PA® DAILY NEWS Saturday, February 12, 1919 —_——_- — : _— Tn ne ' | diameters in machines ranging i" THE DAILy NEWS | jup to 180 feet in length. : ; j Don , nex sheated an THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTH:RN BRITISH COLUMBIA f The tubes pet ee . SC HEDULES ih Published Daily and Weckly | tempered or hargened in. oil- | $= i Guaranteed Largest Circulation [baths which are under the grout a , ; somites ici s . d of great ith, so that sre hs S HEAD OFFICE JIevel and of great dep pacitl teamship Service to South £5 eats ithe tube may be suspended ver- . ; ——— —————— — | 7 Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. tically in a bath while the heat S. S. Princo Rupert Sails every ' TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Oontract 130 MILES OF STEEL lis steadily maintained at the re- Saturday at 9 a. m. a . | rates on application. ; RIBBON TO TO EACH GUN quired temperature by carefully- S. S. Prince John Sails every > pesteolie gas-jets. Tuesday at 7 p. m. Ss - . a > Ss 0 Tre ee u ————— | DAILY EDITION ator’ aturday, Feb. 12, 1916. | |... of ihe chief sources of| The tube is lowered into an a) nee e hv “Go e e ‘a , me ae g strength in big guns lies in the|liffed out of these baths by “G Train Service to the East } . r eS . f le o deal ne LAND SALES hoodwinked into paying a graft|miles and miles of steel ribbon|liath’ cranes capab : Coe | EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2ND, 1916, iy r ; : : : ; s ) s ¢ hi] ai ‘ i In apologising for the hand- of $1,080 each for the privilege | with which the tube is reinforced.| With weights of 10 ae —_— wey Passenger Trains leave Prince Rupert on Mondays ang 4 4 ing ove; of the lands of British se prodacing food for the peo This ribbon, one-sixteenth of an) tubes 75 feet in length. The san Th rsdays at 10:30 a. m.for Edmonton, Winnipeg Toronte : : : inch thick and about a quarter of) plant is used in the subsequer Montreal, Ottawa, New York and all Eastern Points Columbia to the speculator, the ple of this province. | } i i i the| operation of building-up by th 1 See : D aes . ~ 7 jan inch wide, is wound rounce ne | % , . “THE ROAD OF MARVELLOUS SCENER ” Victoria Colonist, the profes- The Colonist reproduces the 'tube or core of the great cannon stirittine: on process the various ¥ . : \ . . a | , nh we “day ais Mixed Train carryi sse rc sional apologist for Bowserism, old Tory story to the effect that On a 12-inch gun about 130 miles | tubes or jackets required to form On a ir : Prair ae os Gal coach : ; | . 7. . sta 7 ‘aves or kdmonton at © a. M., MAaKINg Close connectinn says that “the great desire of pre-emptions have not been!of the ribbon is wound, a weicht the complete gun, the outer tubes 1 I - ons i : . mn" . lbeing heated before being fitted there with regular passenger train for Winnipeg. Aa all governmertts in new lands taken up where they were offer- | of fifteen tons. The ribbon has)e!ng hea e ; ; tia atra s per| Over the inner tubes, so that with or Steams ‘ Sleeping Car Reservations, an: is to get ds Much as possible ed, and seeks to make this an|® tensile strength of 100 tons per} Over the inner é : I teamship and Sleeping 10ns, and ful] : ft square inch. the subsequent contraction dui information regarding travel to any part of the world ap; ily of the public domain into the excuse for the handing over of ere ‘ : ' he reduct f temperaturs i From the time the ingots of|to the reduction of temper G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, 3RD AVE. hands of persons who will use} so many huge tracts to the steel, some of which sarly|the outer tube tightly fits the q > steel, some of which are nearly : Agency all Atiantic and Trans-Pacific Steamship Lines. bis it to the best advantage of the speculator’ The fact of the 100 tons in weight, are taken fron | inner. . — " — : oe > . , 3 4 community. This statement matter is that, even if there|the steel foundry, where they se The innermost tube of al! is] | r is true, but it does not coincide was nota single pre-emptor at|cast as octagonal masses, to when inserted as one of the later opel -| a ee ee otsn eee —==» | in the slightest with the meth- the momert willing to take up/as a complete weapon, the gun js/4tions, and in very accurate ma-j|w. roe 5 “J : . ° j . . . . | \ ods of disposing of the public land in this province, that does|tested to prove its power and ac-| chines the bore is rifled in order} I . P ’ Pp Pp o $| ACIFIC domain followed by the Bowser not justify the handing over of|curacy, scores of intricate pro- that the shot as it leaves the cun| RAILWAY ; government. _ the chéicest tracts in the prov-|cesses are gone through. will have the gyratory motio CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK Perhaps the Colonist looks ince to men who have no idea After bejng taken from th. |essential to accuracy of fire.