# sree ptliniitaasiag PH oAILY NEWS Saturday, January 15 ‘THE DAILY News THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Pubiished Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. Contract = DAILY EDITION aaa Saturday, Jan. 15, 1916. DISQUIETING NEWS minals in Seattle. The men in The news of the proposed|/the south are discovering that separate peace negotiations to|they cannot fight against geo- be entered into by Austria and|graphical position either in the Montenegro is rather disquiet-|halibut trade or in passenger ing, and there now seems little] traffic. doubt that the Austrians have rg ae gained command of the heights dominating Cattaro and Cettin- je, as they claimed some days The Montenegrins have evidently been fighting a lone battle against superior forces and it looks like another op- portunity “aise the cry of ‘too late.” Tf lack of support is the chief cause for this new set- she will certainly be the ago. Italy's back, for the Dupont evidently been . * the critics to paign, as the tw chief sufferer, as the command oe of the Adriatic is of vital im- portance to her in against Austria. It is just possible, that in a few from another source will come along clearing up the situation somewhat. If the latest report has ema- nated from an Austrian source, likelihood of its there is every being exaggerated to a If such a setback has extent. really occurred, bearing of course on the ulti- of the struggle, but is liable to delay the day of final and complete mate victory for a few months, ways provided of course that result no internal place in Germany: that the in Germany will gain tremen- dously in strength in the next and that form of revolt against present conditions will break out. likely few NOTES AND COMMENTS Prince Rupert and the Grand Trunk Pacific have received quite a deal of free advertising at the hands of the railroad and ship- ping companies having their ter- months her war however,|13th. Mr. days a report number is 98. dence, isn’t it? * * comedy of the night. thoroughly as “also Sam large it will have nu]as world’s 8 placence, come off.” al- augurated a some the only who has a hunch terest stuff. obedience. master. rans” seemed to M. P. McCaffery around that smile of sweet com in fact it simply “won't spanking children. member The cause of the explosion ai Powder Works has discovered, or 0 * could * still rather the four causes, in the per- sons of the German naval officers who have been arrested. Sam Newton says that politics did enter into the mayoralty cam- big political parties combined to defeat him. Sam is nothing if not illogical. Mayor McCaffery thinks that 13 must be his lucky number since he won his first mayoralty on the McCaffery’s majority was 98 and The News’ telephone Rather a coinci- It was very thoughtful of Mr. Albert to have a Charlie Chaplin screened for the benefit on Thursday enjoy it be ex- pected under the circumstances. carries burst-up takes -— a It is not un- MRS. FORD BUSY TOO anti-militarists - Mrs: Henry Ford has just in- Nature is never unkind or cruel, she has but one law and that is When you obey nature she serves you as a servant, when you disobey she rules you as a THE UNION STEAMSHIP (0. OF B.C. LIMITED VENTURE Sails for Granby, Naas, Simpson, every Monday, §. S. a.m. Sails for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, every Tuesday at & p.m. § § CAMOSU Sails for Stewart, Granby, Simpson, Saturdays, ° ° 8 a.m, January 8th, 22nd. February 5th, 19th. March 4th and 18th. Sails for Massett, Port Clements, Sundays, p.™., January 9th, 23rd, February 6th 20th. March 5th and 19th. Sails for Skidegate, Jedway, Ikeda, Mondays, p.m., January 10th and 24th. February 7th and 2ist. March 6th and 20th. Sails for Bella Coola, Rivers Inlet, February and 24th. 10th March 9th and 23rd. JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent. Vancouver, January 13th and 27th. | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable fron Pipe Rope Pumps 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Vaives Ammunition Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” a= = = = —" =e FRED STORK’S HARDWARE aa | | | aa an a NOW LOCATED IN HAVRE The Brooklyn Eagle, the Belgian of government refers to the