There’s a Subtle Charm about the delicious flavour of "DALADA” This flavour is unique and never found in cheap, ordinary teas. Let us mail THE DAY RW Tuesday, February 99, 1946 gs Local News Notes New furniture at Tite’s—the biggest values ever offered. * * * A social will be held the Catholic Hall on- Wednesday, Feb. 23rd. 8:45 p. m. Prompt. 2 s s For Cash Tite’s home furnish- ing prices cannot be excelled. in Cards. PLOT TO INCITE AN UPRISING IN INDIA From despatches from Aber- deen, Wash., it now appears thay the schooner Annie Larsen, which was taken some time ago with a cargo of rifles small and the steamer Meverick, which had a cargo of “knock-down” submarines and a large quantity of rifles and ammunition, were and arms, —__ PHONE 493. CAVENAILE & HANNAN SPECIALISTS IN BULK COFFEE AND TEA, SUPPLIES ARE ALWAYS FRESH TABLE DAINTIES AND GROCERIES OF ALL DESCRIPTions “THE STORE THAT IS DIFFERENT” 3rd AVE NUE AND 2ng gy. eres vorking in conjunction. you a sample. Black, Mixed or Green. working in conj wee recoens a Remember the Oddfellows’ Leap These vessels were outfitted = — —- a as an cH Be LR ik y ara eM Pea rae Year ball (informal) on Leap/and loaded by Germans with a LAND REGISTRY ACT. ae ear being fled bertere tes ; s ; 5 seis ‘ egistration as owner of ee. wee Year night in aid of the Patriotic|view to stirring up trouble in Notice Under Section 36 “tied under such tax e0s,-aft sae 7 ° ks a : a otic nder Section rved w . Crees ; cc ”? Notice to Delinquent Partners. Fund. Tickets 75 cents each at|{India on the outbreak of war. The _, Notice Unde served with notice, or served with se e y ews To @. W. Maxwell and Charles Nicholeon > TAKE NOTICE that an application bas) under subsection (6) of sect =. TAKE NOTICE that whereas I have doe CG. H. Orme’s and Self's Cafe. vessels were to have met at John-|been made to register Sven Holmquist, Of | ing ‘Municipal Clauses Act. i000: 198 of and caused to be done assessment work —_—_—_- — son's Island, in the South Pacific, eee Peete? gt the owney in Fee-simple, | tion 993 of the Municipal Act,’ er nehde le on the Wolf Mineral claim, situated at the L LLAR MYSTERY re under two Tax Sale Deeds from the Col-} 439 of the ‘Assessment Act, head of Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, in MILLION DO and then proceed in*company (0,lector of the City of Prince Rupert, tO} section 253 of the Taxation os are @ . , , sve , » the 17 ' he i the Skeena mining division of Skeena dis- FAVORITE AT WESTHOLME India. However, they missed each Sven Holmquist, be aring date the 17th daY lin which notice under this tas 6 | trict, assessment work for the years 1913 of September, A. D, 1915, in pursuance Of | with as hereinafter provided “ig t ‘LOST 1914, and 1915, and have paid for said ? eee ae 3 bg other and were ultimately taken ja Tax Sale yheld by said Municipality on claiming through or onder + Shae Mose ; wi work and recording same, the sum of! ‘The Diamond from the Sky") _ tad ecdthe kes or about the Yth day September, 1914, | persofis claiming any interest 1. wnt LOST--Brown Irish Spaniel pup. Finder | $307.50. Unless you pay me the sum of|}continues to draw big houses at dn Seay hr chee eas of all and singular certain parcel or tract/»y virtue of any unregistered fue tend H communicate with W. E. Wiktfams, Bor- | $231.50, for your share of the said as- he . fi - —<<$—$--— of land and premises situate, lying, a04/ ang ai persons claiming any aimee ' den Street, or phone Black 158. Reward. |sessment work, together with the cost or|the W estholme, and -this week's Never ask God to do what no {being in the City of Prince Rupert, in the! the “land by descent whose ane Ta a . -— —~---——-—-_ | this advertisement, I shall, at the expira-|jnct; ‘ “The Iross,” 4 am Province of British Columbia, more par~ | registered under the provisio ' FOR RENT tion of ninety (90) days from the aks installment, “The Double 4 POSS, |man would do for you. ticularly Known and described as:-—LOt gnatt be for ever anaes nS OF tis Acz, - hereof apply to the* mining recorder at is just as interesting as its es | ee * three (3), Block forty-five (45), Section | trom setting up any ai ose a weet womit Avenue PUpoard if required. Phone Prince Rupert, B. C., to have your inter-| decessors. MINERAL ACT mae {3}. eae te ne oe Sean |of the Iand so sold for taxes.” : : : ests in the Wolf mineral claim vested in ran tA a aE etacholee Atel php ALE te oy di tated Sak ; » Blue 508. _ : rd ana thy pursuance of the provisions of the One of the most striking fea- Certificate of Improvements You and those claiming