Friday, February 1g THE DAY REWs 1916. —— — 3. Se THRILLING EXPERIENCE K. of P. SERVICE “ : s * eet roo seeg “The Daily News ” Local News Notes OF A BRITISH AVIATOR —— > ; The annual church parade of| ENAILE & CLASSIFIED ADS the oil tanker Atlas is i The flying corps of all the|Skeena Lodge No, 45, Knights of N . expect- : » he s ay Rnactul aa “th this ethene p armies have distinguished them-|Pythias, will be held on Sunday, SPECIALISTS IN BULK COFFEE AND TEA SUPPLIE 2 {the 20th, ’ S ARE ues -~Sraws 150k. Bpeaiel pup. | Finéec a Pet kee All Brothers are requested to ALWAYS FRESH communicate with W. E. Williams, Bor- 97=-piece dinner-ware slashed i , , - Ra during the present war. An eye meet at the K. of P- Hall at 6:30 TABLE DAINTIES AND GROCERIES OF ALL DESCRIPTions “sé den Street, or phone Black 158, Reward. ’ sae — |in price at Geo- D. Tite's, witness at the British Headquar- : ined the Presby- FOR RENT oe Se p.m. and proceed to the Presb; siclies patil cai Se Dr. Large, of the Port Simpson ters, says the Field, tells about! terjan Church in a body: PHONE 493. 3rd AVENUE AND 2nd ST. FOR RENT: Furnished Room. 855 Sum- , : , ne : a ia - tae - a sieliaibhateaidiae tf ie lathe : mit Avenue. 41.| hospital, is a visitor in town. one thrilling episode that was R. McKay, K. R, & 5: FOR SALE oe more sensational than most of MINERAL ACT “THE STORE THAT IS DIFFERENT” ’ . .-Tite’s Furniture Sale in full) ihe adventurous exploits that oc-| — gertificate of Improvements Pe dite FOR SALE—Stoves, beds, blankets any size,’ swing for remal . ; ‘aaa us dota mp. 843 Sth Ave. Weat,-near 9 ; ainder of February:| .i¢ ajiong the front almost daily. pascal vir aa : . r : * * re h Fractional miner c ‘ = Fulton St : ous , ; Rivermout See . reet. 44 R: Boyd Youtig. the: Bom’'hi A British airman, alone in @} situated in the Skeena Mining Division of LAND REGISTRY ACT: be Hs pendens being fied before . ( ’ 3 7 - . , —_— Pegistre ne FOR SALE—Gasoline Launch Ella W., 18 ; awe eae oe single-seated aeroplane, saw and| ©#Ssiar_ District. registration a8 owner of the persons x . pot ” son merchant, is in town on bus- : Where located:—-At the head of Alice Notice Under Section 36. Wiled under such tax sale, aj) perse ~ Soe Sener. ser See Ts, ¥ pursued a German machine.|arm, adjoining the Rivermouth and Cari ‘ave ROTICe t eavion «tad served with notice, or serveq with BS 9 ome n good condition, terms to satis-/iness. While trying to reload his ma-|0° mineral claims. RAMs sys asm Lerane oa ~ ; t of | Under Subsection (6) of section no actory eke Apply to P. W. Ander- S..- 9 S le ying tc Oe 8 ma- TAKE NOTICE that I, G. R. Naden, Free been made to register Sven eee the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1994) i “ son or ams & Manson. 32. ik oka ‘ chine gun he lost control of his! miners’ Certificate No. 94,096B, acting as Prince Rupert, as am tninerg 7 gr on tion 203 of the ‘Municipal Act’ a T sec. | ae A wire reached town last night tear d th lane |seent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners’ Cer- under two Tax Sale Deeds from the Col-!439 of the ‘Assessment Act, v, ection SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- ; ; ; steering gear, an e aeroplane ha el 3.917B, intend, sixty days,/ector of the City of Prince Rupert, t0| section 953 of the ‘T 08, or line engine, new, 8165 freight iq.| that herring are plentiful at Port | tifcate No. 93,917B, intend, } dag, teh Fae bens fate the 17th day | c e ‘Taxation Act,’ ip ) Send t cahnwiie ath ier t she turned upside down. The belt trom the date hereof, to apply to the / Sven Holmquist, bearing date the file Oey |in which notice under this Act is die e or catalogue C. Guarantee Motor, Simpson. . v= ‘ | Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Im- ;of September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance OF | with as hereinafter provided Spenseq 4 Co., Hamilton, Canada. tf. round the man’s waist was rather | cg aan a Tax Sale held by said Municipality on! ,.), ', ANd those e 2 e provements, for the purpose of obtaining | : € the WH @ { September, 1914 | clatning through or under them