Saturday, January 22, 1916. THE DAM ALW) ae — ee, . tiie ae Launch AliceB. Approved by Mini. ter of Marine as 4 Passenger Boat For terms and particulars THE BEST FOOD “CANADA FIRST” Call “* THE BEST MILK BY GOVERNMENT TEST” .W. d. THOMAS, Phone os Green 391, Use it in your coffee—or make a drink by adding one and a half Sco serecncereeereeeooee bbebes 2,000,000° Belgians Depend on us parts water to one part ‘‘Canada First’? Evaporated Milk. USE “‘CANADA FIRST’’ CONDENSED MILK IN COOKING—IT SAVES HALF THE SUGAR. ALWAYS HAVE 1T ON HAND—IT KEEPS. PURE — CLEAN — STERILE — HEALTHFUL. THE AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CGO, for Bread! <¢ er ey mie Se 5 > % : * a3 s Sr : PORPOREEPL SOO OCCR CORO OE Ob oe ‘LIBERAL ASSOCIATION HOLDS son sent to Victoria, and Fred ( ENTHUSIASTIC GATHERING {ork to Ottawa. Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians have depended for food entirely on the “Commission CA VENAILE & HANNAN | (Continued From Page One.) | For for Relief in Belgium’. -Their own store of food, a gambling den and a bucket- > ° even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only PURVEYORS OF THE HIGHEST GRAD. ur ALL LINES 0: shop. For a while, by selling Emergencies three weeks—they have had na chance to raise more— When 3 ve -a* bilious: “ab and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them! the country’s resources on mar- a G R O C E R i E S gin, a golden stream hSed in, nie ae ahs in ; 1 ily aia tack, or whei Prpatcree Backed by the AN D TABLE DAINTIES This stream was so often re- coming on—prom} ferred to and held up to the pub- bowels, start the li er W rking e = ” and put your entire digestive System in good shape with a lic gaze that ultimately greed de- dose or two of the time-tested 1 PHONE eee. 3rd AVENUE AND 2nd sT. manded a share- That money had 6é 9? “THE STORE TH AT IS DIFFERENT gone to organize Conservative so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United parties throughout the province ; States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported —— fand feed the party flock. enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation PI so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in OO POC CLP CE PPOLLE LOC OPO PRO L OCR Phe land was held back from the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of e The Daily News eg Local News Notes the farmer by the speculator, bread—but a steadily growing number have no money left. that the latter might reap the CLASSIFIED ADS. You will welcome the quick relief and often ward off a Wilson Shoemaker, of Usk, was]}was encourage i, ee severe illness. Beecham’s Pills mien a was encouraged, with the result are carefully compounded from brought to the local hospital last}you all know. Timber was grab- vegetable products — mild, Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month—every month—all this winter! PSO CLO L LOLS PPLE , ws . gold. City speculation grew an: FOR SALE night suffering’ from appendicitus-|ped for miles and miles and ev- | harmless, and not habit-form- _— aoa ss ¥ = r : | : 7 t * 7 ee ay” I y as tl . r easy ) sy ..7 . . A Aik Mhige—rucpiiare, soreidtings, boms.| rye tc : : : ryt iing was to bring easy mone: ing. Buy a box now. a No peor : under me ear ae as “e able to contribute giuusic, treniea ‘pictures, sicihaeiiniie le rain from the east last The government surplus was| don t know when you may nee generously as we Canadians! o cause has ever been more | kitchen utensils, dishes, etc. Brass bed,| night did not arrive until mid-Ispent and the future mortgaged Beecham’s Pills. A reliable deserving of help! In the name of Justice and Humanity—for i with springs and mattress $15, solid! ,;..), fi ae 2 - family remedy that always the sake of our own self-respect-—let us give all we can to ! oak dresser with plate mirror $12.50 cat Heavy snow caused the|Mr. Lynch went fully into the i help our martyred Allies! Other prices propurtionately low. Lee | delay. > s LY , oY | } ; nihine- $49 Sahel Avenue. - railroad policy, showing wh | Should Be Send your subscriptions weekly, monthly or in ome lump sum to Local ox | si2 8 ; vat a the people had been fooled Bad |} Provincial Committees, ot to the 5 — Hanser OWEN DISTILLATE vaso There were ten carloads of bal-| government, and bad government | at Hand Central Executive Committee, 59 St, Peter St, Montrea! ( fotor | Hut landed at Prince Rupert yes-j} only, was at the root of the mis-| | $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month ee Send for catalogue C! Guarantee Motor 3 Go., iamtiton, Cangas: si Soave terday, chiefly from American fortunes of the province. se md aen hy 4, wreck > pest eg _WANTED. rer D. W- Morrissey, after assur- |= = bs : BE ‘ . . MOFrPryssey, é ass - LARGE OR SMALL STUMPS CAN BE DE- ing the audience that he had beer @ GED GSE. 25> = =. 2 42D aD @ SN OO TERN GPP eI a BS eect Arctic robins are around the 5 ’ a 1e cost of a few cents eac a life-long Liberal, went on to by our chemical process; no hard labor city in large numbers this winter, involved and no explosives used. Write| ; show how the province had been for particulars.