war office describing seat at Havre, | flag jpulled down at sunset.” of City of Seattle, in the State of Wash ington, B, intend at the end of sixty days from SKEENA LAND DISTRICT almost where the the villa at the} Belgian stone edge, through as “a |W ater’s until it is flies day according to military custom, Three or four gendarmes, Baron de Brocqueville, the Minister o War, one or two military chauf- feurs, and the staff of the office stand at attention with thei: trench | war | heads at salute while a mortar, still gray with war paint, is fired. The bugle sounds, the | flag descends carefully | folded and put away for the night. Not until the soldier with the flag has disappeared into the building does one of the stiff figures un- bend. There is something sorrowful in and is this ceremony. It is the remnant King Albert has never been in Havre: “Why?” you ask. field simple but his noble an- “He is in the with army.” A swer and characteristic of a Bel- has proved. the says when the gian, as the war The mony of description of cere- “retreat,” flag is lowered everybody looks to- ward England as a silent tributes to the country which sent its men to fight with Belgium against the Hun invaders. While this simple but impres- MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements. Boulder Mineral Clatm, situate in the | campaign against |Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. 4 Where located:—On the west side of | Henry is not | piaaen Creek, about one and one half! of the family |miles from Goose Bay, and south of the | . |Kaien Mineral Claim, Lot 2226, Cassiar dis- | for human in- trict. Lawful holder, Myron Knox Rodgers; | Seattle P.-I. number of the holder’s free miner’s certi- | ficate, 94240 B. Take notice that I, Myron Knox Rodgers, | their eyes to the west. |}Ganada for | sunken by There is but one to turn—to the Belgian Relief Committee and in turn there but one way for the Belgian Re-, lief Committee to turn and tha is to CGanadians. In Canada’ record wheat harvest is the at swer. The flour from Canadian | Canadians are asked to give Bel gium the wheat she wants—a J! to be paid these people who idebt jarmies while of a shattered nation, trodden un- Public meotings, der foot, but undefeated and stil! Thursday and — at 8 p.m maintaining its dignity. Sundays at 7:30 P. takes place there | with | sive ceremony are hundreds of thousands These are the looking the unfortunates, innocent victims of the with war, England and t Their dimmed eyes to help faces, famine and privation, are filled with a mixture of grati- has been done and pleading for Mothers are pleading for their helpless child- tude for what more: ren, Whom they are watching grow weaker day by day for want of} the bare necessities of life way for them wheat is what is wanted an held back the tide of invading iy 4G.T.P. SCHEDULES Stas veiw Steamship Service to Sout} S. S. Prince George sails every Saturday at 9 a. m. S. &. Prince John Sails every Tuesday at 7 p. m. Train Service to the East EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2ND, 18916. Passenger Trains leave Prince Rupert on Mond Thursdays at 10:30 a, m.for Kdmonton, Winnipeg, 1 \ Ottawa, New York and all Eastern Points “THE BROAD OF MARVELLOUS SCENERY” On Saturday also Mixed ‘Train carrying passens making close Winnipeg Cave for Edmonton at 6 a. m., there with regular passenger train for ror Steamship and Sleeping Car Reservations information regarding travel! to any part of the wo: G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, 3RD AVE. Agency all Atiantic and Trans-Pacific Steamship Lines England prepared t keep them from her shores. ‘s battles | The true shield in life is to be armed with the Right Salvation Army. | Tuesday. | DENTISTRY CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY Lowest rates to all Eastern Pointe DR. J. F. BROWN DENTIST Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 vie Steamer to Vanoouver and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWay Office: Meals and berth included or steamer eet PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND FRIDAY 7 P. m “A Little Sage Is A Handy Thing” } ANY a man has lost his M chance to become independent by not having the ready money to take advantage of a really big opportunity. PLO OLOOL OEE {! PRINCESS MAQUINA SOUTHBOUND | SUNDAY, 6 P. m Prince Rupert Dairy §} i,t retste-see so Has cut the price of Milk in half peels ail Street ano 3 PACIFIC CARTAGE LIM ITED successors to Pacific Tre Genera! Certege LADYSMITH COAL j 83—Phone—es PURE FRESH MILK Delivered in city at 10c per quart and 5c per pint “Fortune knocks once at selbiicpeis ) Alex M. Manson, B.A every man’s door’. Greet her with a Savings Account, and be ready for what she brings. One Dollar opens am account in the Savings Department. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. free miner’s certificate No. 94240 the date hereof, to apply to the mining recorder for a certificate of improvements, | for the purpose of obtaining a Crown! Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 85, of the ‘Mineral Act” must be commenced before the al ace] of such Certificate of Improvements. } Dated this 19th day of December, A. D. 1915. MYRON KNOX RODGERS. By his agent, H. G. Lawson. f16. LAND NOTICE. DIGTRICT OF COAST TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Jackson and Olaus Peterson, of Porcher Island, B. C., occupation ranchers, intend to apply for! permission to lease the following described lands :— Commencing at @ post planted at the mouth of Humpback Creek, on tts east side, thence 30 chains in a northwesterly direction, following high water merk; thence 1 chain, more or less, in a south westerly direction to low water mark; thence 30 chains, more or less, in a south- easterly direction, following low water mark; thence 1 chain in a northeasterly direction to point of commencement, and containing 3 acres, more or less ANDREW JACKSON & CLAUS PETERSON Jctober 18th, 1015. svTeneaes 1 A Beal io OL Ww i Pema en rene Sunuiatis bab ahs FRE F ‘ stratehtiorerard fons offor We export you about us and ¢how them TDeon't think this offer teo enod to } 2S cons t day and cater wil! be amaret- Vo TT Jewellers (Vept. 4. }, @. Cr Evaian! nwa lie Bowl, Lan un, Ny EMPRESS F. G. DAWSON ee NE 0 PR SUT en rn OM me ae Lg Veesvvuveresrore W. E. Williams, | L.LB WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto MONEY TO LOAN E ‘ Sterling Marine Motors } Can be purchased In town. A Motor that will give you en- tire satisfaction. Built for 3) "el#erson Block paenag Ses) hard work. Guaranteed. a : aT ee ee JAMES GILMORE FISHERMAN’S ENGINE Ratettoot 2 Cyl—5 1-2 In. by 7 Iin., 12-16 Horse Power. end 4 Cyl—+5 1-2 in. by 8 In., 25-35 Morse Power, Aveuue, near \ de Stree Do your remodeling with a first- : ‘ class engine. RB C UNDERT AKERS roe Baer — FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- BALMERB — SATISFACTION GUAR- W. E. Williscroft, Phone $ ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Biue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- } at trician, Phone 383. $ THY SND STREST—PHuONE . sac VM Wille Lib Aged in Wood 8 Years before bottling GUARANTErD PRY GOVERNMENT «i CNis Coughing scatters germs —Stop it Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed mucuous membranes and is tnvreover apt to carry diseuse to others, Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly stops coughing, and secon, thanks to it tonic properties, effects &@ pernianent cure, « The wonderful popularity of Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and God Liver Oil is specially due'to its great value as a permanent lmng and bron- chia! healer. Sold everywhere, 35c large bottles. 4. L. MATHIEU CO, Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. Der headaches wee Mathiows Nervine Seters snes O08 ow ul ais to chase the > 2 focar a ot ae Cad accompany 4-tng Here's where we test the choicest samples of Canada’s six million acre wheat crop. We grind them into flour in the little mill you see on the left of the picture. Then comes the supreme test--bread-baking. if the bread is perfect in every way we pronounce the wheat Al and the flour-ROYAL STANDARD. AT YOUR GROCER’S Vancouver Milling & Grain CoLte ROYAL STANDADD @ ancouver. New Westminst@r. Nanaimo. Victoria. S) TT a Si hat STS <. a el SS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR COFFEE PRINCE RUPERT, ©. © Peart eer 4 ) £2 RS eee ic .. es ee