ang ‘ iis ba eens ; loose, and the jerk almost threw/a crown Grant of the above claim. por. Spout te Fin Gay OF Sepremuer, '/ persons claiming any intere ‘ uve ) 3 s ’ . j ’ ‘ . _ Cn . . est in WANTED. Kveryone is invited to the in- And further take notice that action, |f all and singular certain parcel or tract| yy virtue of any unregistered inane ent, him out of the machine, but he under section 85, must be commenced be-|°f land and premises situate, lying, and/ang an persons claiming any a ae TRS formal dance and card party at Bias WANTED—Woman for hotel work. Apply iF oak pte. ; : saat: oI sien being in the City of Prince Rupert, in the}, ,, ; ‘Rterest tn 3 Hotel Central. 43.| the auditorium on Friday, tr, | Saved himself by clutching hold tae of I! province of British Columbia, more par- | treimncg err eee tile te ag : . yrovements. iregistere r : pro ( q — ota. ae of the rear centre strut, while the | Provements. - of December, A. D,| ticularly known and described as:-—Lot .hai) be ee Ons OF thle hee, f FOR SALE—The latest cloth-bound edition eae eal a le tenrania! chetiekd | 7 Phas A gi five” (48), Section) een eter ever estopped and dedere aes i eo Bile \ ine offinate .. | belt slipped down round his legs. | 1915. Apr, 9;| three (3), Block forty-Bve (48), cecton) room setting-up any claim to o; “4 if of the Encyclopoedia Britannica for fifty Among 1e «officers receiving I i ail aide as ileal . jeight (8), and Lot four (4), Block thirty-/ or the jand so sold fi ID respect i =" Apply D. H. Beatty, Gitwanga,/ 4 pointments to the Bantam Bat As he hung thus, head ee HR OKO ROR ROR ORR OR ROR OF # | ve (35), Section eight (8), Map 923. bilie ee Cie hen fakes ! Kale 47. ; , ; You and those claiming through or under ated as the Land Registry Omce } oa ts aking 3 " nha * | i . » , Hine vit talion are three from the 68th F. warda, making desperate efforts to |* IMPORTANT you, aha. lh pieeore Ghetming any interest cm Clty of Prince Rupert, Province of LARGE OR SMALL STUMPS GAN BE DE- G. O. R., Lieuts. O. Lineham. G. disengage his legs, the aeroplane | * —— ¥ hin the said land by descent whose title | BMtsh Columbia, this 19th day of January, , ey ena ce ee ae eee ae ath "Ttelt from a height of 8,000 feet|* L- Murray Fuller and %|!8 not registered under the provisions of (9) 210. y by our chemical process; no hard laborj}L. Peck and D. F. Picken. : an ete =a eee ihe “Land Registry Act’ are required to ate . Sees District Registrar a for pertivals :- ee used. Write ah to about 2,500 feet, spinning|* Thomas MeMeckin an- *|contest the claim of the tax purchaser | T° ca part Pacific Development Co 1 or particulars.—Ideal Stump Destroyer : : i y » days » service d., J. P. Conrad, Jack Jenkir : round like a falling leaf. At last}* nounce that they are form- * shin spbebag sees ae eer Abacy ad C. R. MeDonald. "io Co., 160 Broadway, East; Vancouver, W.J. Thomas, the genial owner | he managed to free his legs and|* ing a partnership and in- ‘leach of you will be forever estopped and| — B. C r of the launch Alice B., is in the POPPI LOL EOP IO DOD sees. La pA ; e a the Ninkath satin eomexdl: devas withe: hiela tend to carry on a grocery ¥*| barred from setting up any claim to or Prroercoocos i 10sp 2 Sullering from 1a grippe. foot tier ave ara : fe < i Pp Shem v jin respect of the sald land, and 1 shall) SPECIAL EVERY DAY F. W. HART “Cap is making satisfactory pro- oot. § eec in ;3 busjness in rinee uper [in tee. the said Sven Holmquist as owner | TOMATO SAUSAGE righting the machine, which turn- under the firm name of AUCTIONEER * cing ae een ed slowly over, completely “loop- AND APPRAISER “Kenny” Smith is able to be ing the loop.’ Thereupon the OFFICE CORNER 3RD AVE. AND pilot slid back into his seat and 5TH ST., REAR OF HART BLOCK came composedly to the ground. “ Exchange. } Your attention is called to section 36 | of the “Land Registry Act” and amend- | HARRY ATKINS nents, @ specially . lowl ox- beacs, thecatyim, wigeh boluies $0 tee shave FAMILY BUTCHER ra ) ales QUALITY IN ALL MEATe notice, “And in default of a caveat or certificate Fuller & MeMeekin, in the premises heretofore oc- cupied by Fuller's Gro- e = = rT bo ee} Launch AliceB. Approved by Minis ter of Marine asa around again after his narrow escape in the fire at Seai Cove. He was rather badly burned about the face and arms and still carries extensive stock which will ¥ * 7 * * * * * * * cery, which are being en- * * * een al * * one arm in a sling. MINERAL ACT * be carried by the firm. * * * * * * * * * % * * * * * ~ * * * larged to accomodate the HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR eg Notice to Delinquent Partners. Both partners solicit the ; To @. W. Maxwell and Charlies Nicholson. 7 a SECOND HAND GOODS Last fall the Union Bank} axe NoTICE that whereas I have done OF ALL KINDS tarted a tobacco fund for thr |and caused to be done assessment work on the Wolf Mineral claim, situated at the BOUGHT AND SOLD boys at the front. The bank placed |peae or Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, in the names of contributors on thej;the Skeena mining division of Skeena dis- patronage of their former customers, and assure the n public of satisfaction in quality, price and service, Passenger Boat. For terms and particulars HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A re i “5 trict, assessment work for the years 1913, h SMALL PROFIT packages and postcards from the]|4944, and 1915, and have paid for said ce for : : Specials, "b ‘iDi , ; work and recording same, the sum of Motor Delivery. : Try 828 Srd Ave., Or Phone Red 268 | grateful recipients are now being _ : : we \W. J. THOMAS, Phone. 2)... ived $307.50. Unless you pay me the sum of Two phones, Nos- 56 & 572 ome received, $231.50, for your share of the said as- a ; : Green 391. ices 2 xe aon aa oe sessment work, together with the cost of RR KER EEK HR FE Ee this advertisement, I shall, at the expira- MINERAL ACT tion of ninety (90) days from the date | —————___ _—____ eae = re o oe —_— hereof apply to the mining recorder at Alice Arm, B. C., to have your interests in HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCRIP- Certificate of Improvements. [11. woir mineral claim vested in me, in TIONS. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED —_ pursuance of the provisions of the mineral Boulder Mineral. Claim, situate in the | act. VACUUM CLEANING C0 Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 4th » Where located:—On the west side of|day of February, 1916. . .We Clean Homes, Offices, Churches Hidden Creek, about one and one half|m5. J. E. STARK. Lodge and School. rooms at low miles from Goose Bay, and south of the “ Prices. Kaien Mineral Claim, Lot 2226, Cassiar dis- trict. Lawful holder, Myron Knox Rodgers; GOOD WORK GUARANTEED noe oe Senna free miner's certi- FIRE ALARM SYSTEM All Orders Attended to Immediately. Take notice that I, Myron Knox Rodgers, -— - Be ee ney CIMOUIT nO. an, le OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. B, intend at the end of sixty days from Box 125th St. and 8rd Ave. PHONE GREEN 268. the date hereof, to apply tc the mining Box 13—-6tb St. and 8rd Ave. o sree o oe | recorder for a certificate of improvements, Gox 148th St. and 3rd Ave. for the purpose of obtain‘ng a Crown Box 15—Junction of ist, ¥n4 and Grant of the above claim. 3rd Aves. And further take notice that action, Box 16-—1s8t Ave., between 8th and ow under section 85, of the “Mineral Act” 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) H must be commenced before the issuance Bow 17—1st Ave. and 7th St. (Cen My office window The cocoa had been of such Certificate of Improvements, tral Hotel.) faces a street, close Le i B il AUTO DELIVERY Dated this 10th day of December, A. D. to the railway freight oo grown in raz : i 1915. MYRON KNOX RODGERS. CIRCUIT NO. 2. sheds. (Me Site shipped to Bristol, 4 sere By his agent, H. G. Lawson. 