Tuesday, February 15 1916 eee. CAVENAILE & HANNAN SPECIALISTS IN BULK COFFEE AND TEA, SUPPLices ARE ALWAYS FRESH TABLE DAINTIES AND GROCERIES OF ALL DESCRIPTioNs THE DAM. RLWs EE TE He HE HE HR IMPORTANT * * L- Murray Fuller and Thomas McMeekin an- nounce that they are form- ing a partnership and in- tend to carry on a grocery business in Prince Rupert ee, ee * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ie = : = — * under the firm name of * PHONE 493. Srd AVENUE AND 2nd gr. * Fuller & McMeekin, in the * ' : : * premises heretofore oc- * “THE STORE THAT IS DIFFERENT” a * cupied by Fuller's Gro- * ‘i * cery, which are being en- * PLOLOLLS Poeeeeoceeens F * Jlarged to accomodate the * : heen J * extensive stock which will * LAND REGISTRY ACT Fevistsdhed 45 Geert 4 betere ty : 3 siv s rk 2 ’ ‘gistratio y . a i stabi case tags Notice Under Section 36: titled under sath tan oe the Dersons a. i * be carried by the firm. * TAKE NOTICE that an application Mas} ood sith notice s ®, all persons gq 4 ici e to »gister Sve 0 ist, of bd *» OF Served wi i * Both partners solicit the * etn oe * a ae ‘ava a emia under subsection (6) of seston anne *’rince Rupert, as J ? ‘ ° » 6 . . or ! . the ‘Muni as AC y ae * patronage of their former * under two Tax Sale Deeds from the col- stad B68 Of the asset. r nya e OF tee. f ein faa i inca rt, to au. ! ripal Act,’ ; * customers, and assurethe * ie ‘non a a tetithiy tava ‘7th ey 130 of the ‘Assessment Act 10e ’ . Sven Holmquist, bes ate 8 17 a) i aq ’ '@ , ; : ; section § ‘ da Anas , * public of satisfaction in * of September, A. D, 1915, in pursuance of a aul oun ene D ACE,’ in cages . : : e he , st Municipality on nd *F UHIS ACt 18 dispense * quality, price and service. * ; a Tax Sale held by said : with as hereinafte 4 - r . 1. ris af s or ‘camels " » ¢ av Jente , ‘ er provided, * THE “LAST STRAWS” TO BREAK THE CAMEL’S BACKS—These myriad saddles for came or about the 9th day of Sept Cae or claiming through or under t . ae Watch for the Specials, * ea a ‘ ror the campaign in Tripol f all and singular certain parcel or tract eteona ‘tialin’ ’ em and ay r * Mot abiedry “aro: photographed at a camp near Cairo, where they are being supplied for the campaig ___ Jof land and premises situate, lying, and|PCTS0ns Claiming any interest in the ieng Motor Delivery. - ; by virtwe of any unregistered ins , ‘ ' ss eee ow being in the City of Prince Rupert, in the snd all persons claimi: * 10S troment, 3 * ‘Two phones, Nos. 56 &572. * es} Province © “itish Col a, more par-|*— ee M08 any interes 5 * KKK x KKK KKK at NOTED NANAIMO INDIA.. oo a ly . ay ana denies ae "tos the land by descent whose Utle ee / KR HR FOR Sn < : Se , : registered under the proy PF HIEF PASSED AWAY HIGHEST PRICES PAID three (3 Block forty-fve (45), Section Provisions of this Act : Local News Notes , . shall De. for ever estonped 3 q eight (8 and Lot four (4), Block thirty 40d debdarreg -_—— ° f ‘ from setting up any claim to « : SECOND HAND GOODS ${:'<" (2): mta iat fur, mock i one ia 6 s 9 Big Chief Louis A, Good, who OF ALL KINDS $} You and those claiming through or under | te mane the aa co Ji e@ lal y ews A ish special of eight cars teft/was elected to lead the Nanaimg T AND SOLD 3] you, and a pateras ee ony interest | ing ae ae pee tS ’ 3 ‘ p ‘ in the sate anc yy descent whose e hbats , e LASSIFIED D for the east this morning. tribe of Indians in 1875, is dead BOUGH : is not registered under the provisions el aE fica. this 10th day of January, r ; ; Anta? ’ aa e “Land Regis Act” are required to} ~: 7 ae C A S. i ee a at Nanaimo. The Chief’ father’s |} warp TIMES SATISFIED WITH A 3) {lle “Land Koslstiy fel Nar’ aia H. F, MACLEOD, District Registrar at i “ The gale on Saturday “ni sted sith th Br * : To Grand ’ >acine Devel : . se aturday morning name was Momatuse Skinnahan, SMALL PROFIT within forty-five days of the service of| tg Shope eng ag = Ce, ——e ave , ri aa sf 6 ‘ _ ’ . ‘ . . Cc ea ins, played havoe with the roof of the while on his mother’s side he be- Try 828 3rd Ave., Or Phone Red 268 this notice upon you. Otherwise you and ©. Ro MeDonald. Mes. FOR RENT exhibition building : ’ eose.{cach of you will be forever estopped and hate A ee ea) c longed to the prolific family of |™ rittiskas ; shee debarred from setting up any claim to or | ge be a me See-Am-El-Wilt. According to MINERAL ACT in respect of the said land, and 1 shall) SPECIAL EVERY pay ! : . The Ameri schooner Sea ae : S/o ’ register the said Sven Holmquist as owner £ FOR SALE me schooner Man custom the child wag named after{ NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER || TOMATO SAUSAGE ; hattan brought in 130,000 pounds an : ; . {TO J. A, ROGERS, ' Your attention 1s called to section 36 | q f halib the baptizing parson, in this case TAKE NOTICE that, whereas I have) oo rand Regisiry Act’ and amend- | HARRY ATKINS aun DY y $ ar ‘ . . > o > > ss e 0 _ . ¥ oe ; FOR SALE—Gasoline Launch Ella W., 18] ‘ alibut yesterday. the Rey. Canon Good. In Indian |¢aused to be done the assessment work) 1 114 especially to the following ex- a horsepower engine, equipped for fsh- * = » sas : for the year 1915 on the mineral claims tract therefrom which relates to the above FAMILY BUTCHER ‘i ing, in good condition, terms to satis- rigses Ro A. Beales da leave political circles, however, he was |known as “Ladybird No. 4” Mineral a Sea . QUALITY IN ALL Meats j factory person. Apply to P, W. Ander- o Mt. 8 TOW ave always known by the name of {situated in Cascade Creek valley, north o “and th default of & caveat or cortincete | © é son or Williams & Manson. 32.1 for the south tonight to take in- ; % Silver Lake, in the Stewart, B, C., Mining . : s Skinnahan, His ag was never | pistrict; and the “Stumpy” Mineral Claim, | : SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso-]| struction in his captaincy course. acertained:V Aver