Tuesday, February 22 a | #82 DAILY NEWB 1046, aR — —_ et Te AS : Sis i aa i SSS SS) LA Ae) Uae oe S50 ‘THE DAtty NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation \FIC Steamship RereiGi to to Soatk S. S. Princo Rupert Sails every Saturday at 9 a. m. S. S. Prince John Sails every Tuesday at 7 p. m. we HEAD _OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telepho 98) —__[_??]9@p@@w@7"["=—a)W)U]9E= TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, Gontract|MONEY AVAILABLE FOR rates on application. MINING DEVELOPMENT | DAILY EDITION | aD Tuesday, Feb. 22, 1916, | Never in the History of the west has there been so much real money available for mining enter- 5 Train Service to the East PEACE PETITION NOTES AND COMMENTS prises as there is at the present EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2ND, 1916. The best news which has time,” said F. C, McKinnon after ’assenger Trains leave Prince Rupert on Mondays and come from Europe for many The poor Armenians must be stay of several mo i he Thursdays at 10;30 a. m.for Edmonton, Winnipeg, Torn, a stay nths in t } peg, ronte i months is that of the peace pe-|having the time of their lives in mining districts and cities of ai | Montreal, Ottawa, New York and all Eastern Points. tition to the German govern-jassisting the Russians to dispose!south. He devoted most of his | . “THE ROAD OF MARVELLOUS SCENERY” ; ment by the bankers, mer-|of the Turks. They have count-jtime in the interests of the High-| GENERAL HUGH SCOTT On Saturday also Mixed Train carrying passenger cuac! chants and ship owners of|less old scores to wipe out, dating | jand Boy and succeeded in | Chief of United States army | leaves for Edmonton at 6 a. m., making close connections > . i : : . ! i Hamburg, Lubeck and Bremen./back for ee esting capital in that property,| tai who is acting secretary for| there with regular passenger train for Winnipeg. i > 2 ; . ‘ ° : : j These far-seeing, calculating which will insure its development} .4) fojlowing Secretary Garri-| 3 . ; ‘ a business men have stripped the The Kaiser appears to be not into a shipping mine. n's resignation For Steamship and Sleeping Car Reservations, and fq)}} sons resigne . : : : " ‘ ‘ situation of all its false glamor/a little concerned over the big So far as this district is con. information regarding travel to any part of the world apply and have looked the facts|Russian advance. Bill had better|cerned it means that a person has|SPECIAL SEVEN-REEL Q. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, 3RD AVE. straight in the face and they|get there in person, then he will to take a particular property and SHOW AT THE MAJESTIC | Agency all Atlantic and Trans-Pacific Steamshi Line. . : : : / P s. have seen disaster. They have|be able to join in the run. go among the men with money —— | witnessed the sweeping away, ae and interest them in it. Good “The Vanishing Vases,’ the by the ruthless hand of war, of The Vancouver Province is ob- men are not running around look-jchief item in a good program at = = — the efforts of generations.|serving a strict neutrality in the]ing for prospects. the Majestic, is a story of ‘the ; These merchants, bankers and/ forthcoming by-election so far. While in the south Frank met} biter bitten.’ A wealthy old curio D E N Ti STRY | CANADIAN PACIFIC Bi ship owners have been instru- Br etre a lot of old timers from this dis-, collector is held up, he overcomes a RAILWAY mental, with the assistance of| It has been suggested that the|¢rict and they appear to be doing| his assailant and then offers him CROWN AND snioae wors Berlin, in building up an over-|government make a public beauty! well ©. B. Wallace is in Wallace,| $1,000 to steal two famous vases | on 3 > een Lowest rates to ‘all Eastern Points seas trade which has been the|spot of the post-oflice site lake,/Idaho, working a property; Geo.}from a museum. The thief suc- | 2 ohueiie wia Steamer to Vancouver and the * wonder of the world. No cor-;with miniature gondolas for the Jennings is working a property|ceeds, but is refused his $1,000. Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWay : ner of the globe was too re-jbenefit of the youngsters. Inci-|at Wardner; P. J. Jennings is at|He plans revenge and has the old : eet ee oe * mote and no political situation dentally, the gondolas would pro- his home in Spokane; Mrs. and gentleman trussed up and aS ¥ peg Sie Tania ae Oa eel ie PRONTO AT 6 eBY mouND a was too awkward for them to|vide a few more government jobs| Miss Layton are in Wallace. Geo. rifling his safe when detectives} PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND on handle. While Britain and | in these hard times. Jennings is expecting to come to|eome on the scene and ultimately e ° SUNDAY 7 P. m. France were content to amble F Reeee. New Hazelton this summer.—The|poth are “jugged.” It is exciting Prince Rupert Dairy on fe 4 along in the old way, with in-} We have not heard much of|Qmineca Herald. and sometimes amusing, and al- Has cut the price of Milk Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave ry dividual firms outbidding each|our old friend Yon Hindenburg ways interesting. in half . other and overlapping eachjrecently. His performances have|monarchy with Bowser on the “Father’s New Maid” is extre- Office corner $nd Street and 3rd Avenue other in the rush after busi-|been completely overshadowed by | throne. mely funny, with our old friend PURE FRESH MILK PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED : ness, these German business|the Russians who are chasing Von = a “Sweedie’ posing as the maid, Delivered in city at 10c per (accessors to Pacific Transter Co.) 7 men combined and_ worked] Der Goltz. “the Colonist treats the by-elec- aiid the Std fallow taking: lave quart and 5c per pint enetel Oottegs i along systematically until they Bh oh Re tions as matters of small signi to “her.” There is a bright reel LADYSMITH COAL ‘ were able to build up markets} The News-Advertiser scores M.|cance, but well dt BROWS (Ohl. 6 rnin ‘cartoons andawo dramas =l!PhonejGreen 252 03—Phone—oz ‘ for their goods in which they|A. Macdonald because he outlines|Bowser will hail victory as equiv- of real worth. It is a good show. Alex M. Manson, B.A. defied competition. Tory election methods, while|alent to a new endorsation by the etn aera poe W. E, Williams, B.A. LL, ' There is nothing hysterical} Boss Bowser warned the Liberals bagple of the provinge. The issue Fancy cups and saucers to clear Sterling Marine Motors WILLIAMS & MANSON 1 about a petition from men of|months ago that this would be ajis-one of Bowserism against de- at 25, 35 and 40 cents, Tite’s, the ——— Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. & this stamp. They have been | “dirty” election. What the Tories |mocracy. home furnisher. Can be purchased In town. A MONEY TO LOAN waiting for victory for eighteen |are capable of in a “dirty” elec- Motor that will give you en- os oe Bos ae : ; ‘ : elgerson 1 BG ‘ months, and now they vealizejtion may be estimated by their Salvation Army. WATER NOTICE ial eait. nanioed for eee ee 1 that victory is not to be theirs.|methods in a_ so-called ‘clean ; ; anan H ; i Still, they seem to think that fight.” Public meetings, Tuesday TAKE NOTICE that R. B. McGinnis, whose BAUY QUTY—— JAMES GILMORE j ” 1 eae P erate Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m.|address is Alice Arm, British Golumbia, See at oa the question of peace is still in C8) Sundays at 7:30 p.m. will apply for a licence to take and use oaaprennee weer Architect be the hands of Berlin. In this The Victoria Colonist, in a Ofteen second feet of water out of Trout|¢ 2 Oyl—S 1-2 In. by 7 In. 12-15 ae - " . , sail . ” Creek, which flows Westerly and drains Horse Power. 2nd Avenue, near McBride Btreel along with the rest of Germany, |struggle to find a reason why Mr. LAND REGISTRY ACT- into Kitsault River, about 16 miles north|$ 4 Cyl—® 1-2 In. by 8 In., 25-385 e fer : Ee CEE, m™m,lF 4 : Notice Under Section 36. of its outlet at Alice Arm, B. C. The Horse Power. i they are utterly mistaken. Thr |Flumerfelt should be elected in : A wiatee