--Ex A SPECIALT Sires GUNNNe GN Giinere Petes upon A. E, De Veaux as a per- in the world of breaking a|foundry, the mass of steel is dealt Sal isiaiciee: mains, Z | DR. J. F. BROWN via Steamer to Vancouver and the a = “ : > : . : alvation Arm ENTIST son who will “use the public single acre or of proilucing a|with by the machine-shop, where - m | ities i sas eee tinea! tvlines CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Uy — ice: im , lands to the best advantage of ent’ 7 is made in e j i . : ; Meals and berth included en at ei roe cent’s wageh oe produce, a mols : ade in each sngot '"| Public meetings, Tuesday. |$ ron ae 3 the eommunity-” This gentle- The Colonist neatly suggests|what is known as a trepanning| Thursday and Saturday at 8 p_ PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND 4 man controls hundreds of thou- that “it is for the present ad-; machine. Under a hydraulic press|Sundays at 7:39 p.m lw FRIDAY 7 ©. m. 2 fined 3 ‘ ak; tam PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBO sands of acres of the finest ministration to devise i meansjof 10,000 tons power, it is next WATER NOTICE | © ° : SUNDAY, 6 P. m. - 7 ° oes ‘ . . ; io : . land in British Columbia, and of meeting the conditions re-| forged to reduce it to a tube or Prince Rupert Dairy 4. 1. PETERS, Genera: Agent. a 2 e : e : ’ ——- --— o his idea of benefitting the com-|~ sulting from the policy of its|jacket of the required length and ‘iii iaiiicies ‘sala Wi ahaiadiinn wh Milk Oorner Fourth Strom and Third Ave ; - é vf . Mcuth » nose { : munity thereby is to hold up predecessors.” This js the most|thickness of metal, whereupon it|,aaaress is Alice Arm, British Columbia, ee e aa i i the prospective settler for the delicious item this Tory organ|is passed to one of the large sri tas = ree a areal ee Office corner 2nd Street ana tra Aveaw : ic f second f of ter out of Tro : biggest price per acre obtain- has got off for some time. The|machine shops, there to be|creek, which mows Westerly and drains PURE FRESH MILK PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED ; , ; whi he. or 4 ooh * hi ay, ishe o internal and external into Kitsault River, about 16 miles north — for land on aber rs administration which has suc an hed : . kernal of its outlet at Alice Arm, B. C. The Delivered in city at 10c per (Successors to Pacific Transfer Co his clients, have paid 50 cents ceeded the McBride government LAND NOTICE water will be diverted from the stream quart and 5c per pint @enersi Cartage ty : : 7 “ae ¥ . ‘ , at a point about 500 vertical feet above se - per acre. This.public benefac;/ is just exactly an aggregation | —~————______ _____ ee ae ee ae ae een ot LADYSMITH COAL a tor offers 100,000 acres of of the very individuals who as-| 8KEENA LAND o1leTmCT or coast |< U4 for power and mining purpose ~- PhoneGreen 252 03—Phone—o3 ¥ STR ; , xP ‘ . upon the land described as Wolf Group of |%. —_————$ _____ farming land in the Naas river sisted in the looting of the pro-| takeE-NOTICE that Andrew Jackson and Mining Claims. This tiotice was posted on Pirin keene thie ti ikea en listriet at $8.50 acre. alon 3 The Colonist starts t Claus Peterson, of Porcher Island, B. C., th d ‘ the 26th «day of Octobe - MOMeCR, OA. } district at $8.50 per , along vinee. e Colonist starts out] occupation ranchers, intend to. apply for ene ceaaee on ~ t ~ o ctober, W. E. Williams, B.A, LLB. r oS witha 2 : “ : Secu fe , | Permission to lease the following described 5. A copy o iis notice and an ap- with similar huge tracts in by attempting to justify the | Permiss! tanted at the |Plication pursuant thereto and to the Sterling Marine Motors WILLIAMS & MANSON . af : 3 ‘ Commencing at a post planted at the | ..wwo:, uv ca : : every corner of the province at looting, and concludes with the] .oqtn ar Humpback Crack, om its east er Ae rhe eoceae tan . Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. - simi ; side, thence 30 chains in a northwesterly |” , ect eC similar prices, statement that some means of direction, following high water mark;|fRupert, B. C. Objections to the applicatior Can be purchased In. town. a MONEY TO LOAN i In plain language, the Bow- getting out of the jackpot] thence i chain, more or less, in a south-|:nay be Qled with the said Water Recorder Motor that wili give you en- Box 1585 ! : : westerly direction to low water mark;| ,. with the Comptroller of Water Rights tire satisfaction. Bullt for Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B.C ser bunch have allowed this must be devised. The Bowser] thence 30 chains, more or less, in a south- |” rs pia , ca éasterly direction, following low water |’ 4rliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within hard work. Quaranteed. eee man to acquire hundreds of gang are hard up against their|mark; thence 1 chain in a northeasterly|thirty days after the first appearance of HEAVY DUTY. direction to point of cominencement, and {this notice in a local newspaper. The date _— oa JAMES GILMORE thousands of acres of land, past, a thing which no man and jcontainirg 3 acres, more or less. ‘f the first publication ae tote Notice is iota é ANDREW JACKSON & CLAUS PETERSON |? Ps z FISHERMAN’S ENGINE which should have been opened no government, no matter how] dctober isth, 1945. November 9th, 1915. 18H S ENGIN Architect ihensecisci = . * a R. B. McGINNIS, Applicant. 2 Cy!.—6 1-2 In. by 7 In., 12-16 up for ern oy oruet clever or unscrupulous, can LAND REGISTRY ACT. By H. C. Ingle, Agent. Horse Power. 2nd Avenue, near McBride Stree 4 that he, or his friends, might ever get away from, and they es —_____ 4 Cyl.—6 1-2 In. by 8 In., 25-35 5 ‘ . Horse Power. : reap a big profit-at the expense must take the consequences. Notice Under Section 36. NAVIGABLE WATERS’ PROTEC. os a » ab ge. . . TAKE NOTICE that an application has Do your remodeling with a first- of the genuine producer. The The people of British Columbia}... made to register Olaf Hanson, of TION ACT. class engine. B C UNDERTAKERS lands held by this one grabber know just exactly what has/|Prince Rupert, B. C., as the owner in Bae a | os . ve : j , . Fee-simple, under a Tax Sale Deed from RICHARD B. McGINNIS hereby gives F. F ' » ae 7 ors | 1 > sinee . s r u infor lon would provide 2,807 settlers} been done in the province, and|i. conector of the City of Prince Rupers | notice that he, has under Section 7 of | ® . ute matio FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND S@- . . ital ae at . : ehh af x » »}the said act, deposited with the Minister | Ph ACTION @UAR- with 160 acres each- The de-| they will take good care that|to Olar Manson, bearing date the 10theday 1 Public. Works at Ottawa, and in the|} W. €. Williseroft, Phone BALMERS — SATISFACT ” . of September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance Mice of the District Regist f Title ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND Wi velopment of the countfy is) such a state of matters will inte : ; once OF strict Negistrer 0 , Biue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- : | of a Tax Sale held by said Municipality on|at Prince Rupert, B. C., a description of | > trici Phone 383 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 crippled because nearly three) never be permitted to exist]jer about the 9th day of Septémber, 1914,|/the site and of the plans for a whart |¢ rictan, one ’ 4 ‘PE : ; : of all and singular certain parcel or tract | Proposed to be built in Alice Arm, Obser . ™ . ai . “ > again. ; vatory Inlet, British Columbia, at a point | thousand settlers will not be | again of land and premises situate, lying, and] ci:usie about 3-4 miles south of the south —_—_—— a — — —————- | being in the City of Prince Rupert in the|east corner of Let 1074, Range 5, Coast} — et === Province of British Columbia, more pra- | District, B. C. | oT ~e a 7. {ticularly known and described ax:—Lot aaaae: On ae oree oe. yt eo . t ) ) ) oT} 5 jjten (10), Block eighteen (18), Section} ine grst publication of this notice, Richard | ? RE ‘}six (6), Map 923 B. McGinnis will under Section 7 of the | FRED ST } You and those claiming through or under = ae, eae, the Serer a Public | i forks at his office in the City of Ottawa, ( mess an = sir ya claiming ar 3 reat for approval of the said site and plans, | as seein in the said land by descent whose title |anq for leave to construct the said wharf , ( (|i8 not registered under the provisions of DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., this| ; 710 SECOND AVE {|the “Land Registry Act” are required to|?2nd day of October, A, D. 