THE DAILY NEWS THE FRENCH STRONGHOLD IS IMPREGNABLE GERMANS WITHIN RIFLE SHOT OF OUTER FORTS — FRENCH LINE STILL INTACT HUNS CONTINUE GRIM STRUGGLE ON WEST FRONT French Retire in good Order to the Stronghold—Germans are Within Rifle Range of the Outer Forts. (Special to The Daily News.) London, Feb. 25. their tremendous drive Verdun, which is one of the great- est battles of the war, the Ger- last night penetrated with- in rifle shot of the forts, and within five miles of the great The 1ins unbroken, outer French stronghold. French line remé An oflicial that the retirement of the French statement reports works which they had built at their and had rendered to defence previously leisure impregnable, most de- was conducted in the liberate manner and was carried out in order to avoid unnecessary loss of life and to obtain addition- al security. Fresh French Troops. believe that the mans will not attempt to.storm Verdun itself, which bristles with lern guns and contains hun- f Criti¢s Ger- dreds thousands of fresh French troops. The German effort with 350,000 nh on a nine mile front is de- clared ti with the purpose cover the lost have been engineered of trying to re- prestige of the German Crown Prince Frederick William German Losses. lhe French position at Verdun is defended by General Humbert and 200,000 men, The German losses in the attack have been enormous, amounting to not less than 50,000 men. Long trains of enemy wounded are crossing the frontier and there are heaps of dead left on the fleld, \n order has been discovered signed by General Von Deimling, urging the fifteenth German corps ‘0 renewed acts of bravery in a last offensive against France. The French insig- those losses are liicant in comparison to of the enemy, of the struggle. France is confident outcome of the terrific lortnightly Club meet- Mg on Wednesday Mrs. William Millar was the soloist of the evening At the night, » Miss Irwin being her ’ecompanist. MAJESTIC :: THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow BROADWAY STAR FEATURE “ANSELO LEE” pe Three-part Drama. “THE PARSON'S BUTTON MATCHER,” Scream Comedy ‘THE GIRL AT LONE POINT’ Thrilling Railroad Drama. it one JARR FAMILY Dis- 7 Rs HARLEM Roaring rea No, 4 of that Cele- rated Jarr Family Series. Coming Monda kaa Seen-Reel y and Tuesday, Special Variety Program. Continuing against SKIPPER ENCOUNTERS FAST GERMAN RAIDER (6pecial t> The Dally News ) Feb, 25. of a vessel which had been London, The captain sunk by a German raider has arrived the | raider as a veSsel of 2,500 tons,| at Teneriffe. He describes | carrying six seven-inch guns; two} torpedo tubes and mines. She| has a speed ef seventeen knots! and carries a crew of 250 men | under the command of a German count. HALIBUT FISHING METHODS EXPLAINED The following extract from an ‘ article -in the Pacific Fisherman Year Book on halibut line traw- ling should prove interesting to the people of Prince Rupert: The halibut industry is the second most important upon the coast, a large fleet of the latest type of power vessels being em- All halibut are taken The line used to a dory will vary con- ployed in it. on trawl lines, quantity of siderably. Formerly from five to skates were used, but the seven sharp competition in the industry | has caused the fishermen to in- crease the quantity of gear to from eight to ten skates. A skate of. 50 comprises seven lines” fathoms each, and each of these} : | lines will have hooks on gangions, | or side lines, which are attached to the ten feet main line about eight to apart. Ordinarily there; is an anchor and a buoy at each | end of a skate, but for deep-water fishing an extra anchor and buoy about the are placed middle of the skate. When a good ground has been reached the vessel drops” her dories, in each of which are two men, As one man maneuyres the boat the other pays out the baited trawl in a straight string, and this is done by each boat crew, the various lines being usually parallel to each other, The first about daybreak and set is made the fishermen commence to. lift about an hour after the line has all been paid out, In the bow of each dory, in a socket, has been set a wooden roller in a frame, and the line comes into the boat over this roller. When a gangion with a fish on the hook comes to along until it man, passed boat the surface, it is the side of the who and reaches the second stuns the fish with a elub, (Continued on Page Two) Brigadier McLean, of the Sal- vation Army, will arrive from the east on tonight's train, ibers of the }portunities _ ad THEY REPRESENT THE KING In the absence of the King, wh: is not considered strong enough to open Parliament, the ceremony s in charge of a commission left to right Buckmaster, Duke of Devonshire, consisting of Baron Marquis of Lincolnshire; ~ Lord Sandhurst and lower picture Lord Farquhar. RECRUITING MEETING IN EMPRESS THEATRE Tonight at 8 o'clock, in the Empress Theatre, there will be a recruiting meeting which will be addressed by Lieut.