through or under | a ates ee "eules te Registry Omce, a ‘ ; ‘i : : » City of Prince Rupert, Prov; mineral act. al «4 pee +4 th 5 ae ee NOTICE you, and all persons claiming any interest ; ‘ nee ef FOR SALS Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 19th Pepe ee ane SPS Scaren Rivermouth Fractional mineral claim, |!o the said land by descent whose theta | Shae Coleen, this 19th day of January, ; - day of February, 1916. ; Cycle of Hatred.” This is one of| situated in the Skeena Mining Division of |!8 not. registered under the provisions of | H. F. MACLEOD, bD FOR SALE-—-Stoves, beds, blankets any size, | 5. J. E. STARK. i :t remarkable dramas seen Cassiar District. ithe “Land Registry Act’ are required | 0 Gras : * . » District Registrar, one dollar up. 533 8th Ave., West, near aaa LE MOS “eta ead Where located:—At the head of Alice|contest the claim of the tax purchaser | aaa J 5 , Pacific Development ¢e, Fulton Street. 44. LAND NOTICE. for some time, and the fact that/arm, adjoining the Rivermouth and Cari-| Within forty-fve days of the service of on ice Jack Jenkins, Mrs, \ Florence La Badie, of “Million }>® mineral claims. this notice upon you. Otherwise you and pga FOR SALE—Gasoline Launch Ella W., 18| gyeena LAND DISTRICT—DI wr oF oren¢ ae : ’ * TAKE NOTICE that I, G. R. Naden, Free|each of you will be forever estopped and | _ oee met ated pd equipped for fish- COAST, RANGE 2. STR Dollar Mystery” fame, plays the|Miners’ CertiNcate No. 94,096B, acting as|(ebarred from setting up any claim to or | ¢ Ores ng, in good condition, terms satis- eres 4 . . Pre rs’ Cer- respec » 8 oli & ee — ee - TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Bradshaw,|Jeading part should be attraction agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners’ Cer- |!" respect of the: said land, and 1 shall SPECIAL EVERY DAY y per on. pply to P. . Ander- of Tonopah, Nevada, occupation mine man- : tiNcate No. 93,917B, intend, sixty days | register the said Sven Holmquist as owner TOMATO SAUSAGE : Benes reat anne $2.Jager, intends to apply for permission to|@nough in itself. There is also a/trom the date hereof, to apply to. the jin fee. SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso-| Purchase the following described lands: wonderfully clever child actress Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Im- Your attention is called to section 36 HARRY ATKINS line engine, new, $165 freight paid.| ©ommencing at a post planfed about). : ; provements, for the purpose of obtaining | 0 peal pelle inmate IR my gre Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor | 200 feet easterly from the northwest cor- |!" this play, whose work would|a Crown Grant of the above claim. ments, and especially to the following ex- FAMILY BUTCHER w : : : , ract therefrom which relates to the above ner of Lot 40, Range 4, Coast District; * And further take notice that action, | tract t Co.,“ Hamilton, Canuds. tr. thence north 20 chains; thence west 20 arrest the attention of any audi under section 85, must be commenced be- | Notice, QUALITY IN ALL MEATS WANTED chains; thence south 20 chains more or | &Nce. fore the issue of such Certificate of Im-| “And in default of a caveat or certificate | ¢ ene less to the shore of Surf Inlet, thence| The G Graphic provides | rovements. a — ™ — , The Gaumont Graphic provides : . e TRAVELLER WANTED to handle a line of | following the shore |ine to the place of Peres EE SERA pe ese eens Or Ds oo household utilities on commission, a] Commencement, containing forty acres|!ots of interesting war uews, while | 1915. > bas ___ Apr. 2.13 man preferred who is already travelling a or eg tee “The House Breakers” and ‘Do 4 . to take this in addition. Write fullj;February 18, . E se -: oe particulars and territory covered to W. FREDERICK BRADSHAW. Unto Others” provide the fun. It Launch AliceB. H. Syer, 918 Pender St., West, Van- BE is ; y WwW y uh seei ian oe oe 44-49,|SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—bisTRICT OF |'S a show well worth seeing. MUSIC , Be. C. i COAST, RANGE 4. Approved by Minis of THE WEATHER TAKE NOTICE that F. W. Holler Surf Inlet, occupation mine superintendent, WANTED--General servant. Apply to Mrs. 3 pply a ter of Marine as a CKARI.ES BALAGNO and northerly to the place of commence_ ment, containing 40 acres more or less. February 18, 1916. Speech is the mouth-piece of FREDERICK W. HOLLER. thought; feeling is the influence SKEENA LAND - DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF] Ww nnic COAST, RANGE 4. exercised by speech. TAKE NOTICE that Clyde