VOL PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1916. ——— ____ — OE _____- — captenes arenas PRICE FIVE CENTS CHOLAS ACCUSED OF TREACHERY GSLEY MAKES SENSATIONAL CHARGES AGAINST SHELL COMMITTEE AGAINST KING OF MONTENEGRO italian Press Charges Nicholas With Vile Treachery — Sold out to Kaiser Before Outbreak of War. (Special to The Dally News.) Rome, Jan. 19. made by the Italian press that the Charges are Montenegrin king had sold out to that he take Kuec, and that the Kaiser; allowed the Austrians Lo he secretly aided the Austrians by d vine information regarding Allied ships carrying provisions to « e Austrian submarines to & these vessels. Quantities of supplies for the revictualling of the Serbian and Montenegrin armies were left rotting on the quays in Albania, der to induce the populace to believe that the Allies had de- serted them. It is also charged that the Montenegrins repaired the Giakvoa-Seutari road to en- ible the Austrians to advance against the Serbians. It is claimed that King Nicholas before the outbreak of war, to cede Lov The defence suffi- was in secret agreement, cen to the Austrians. of the cent to lull the suspicions of the Allies. Italy refused to supply mountain was only Monte- negro with guns and munitions because they would simply have handed them over to Austria. THE WEATHER By F. W. Dowling. For 24 hours ending 5 a. m. January 19th. Barometer sds os feces 29.462 Maximum temperature ... 40 Minimum temperature ... 32. Precipitation .....+++e-+-. 02 CHEAP FUEL Good wood cut to any length $5.00 cord, 2 feet—$4.50, 4 feel $3.50. Also best lump coal. EXPRESS. 130, PONY MAJESTIC :: THEATRE Tonight and Tomors)w . — ¥ CLASSIC PHOTOPLAY “A BOLT FROM THE SKY” In three exquisite acts, PATHE NEWS Latest events from everywhere “TERRIBLY STUCK-UP” A corking comedy “MATRIMONIAL BLISS” A thousand feet of laughs, POPULAR PRICES, 10 and 15 ots. Coming soon, a great Serial and Chaplin Comedy: wre LONDON CAFE And Grill REASONABLE PRICES Hart Bik. Third Avc. oer - FARMED OUT AT HUGE PROFITS Hon Wm. Pugsley Makes Sensa- tional Speech Yesterday—Shell Committee Must Face Some Very Grave Charges. (Special to The Dally News.) Ottawa, Jan, 19 Hon. William | Pugsley, minister of public works jin the late Laurier government, jin a speech in the house yester- | day made grave charges against | the shell committee, in the plac- | ing of contracts to the amount of | 1$300,000,000 to be paid for out} if British funds. Mr- Pugsley declares that mem- | bers of the committee placed ora] firms at an | ders with their own | extravagant rate of profit, and sub-let orders at immense profits. that a Parliament He states member of the Canadjan acted as middleman in farming out the orders. was offered that he agreed to pay one and a half per One manufacturer 1 contract on condition cent. commission to a man who was in close touch with General of the com- Bertram, chairman mittee. The speech continues to- day. It has made a great sensa- tion in the House: MORE ADVERTISING FOR PRINCE RUPERT from taken which | clipping Bulletin, The following the Edmonton from the Toronto Globe, journal took it from the Winnipeg Commercial, shows how Prince Rupert is being advertised as a fishing centre. It has, therefore, appeared in three prominent papers, and is certain to have re- ceived publicity in many other places: “The Winnipeg Commercial says that in two days late in No- vember more than half a million pounds of halibut landed at Prince Rupert. in ice and loaded in refrigerator fresh were Packed cars. the halibut is carried by the National Transcontinental Rail way on its way to the eastern cities of Canada and the United States, where it arrives in perfect condition.” NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Take notice that I shall not be responsible for any work done by others who may have been form. erly in my employ or who shall represent themselves as working for me unless they bear a written authorization from me to do the work: The object of the above is to protect my patrons from in- competent work and to protect myself against misrepresentation. “PRITZ THE HANDYMAN." Prince Rupert, B. C., January 16 1916. High class shoe repairing; war prices. G. Hill, opposite office. tf. post- There will be some rousins speeches at the Liberal meeting BOXES FOR LADIES on Friday in the Stork Block, LORD AND LADY ASTOR American papers have been slightly peevish at the additional evidence of Astor’s desertion of America, furnished by his elevation to the fifteen years and owns several Peerage. He has lived in England newspapers. His father made the Astor fortune in Amer- ica. His wife was Nanie Langhorne, one of the four famous southern beauties: MAIL CAR DESTROYED BY FIRE NEAR EDSON: | | | | | GRANBY FURNISHING RECRUITS FOR 102ND Major Huntingdon, of the 102nd A vague rumor reached town] Battalion, returned from Anyox yesterday afternoon that part ofjjast night, bringing four stalwart the westbound train had been';eepuits with him. burned. It seems that, near Ed-! Maitland is staying over in the son, an explosion of gas occurred | smelter town to continue recruit- in the baggage and mail car,!jng, I[t is expected that 25 new blowing the roof off. Fortunately|members of the battalion will ar- the two clerks escaped without) pive from Anyox within a few days. injury, but the car major will was completely | On Thursday, the destroyed in a few minutes fire. by |leave for Prince George where he | , | will meet Lieut--Col- Warden, who The train carried a heavy mail,|js coming north by way of Ash- including quite a batch of old'!epoft. There are now some fift country matter, and the exact ex tent of the vu Judging from the quantity of mail, WARRANT ISSUED FOR CALGARY OIL PROMOTER matter | —_— wen uh A od. }warrant has been issued for the recruits located in town. loss is not known ie a which. arrived at Prince Rupert, | very little, if any, of the for the terminal city was destroy-|} Calgary, bench Immediately fire broke out, the|arrest of Geo, E- Buck, promoter detached the rest of the train, thus avert- | Black Diamond Oj! Company, re- jcently committed to stand trial on la charge of defrauding the public Black burning car was from}jand managing director of the ing any danger of the fire spread ing to the other coaches. Dia- RED CROSS SALE land of ‘salting’ the |mond well. | Buck, when committed to stand Friday’s Red Cross sale will be|trial by the magistrate, was ad- held in Spurr’s New Market on/mitted to bail of $20,000, of which Third and will be in $40,000 was charge of Mrs. Woodland, Mrs | 85,000 bonds by EB, H- Crandell, Brady and Mrs. Humble. are requested to send along lots|prisoner, and $2,500 by J. H } Avenue, personal security, Ladies |$2,500 by Mrs. Poyntse. “ANNUAL MEETING LIBERAL ASSOC. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF ‘THE LIBERAL ASSOCIATION OF PRINCE RUPERT WILL BE HELD IN THE ASSOCIATION'S ROOMS, STORK BLOCK, 2ND AVE,, ON FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 248T, COMMENCING AT 8:15 O'CLOCK. OFFICERS FOR THE ENSUING YEAR WILL BI ELECTED, AT THE SAME 'TIME THERE WILL BE A PRO GRAM OF SOME GOOD, ROUSING SPEECHES. of home cooking and pastry. referee Buck, wife of the CREEK KING IN ~DAILY FEAR OF "ASSASSINATION . onstantine’s Bodyguard Doubled —French Bag Two Zeps— Germans have Evacuated Fortress of Lutsk- Courtesy Hotel Prince nupert.) Milan, Jan. 19.,—Fearing assas- sination, King Constantine of Greece has had his bodyguard at Athens doubled, and refuses to functions, Entente appear at any public It is reported that the emissaries are trying to stir up a revolution. Two Zeppelins Gone- Amsterdam, Jan. 19.