ILY NEWS SS —_—_—__ Ss PRICE FIVE CENTS PRINCE RUPERT, B. €., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1916. — = | cea VOL. VII NO, 41. ————_—_ as SS YJ SS RMAN SUBMARINE CAMPAIGN RENEWED HUNDRED NEW UNDERSEA BOATS BUILT—UNITED STATES SENATOR PROTESTS GERMANS HAVE BUILT HUNDRED NEW TYPE SUBS. Russians Now Occupy Fortress of Erzerum—More Prisoners are Taken—Activity on the Western Front. (Special to The Daily News.) Geneva, Feb. 18. states (hat Germany has built one hundred submarines of a new typ: with which to renew the subma- rine campaign with increased vigor. It is reported from another source that these new submarines are large enough to make a re- turn trip across the Atlantic with- out renewing supplies. Russians Occupy Erzerum. Petrograd, Feb. 18—Twenty- five more guns and fifteen hun- dred more Turkish prisoners have been taken at Erzerum. The Rus- sians now occupy the fortress. The town is on fire. Western Front Active. Activity on the Western front ig reported by the British, French and Italian commanders. HANS SCHMIDT MET DEATH FEARLESSLY (Special to The Daily News.) New York, Feb. 18,—Father Hans Schmidt was electrocuted today for the murder of hig para- mour, Anna Aumuller. He met death fearlessly, holding a cruci- fix in his hand and protesting his innocence to the last. WEIRD STORY OF HUN HUMAN SUBMARINES An extraordinary story has reached me concerning a sort of human submarine (says the Daily Chronicle correspondent at Am- The tale runs that the Germans have perfected a water- proof suit, within which the sol- dier is supplied with the neces- sary air and can remain under water for two hours, during which only sterdam, period his movements are limited by his powers as a swim- mer, The apparatus is alleged to have already been used in rivers, Canals, and floods, on the western fronts, also is capable of use warships and electric ‘gainst stationary for laying mines and Wires, It sounds like Jules Verne, and I give it for what it ig worth. oo MAJESTIC :: THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow a ee _— Thomas A. Edison presents ROBERT CONNIS AND GRACE WILLIAMS in THE TRUTH ABOUT HELEN A four-act photoplay of fast action. (nleresting situations from beginn- ing to end, “THE RAILROAD RAIDERS OF 62" Thrilling railroad Drama, o——=—~ciy=muippipapininennaittiendeaniiiens eines. “HER SLIGHT MISTAKE” A scream comedy, Coming Monday and Tuesday, Special Seven-Reel Variety Program. The Journai or oo o THE “APPAM” PHOTOGRAPHED AT ANCHOR IN HAMPTON ROADS, VIRGINIA. Chis is the Appam photographed as she dropped anchor off Old Point Comfort, flying the German ensign from her stern. of the crew of the ship tried to escape when the German raider first made jts appearance, is shown: Inset is a picture of Lieutenant Berge, taken upon landing. The boarding cutter in which some GUN COMMANDEERED Between one and two. o'clock yesterday morning, the window of Mr. F. Brochu's store on Third Avenue was smashed and four rifles and a shot gun extracted. A wrench, taken from the garage next door, was found in the win- dow, having been used by the in- trudep to smash the glass. A chaffeur, employed at the garage, says that, when he arrived after one with his car shortly FOUR RIFLES AND SHOT ANARCHIST CHEF DEFIES THE POLICE (Special to The Daily News.) York, Feb. 18.— Jean Crones, the anarchist chef at the New, University Club who attempted to poison three hundred prominent banquet last week, is still defying arrest. Roman Catholics at a Crones has sent a copy of his finger prints to the police along with a note of defiance.” AUSTRALIANS ARE o'clock, he noticed a man inside the garage and, on going inside, | the intruder was lying on the! floor drunk. little attention to him, the chaf- apparently Paying feur went upstairs and, on return- ing, found that the man had | vanished. Some time later, he| heard glass break but paid little | attention to the fact and did not connect it with the supposedly drunken party until he heard of} the burglary. LIVES LOST DURING STORM AT KETCHIKAN Two Philippinos and one Jap- anese boy left Ketchikan last Sat- urday on the launch Comet en route to Loring, but were caught in the heavy gale that raged all Friday night and most of Satur- day, off Pup Island and by some unknown way they succeeded in getting ashore after leaving the boat a total wreck. Some time Sunday a small boat came along and picked up the Japanese boy on the beach, who was almost dead from frozen fee and exposure to the cold since Saturday morning, and brought him to Ketchikan and put him under medical aid. Today he is reported doing very well and will recover. The two Philippinos who were found dead a short distance from the beach were picked up today, Ketchikan Miner, THE CRADLE Born to Mr. and Mrs. Axel Gartland, Seal Cove Avenue, a daughter, at the general hospital yesterday. ee BUILDING BI-PLANES Australia has been supplying men, ships, horses, equipment, and supplies in doing her part in the great war. There has been wonderful activity throughout the whole Commonwealth with a view to winning through both so far as the war on land and sea is concerned, and also the com- mercial war which aims at pre- venting Germany -from regaining her position in the world’s trade. Australia is building ships locally and’ has arranged for the estab- lishment of a government arsenal. The latest development is the lo- cal construction of bi-planes. For the first time an Australian built aeroplane engine attached to an Australian bi-plane was recently tested in actual flight at the Com monwealth Aviation Sehool. A B. Kk. machine, of Australian con struction, was flown with a 70 h. p. Renault aerial motor, manu- factured in Melbourne workshops. This engine was built some little time ago, when the Defence De- partment colled for tenders for Australia. aeroplane engines in The event was viewed with in terest by a number of the officers of the Defence Department.