Friday, February 18, 1916, THER DAILY NEWS. SS EE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application will be made in the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia at its nexi session on behalf of the City of Prince Rupert for an Act containing provisions which are shortly stated as follows:— (4 To authorize the changing debentures issuable under the bylaw in this clause mentioned, from the Sinking Fund plan to An- nuity Intalment or Serial Bonds and the terms of years as herejn stated: Term of years. No. | Bylaw and Object | Amount | pres. | pro. 97 Local Improvement Section 1 $600,000 50 30 59 Hydro Electric 550,000 50 30 63 Government Debt 115,000 50 ~ 30 11 Telephone Plant 40,000 20 410 29 Electric Light Plant 66,000 45 10 and authorising the collection of instalments under such bonds with power to sell such bonds at a discount, and to use the Sinking Funds already collected towards reducing the debt; and power to raise any deficiency on sale of bonds by the issue of further bonds. Such changes to be made without submission to the ratepayers. 2) Validating Bylaw No. 243 of said City; being “a bylaw for the purpose of authorising the renewal of certain treasury certificates and for issuing an additional amount of such cer- | Lo HELPLESS The Koelnische Zolkszeitune publishes an angry leader con. M h { R t d cerning conscription in England. Prominent Merchant Restored |,, ....,.... th ” fo Health by Fruit-a-tives “Germany draws her own con Bristou, N.B., July 25th, 1914. clusion from recent London “I had a stroke of Paralysisin March, |ovents. The British armies must and this left me unable to walk or help 3 myself and the Constipation was }!©Vver be enabled to land on Ger- terrible. Finally, I took ‘Fruit-a-tives’ j man shores. We must also pre- for the Constipation. This fruit medicine | \.)4 England securing a footings gradually toned up ” nerves and lon’ tha Continent. Before all actually velieved the paralysis. By the ears use of ‘Fruit-a-tives’ I grew stronger |Must prevent England using th until all the palsy left me. Iam now |seas for the benefit. of her own well and attend my store every day.”’ laims, for this s in is in ’ eee Pecos tntoler. Fruit juige is nature’sown remedy and > ja 'Fruit-a-tives’ is made from fruit juices. | e do not hope for Germany 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. rong the seas, but we must. so At dealers or sent on receipt of price [f.. a¢ yg), ene by Fruipe-tived Ldmited, Ottaws, a mgland is concerned, by Ae te Se enn UE ships prevent the NAVIGABLE WATERS’ PROTEC- __; ;,..,. troops for the present war. TION ACT. Conscription in England merely | CHARD B. MCGINNIS hereb. ives ‘ “ H notice ‘that he has, under Section § of| rings new hopes to England's the said we tg gy Peed “ane in “the |Allies, but we hope England will public District Kegistrar of Titles mMce of the B. C., @ description of t Prince Rupert, grow tired of war quicker, a f as she wharf | issue, the site and of the plans for a eels , "AS “A aT 200 sed to be built in Alice Arm, Obser- fee the pressure of war. a vatory Inlet, British Columbia, at a point “England's invulnerability for } situate about 3-4 miles south of the south- i treasury | east ¢ rors Let 1074, Range 5, Coast)centuries tempted her to break | District, B. C. , AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex-| the European peace If now, piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, Richard; apart from _ this invulnerability, | B. McGinnis will under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans, she is enabled to send millions of men into the field on the Conti- d for leave to construct the said whapf. . : DATED at Prince Rupert, B. c., this; nent, then England will be quite 2 October, A. D, 1915. tad Coy an 3 McGINNIS, Applicant, |UNControllable, and peace men- aced forever. Germany is really fighting for the freedom of whole of Europe when trying to break England’s rule.” MINERAL ACT NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER TO J. A. ROGERS, TAKE NOTICE that, whereas I have caused to be done the assessment work for the year 1915 on the mineral claims known as “Ladybird No, 4" Mineral Claim, situated in Cascade Greek valley, north of Ex. [> eae RK Real Le Seetaven silver Lake, In the Stewart, B. C., Mining eel Ei TRE Fie District; and the “Stumpy” Mineral Claim, eeoa i as AS. 2 hlWsine situated on the east side of Cascade Creek at ga oe rows at the head, In the said Stewart Mining Gee dist district, and have paid for said assess- ment work the sum of $200.00; unless you pay to me the sum of $100.00 ter your share of the sald assessment work together with the costs of this advertise- ment, I shall, at the expiration of ninety cays from the date hereof, apply to the Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C., to have * your interest in the said “Ladybird No. 4” 3% and “Stumpy” Mineral Claims vested in me . s in pursuance of the provisions of the wentngs of vis soere ; “Mineral Act.” lous offer We expect you to %« r ha Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this Sth | 9 fPott te ens ste them the ies ck cae 25 canes : wit! he armas Joverliews 1 LLIAMS & LOY hore q , Cornwalie hh » he rig Beg Engetuod OE OK a re day of November, 1915. A. LUND. Per Alex, M, Manson, his solicitor. Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern 3 ~ British Columbia 3 THERE (5 A Largest Circula- tion means the Best Advertising : Medium =: 3 REASON? intheDailyNews 3 | Prince Rupert’ s Leading Paper ! Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ the) | tificates,”’ and authorising the issue of bonds on the said Annuity Instalment or Serial plan for the $100,000 mentioned in Bylaw 243 transport] for n ot more than 30-years and also to ri atify Bylaw 245, relating such debentures; both without submission to the ratepayers. 