—French gunners at Rheims have destroyed two Zeppelins. The wrecked air- craft fell within the German lines. Evacuating Lutsk. Jan. 19—The forces are evacuating the import- Kiev, German country to the enemy- KING NICHOLAS OF MONTENEGRO GOES T0 ITALY Peace Negotiations broken off— Montenegrin Report States That King Surrendered to Save His Country. (Special to The Daily News.) London, Jan. 19.—The French Embassy announces that all peace negotiations between Austria and Montenegro have been broken off as the Austrian conditions are un- King leaving for Italy- Montenegrin Report. According to a report from Cet- acceptable. Nicholas _ is tinje, the capital of Montenegro, King Nicholas has issued a proc- lamation on hebalf of his people, of the This is declaring the surrender deemed necessary to prevent the complete ruin of the country. For Italy, the Austrian success has a most serious as- new ant fortress of Lutsk. Western Front. London, Jan. 19—An report states that a large portion of the near Festubert official enemy's parapets has been destroyed by The enemy suffered from our artillery the exploding of a mine, fire which followed. Between the Oise and the Aisne uur batteries shattered the Ger- man trenches, and in Champagne and in Woevre our big guns have been active at several points. JACKIE SAUNDERS IN A GREAT DRAMA AT THE MAJESTIC “A Bolt from the Sky,” the hree-act photoplay at the Ma- jestic, is the story of Fayette, the dainty little daughter of a wealthy man, who jis trapped by a gang of matrimonial crooks, and mar- ‘ied to Craig, a fortune-hunter. Shortly after the marriage, her father is ruined, and Craig ill- treats her shamefully. In defending her against a murderous attack from her en- raged husband, Cummings, who has always loved Fay, kills Craig and is charged with murder, He ultimately is set free and all ends The dramatic situations very cleverly happily. story abounds in handled. Jackie Saunders, who plays the part of Fay, is deserib- ed as the Maude Adams of the screen: Besides this exquisite drama, there are two good comedies and a Pathe News film. THE CRADLE Born to Mr, and Mrs. A, R. Me- Clelan, 318 7th Ave., East, a son, vesterday: Best qualily of household lump and nut coal-—Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15, fs Wd; superintendent of G, 'T, P. Telegraphs at Edmon- ton, arrived on last night’s train Rooney, on a visit to the local office. Remember the Liberal annual meeting in Liberal headquarter: EVERYBODY WELCOME on Friday night, pect, as the long narrow Italian peninsula is particularly vulner- able to an attack from the sea. It is stated that the possession of Cattaro by the Austrians is as creat a menace to Italy as the tak- ing of Calais would be to Britain. SWEDEN EXPERIENCES AN EXTREMELY COLD WINTER Jan. 17.—The Post's Stockholm correspondent reports London, Aretic conditions throughout Sweden, with a record tempera- ture of 23 degrees below zero registered on land. Twenty steam- ers were frozen in at Geffle during the last few days, and ice breakers are powerless to release them. The Aland Islands have been iso- lated since the middle of Decem- ber, and there is much suffering from the lack of food throughout Bothnia is thickly covered first Such a severe region, which with snow for the 1888. been time since winter has unknown for a century. Don’t forget the Liberal annua! meeting on Friday. WESTHOLME, OPERA HOUSE SPLENDID 7 - REEL SHOW DANIEL FROHMAN PRESENTS MARY PICKFORD in one of her greatest characteriza- tions “RAGS” In Six Acts, UNIVERSAL ANIMATED WEEKLY Showing 8,000 overseas troops ready for the front marching in spectacu- lar pageant in Winnipeg. Rally for recruits ™ London, French war scenes and views from the Russian front, Coming Friday and Saturday, Charlie Chaplin in “The Mix-up.” Follow the crowd to Self’s Cafe. There is a reason.. Next Majestic Theatre. ¢2/9f, © PES, _ = eee m —— == on oe —— FSS. =—s Sees as ee ne tec Eore rcs ais