THE DAILY NEWS GRAN) DUKE NICHOLAS RETURNED TO FAVO GREAT RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE AGAINST THE TURKS MONTENEGRINS RETIRING DUKE NICHOLAS VICTORIOUS IN THE CAUCASUS Russian Invasion of Asia Minor Beginning—Turks in Retreat Se MANY SLACKERS IN THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE Ottawa, Jan. 17 Phe opinion} is freely expressed here that | the government experiences any difliculty in raising the: five bun- dred thousand men now set as the limit of the Canadian Expedition- MON’ THDRAWING INTO ALBANIA Defence ofScutari General who led Revolt Against 'MILITARY HONORS FOR FIVE CANADIAN OFFICERS (Special to The Dally News.) The tinguished Service Order has been Lt.-Cols. V- W-.} and J. R seventh battal- ENEGRINS ttawa Jen: Be Dis- miferred upon LOdium, W.. D. McIwee, Holmes, all of the Abandoned— LIBERAL ASSOCIATION HOLDS ENTHUSIASTIC GATHERING ROUSING SPEECHES DELIVERED IN WHICH THE PROFLIGATE MicBRIDE-BOWSER GOVERNMENT IS SCORED— “BUCKET-SHOP” METHODS WRECKED THE PROVINCE Abandon Guns and ary Force, there might be a little Peace Now Commands pion, and upon Captain Charles T-| Munitions. intelligent compulsion and that it she Hovees. Erpetigas of the tenth battalion for| Prince Rupert Liberal Associa- {wise and honorable man should a ought to begin at the top. ny peallantry on the battlefield. The tion held its annual general meet-|not have done. Mr. Brewster (Special to The Dally News.) = is notorious that there are (Bpecial to The Dally News.) | military cross has been aw arded| ing in the Stork Block last night|would make his name as ‘a man 99 1p 3 slackers even in the Militia De- ; aa 74 He teed i London, Jan- 22.—The Russian Ons “OVER aR Ene Must, 2h Paris, Jan. 22.—King Nicholas |#® Lt. Archibald Wrighton of the j when T. D- Pattullo presided over} with a sense of public honor, a , - lox 4 partinent, ornamental office hoi . Bistniamiyens'* army are|Seventh battalion. é larxa attendanos of mbar { es in the Caucasus, under rf ve ‘oil a ; Or Monvenegro ane 1s army are a large attendance of members. thine lacking in past govern- a 10 only get in the way of abandoning all hope of being able "Syl wee ae TT fol lut » Nic crei nee - . ope 0 ing ape e illo g resolutior as . irand Duke Nicholas, with great the real workers and who weuld ae ; it via ast Coal GENERAL VJ STILL i ollowin re ition WwW Mt | ments. Brewster's sterling char- aqeiene secular; and are W LJ] A ove ‘red § rk and seco > : : r batteries of artillery, is approach- be of more use to their country th t f Al a moved by Fred Stork and secondec acter will save British Columbia. - |;arawing into the interior o by P. W. Anderson, and carried | ; ; ’ i the Turkish fortress of Erez-/at the front- Some of these fat,|) REMAINS UNCAPTURED ” d Cer ges i “| George R- Naden said that he paaEe ar ’ siasm: “That this ; th the object of invading] pink-fleshed fellows make a blufi trihes: -icsestian tml eli att pened a nate a ; jhad known Mr. Brewster for ten onvenegr cor ar S SSO0CI1E on a: lé 4 yr as- . Asia Minor. The victories in the/at tremendous industry, but the (Special to The Daily News.) re are Sere cat a eee lyears and he could heartily en- ~ jentrusted to General Martinovitch ; smbled again expresses its entire | thet MMe. Mts ‘ein calle ( a have re-instated tl bigwest part of their job is after i el at bis il E! Paso, Jan. 22.—General Villa ra i ' ah what Mr. Manson had said. NATO ROGUE he POVOM BeGMiny St ‘onfidence in the leadership o : 2 Grand Duke in the favor of the/hours, lifting high balls at the ind attempt 4 gies ss uncaptured- Surrounded . . ne praganr pins i ae Mr. Brewster, in a letter just re- oe. eee 2 eeeeey, the . Hon. Sit ilfrid Laurier. | # eu vr Czar Rideau -Club. The only = active te pea with Aqwbnia’ “ath by ty hundred of his followers, : és 6 ‘mina | ceived, said, We feel more ; BEVEDRLe PeRVe Wilh) AUaee Ot t is a matter of deep gratification Be ec Stet Turks Leave Munitions. service these tin heroes @ver sav sla lille a haa a