rer Dem. sews ae ‘ eae ra ‘i a ——— ———— ore ==. ee ae ae a ee a ee oe ae a ig see =p eine eS ie SF ae at PO emg Jt 2 = P= Si en oT = F 4-4 4 TR Wh Bt 2H WR BX 2X FH BA EE SH bs es All Women Neec ae mn wR ih . — Tin a a ’ So zonally, to mgmac ‘ 7 J ~~ of so Tauck sick heac r | % Asa ES Sa Gala ts | 2 . Eex by promptly taking a Gose or t - AGé ope and 2 helt ports water ome part ' eee me ADA Fust” MK => * |Beecham’s Pills ° 3 - ‘ = oa Teer +545 > : i ~*~ “Conads - “ 22 o Kost Ther at get tomact. iver. kiadueys and bowels enn) --, } “ ; First Evaporated Mak. Add 2 inde end regia ; keequng tuects im a heeltty 2 - : ex: z , Z maene se Reet ancater, Cum @< - -~4 + Te rteed Os pilis are wapeteiie me Cumputae—theretore, b-- eg pit. Ermee sat ay on lot tap, SIT ent Poe Saenaen anual aher Sects and are met habit forme (2) 3 SLi Se GCemgiics wih ths 2b 2m Iporsm ie : a4 z : & tor of Seecher'’s Pills is fe house is 2 peetection agein: - beverage. Add ome egy for a delicsoms egg-sogg. muay amuoring Diuniies camued Dy smommach Ds, end loys the ¢2_- ns mare Mg < For Better Health Peepers? one te Tones Beecten. Sk Helews, Leneestert Fey and ere. Sout eee cert oo Canmtio ens LOS - ee eee vl v —s SOP POPC Coy CAVENAILE & HANNAN PURVETORS OF THE HICHEST GHADces oF ALL LINES 6, GROCERIES AND TAELE DAINTIES - + 24 Ze Ess OOOO EOE EEE ER EEEEOBEEEEEEOREEDMERES POPOL LLL LOLOL LOOOOOOOLOL OOOO ODO De i PHONE 453 3r¢ AVENUE AND 254 st if ' i “THE STORE THAT IS DIFFERENT” pit POOL OOP OVD OO ODOO OL OCI LD SPP Peer Creo poe Se 2,000,000) , 1) . s Belgians ¢ Depend onus for Bread! Since shortly after the German imvasion, the Belgians have depended for food entirely on the “Commission for Relief im Belguum”™. Their own store of food, even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last onl; three weeks—they have had no chance to raise more— nd the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them! Backed by the Belgian Relief Fund AUCTIONEER £ND LPPRLICER SCE CORNER MED STL sD oT ST. wase PIANOS PLATTER PILNOCS. music ROLLS, SHEET MUZIC, AND SMELL MUSICAL GOODS Gerheré-—Heintzmnan Pianos 2 Piance to Rent. oer or SOP SEO E EEE PEER PEED ECEDOEDPEDE $0 generourly contributed in the British Empire and the | d 2 ; States, the neutral Belgian Kelef Commission hes imported hk Q DELIVERY enough wheat, four and other foods to feed the whole nation \ so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgsans left in \\ 1 the country have been able to pay for them daily allowance of EXRESS AMD & bread—but a steadily growimg number have no moncy iit . a Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousand: of : r women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possuble | ; : | ‘ Phone Red 339 someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month—every H moath—all this winter! i ; 1 - oo } POPP POFOEPEPEPOLO®*DEPOOODOEDOODOOS No peopie under the Albed Flags are as well able to contribute | * eae. eleanor generously 2s we Canadians! No cause has ever been more f HE SEES IT EVERYWHERE HE GOES. art by Moyer desery erving ¢ help! In ——— of — and —— — the sake our own sel-respect— us grve we can t Serr ALI a ; 5 Qu TY DOMESTIC ’ : help our martyred Allies! ‘ Lump ? : The tf ‘ : ’ é y ‘ ‘ e448 Sead your subscription: weekly, mosthly ot im ose lump sum to Loca log COAI “The Daily News” Local News Notes | — Prov.scal Comntera o to th y ews byINE seta} st Central Executive Committee, 59 St, Peter St, Montrea $9.50 per Ton -— Cash on alas : : e George % 2 Delivery CLASSIFiLD ADS Hal Peck went south this mor —— $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. : i “ ERE REE EERE ES — 4 Money Bact if Not Batit- FRPP PODDE + (PPOBEELELOA! SODOREBOOOL ne * BE LGIAN FUND +s on ae ie OOP i! factory er rere mere mh Some « ; i ili #4 LOST Mrs. J. ¥. Rochester i« visiting! . 