—Ex. AUTO ACCIDENT IN FOG AT SEATTL' (Special t> The Dally News.) Seattle, Feb, 18.—Thos. Blair, aged 45 is dying and Thomas Ed- wards, aged 65, is injured as a result of Blair’s auto having col- lided with a Mount Baker car dur- ing a fog. The 48th Battalion is quaran tined at Shorneliffe for measles. The boys do not say if they are Iron beds, springs and mat- tresses — slaughter prices, at Tite's. of the German variety. oe POPE ? oe - ‘DESPERATE GERMAN _ PLOT IN MADAGASCAR Feb. arrests have been made in con- Paris, {8.—Six hundred nection with a plot to foment a revolution in Madagascar. The scheme was to poison and kill all French officers and white colo- nists on the island on December 3ist last. The plot was financed and ar- ranged by German agents and documents which have been dis- covered at the German consulat show that the plans were prepared before the outbreak of the war. “THE TRUTH ABOUT HELEN” AT THE MAJESTIC THEATRE “The Truth About Helen,” the three-act drama at the Majestic tonight, is the story of an elope- mnt which went wrong and which was followed by serious compli- cations. Helen Moore runs away with Raoul Kent, the nephew of a senator, The car breaks down and they seek refuge in an hotel. There they encounter a company them a Kent comes out in his true colors and of politicians, amongst former lover of Helen's. the former lover goes to the rescue of Helen. He is geen in the young lady’s room by a po- |litical rival, who uses the story jagainst him in the papers. Even- tually the truth comes out, as always, and all ends nicely. It is {a most interesting story full of lhuman interest and dramatic situations, “A Slight Mistake,” comedy, and “Railroat a fast and furious Raiders of 62,” a thrilling rail- complete a good road drama, show. POLICE COURT Simon Wilkiams, an Indian, was brought up at the police court this morning on a charge of sell- ing game out of season. He was released on suspended sentence. Ben Harris, the party who ap- propriated six bottles of liquor and some clothing belonging ti a fisherman on the Malolo, is to come up when called, the prose- having failed to against him yesterday. cutor appear SIR HIBBERT TUPPER WILL ASSIST LIBERALS (Special to The Daily News.) Vancouver, Feb. 18.—L. D. Tay- lor, ex-mayor of Vancouver and formerly proprietor of The World, has entered the by-election as an independent candidate, Sir Oharles Hibbert Tuppert will speak in support of the can-| didature of M, A. Macdonald. The Trades and Labor Council met last night and refused to en- dorse L. D. Taylor. “THE JUNGLE LOVERS” AT THE WESTHOLME THEATRE scores a great Bessle success in “The Jungle Lovers,” Eyton the great three-act drama at the Westholme., right in the heart of the jungle hair-raising This play is staged and includes some adventures amongst the kings of the forest. The scenes are re- markably realistic, “A Madcap Adventure” and “Lotta Coin’s Ghost” are both ex- tremely funny comedies: Ham and Bud are the artists in the latter, and that is all that need be said. “The Sacred most pathetic little drama which all, while “A Bracelet” is a will appeal to Night's reel of rhe program is splendidly varied ’ Adventure” provides a thrills and excitement. and should prove highly interest- ing, AUSTRALIAN LAND FOR DISABLED SOLDIERS The minister of lands in New South Wales is scheme for the settlement of re- developing his turned wounded or disabled sol- diers on the land, or at any rate those soldiers who desire to se- cure farms. Altogether 1,000 farms will be available througheut the state during the Rach man made next twelve months, will be able, if neeessary, to se- cure an advance of $500 to de- velop his holding,—Ex. THE WEATHER By F. W. Dowling. For 24 hours ending 5 a. m. February 418th. Barometer .scccesecccee Soa Highest temperature ...... 50. Lowest temperature ...... 48.0 SUBMARINES TO TORPEDO ARMED MERCHANTMEN United States Senator Protests Strongly against New German Submarine Regulations—To Submit is Unneutral. (Special to The Daily News.) Washington, Feb. 18—Count Von Bernstorff announces that Germany will insist on the recog- nition of all her demands regard- ing the new submarine regula- The submarines will tor- merchantmen after February tions. pedo all without warning 29th. Senator Lodge, in a Speech in the Senate, the alteration in the regulations. He says that to abandon the prin- ciple that citizens are free to travel on mrehantmen which are pur- unneutral armed vigorously opposes armed only for defensive would be an step toward the United States al- lying herself with that belligerent nation whose merchant marine is poses, now swept from the seas. For Cash Tite’s home furnish- ing prices cannot be excelled. WESTHOLM§ | OPERA HOUSE “THE JUNGLE LOVERS” FEATURING BESSIE EYTON Three-act Jungle Drama. “A MADCAP ADVENTURE” Comedy. “THE SACRED BRACELET” Drama, “ A NIGHT’S ADVENTURE” Drama. “LOTTA COIN’S QHOST” Comedy. Featuring Ham and Bud—it’s a bear, Monday and Tuesday are “Diamond” Nights. Coming for next Wednes- day and Thursday, Mary Pickford in “Esmeralda,” Charlie Chaplin will be here soon in “His New Job” ao TO LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES