ; P AND 884,000. i ij up that good work. The part The most gratifying feature of — ee The gold mine on the Indiat t tt ; ton few Siltan f : : : iere with regular passenger train for inipeg if played by Belgium at the be-jthe mayoralty campaign is the PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH reserve at Skidegate shows a re- . : ginning of the war can never be|fact that party polities does not P. MARGETTS, Manager. turn of 23 ounces of gold and a For Steamship and Sleeping Car Reservations, and { ; forgotten by the people of the|figure in it in the slightest. The ene ~ -— small quantity of silver to the ton. information regarding travel to any part of the world ap ; | British Empire. Had this gal-|Daily News heartily endorses the “SCOTTY” ALLEN HAS sient cere G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, 3RD AVE. ' H lant little people not withstood|/opinion of O. H. Nelson that there Sam Newton's thermomeier will Agency all Atlantic and Trans-Pacific Steamship Lines : i the first great rush of the Hun/should be no room for politics in RETURNED FROM FRANCE register about 100 below on the | hordes, Paris and the French|the controlling of the affairs of night of the 13th. ' : coast along the English Chan-jthe city. Mr- McCaffery’s election Interviewed in Montreal recent- siecle : j nel would probably have beenjcannot be hailed as a triumph for}ly, the famous ‘Scotty’ Allan Salvation Army. ? tl in German hands. Jany party, but must be recognized |said, “Although I won't be there ements 2 D E N T ISTRY | CANADIAN PACIFIC The stemming of the Ger-/as a victory for broad-minded|this spring, and although I have Public meetings, Puesday, _—— — = RAILWAY man flood for days along the|citizenship, which shall go far to|/taken some of the best racing|Phursday and Saturday at 8 p. m CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK : | Belgian frontier saved the sit-|place Prince Rupert on the high- | dogs in Alaska to the fighting|Sumdays at 7:30 p. m. Ae Lowest rates to all Kastern Pp : 3 f n ointe uation, just as surely as the|way to prosperity. front in France, the dog races in DR. J. F. BROWN via Steamer to Vancouve and the | ’ Canadian troops did at St- a. a oe Alaska will go on just the same QUTY OF PURGE RUPERT ee } s : Alaske g ‘ same, Ores: ante eieek. Sod es CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Julien and Langemarcke. How While many suffered from the]}for there are more dogs where eneieation motes Phone 454 { Meals and berth included on steamer 4 Belgium was plundered and her/cold in Vancouver on Monday|those that I took across the At- ceils PRINCESS MAY soUTHBOUND gi people maltreated in the most/night, others must have com-jlantic come from. Public notice is hereby given to the FRIDAY 7 P. Mm. a I ibl > by the H : laine Aa oo -...| Electors of the Municipality of the City ’ i 1orrible manner by the Huns plained of the heat. The famous dog-racing driver} or prince Rupert, that 1 require the pres R " fi needs no repetition. How her oe will make a trip to California be-jence of the said electors at the City Prince Rupert Dairy J. 1. PETERS, Genera! Agent } . ‘ - : : Clerk's Mce, City Hall, on Monday, the % magnificent cathedrals were re- If the Germans get wise to the|fore returning to Nome, Alaska. ian Py ay orate ‘ete, ai is peiokie Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave i ducd to heaps of ruins, with|quantity of copper wire which is|He was delighted with his recent} #0" for the purpose of electing persons ; Has cut the a of Milk | -nsjniteinnccnncemesstnionennedieeastptiesnemean a ; i 3 to represent them in the Municipal Coun i the priceless work of her old|lying around Prinee Rupert there visit to France, and was enter- iat 43 iiaees ani Suaeamae > in hal Office corner nd Street and 3rd Avenue th masters wiped out never to be|may be something doing. If it can}|tained by all the big people of om mode = nomination of candidates 3 PURE FRESH MILK PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED : : sa : : sha © as follows: $ 4 replaced, needs no enlarging|be found, the authorities had bet-|Paris, while the newspapers de-]| ne candidates shall be nominated in ; Delivered in city at 10c per (Muccessors to Pactfic Transfer upon: ter place sentries around it- voted much space to descriptions Scan aad a on Se arene 3 quart and 5c