-Col. Warden, of the 102nd Battalion. The mem- battalion have at ranged a musical program which, efforts of the in the Ma. should be rood, judging from the boys at their smoker Theatre, This will be jestie one of the last op- fop recruits to enlist in this contingent, which is one of British outbreak of the finest assembled in Columbia since the the war. —--— -e= NARLIE CHAPLIN AT WESTHOLME THEA7 .i eight-reel tonight, monsr Westholme and Charlie Chaplin oecupies the There is a show at the screen for two of these reels in His New Job.’ It is the of Charlie’s adventures in a moy- story ing piclure studio and he doesn't do a thing to his old pal Ben Tur pin, who makes a splendid foil for Chaplin’s funny stunts. ‘This. is one of the great comedian’s fun- After havoe with everything and every niest comedies, playing body, Charlie is ultimately thrown this he sangfroid. It is a out, but takes with even his usual scream, “The Net of Deceit” is a power three acts, friends Bud Jeff of the funny in ful modern drama in while our old and Mutt extremely Ham, the and sereen, are Counter.” entitled western Rushing the Lunch There is also a comedy “Her drama in “Sheriff’s Choice, Choice’ and a ” come pleting a bumper eight-reel show. Be at the recruiting meeting in the Empress Theatre tonight, ‘MASKED BANDITS ROB NORTH COAST LIMITED | (Special to The Daily News.) | | | | Seattie, Feb, 25.—Two masked bandits held up the North Coast Limited neap Covington last night and stole five pouches of register- jed mail which arrived at Van- | couver from the Orient on the |} Empress of Japan yesterday. The jbandits blew open the safe with after They escaped into the bush dynamite uncoupling the cars, near Ravensdale. GYPSY ROMANCE AT MAJESTIC THEATRE “Angelo Lee,’.a charming 3-act romance of gypsy life, is the great attraction at the Majestic tonight. It is the love story of a strapping young scion of a gypsy race and a fair society maiden. It is rather a pathetic story, as the young couple have more than the usual obstacles to surmount in their love, The staging of the drama is of the beautifully The Jarr Harlem” finest and the story is unfolded. Family Discovers is One of those seream- ingly “Jarr”’ fea- funny comedy tures which have made a big hit in the east. This is the fore- runner of a series of these stories, all of ‘The Girl of of the dramas evep screened here, while ‘The Button Matcher” ia fall pT This is a show, which are “top-notchers.” Point” railroad Lone is one most thrilling Parson's fun, good LIEUT.-COL. WARDEN IS BACK FROM PRINCE GEORGE Lient.-Gol, J, W. from Warden re- turned Prince George yes- terday afternoon, after inspecting the Prinee George contingent of the 102nd Battalion whieh is be- ing trained by Lieut. J. C, Halsey. rhe commanding officer says that the boys at Prince George are ust as fine a body of men as the part of the battalion located here, that the measure up and he feels satisfied entire battalion will to a high standard physically. It is expected that the boys will remain in their present quarters for about three more weeks when they will be transferred to Comox for battalion drill, At there are about 1,000 men in the ranks and the battalion will short- ly be up to full strength, present THE WEATHER For 24 hours ending 5 a. m. February 25th, Barometer 30,448 Highest temperature ...... 47.0 Lowest temperature 37.0 Precipitation .....eeesee08! 24 eee wee ewe ene ‘RUSSIANS CHASING | TURKS IN PERSIA Feb. 25.