1915. i }contest the claim of the tax purchaser RICHARD B. McGINNIS, Applicant. ‘ Carpenters’ Tools Suilders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery within forty-flve days of the service of LAND REGISTRY A } : Fishi Tack! this notice*upon you. Otherwise you and TRY ACT am _ : Wire Cable Stee! Blocks shing Tackle —— ; i each of you will be forever estopped and td 3] | TIT y | 3 tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns debarred from setting up any claim to or] {N THE MATTER OF An application for | | LTT 4 || | Rope Valves Ammunition in respect of the said land, and I shall/ine issue of a fresh Certificate of Title | se | HHI 1H | t register the said Olaf Hanson as owner|tg Lot Fifty (50), Block three (3), Sec- Bs | a HTH | Pumps Hose Paint in fee, tion seven (7), City of Prince Rupert, Map pi ctsssesees sate dow Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron Your attention is called to section 36 | 923. sisttessasssicese: ; a of the “Land Régistry Act” and amend- Proof of the loss of the certificate ot | eee s3sse <= » “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” ments, and especially to the following ex-|title to the above lands having been fled eeptcte: Seisesssgces: Sete N tract therefrom which relates to the above}in this oMce, Notice is hereby given that | y = = - - - notice, it is my intention to issue, at the expiration | «al TOTES maar —/ “And in default of a caveat or certificate |of one (1) month from the first publica- | °§ H RDW RE of lis pendens being filed before the|tion hereof, a fresh certificate of title to | 0 A A registration as owner of the persons en-|the above lot in the name of John R.| Th R LS d d Tes ; FRED ST titled under such tax sale, all persons so | Rodcoff, which Certificate of Title is dated} e oya tan ar t 7 served with notice, or served with notice| {5th December, 1911, and is numbered | 5 . under subsection (6) of section 155 of | 959-1. ’ ] i the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec- H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. | ‘ Here's where we test the | > = Se 7 cer piamanee 2 i tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section | Uand Registry OMce, Prince Rupert, B. C., i , . . j “1/139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903,’ or | December 6th, 1915. jis dickens oh senteees : Section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases Pam. ee ee wes six muhon acre wheat crop. i - THE UNION STEAMSHIP C0. OF B.C., LIMITED in which notice under this Act is dispensed rer We grind them into flour in the H with as hereinafter provided, and those ; . § S VENTURE Sails for Granby, Naas, Simpson, every Monday, claiming through or under them and all little mil you see on the left of le We a.m, Sails for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, persons claiming any interest in the land FOR 1 AXI } the pi A i e picture. Then comes the ¥ Veep e RR SSS ER every Tuesday at 8 p,m. by virtue of any unregistered instrument, e bread-baki If ; § UN Sails for Stewart, Granby, Simpson, Saturdays, and all persons claiming any interest in supreme test--bread-baking. - we 8 a.m. January 8th, 29nd. February 5th, 19th. the land by descent whose title is not the bread is perfect in every " March 4th and 18th. Sails for Massett, Port Clements, Sundays, p.m., registered under the provisions of this Act, h h January 9th, 23rd, February 6th 20th. March 5th and 19th. shall be for ever estopped and debarred way we pronounce the wheat 7 Sails for Skidegate, Jedway, Ikeda, Mondays, p.m., January 10th and from setting up any claim to or in respect one Al and the flour--ROYAL 24th. February 7th and 21st. March 6th and 20th. of the land so sold for taxes.’ STANDARD Sails for Bella Coola, Rivers Inlet, Vaneouver, January 13th and 27th. Dated at the Land Registry OMmMee, at ’ February 10th and 24th. March 9th and 23rd. the City of Prince Rupert, Province of AT YOUR GROCER'$ JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent. British Columbia, this 19th day of January, Stand - Hotel R ts |_Stand - Hotel Rupert} HVancouver Milling Grain Cal. : $ 623 Second Avenue. Phone 568. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. “T! P ancouver Ings rain 0 ‘ oe To Paul M. Schubert, Lily Schubert. ! Ys encouver. New Westminster, Nanoimo.Victorta. a © — a sa ee, un Sa = = = ————— 5 1 a a ’ b lf. j i F ’ WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. G. DAWSON ; PRINCE RUPERT, 8. ©