per pint Geners! Cartage : ‘ ‘i { , dS 0 rs 0 ei alc. ) 5 pro Today, her women and child- ey ae of “Scotty” and his famous mala-|poser and seconder, and shall be delivered | LADYSMITH COAL ren are dependent upon others It is rumored that there was a|mutes- a the ses exe ab ae o. any ia be ; Phone Green 252 93—Pnone—o3 ; ween the date o bis notice and 2p, m — a for their bread and shelter, and|big rush for thick sox amongst ay f-the day of the nomination; the said]* MODDDODIN aiek-O8. ‘Manson. Bid ka ca cates aay atin Serine . Bed : ahead tag & f Fir t writing may be in the form numbered five ; b — : * be at ao ce : Ip i S sg a ema 3a ety Ss in the schedule of the Municipal Elections ee oe ' munity to be allowed to help in|day- Indigestion, constipation, biliousness |i i spun ct coc vone{ Sterling Marine Motors ee 2 . - > . a . i . < lie occ a oO or -scrit 0 i "ach re i providing these things. Assist- 2 eae and many ailments of the digestive oon proposed in such is He socaeiaain eee Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. | ing these people who have O. H. Nelson seemed to take a organs are often the source of Serious | io identify such candidate; and in th Can be purchased In town. A MONEY TO LOAN y written such glowing pages of|fond farewell of his seat at the| Hlness. At the first sign of disordered event OF :& Doll. being -pecessary, such ‘DoH Motor that will give you en- enTonss ii conditions take the reliable family |‘!!! be opened on the 13th day of January, tire satiefaction. ®ullt.for Helgerson Block Prin pert, B. ( ait . . . ’ . : Hi . history in blood is not a matter|reporters’ table in the council : 1916, in the Council Chamber at the City aS remedy that .is always dependable— | 431:'ruison street, from the hour of 9:8 hard work. Guaranteed. i of charity. The reward given|chamber on Monday night. Sr a hi as oar : : v im. to 3 7 p.m., of which every i ae he a hero of the battle field is eo @ 8 BEECHAM’S person is hereby requested to take notice NEAUY DUTY JAMES GILMORE never regarded as such, an! The gentlemen carrying the a oe es crane, rye yale <= sam Architect ' ; : P ualifeation ‘for .Mayer. 2 Cyl—6 1-2 In. 7 in, 12-15 the Belgians are a nation of}new brooms yesterday were not ILLS The persons qualified to be nominated fe ee a . Ond Avenue, near McBride Stre heroes. They do not ask to bejaldermanic aspirants, but simply] Largest Sale of Any Medicine inthe World. | ‘2! *8¢ ¢lected as the Mayor of any Clty!) @ gyi.—s 4-2 in. by 8 In., 26-85 uss shall be any person who is a male British } ; < ity Sold here. In boxes, 25 cents. . ; decorated; all they require is|innocent curlers. erties re te subject of the full age of twenty-one Hesse Power : to be fed and clothed The * * * years, not disqualified under any law, and Do your remodeling with a first- Sl : ee er ty : s Stato nas for the six months next preceding the | § class engine. B C UNDERTAKERS i nation which saved the situa- In electing McCaffery as mayor, day of nomination been the registered : miingeeemmbtn ° ° 9 : ‘. aad vas iti . * ESGS: ywner in the Land Registry Office, of }@ For F lon i tion must be cared.for. They | the oipteens are not swopping fail or :2ehl “property ‘ii Wha soley set neat? ° ure informatio FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND [m- q gave all, even their country,|horses in mid-stream, but ¢imply sessed value, on the last municipal assess- | $ BALMERS — SATISFACTION QUAR ! that tl barbarian hordes|taking on an experienced and re- Ment roll of One Thousand Dollars or 3 mi 0s eee es ate «hon aegis aglinaendlggaentl { 1a ae a . , " F : E more over and above any registered judg-|> we sidan’ Phone 383 20 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 i might be kept from reaching ]}liable pilot when entering a dan- nent or charge, and who is otherwise ’ . ; duly qualified as a Municipal Voter. Qualification for Alderman. as = Paris. When the opportunity|gerous passage- Persons qualilied to be nominated for sud elected as Aldermen of a City shall ve such persons as are male British sub jects of the full age of twenty-one years, and who are not disqualified under any iaw, and have been for the six months next preceding the day of nomination the Registered owners, in the Land Registry Umice, of land or real property in the City of the assessed value on the last Municipal