3 To provide for temporarily financing all said bonds by authorising the issue, renewal or reissue of temporary notes for not more than five (5) years from the date of such issue, renewal or re- pending the sale of the bonds heretofore mentioned and making provision for the payment of any loss which may be made on the sale of such temporary notes, renewals or reissue thereof: (4 To provide for collecting instalments both for principal ;and interest before bonds have actually been sold. Such instalments so far as principal is concerned to be applied to reduce amount of certificates or temporary notes then outstanding or to issued. (5 To provide for similar changes with regard to the follow- ing Bylaws, the debentures authorised by which have been hypothe- cated to the Bank of Montreal; but only with the consent of such be Bank. Term of years. Bylaw. Object | Amount | pres. | pro. 158 Section One Improvement $140,000.00 49 30 | 40 Change of Grade 2nd Ave. 7,437 50 20 {48 Grading Lanes 29,000.00 ° 50 20 156 Grading 8th Avenue 25,000.00 50 20 | (6 To provide that securities to be issued under the following seems | bylaws, under none of Which any securities have as yet been issued, Annuity Instalment or Serial bonds may be issued and such bonds to be for the term here set forth, namely: Term of years. Bylaw. Object | Amount | pres. | pro. 180 Morse Creek Bridge $ 35,000 50 30 181 General Sewer System 350,000 50 30 {82 Grading Fulton Street 12,000 40 20 183 .Grading City Property, 2nd Ave. 46,000 40 30 207 Electric Pole Lime Extens, 45,000 20 15 209 Telephone System Extension 60,000 20 15 with power to use the sinking funds heretofore accumulated to reduce the debt when incurred, and further, to cease collecting further sinking fund, and to provide for the collection of full instal- ments for total principal on each said bylaw from the commence- ment of the work authorised. The application of such instalments to reduce the amount of bonds required to be issued. (7) To provide that no further sinking fund shall be collected under Bylaw No. 208; being “The Water Main Extension Bylaw” except suflicient to pay off $20,000 of debentures already sold thereunder, and providing for the issue of Annuity instalment, or Serial bonds, term twenty (20) years, for the balance of the debt, namely; $130,000, and for the use of the sinking fund already collected under said bylaw, except the part applicable to the $20,000 already issued; to reduce the said amount of $130,000 bonds when issued. i (8) As to Bylaws Nos. 144 and 241 relating to Market Place grading: Power to change the debentures authorised thereby from Sinking fund plan to Annuity Instalment, or Serial bonds at thirty (30) years, and to use the sinking fund already collected to pur- chase bonds to be issued thereunder, and to cease collection of further sinking fund: 9 To provide for raising a reserve fund to ensure prompt payment of annual instalments to the amount of $50,000 for present authorised indebtedness, and $20,000 for every additional $1,000,000. (10 Providing that it shall not be necessary to submit to the ratepayers any bylaw anaking the change from sinking fund de- bentures to Annuity instalment or Serial bonds or changing the term of years, or the issue of new bonds to meet loss on sale of bonds or temporary notes. DATED AT PRINCE RUPERT 1915. this 30th day of November, A. D. FREDERICK PETERS, Solicitor for the City of Prince Rupert, B. C. Babys cs Soap After the iad with BABY’S OWN SOAP the skin is smocth, comfortable,-and exhales the aroma of freshly cut flowers. Freedom froin skin troubles, explains in some measure. the refreshing sleep which “Baby’s OQwa Soap” babies enjoy. Especially fornursery use insist on "Baby" sOwn”, to and from Norway, Sweden, Den- mark, Finland, tta' y and Russia. SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK WERONe ae” ve ee ees Pebruary 17th. “Stockholm” ...... February 19th. “Bergensfjord” .... February 19th. VPTOGIICR VI” sini vivs March 4th. Have Your Reservations made Early. For Rates, Tilustrated eee and General Information Apply to DYBHAVN & HANSON Ineurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, B. ©. Q JOG UOGU UO ULE PRTTTT TESTS TTT TTT TT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TT TT Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas: nvanisnn liacensiannondiatintal tn 2-ib. Tins Have attained thelr enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda Biscuits. pre i They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means crispness. PRL SEER Paes eas Pa) $e lg 22.2» tr Fae Be ‘ Pore | Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. CO. eS ee * BI III IIIS SIS IS IIIA IISIIIIISISIIISISIIISSSISSSSSISS IAA (¢ y Empress Jams Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to te purest of Cane Sugar, > Pea SR Every step tn the producing and manufac- turing of the dejicicus Jam contributes to the prosperity of B.C. It will satisfy the most exacting. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTP. Vancouver, B. CO. Empress Jams Your King and Country Need You : RECRUITS WANTED FOR 62nd OVERSEAS BATTALION, CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. RECRUITING OFFICE AT PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT ¢ OFFICE NOW OPEN. B In view of the recruiting which is in progress at present throughout the Province, it is apropos to answer a few of the questions which are considered by those who contem- plate entering the Service. The following is a list of perti- nent queries, together with he information which each elicits. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. {.—How long am I to serve? Until the end of the war and six months after if required. f 2.—-What pay shall I receive? Your pay as a private will be $1.00 per day and 10 cents fleld allowances. Besides this you will be clothed, equipped and subsisted by the Govern- i 9° ment, i 3.—What will my wife receive during my absence? Every month there will be paid her a separation allowance of $20 (also part of your pay) and if this be not enough to com- fortably maintain your family, the Canadian Patriotic Fund will further assist them. 4.—What will happen if 1am wounded or sick? You will be cared for by the Government and your pay continued until you are discharged. If you are permanently disabled an allowance will be paid you, varying according to the extent of your injury or disability. 5.—What will be done for my wife and children if I die while on Active Service? The Govegnment will provide an adequate pension, that will enable the family to live com- fortably until the childhen are old enough to look after them- selves. The widowed mother of a single man, if the son be her sole support, is treated in the same way as a wife, ll at POPPPOOIDE - ”