116. Box 22---3rd Ave. and %rd_ S8t. I) i} { : : ‘ il transhipped to Mon- an LAND NOTICE god a 7 d McBride St All day long e.steady p ay) = A treal and finally 4 . x spn ve. ani cBride ; : c : | EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Bor 24-161 ave. and McBride St foories taeabas bya EK Sart | distributed from eel ala SKEENA LAND DISTRICT Box 26-—2nd Ave. and 2nd St ; or: Vj, GMer soar hennnoerens DISTRICT OF COAST Box 26—2nd Ave. and 6th St. loaded with boxes, Hi) TAAGIC PGs Q Toronto. TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Jackson and Box 27—4G. T. P. barrels and bales. FE Banay SALADAS= » Claus Peterson, of Porcher Island, B. C., . — ——~ was - Phone Red 339 occupation ranchers, intend to apply for CIRCUIT NO. 3. One truck I noticed if 6 TEA The tea m permission to lease the following described Dad eden aire the other afternoon FY Zocoa ere d by swart- Commencing ats post planted st the Box 32—Borden and Taylor sts. was particularly in- SS ee wy arr skinned natives of t f Humpbac reek, on its east 34 : = ~4 5 : side, eae 36 estan in a northwesterly _ 72 vs ee 8s. teresting. Wo two Stee tne KA; ¢.: - the romantic island direction, following high water mark; m @5—Cih Ave. and Comor Ave. boxes were the same, SUAS) ZZ of Ceylon; from thence 4 chain, more or less, in a south- Box 37—8th Ave. and Dodge PI. nd stencilled h _ <<) LF P ’ westerly direction to low water mark; Box 38—4th Ave. and Thompson 8t. a tencie on the C7 IN Ahi. Z ’ sunny Portugal the thence 30 chains, more or less, in a south- end ofeach wasthename ¥ IA hy a ; luscious, big grapes ¥ easterly rection, olowin w water 2 E. am: ioe 1 chain 4 S coteeastanie OIROUIT NO. 4, of some well-known pro- : f had b " h d years BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC 3) adireciion to point of commencement, and| & Sex 41— 4th Ave, and Emmerson ~ duct—soap, tobacco, socks, ac been gathered y sontainit. res, . ; : 4 LUMP “ANDREW JACKSON & CLAUS PETERSON. | % gox 42—-bth ave. and, MeBride st. breakfast food, cocoa, port, ago, fermented, bottled Jetober 18th, 1915. ae ia eth Ave, end a aa tea, chocolates, perfumery and and branded with a famous ( O A L Box 44=-6th Ave and Bast! St. baking powder. name; from Egypt had come the dua doe Wee oan en ADVERTISE IN - Tren, eee a Gathered there in prosaic wooden cotton and from South America the ‘ Sell THE DAILY NEWS f boxes were the results of thousands dyes that entered into the product = we ak ey RR ARE ITI IAA RID Et te of naan labor in all parts of the finally stamped with the brand of a oney Bac ot Satis- world, well-known hosiery. factory | 31 Years Older Than The . UNION TRANSFER CO. Sheet Metal Work ! Dominion of Canada mere, behind at ares prosaic truck-load of freight was the whole romance at 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 | ——— S th 4 j Dee ele ane ond tre aeerP ide L proconaens the universal demand for food, drink ; ua. . aoe pace implies, ’ ~wide distribution of the things we use every day. i te Lae . e Bank of British : ; \ at names inc A Jam Factory. it the bank f The great names in commerce to-day are those of the manufacturers who have let Bulbs, and Take Orders for or your modern advertising steam-shovel h i istributi ’ account difficulties a channel across the isthmus of distributing Nursery Stock. C. 0 ROWE ? ° THE BAN The great names in th i j eeiias Weed A @oaclaley. ws canes Mees. cit B K OF Pein eeear pares in ge pa drs to-morrow will be those of men who widen and PHONE 340 P. 0. BOX 467 ritish North America the source of production to the he * traffic may pass smoothly and quickly from Mali Orders Promptly Attended To. »mes of the consumer. Shop Opposite Board of Trade Rooms 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS, P. 0. Box 833. 808 Third Ave. see see CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000. 'Lyou are doing @ toca! business Estimates Furnished to Can- , .. ‘lk over your advertising problems PRINCE RUPERT, B. Cc. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH eso with the Advertising Department of this newspaper, tractors and others Free to have counsel nn ti A -provincial or national business business it would be well for yeu WPPPL OS POLILOLID 4 POOOCOLS P. MARGETTS, Manager, without cost or obligation, by the aie * see advertising agency, A list of these will be furnished, “cretary of Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Bullding, Torente