THE DAILY NEW NO. ane 0 cninaaiaal VII. PRINCE RUPERT, B. G.,, TU ‘ ESDAY, FE BRU ARY a2, 1916. i PRICE FIVE CENTS ROPLANE SQUADRONS ACTIVE IN FRAN = ALLIED SUBMARINE. SCARES THE TURKS -- ATLANTIC PASSENGERS ALLIED AIRMEN ATTACK GERMAN MUNITION DEPOT German Attack Repulsed — Zep- pelins are brought down— Allied Aviators do Good Work. (Special to The Daily News.) Paris, Feb. 22. gun- ners at Brabant-Le-Roi, firing in- cendiary shells, brought down a Zeppelin, killing the crew Attack Repulsed. The French repulsed an attack by the Germans south of —French also on a front extending for five miles. The saged the attack by a heavy bom- and gas Somme Gernfans pre- bardment successive emjssions,. Allied Aviators Busy. French aviators brought down the Fokker at Altkirch Albatross at Bures, while French gunners brought down a German aeroplane at Bures, Enemy aeroplanes were driven off at Revigny and two aviators were mnmade prisoners. Shelling Operations. A squadron of seventeen French machines dropped sixty shells on aviation fleld and freight depot at Mulhausen, while another squadron of twenty-eight and the also the German planes dropped projectiles on a German munitions Pagny-Sur-Moselle. factory at A British squadron of twenty- eight machines dropped bombs on the enemy depots at Don, west south- of Lille, doing great damage. HIRAM GILL ELECTED MAYOR OF SEATTLE (Special to The Daily News.) Seattle, Feb, 22.—Hiram Gill has been returned as mayer with a majority candi- over al! other dates, Hugh M. Galdwell was given a Pluralty for corporation counsel. PRIVATE BILL rhe inayor has received a @vire from City Solicitor Peters, from Vietoria, stating that he has dis- Cussed the various clauses of Prince Rupert's private bill with the depart- Ment and that very few altera- tions will be necessary. aillorney-general’s Everything is satisfactory and the bill is now being drafted. It Will not be necessary to pass an- other bylaw covering the bill. INDIAN WOMAN WARNED Alice Bosdet, an Indian woman, Was ‘har ° ‘S charged at the police court yesterday, with keeping a dis- orderly house. The case was dis- Missed, accused being warned by the magistrate that she must mend her ways ene @o To LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS Phys. UNION HOUSE art Bik, Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES” TEUTONS AND BULGARS ARE DISAGREEING Bulgarians Want La Larger Monthly | Subsidy—800,000 Armenians Were Massacred, Says Lord Bryce. (Special to The Daily thews.) Feb. 22.—The sions between the Bulgarians and | London, dissen- the Teutons are growing, Bulgaria is now demanding that the German subsidy be inereased to $50,000,000 per month. Armenian Report. Viscount Bryce, the head of the that Arme- Armenian commission, eight says hundred thousand have already The Armenians will be given freedom from ‘Turkish rule nians been mas- sacred. when the peace terms are drawn up. Swedish Trawlers Taken. SNOWSLIDE AT DRUM LUMMON COPPER MINE Giving way to the sudden thaw at the Mine, at Kitimat, dering down the mountain a few drum Lummon Copper Miskatlah Bay, a snowslide came thun- near days ago and carried away the dry house and the blacksmith shop, injuring five men who were badly cut up and bruised as they attempted to make their escape. The men are being cared for on the spot. Mr. W. P. Sloan says that the of the Building Tenders for the repair roof of the Exhibition were opened at a recent meeting of the Agricultural Association, and the contract was awarded to J. G. Steen, whose tender the The following were the bids submitted: W. Angle & Co,, $1,475; A. MePherson, $1,150; $983, and J. G. Steen, was lowest, c. O, Rowe, $950, ICE STORAGE The Ganadian Fish and Cold Storage Company Limited call for tenders for the material and labor for the above. Plans and specifi- cations and conditions of tender can be seen at the general offices of the company during the pres- ent week in office hours, GANADIAN FISH AND COLD | | | ARE WARNED Photo the little is being marched to the rear. supply ti Copenhagen, Feb. 22.