2 ; | UNION TRANSFER (0. {lviscccasn ns» ae war nile 4 | ep | he i . L)6T—On 4th 1, 200 of ord avenue, @ in the city 3 La nach lice ; Cat 222 2nd Ave. Phone 36 boneh of keys om ring. Finder kindly a oe ee . pene lB u i rit co i leave at Little's News stand. = *\2 2 a i er De G A. Woodland left for Var i- re 5 2 ey en FOR SALE F p 4 * 4 Ap 2 ‘ nu the Prince Georg , ADVERTISE IN eee ensimesesinnrrer ce a oe * lief | . ! SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gato s ® ‘ oe i : : 2 line engine, uew, 8165 freight peid f ‘ ‘4 Tomlinson has returned s if the + i I HE DAILY NEWS $end for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor! Lae re Pie ', ae thes ’ pec e 4 For terms s H (o., Hamilton, Canada. wit ma visit to the inter te : . ht tT a ee now jer The Oe i i iF LAKGE OR BMALL STUMPS CAN BE DE : a : : « no commendat Be iv . , od a aes b reby fives Flect ly Pr } 2% stroyed at the cost of a few cents eact waled at Smithers, is spending ; mre said act, deposited with the Minister 2 , 1c ; 2 by our chemical process; no hard labor|, few dave in Prince Runer * ail are aware f the part ; iy Works at Ottawa, and in the ’ : 4 in Prin Rup { i + 3 involved and no explosives used. Write ; es : * played by 5 5 a iin mle >. ny Kegistrar of Titles i H for particulars,—ideal Stump Destroyer ee — , t site and of the tiene “ re > —t-- } Hs (4,, 166 Broadway, East; Vancouver, Lieut. Carss returned from the|* Belgium in holding up the 4% | prep, t built in Alice Arm, Obser- Up - to-the - minute Butcher £3 Cc, ‘ : British Columbi a poi 9000 i 4 | > interior last night with a number|*® Ge in they lirst situate about 3-4 miles south or She siete ee ae : (a8 ot 4 9 x . ‘ ‘ ss MINERAL ACT if recruits for the 102nd. * great raid on France. The 4% serlee @ $ 1074, Range 5, Coast He meme Oi 8+ la” aids ta cepunmtentio caer. S\laAt®, TAXS NOTICR thal ater dha on WATER NOTICE Ys $3 NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER ak ; ' , the fe tyne month from the date of TAKE NOTICE that R. B. McGin aoe Hi Major 8 4 Huntingdor t j at ¢ aticn f this potice. Richard t 4 A Health i 10 4, A. ROGERS, ee SAE Hngdon and)* aged and citizens may rest *}; nis under se on n Seomere address is Alice Arm, Britis! nbis », ¥ ~ preserving TAKZ NOTICE that, whereas I have|Sergt. T. ft. Maitland have gone to!*® assured that every dollar gy | ald t, apply to the Minister of Put ie | Wil apply for a licence w tak - i - | ° a caused to be done the assessment work) ,, Sahar ; aati shies aS , pyOrks at tis office in the City of Ottawa,| fifteen second feet of water ib # a itor the year 1915 on the mineral claims) )O9Y OFF @ recruiling expedi-|# will do a hundred cents Sloe oe os 2 = 7 the and plans,|Creek, which flows Westerly 4 _ 4 e -s: y “” ” ” ; ; de ve iatruc the said wharf Z rip ih # The use of Lifebuoy Soap fie |“N0W" 86 “Ladybird No. 4" Mineral Claim, | tion. * worth of work in aiding # ATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., this| 1’? Kitsault River, about 16 5 he y 4 makes the bathasupremely ay |" t¥sted in Cascade Greek valley, north of a acicg | : 22nd day of October, A. D. 1915 ;of its outlet at Alice Arm, B de hie | 4 nothing pleasure as well an fag | Ver Lake, in the Stewart, B. C., Mining te |* those patriots The ac. # HICHARD B. McGINNIS, Applicant, | Water will be diverted from ro F! + ste ‘ ” . / » firs 1@ r QO sa acer ; | - ' od pove tlie 44 61 health-insuring delight. fag | District; and he “Stamey Minera’ Claim, : ie first meeting of the nev * count will be open untjl * LAND RE j4t @ point about 500 vertica a | cds |) Hi ‘The cream of pure oils gives [gq |*tuated on the east side of Cascade Creek) oounei} on Monday night. the : GISTRY ACT ‘point of use, near its mouth a i | fet 64 velvety lather that is [gq |*! the head, in the said Stewart Mining) — ‘ll : : * January 31st. *| IN THE MATTER OF An application for] Used for power and mining purl je lia clennanng and healing. The ey | ol*trict, - have yee fo auld assese- | Mayor will announce the standing |y ge ee ee Oe HE KH ee ee { @ fresh Certificate of viene | pon the land described as W a {iat very mild earbolic solution FRq jment work the sum of $200.00; umes). oinmitters, to Lot Fifty (50), Block three (3), Sec- | Miting Claus, This notice was posted © (a8 means a perfectly healthy fag [you pay to me the sum of $100.00 tor ees ? wey ON Bey 7), City of Prince Rupert, Map|‘! @Tound op the 26th day gt i : ekin, The odor vanishes in & your share of the said assessment work 3 WIGHEST PRICE 23 pert. MOD] seis. A copy of thie potice end en OF he few seconds after use. together with the costs of this sdvertise- The annual vestry meeting of CES PAID FOR Proof of the loss of the certificate of |Plication pursuant thereto and ine a ALL GROCERS HLL~ a jfnent, 1 shall, at the expiration of ninety] litle to the above lands having been fled| “Water Act, 1914" will be fled in Ws re <4 |days from the date hereof, apply to the |St. Andrews Anglican Church wil]! in this offce, Notice is hereby given that|Mce of the Water Recorder at Prince ip Pee | Minin, 0 , . , it te wi t y given joMece o order a g t FE 5 i 0 y st B+ separ ema at or be held in the church on Monday, OF ALL KINDS : a y ention to tissue, at the expiration | Kupert, B. C, Objections to the 4p! os ‘4 | es 4 . , f one month fro ; a. /may be Mle , Water ' ee : and “Stumpy” Mineral Claims vested in me|17th inst., at 8 p. m. BOUGHT AND SOLD tion hereof, a ae m the first publica- |! ay be Nled with the said be ae: is ALTHY | in pursuance of the provisions of the : sana be 1 certificate of tithe to} or with the Comptroller of at cyithil j ee 5 HE it liseinesel Ace.” oa {3 ———— en fot in the name of John R,| Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. W" 4 + Dated st Prince Rupert, B. c., this sth| High class shoe repairing; war|% “#"° WMES SATIOFIED WITH A 3 )i5th Decesuber fyi Of, Title ts dated | thirty days after the first appeslil™ . ae ¥ ert, B. C., : ’ >? MALL PROFIT an mer, 1911, and is numbered] this notice in a local newspar : -_* this BE day of November, 1916. prices G. Hill opposite 959-1 , notice A. LUND ts, hn DOSt- 13 Tey 628 Brd Ave., OF Phone Red 268 H. F. MACLEOD. t lof the first publication of this ! YTITITTTT . of ’ a . - MACLEOD ristrts ‘ : pared : , Harr rr i tes ee Per Alex, M, Manson, bis solicitor. office. tf. [Land Registry Omes, ¢ t Registrar.|November 9th, 1915. : - PPOPPPPOLOPPOIDOODDODOOO PCIE DC9CROR DLCOIIDEr 6th. 1948 rince Hupert, B. C., KR. B, MeGINNIS, Applicant 4 1015 ji5 By H. C. Ingle, agent, ie a