Heller, of Philadelphia, occupation mine operator, intends to apply for pérmission to pur- chase the Tollowing described lands: 4 G. B. Hull, 346 4th Ave., W. tf. ; > ; — - - intends to apply for permission to pur- By F. W. Dowling. (Pianist at Westholme) Passenger Boat WANTED—Woman for hotel work. ApPlY | nase the following described lands: For 24 hours ending 5 a. m s , “Hotel Centra. i si Commencing at a post planted about sue ; TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE ‘For terms and particulars 5 pel Ss y ‘e y cend, FOR SALE—The latest cloth-bound’ edition oe ‘bah is Bg at clear February n bes Former pupil of F. @. Strong. a om iN , , ; , , s ; Se i eee fe \ WwW. J jJOMAS, Phone. Sra are e Meat Gitwhhen south 20 chains; thence west 20 chains, Barometer, TERMS MODERATE, Phone Blue 408 Onto 201. } B. C._ Bee baa , 47,| more or less to the shore of Surf Inlet; Highest temperature ...... 40.0 2/3 i isles -| thence following the shore line easterly Lowest temperature 34.0 m . iy u ‘ , Peeks é et Se sisi’ MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements. Boulder Mineral Claim, situate in the 3 Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. ' Where located:—On the west side of Hidden Creek, about one and one half miles from Goose Bay, and south of the Kaien Mineral Claim, Lot 2226, Cassiar dis- MINERAL ACT trict. Lawful holder, Myron Knox Rodgers;| Commencing at a post planted about] NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER i 2 “So number of the holder’s free miner’s certi-| OMe hundred yards northerly from the TO J. A. ROGERS, ; —_ . Somes | - jn a te ) oe ficate, 94240 B. mouth of Paradise Creek on the easterly — meter — whereas I ve z Re Ris $ - a +h , Myron Knox Rodgers, | Shore of Bear Lake, Princess Royal Island; |°8USed to be done the assessment wor f } i = a> eS . Take hotice that f Sey ? oes for the year 1915 on the mineral claims ry & rv ¥ i a. “ thence east 40 chains; thence south 20 lity Seattie, in th tate of Wash- ae Algae ape sakng thence west 40 chains more or | known as “Ladybird No. 4” Mineral Claim, - ington, free miner's certificate No. 94240 | Chains; BY asc at — bese sone Rai from| less to the shore of Bear Lake? thence situated in Cascade Creek valley, north of § the date hereof, to apply to the mining] northerly along the shore of said lake to Silver Lake, in tes Stewart, 8. C., Mining recorder for a certificate of improvements, | the place of commencement, containing 80|P!strict; and the “Stumpy” Mineral Claim, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown| acres more or less. situated on the east side of Cascade Creek eis thas ahve. latin. February 18, 1918. at the head, tn the said Stewart Mining > And further take notice that action, CLYDE A, HELLER. CERO BAe Sane eee ee, AES, SERNNR- under section 85, of the “Mineral Act” SH ada ee eet = rip ene ga s » ict 7 . Sidik tncuneata 4 feos DISTRICT OF COAST |Your share of the said assessment work My office window The cocoa had been i Dated this 10th day of December, A. D.|,, TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Jackson and |together with the costs of this advertise- faces a street, close Zo {1 ’ ’ 1. |Claus Peterson, of Porcher Island, B. C.,|ment, I shall, at the expiration of ninety to the railway freight op eek grown in Brazil, ; 1915, MYRON KNOX RODGERS. occupation ranchers, intend to apply for|qays from the date hereof, apply to the ran shi d Bristol, By his agent, H. G. Lawson. f16.| permission to lease the following described y » apply sheds. \Tip= “HI | pped to ris oe lands :— Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C., to have ) | | (I hi d to Mon- wh x ax Commencing at a post planted at the | your interest in the said “Ladybird No. 4" All day long a steady fi ati | transhippe ° a mouth of Humpback Creek, on its east{and “Stumpy” Mineral Claims vested in me ‘ 73 |= treal and finally § F. W. HART side, thence 30 chains in a northwesterly |i) pursuance of the provisions of the stream of trucks and » Bee wy Sovereienk. . i a direction, following high water mark; |,, ey 5 D lorries lumber by— “J we Arla : distributed from thence 1 chain, more or less, in a south- |‘ Sineral Act. ; VF ialbie a, AUCTIONEER mesteriy direction to low water mark; Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this Sth loaded with boxes, Wi MAGIC ve Toronto. he thence 30 chains, more or less, in uth- |d wt oN * é ‘ os : AND APPRAISER easterly direction, . following on watae pew. f Rreeiper, 4916 A. LUND barrels and bales Baring t0--- SALADA mark; thence 1 chain in a northeasterly |, : : re) bor Loed ee The tea was gath- ¥ OFFICE CORNER 38RD AVE. AND direction to point of commencement, ana|fer Alex. M. Manson, his solicitor. ne truc notice | 4 7 Be 65TH ST., REAR OF HART BLOCK containing 3 acres, more or less, =| © = the other afternoon ere by swar i a well Sindee ON ; : was particularly in- skinned natives of o Walker’s Music Store teresting. No two the romantic island ‘ ADVERTISE IN boxes were the same f C 1 ; from HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Removed to Werner's Old Stand a a ‘led if \ ° eyion; tro : THE D AILY NEWS On Second Avenue. and stencilled on the sunny Portugal the SECOND HAND GOODS end of each was the name luscious, bi rapes i sr PIANOS of some well-known pro- . . OP: Aid, . Ci ¢ duct—soap, tobacco, sock had been gathered years Bi PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC DP, 1 SOCKS, 4 BOUGHT AND SOLD Prince Rupert Feed Co TTA edtiiew- cenain anes breakfast food, cocoa, port, ago, fermented, bottle p ° ’ ’ tea, chocolates, perfumery and and branded with a famous “ HARD THERE Ap TIONS TH a SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. baking powder. name; from Egypt had come the HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. Gathered there in prosaic wooden cotton and from South America the Try 828 3rd Ave., Or Phone Red 268 ¥ ‘4 ¢ AND FERTILIZERS Pianos to Rent boxes were the results of thousands dyes that entered into the product ' 0. of band’s labor in all parts of the finally stamped with the brand of a | pe world. well-known hosiery. on HANDY WORK OF ALL DESORIP- WE HANDLE osiery. “al TIONS. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED i Bulbs, and Take Orders for : : : ‘ v ACUUM CLE ANIN ¢ C0 ’ i Na eet el or ! anere, behind that obviously prosaic truck-load of freight was the whole romance | . y ° wwe querer _v © Beare and Cie de ato the universal demand for food, drink . .We Clean Homes, Offices, Churches ent, an e world-wide distribution of the thin x ‘ q Lodge and School. aden at low Chicken Feed A Specialty. Now is ve time to have cath han ' Gs we use every day ® Sele. your roofs repaired, eve- nd then I speculated why we use these things every day, instead of ther | . troughs and skylights see j . & sy Gay, instead OF some O GOOD WORK GUARANTEED Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. Os ae heating lish out ie things; and that brought me plump back to my own job of advertising. a4 { good shape for the winter. : au Pe ee P. 0. Box 333. 808 Third Ave. | The names of some of the boxes on the lorrie were known everywhere to-day, but y In such Cases had been unknown a few . ; PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. - , ; Ad ENnOW years ago; and I saw then mose clearly than ever before ‘ e OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. Consult a Practical Man if You that dvertising is really a great channel digger. It is like the Panama Canal. You a inn amen ean Leoreonscooooooe Want Results can sail from Montreal to Vancouver now, around the Horn. You can get there, eee , aia but it is going to take months. A year or so from now you will sail through the 1 _I served a regular appren- Panama Canal and chop the journey to less than half. A new channel will have the BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC tice at the Sheet Meta and been dug. é LUMP In cate fi ‘Metal Shop Not in ‘ ar ee eta oO ot in at i | AUTO DELIVERY Cc ies Soe mass! bop modern advertising steamiceety afe those of the manufacturera who have le j ; nal O A L cys ling & Steam-shovel a channel across the isthmus of distributing 4 ener ; et $9.50 per Ton -—- Cash on (. 0. ROWE The great names in th and <| . © e commer . pa : f EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Delivery The Practical Sheet Metal Man dredge this channel so that the Par Brrr Bo aps yeng er rcp gb | os ain sin RMR PHONE 340 . Oo. the source i ; a ws Money Sack If Not Satis- Hi P. 0. BOX 467 of production to the homes of the consumer, a factory Shop Opposite Board of Trade Rooms 3 Ph R 339 322 SECOND AVENUE ILyou are doing # local bus! ed one ed UNION TRANSFER CO. Estimates Furnished to Can- with the Advertising Desh anne : q you are ¢ . oe . 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 tractors and others Free to have counset pats cin «provincial or natig al _business it would be well for yew s " ? Oe! and eo without cost or obligation, by the edie * kood advertising agency. A list of these will be furalehed, “ry of Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Bullding, Toronte. ‘ -