— Four} jn the Tarabosch Mountains mad Swedish trawlers, in attempting] - : to leave the harbor of Gothen- CAPT. W. F. MADDEN | burg, were captured by German | submarines, 4 HAS PASSED AWAY There at 9 o'clock | last night, at the home of his ADA, passed away in-law, Mr. Christian, William Madden, the real old timers of the The old age of 84 years and 11 months. Captain | Francis one of | north. | captain had reached the ripe | He had been ailing for some; weeks past but was bright and alert up to the end. The funeral | arrangements are in the hands of the B. C. Undertakers. Captain Madden arrived in Cali- 1857 from New York,| to that followed seeing service in} fornia in having up time a seafaring life, the Black Sea during the Crimean} slide will not interfere with the driving of the tunnel and the|@": Only yesterday, in ee ee work is going on as usual, A}'"& the war in the-Near East, the | new outfit was shipped to the veteran remarked that he eed mine on the Venture this trip.|!ike nothing better than to be oe Shipments of ore are expected to a small boat around the Black] be made from the property during Sea or the Aegean again. the next two months, Away back in 1860, he made) Se his way into the Cariboo over the} J. G. STEEN AWARDED trail from Yale, being the first to} FAIR BUILDING CONTRACT) build a log cabin in the Cariboo} in the days of the great gold rush In 1861 he arrived at Fort George q | and ten years later made the coas st] again, where he became a pilol In later years he ran one of the| boats knew| | current in the | Skeena river and every snag and river, The captain was not so well] known to the present residents of Prince Rupert, but, when he felt like it, he could tell many stirring tales of the early days when he traded with the Indians He had great of this district all along the coast. faith in the future from a mining standpoint, as he had knowledge of many rich pros- pects in the interior which had nol yet been tapped. BYLAWS cuonceil night The last finally adopted the bylaws cover: the and aldermen and the re the have city ing reduced indemnity for mayor improvements fully collected peal of local which heen STORAGE CO., LTD, 48, Iron beds, springs and mat- tresses — slaughter prices, at Tite’s. ain of mountain kingdom of Montenegro, Note the lest to the both ‘Orme for difficult of the stand defending nature ea gallant a German corps assisting the pressing forward while country BRAVE MONTENEGRINS FIGHT ON AGAINST ENORMOUS ODDS. shows the Austrians in their invasion of a file of Montenegrin prisoners where the Montenegrins Scutari. “FISH DAY’ ANNOUNCED FOR NEXT TUESDAY ‘RUSSIAN FROM RUPERT | PRISONER IN AUSTRIA The Canadian Wholesale Fish | Dealers’ Association has an-| Mike sce. an old timer in nounced that February 29th will|Prince Rupert and a, native of be recognized as_ Fish Day | Derevnia, in the province of throughout the Dominion. The | Grodenska, Russia, has received plan is inaugurated with the ideaja letter from Ivan Dubina, who of increasing the consumption of| | ifish in Canada. The inter- Ru- interested that day is of particular people of Prince pert who are so vitally in fishing. It is expeeted ithe government will take the mat- | . a) jter up as the consumption of fish is away below what it should be {when that commodily is so much Remember 29th is The cheaper than meats. Tuesday, February Day, PRINCE RUPERT OFFICERS OF THE 62ND BATTALION In the last night there are two very the Vancou- Province which arrived fine cuts 62nd showing views of Battalion on parade in In the picture of the officers Lieut. R. T, Byl, in charge of a machine gun sec- and Major C. T. known in Van der who is tion, Partington, Prince Ru- figure «prominently. well pert, TENDER FOR LITERATURE The committee recommended to the reading room city council jlast night that the tender of C. H, literature for the room The bid was $128.02. This was agreed to. be accepted, WAR CREDITS Feb, 24. one of $4,500,000,000, $600,000,000, London, Two votes of credit, the other for and were introduced in the House of Com- mons by Premier Asquith today. The total war credits passed since the opening of hostilities amount to $8,600,000,000. 