—Ideal Stump Destroyer and ee having a lively time misgoverned, after which he @ 6 Co., 160 Broadway, East; Vancouver, | dodging miss pussy cat. eas a eta megs B. C. i ge Tes dwelt at length on the great ; : . natural wealth of this north ie W. P. Hinton, H. HW. Hansard ana J ee + A; MéWichotl’ ttt for thet oe fi weorge A, MCNICNHO e or 1e i. HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCRIP- th “a ; Re Dealing withr eciprocity and fy south s morning, accompanied a See Conner eS SECU er ect re fi er Laurier naval policy, he went o1 9 it é a I } L- FA, a es, O ef. . si q —~o | VACUUM CLEANING CO eae to show that both would soon be Cea id a 7 fy ece z ‘complished facts. Mr rris wn a ..We Clean Homes, Offices, Churches The boys have got all the snow |“ ee area Me Moree: 7 Eki i ieee and Schoo!. rooms at low shina ni dies ital and the angler then dealt at length with = 3 tia se at oe : .,,]national finance, seeking to show AY cs is in perfect condition. It will DS coop WORK GUARANTEEL Seat sfer skating thi fter that the borrowing of money by ‘a Sos re ope or SKé £ lls aiter- me an . ‘ : : ; i # All Orders Attended to iametinbaty. noon. eee ee Ome fqn is i a ee ae cea ap ee to tighten up business and re OF FICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. beetles ad ai tas ang =,,_|Strain the circulation of money PHONE GREEN 268. ee He urged strongly the idea of : ° er e perintendent of the G. T. } has r y 707 7e > ” * ae gone east on a visit. It is rumored more elastic currency. Have baa , ve noted how en audience Wee eee oe ee Re. ree a Archie will require two Geo W. Nickerson said that yawns in tae face of an uninspired speaker? PLO E LS POPP LL SLL OE PL? 6 BE OPOROCOROE sic é Scie ea ‘kets co & hack Sir Richard had been a victim o! s 3 Specialist in Sausage Meat 3 bivkels ¢ ro = e a SAT EN iy On the other hand, haye you noted how an audience Electrically Prepared : f , e . ¥ pe : Pat Goldsmith. of the staff o {tim of Bowser, and Turner is a will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when HARRY ATKINS the local branch of the Bank of|victim of Dick, the people bein the speaker reveals enthusiasm P “= Montreal, has been transferred to}called upon to pay two agent “ 7 Up - to-the - minute Butcher euiaihas wel otedat Out icY Leanapala: now instead. of one: Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To “ee - o4 . . . > . . bear Wier oleate on the Prince George this morn-| He dealt at length with the Natal impart belief in anything, a man must believe it ing: Act ane > “Better Terms’ 1 , ine . s [ing ees 8 ae ee, . = deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. ques lon, 10 o 1c cvuoria | Prince Ru pert Feed C LO. $| George L. Clayton has gone to|had been silent on for five years, This applies to > writte , it . pp the written word also --- particularly a -_——$—$$—$ | Granby, where he will superintend though Laurier, up to that time, to d artice . i} | advertisements. When the manuf; HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS ithe putting in of a cold storage}was blamed for turning the Santee sa P . ufacturer really AND FERTILIZERS plant for the company. He expects|}down. The McBride government} penleves in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost : ° ‘that the work will occupy About}had been insincere in both mea-| inevitably find expression in Advertising. And en- a eee two months. sures. He described Wm- Man-| thusiasm will be contagious—his audience —the Se) | son as In ho sense a representa | > d ane f } 7 2 e ° ‘ Bulbs, and Take Orders for $| pits Ge tite datslok” tet Miapls readers of the newspaper—will, figuratively speaking, eo s district, simply | 6 ; $s | ae re : oa . * eery em HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR 3/2 part of the Tory machine. in| lean forward and listen intently.” regard to cannery licenses and . ; i Chicken ron * “Specialty, $ SECOND HAND GOODS Te ee eae: To be convincing an advertisement | OF ALL KINDS the doing away with boat rating, Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. | BOUGHT AND SOLD Ho had utterly failed. must convey an unmistakable ' P. ©. Box 333. 808 Third Ave. | et Pi sc lic, Mim ated ac aac ala Mr: Nickerson dealt very ably impression of enthusiasm. This it 2 ] ak ‘ier aval scheme ¢ PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A with the Laurier nava will only do w 2 : } RY ; 4 SMALL PROFIT showing how Borden and Foste: . y when the article 4 rogenbonannnocnnnenee Try 828 Grd Ave., Or Phone Red 268 3) vont hack on the resolution advertised has inherent worth. fy: c “ which they supported, and in ‘1 - m— bey stanced Australia as an examp| HP ‘ Thus we have: 4% BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC of what Ganada might have beer Sincerity -- tnthusiasm -- ising: 8 ph z ri m vertising: a ‘ U in this war. He went on to sho. “eB iree mi ° ‘ ighty forces : eS cc O A L AUTO DELIVERY that had Laurier remained in é y oes, close linked. : power the drydock would today hs EY é if you are doing a local busine ‘ a nice tds Wee 2, nett’ oe ag ONES SEPP ES OO te ara 4 ue se talk r your adverdisiag problems with the Advertising Department A pO CG GOing’ @ provincia oY ‘ ‘ Delivery EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE station would be what it was in you fo have the ¢ unsel and cnslatansy ara — ae yr ra ne a : , ve vertisin i Wioney Back If Not Satis- fe ee tended for. When Laurier is re- will be furnished, without cost or obli ae Met of these £ } it sisi te 3-4 Probing gation, by the Secretary of Canadian ie factory turned to power, as he will be, ress Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronte. * UNION TRANSFER CO. Phone Red 339 Prince Rupert will come into her : Q [ 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 own: He looked forward to see § rT. D. Pattullo ¢ A. M- Man- Seager ome 08 | teeeareesere ee 7 ty eens One 4. he Man Of OC A? CW CL Ca CED © aD 6