he occupies a strongly fortified : cake ig : s ‘ lstrongly every day that the pro- on " P UCC tod Uwe “UOEPS to all Liberals tha le passing : ot AM l | einforcing their} was the active service they got ’ hubtrians Defers having * position in the mountain pass sr hese I : }vince is with us, and personally es een eee LESS, eer eee years but : ustre to the career : > taktne ( a with forces from their friends to do for them wher ti estate t] Histiecantvtiny near Sierra Madre The Carranza ' a ae : ' 4 iT feel quite confident of taking Lire owing tO the enemy receiving of this greatest of living Cana-| : ead a Mi polar thus relieving the they were lanea:ing the jobs which reinforcement troops are waiting for reinforce- “ a | Mr. Flummerfelt’s measure when re : dians. | ; . . oo $6 pre | General Aylmer they cumber to this day. Almost Italian Cabinet Resigns ments before making the final ; 7 the by-election comes along. British expeditionary|any member f Parliament can Koala i attack. Speaking to the motion, Fred. T. D. Pattullo, the retiring Cah ee Be) etc Sees eae F msterdam, Jan- 22. aly’s shade : 3 force The Turks -in their re-|pjame you half a dozen of these , , . en L asap a tet ieets Stork said that it was only fitting veges thanked the members : ‘ yo t é 0 : ©“! cabinet has resigne¢ Signor Lu ' : | ‘ : ‘ hat Liberals should take some} the loyal support accorded treat left a large number of guns] stall-fed colonels who draw large |,, npati-. ali “a ft R GIA , fe ei eee 4 tities of daeenaiition be ait Gt tw sentinel Welaot ton zatti is a4 suct i d aaa ee ANOTHE NORWE N cognition of the services we him in his two years 6? office, and quantit i -|salaries and do 4 oO 5 ¢ : . : : premier. Home has censdrec al 0 their illustrious leader, .who t i *ethy th . s f , ’ : referred briefly to the fact “eas ere Canada- except to decrease the |the reports TOWN WIPED OUT thout doubt the greatest living | ‘ ; t binet min : eae without do > greates the rere were two cabinet min- Submarine Success. visible supply’ of booze. Muniti ie ale ar |that the ; ' ? unition . (Special to The Dally News.) Canadian. His policies have stood | ig sters in the city. These gentle- \ sh submarine in the up- Having cleaned up headquar- New York. Jan. 22.—The Nor Christiania, Norway. Jan. 22 niall dan vi Ze . : per Adriatic has sunk an Austriar : : eee rene Ph eres caters the test of time- e all remeM-| pen had no policy to bring for- | favie NaS SUNK AN AUSLIPIAN | ters, the next suggestion put for- wegian steamer Synga, which left] The town of Molde, southwest of se ee sa ‘ . pls ‘ 30 f ‘pedo ‘ : ; eet ber how, five years ago, ae ward, and Bowser admitted that hydro-plane and also a Vorpedo| ward is that the Militia Depart-!here yesterday laden with muni-|here LAA aetna , : ; hio? ; i th eee ere } ay i ! inh} ere, 18 reduces O ashes. WO] down fighting for his principles, the policies of the past were ich came to the rescue Of] ment call on the he norary colo- tions, has returned today, on fire-|thousand people are homeless 5; nt detnich tie . nis ; the former tak r bot oni ? : ’ ant > ’ while each government which had failures. The government was ne aking both Crews] nels todo something honorable fo Fireboats successfully fought the|Fire completely wiped out the ; wo mente dail : i ane cs 3 ! : ‘ gone out of power formerly Had) simply hoping that something ! ' » colors. Of course it wou SBT tb aren ce a me ‘ oa the ¢ - COL - . c a aging in N { hold town, died of its misdeeds It is 4! would turn up to save them: eee ae 00 c ask I © el, thn cacea ill resume her vovage oa ‘ pd SEOs She : LIBERALS ELECT t much isk 1em he \ will 1 ime her voya source of great gratification to! These ministers were simply two i i . at eas i oo ’ or ‘ 7 ‘ a NEw Orrtes iit but they might at least pay for |, Viadivostock tonight, afte a HOCKEY TEAM INVITED him and to all Liberals that time f the abject rubber stamps. We er substitutes at a real colonel’s| investigation has been held. TO PLAY HAZELTOR | ).4. entirely