97-piece dinner-ware slashed in price at Geo: D. Tite's. a true interest is A man’s not always the advantage of self-gain. on, worked on the G. T. P. in the early days and who left for his home in Russia on July 2nd, #914. War broke out when Ivan arrived in Liverpool and he had been only five days in his native village of Derevnia when he joined the army. Since February 2nd of last year, Ivan has been a prisoner of war in Josefstadt, Bosnia. His native village was taken by the Germans and he has no _ idea where his wife and child are. Mike Krook, who comes from the same place, says that a third of the people of the village are dead, father and mother. Ivan Dubina says that he including his gets no news of the war as the prison- ers are allowed no papers. He has difficulty in getting enough to eat and cannot procure tobacco, begging for it, as he His letter does not give many details though he hints that he could tell if the censor would the letter is censored, He would be delighted if Rupert except by has no money whatever. a great deal, permit. At heavily it is, greatly some of his friends in Prince would send him money with which to buy better of to- baeco, food and a supply THIRTY DAYS Lydia Indian girl, sentenced to thirty days in jail at the police court yesterday for vagrancy. It is the intention of Chief Vickers to clear the town of these are making themselves a nuisance, ' Luther, an was Indian women who FINED $50 Edi Niemi, a Finnlander, was fined $50 with the option of 50 at the police morning, for days imprisonment, court this deer of season, having meat in his possession out WARNING SENT PASSENGERS ON LINER ESPAGNE New German Submarine campaign Opens on Tuesday—Allied Submarine Enters the Bosphorus. (Special t> The Deity News.) New York, Feb. 22.—Passen- gers who are due to sail on the French liner Espagne on Thurs- day are receiving anonymous let- ters warning them of the danger arising from Germany's new sub- marine campaign which will begin on February 29th, It is believed that the Germans have a fleet of submarine moni- tors with which they will carry on ocean raiding. One letter warns the passengers that it is the intention of the Germans to sink all vessels, irrespective of the nationality of the passengers carried. Allied Submarine Exploit. London, Feb. 22.—An Allied submarine, which had penetrated the-Dardanelles and the Bospho- rus on Tuesday, has returned after sinking a tug and six trans- laden with munitions of war. . The presence of the craft in the Bosphorus created a panic in Constantinople. ports FRED BACON WORKING IN CHATHAM DOCKYARDS Word has just reached town one of Prince Rupert's well known old timers who left for the old country some time ago. Fred, who is an en- gineer an dwas formerly employed at Shawatlans in that capacity, is emplayed in Chatham dockwards, where they are kept very busy. He has attested under the Lord Derby scheme, but is exempt from service on account of his being engaged in work for the admir- alty. from Fred Bacon, JUDGE ROBERTSON WILL HEAR CASE TOMORROW Judge Robertson, of Prince George, is expected to arrive from the interior tonight to hear the case brought by the Prince Ru- pert Club against the Fidelity Company for recovery under a bond. The case will be heard to- morrow. Judge Young refused to hear the case_as he is a mem- of the club. FUNERAL SERVICE The funeral of the late Captain W. F. Madden will take place from the B. C, Undertakers’ parlors to Fairview Cemetery tomorrow af- ternoon at 2 o’clock. Canon Rix will conduct the service at the cemetery. ber —_ SCHOOL BOARD MEETS The school board met yesterday afternoon, Dr. Kergin presiding. After the usual routine business had been disposed of, the board considered proppsals for the bet- ter fire protection in the various schools, el ee aie AE lie et ne i aes