Assessment Roll of Five Hundred + Dollars or more over and above any registered judgment or charge, and who are other wise duly qualified as Municipal Voters. School Trustees. I am notified by the Secretary of the School Board that it will be necessary to hold an election for two trustees to serve fora term of two years, to take the place of Messrs. P. W. Anderson and Dr. W. T. Kergin, whose terms have expired, also for @ trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J. A. Kirkpatrick, to serve for a term of one year. It will therefore be necessary that nominations be Th R. ] St dard T t handed to the Keturning Officer at the e oya an es place and time as in the case of Mayor (5] Vv and Aldermen provided by Statute as set F Here's where we test the THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C, LIMITED SS: VER See “Tae tee veucsuver victors, ‘seat every Tuesday at 8 p.m. § S CAMOSU Sails for Stewart, Granby, Simpson, Saturdays, . . 8 a.m, January 8th, 22nd. February 5th, 19th. March 4th and 18th, Sails for Massett, Port Clements, Sundays, p. m., January 9th, 23rd, February 6th 20th. March 5th end 19th, Sails for Skidegate, Jedway, Ikeda, Mondays, p.m., January 10th and 24th, February 7th and 2ist. March 6th and 20th. Satis for Bella Coola, Rivers Inlet, Vancouver, January 13th and 27th. February 10th and 24th. March 9th and 23rd. JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent. 623 Second Avenue. Phone 668. A Health-preserving delight The use of Lifebuoy Soap makes the bath a supremely soothing pleasure as well as a health-insuring delight. The cream of pure oils gives a velvety lather that is cleansing and healing. The very mild carbolic solution means a perfectly healthy skin. The odor vanishes in a few seconds after use. ALL GROCERS SELL— LIFEBUOY HEALTHY Stst 3555S + ete% ES ee * — eS. sees ees = SSeSesesesen *, + re eee tees biesesde tate tecs. $e Fy i | i nD FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | . 7 A . e out above. 710 SECOND AVE » A Pr 2 in city sehool districts of the first, choicest samples of Canada's . , = second or third class, any person being a i mn { Carpenters’ Tcois Guiidere’ Hardware Ship Ohandilery ; eed British subject of the full age of twenty six million acre wheat ae Se he at ee oer? }one years, and having been for the six e eri into flour in the Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle plata . : months next preceding the date of nomi - ary theen he left of tron Pipe Pipe Fittinge Rifies and Shotguns 1 nation the Registered Owner in the Land je you see on the Rope Valves in eiiaiaidiatiiae CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT [iegisiry Omice of land or real property in the picture. Then comes the The electors of the City of Prince Ru-|the city school district of the assessed b il, Lon If Pumps Hose Paint pert are hereby given notice that it si]Vvalue on the last Municipal Assessment qupreme besten nance x a: Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roefing Corrugated Iron the intention of the Municipal Council to} roll of Five Hundred Dollars or more over the bread pT perfect in every lake a vote at the coming elections on|and above any registered judgment or way we pronounce the wheat “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST’ the following question:— charge, and being otherwise qualified to Pe “Are you in favor of the proposed|vote at an election of school trustees in Al and the flour--ROYAL 4 = —— a Private Bill, notice of which has been|the said school district, shall be eligible STANDARD. advertised in the Daily News and the| to be elected or to serve as a school trustee ‘ IC ‘ . B. C, Gazette, relating to the financiallin such city school district. AT YOUR GROCER’S FRED STORK S HARDWARE position of the City, authorizing the Given under my hand at Prince Rupert Ne io convertion of our present debt to An-| this third day of January, 1916, Vancouver Milling & Grain Coltd iS nulty or Serial Bonds?” ERNEST A. WOODS, Ripe > ‘ ° it 143. ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk. \yan. 13. Returning Officer. b Vere ouver, New Westminstér, Nanaimo, Victoria. t a ie, — aoe > I eg ar ntnay ee se ameter PR ee Se oe a er RNG fo wi Gy i a ee tf a Pana ——— aE cad om: PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. WHOLSSALE DISTRIBUTOR MRE £2 6p AT ERT