vindicated the policy could only judge the future by he f owing were the office where in fact it ougat to he a PUR Ke ES hae ai : for which he stood. Throughouts pp past. Thanks to the rule of ¢ f the department that eac! The P, R, A, A- A. hockey team i ag ; : eS ae nate FROZEN RANCHER Canada today, there is a demand) po ycer, thousands have left and eleclec a 1 annua sanadsé oday, cS jowser, sands t i d eve person who accepts al has received an invitation to play], Rat . entail oe eting s ie 1 for reciprocity. Manitoba wants/.n6 ctill leaving the province. He ing last night ieee colonel’s commissior The rancher who was so badly{a series of games at Hazelton], nds ht hole rthwest ’ : ; . I ’res., Rt. Hon. Sir Wilfrid : ne free wheat; the whole n¢ . iwas making no idle boast when thereby binds himself to equip en north of Jasper recently |S me time during the coming ho enon dneenieee and) s sthiat: SC itinaeminies sandal Vice-pres © , : We S Aree me ’ ihe sai i alls manent and maintain a real calonel at}was brought in on last nifht’s|week, the interior team paying Prince Rupert wants free fish, | p this district- eweste Irae 2 7 G " : ‘ . sweep 5 Ss ; \ 2 rik i ys ce ve the front forysthe duration of the} train from Hazeiion, and is nowjexpenses. If arrangements can be ind free trade with the American | “ he Teneh” aWitingl. She {st Vice-Pres., P, . Ander a oR * ate Es ia and fre i : : 4 Vine. incense Mea war. If the honorary colone) has) at the local hospital He has had!made, the boy will leave here territory to the north. The pres-lorowth of speculation in the Seoy, Sead ae ae a particularly large bundle oOf!a terrible experience since he was Monilay morning and return o out war’ had’ shown cleans: sual fe ical i tat a atlas | tiv T. M Clymont money be might be aescssed Jo! ane having been packed) Thursday. Sir Wilfrid's plan for a Ganadiai | Drawing a vivid picture of it in ecutive McClymon ; , ‘ Se nati / ee 2 i I t gt Martin O'Reilly, George Frissell a regiment of colonels All thela nd for several days betwee! navy had been entirely justified | j;. supposed prosperity, he said . mW ss W 1 ’ traflic will bear’ that’s the mot-| Jasper and Prince Rupert. ICE CARNIVAL Th followil lution was | { that people then were satisfied to ‘\ lilams, P. Lynch, J e OLLOWINE sO On ae" ) Nult , to. 7 act a 1 , } , Manson, sec-! Je g long Today the Mon ‘ G R-N¢ , as . ‘he ce eo a] e »| proposed bv Alex. M- Man n, jl let things rip aiong. ay iden, V. Basso-) ster the honorary colonels| CONSERVATIVE SMOKER rhe ice carnival will be held Medan agit et en J. Dybhavn, George W- Nick ; ; tonight. and, as there is a dandy |onded by George R ade t | province was reaping e 8 ue ; ome the church parade colonels —_—. ’ a pa ah eae ed digs a Fa ; pnt are. wit Oe. eee © t til truttu likewise Phe al Conservative Associa-|sheet of ice.on the rink, every-}Carri d with great enthusiasm lof a government of gamble! who are still stru ig; likewis ! Re Oe area al | ; Dee ee eg a r ROt Mere eee tl ! l j lonels who/tion entertained Hon, ©, E. Tis-|body should have a good time Phat this a Clalion in annua [whe had turned the a we cChureh parade Colo ‘1S te o dies hi cae th , A \ em fade |dall at a smoker In the Empress|if ‘the temperature does uct drop] "ee ting a mbled, view with | Continued on Page ) ave found it convenient to fade reat. satisfaction the excellent| —————-———— into the resery then al}|Theatre last night There was ajto 20 below: vat ene Prey Fae woe ee ae rk of ’ C. Brewster since | tk lone! ma ' captains good musical program and eee - work of Mr. H. . Bi ; P | colonels, majors, capt et eS TIC :; THEATR | WESTHOLME ; speeches were delivered by Hot OBITUARY his appointment to the provincia AJES a ae ee lieutenants and commissioned, *l “ ss leadership of the Liberal party. Reerrear awa 00. Wi uerare oe ; . lary !C. E- Tisdall and Hon m., May : $ ’ OP E R A H O U S E slackers who got all the glory . E. Tisda oe , The six months old son of] ypis association is of the opinion Tonight and TOMATEN eee : , Rk all son. Joe Merryfield preside: : rte SPLENDID 6-REEL SHOW they could out of the King’s uni l Os ' I | N ithan Shaw, of Kitkatla, died at}that. in Mr- Brewster, the Liberal = “THE F ” form in times of peace, but whi ae |the hospital this morning of bron-|party has a leader who, when SENSATIONAL PHOTOPLAY AMILY DIVIDED cht id SEVEN BABIES | party Sg a rhree reel Drama have dropped out of sigh nov | hial pneumonia, premier of the province, will bring “THE DRAGON’S CLAW . ee ar started. These fine prance d : ee In three Acts: ‘When California Was Wild’ the war started, These fine pran There are thirty patients at thi gentry ne Sp to bear a sound judgment and a1 he agi) ae. IR ae Ran Be shot Western Drama. ing fellows should a ea wit hospital at present, including ze integrity of purpose which wil “Cartoon yr ol “ ) ‘ar chance toc * Torward an . bien ae . no 000 va) caricature SOME WHITE HOPE” other chance to come k Aetsutty " seven babies he seven babies | At nine o'clock this’ mornine be of great benefit to the good 4, OC fe at of carice Nis 18 @ bear of @ scream show their mettle. If they don't nstitute a record for the insti-| = | d government of the province,” \¢ “THE ENGINEER'S PERIL” am cn ta A i consti ‘4 eco oO "3 . the ue ster ‘eacher Zero » i : Ee oe : If the ithe thermometer reach j ; ean ts me Z “SOCIALLY AMBITIOUS” come they can be prodded - tution. | ait jimi gee a ae, a Speaking to the motion, A. M. Thrilling Railroad Drama. m the J I : . : ork ev of : a. ; : 98 Pm 4 prod does not work they can bi ————$ $$ alpen Manson said it was fitting that “THE EBONY BASKET” - permanently disgraced by remoy THE CRADLE : they should move such a resolu- Rip roaring Comedy: oming: Monday and Tuesd ay , i i 1s fr the Militis | ee F ——— ing theiy names from the Militia | : : ae ; mond Nights.” Wednesday and ~ | The Indians last fall predicted|tion. While Mr. Brewster” had POPULAR PRICES, 10 and 16 ots. Thursday, Pauline Frederick in list. Born to Mr and Mrs. Wm.| not carved such a name for him- me Another class of colonel who|Qhristison, Seal Cove, a son, at}® Severe winter, and their pre Coming Monday and Tuesday ATK , ass lhristison, se OVE, t nH, ay ae 7 ree, B ie , “wine to being held up “some ’ esi diction has not been far out. The self as Sir Wilfrid Laurier hac Exceptional Seven-reel Whore in France,” Charlie Chaplin needs a little crowding is the one/{he hospital this morning a Tee aan ka enti done. British Columbia had in Variety P seat Beet be shown Friday and Sat. who stays at home and confines ata a a . ‘ . = baa” qnntdante iin eee aie iaae th ity | ford he feached town thal} supply of fat was their reason for Axking, . : , noose ——.—_——_—-—— | his active service to the activity) Word has reachec : leader to be proudof. Past eov-i— , . ree as bee } aking » forecast. " mith stich ‘he qncepnaenell con. a Me Marler hes deen © bea: eee ernments in the province, and j & ) { ’ he front al —_—_—_—— > . (Continued on Page Two) ivalided home from the Lie ee ih eta LONDON CAFE x3 “ah Ue arrived in New York today Mi High class shoe repairing; wat particularly the Mel pew govern sa a‘ ; th ment, had forgotten that they And Grill CHEAP FUEL Shockley will arrive in Prince Ru-|prices, G, Hill, opposite post- tt didndiand oF ias oe | : r }were 1e Custodians e eoe DAINTY MEALS AT pert sometime next week oMoe, ple's wealth “Get in and Stay REAS G v cut to any length, se —_—-——_--——— ae . . ’ — OMABLE PRICES set geile ' | oo Truth is not only in expression,|in,’’ were McBride's words, and| Follow the crowd to Self's Hart Bik, Third Ave $5.00 cord. 2 feet—4,.50, 4 feet Best quality of household lump : m F Al } ‘a b | | { | l 1 Rupert Coal} but in the impression you make his ideal of statesmanship. Sir |\Gafe. There is a reason.. Next $3.50 f » best lump coa and nut coa yrince Rupe oalyt : . : BOXES FOR LADIES emer Oe EX] | P} if 1 fg.{on others Richard had done everything a|Majestic Theatre. 4 GE, eros J80 VY » Ss a oO, *hone 45. ‘ oe