—The Rus- | sians have dislodged the Turks at Petrograd, Bidesurk Pass in Persia and the Ker- have guns, machine guns and ammunition. T. D. PATTULLO ASSISTS MACDONALD IN SOUTH Exchanges to hand Turks are fleeing towards The four big manshah. Russians captured from Van- couver, in dealing with M. A. Mac- donald’s campaign meetings on Monday night, state that ‘Mr. Macdonald brought to the hall with him a sturdy northerner, Mr. T. Dufferin Pattullo, former mayor of Prince Rupert, and the Liberal candidate for that trict.” Mr. Pattullo meetings in dis- two deserjbed addressed which he the state of affairs in the north. He dwelt on the fish, timber, min- eral and agricultural resources of this district, pointing out that, in spite of these, thousands of men had obliged to other parts, this, he threw the entire blame on the govern- been leave for Fx rr LIBERAL OUSTS CONSERVATIVE IN PEEL COUNTY W. J. Lowe Defeats Fallis—Bow- ser Holds Big Meeting in the Orpheum—P. G. E. will be Completed, (Special to The Dally News.) Feb. 25.—W. J. Lowe, Liberal, has been elected Brampton, Ont., member for Peel County over J. of 305. majority at the last RK, Fallis by a majority Mr. Fallis’ election was 627. He resigned his seat in the house over an ex- posure regarding his profiting by with purchasing remounts for service at the front. The Liberals magnanimously offered to allow a Conservative to be returned by acclamation if the party in power would put up a new candidate, but the offer was treated with contempt by the Con- servatives. Bowser Meeting. Vancouver, Feb. 25.—Premier horse deals in connection ment who had spent the people's money to keep the political ma- and to keep the He told ot where chine greased miles there Those who re- gang together. and miles of roads were no settlers. inained in the country were hang- ing on by the ragged edge, hoping a miracle would waft them into affluence, In speaking of Mr. Tisdall, he described him as a man of the same type as Wm. Manson. A man who was content to do as the boss matter what the What the province want- ed was men who had the stamina instructed, no results. to oppose that which they knew Mr> Pattullo told of the chartep Bowser gave them in was wrong, Prince Rupert. They were not William the member, said he would voice satisfied, but Manson, the objection of the people on the of the But all he said was that the government in floor house. its wisdom had not seen fit to give them what they wanted—he sup- posed they ewould have to let it go at that. Mr. Pattullo said that the only way to develop the country was on the community plan as out- lined by Mr, Maedonald., with Dealing that the Whole of the salmon industry was fishing, he said in the hands of a monopoly. Miners, like the fishermen, had never received § fair treatment from the government, being ham- pered at every turn in their efforts to develop the mineral wealth of the province, The speaker claim- ed that if development work were started and continued-along sane lines there would be wonderful progress and in the next ten years the province would be prosperous, In the northern districts they were going to return Liberals be- cause the people were disgusted with the government. At both meetings, Mr. Pattullo’s speeches were received with the greatest enthusiasm, the people evidently being greatly interested in the affairs of the north, Piowser, the Hon, A. GC. Flumer- felt and the Hon. C. E. Tisdall held a great meeting in the Orph- eum Theatre last night, with an overtlow meeting in the banquet hall of the Hotel. The premier announced that it Vancouver is his intention to carry out the promises of ex-Premier McBride with regard to prohibition and that it is the of the government to complete the con- Pacific Great intention struction of the Eastern Railway. Mr. Flumerfelt announced that arranging a with which to make a start on the Agri- Credits Bill, and stated Dominion government asked to aid in the he was loan cultural that the would be erection of a smelter and to assist in ship building. George A, MeNicholl is expected to arrive from Winnipeg tonight acconipanied by CGaptain Nichol- son. WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE Rupert’s Popular Play Mouse TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Great 8-Ree!l Show at Popular Prices. “THE NET OF DECEIT” Drama in three acts, CHARLIE GHAPLIN, IN “HIS NEW JOB”.—2 acts. ‘Rushing the Lunch Counter’ Comedy, featuring Ham and Bud. “Her Choice’—Comedy “Sherilf’s Choice” Western Drama. Ben ce ee Monday and Tuesday are “Diamond” Nighte. - @o TO LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES