~‘ THE DAILY NEWS — nt an VOL, VII. NO. 50. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1916. MASS,\CRE —_— a TURKS AND BULGARS ALARMED AT RUS —_———_— CONTINUES NORTH OF PRICE FIVE CENTS VERDUN TURKS AND BUL- FEROCIOUSLY IN | GARS SHOWING VERDUN BATTLE, SIGNS OF ALARM German Prisoners Describe fight-| Russian Advance has Scared them | Ing ag Massacre — Germans into Askng for an Under- Repulsed in hand to standing with the hand Fighting. Allles. FRENCH FIGHT (Special to The Dally News.) (Special te The Daily Newsy Paris, Feb. 29.—The bombard- Athens, Feb, 29.—-Alarmed at ment north of Verdun continues |the Russian advance in Asia Minor | with great intensity, In hand toO|/and at the inability of ‘the Ger- hand fighting near Douamont, the| mans to render aid, the Turks and Germans were repulsed. Bulgarians are asking for ‘an} prisoners who have been taken/understanding with the Entents describe the fighting as being| Allies. simply massacre. Bulgaria fears that she will The Germans captured the vil-{jose her capital of Sofia, and both jage of Manhuelles by an intense powers are greatly alarmed over | artillery fire, but, by counter at-/the new turn of events. They ask tacks, this position was retaken|for the observance of territorial by the French. The German integrity. forces engaged now number 750,- The Turks are hastily evacuat- 000, ing Trebizond and the neighbor- Situation Improved. ing ports on the coast of the Black The situation has improved|geg, and the French are re-acting " Quests Poisoned. vigorously against the German San Francisco, Feb. 29.—Forty bludgeon strokes. By impetuous|/ guests at a Methodist Ministerial counter attacks the French have|panguet in Howard Street church thrown the Germans from maNy}havye been poisoned. Many were positions vaptured during the} axen ill at the banquet table after past four days, and the action is} partaking of ice cream which had starting on its second phase. Briand has issued @ ee Se es statement to the press telling how] p, W. MORRISSEY ENQUIRES the Germans were caught between REGARDING SERIAL BONDS two fires that barred their pro- been poisoned. Premier gress. They were also showered] At the city council last night with shrapnel from all sides. a letter from D. W. Morrissey At an unexpected moment fresh/was read asking, amongst other| divisions of French troops surged/things, what the probable dis- upon the fleld and the Germans|/eount would be on the thirty year |Commons last saw their offensive stapped short.|six per cent, serial bonds, and if| “The struggle was a titanic!the city had received any bona|@f all provinces where provincial iwoman suffrage has been alloWed. one, and our troops fought franti-| fide or probable offer for these cally,” said the premier. °“Our|/ponds which would encourage a light and heavy artillery dug san-}ehange in the financial.system of guinary through the!the city, in the present distress- compact ranks of the advancing|fy) financial Germans as they came on to cer-|world. He asked that a reply be tain death, Finally, completely| made through the medium of ha exhausted and their ranks deci-| press. mate ter ~mi “A. ated, the German armies re Ald. Montgomery moved that a coiled,” 4 } if reply be sent to Mr. Morrissey) privately and that the letter con-| tain nothing of a nature liable to furrows condition of the | | An attempt by the Germans to shift the centre of battle is taken 4s a sign that the German general prejudice the sale of the bonds, staff now despairs of success. such as information regarding offers, etc. Ald. Dybhavn suggested tha Mr, Morrissey be sent a copy of the report drawn up by the city treasurer some time ago, which COURT OF REVISION The assessment roll for 1916 was brought down at the meeting of the city council last night, and adopted on the motion of Ald. Dybhavn, seconded by Ald, Smith, It was intimated that the court of revision will be held on April ‘th, at 14 a. m., when the follow- ‘ng members would sit: Mayor McCaffery and Aldermen Mont- Fomery, Dybhayn, MeClymont and Barrie, The mayor intimated that the roll was exactly the same as the last submitted, Se All together, boost for that Prince Rupert company, contained all the information it was possible to give, and which he believed any man would under- stand, He felt that the was not entitled to give any fur- ther information. Ald. Montgomery said that he thought Mr. Morrissey was en- titled to receive all the informa- tion that could be given within Ald, Casey seconded the mayor reason. motion which carried, First showing of New Spring Hats, Wednesday, March 1st, at Demers’. 54. _— a ooo AKERBURG, THOMSON COMPANY Sole Agents for the P. ALMER gas ENGINE COMPANY PHONE 525 Furniture for sale, phone Green 838, 254 5th Ave., West. tf. Colonel Warden wants a dis- tinctive Prince Rupert company | Pugsley DUKE INSPECTS TROOPS CRDERED OVERSEAS His Royal Highness the Duke of Cennaught receiving the salute of the 74th and 75th Battalions at Exhibition Camp, Toronto, as they marched in column formation, to the inspection grounds. General W, A. Logie and Lieut.-Governor Sir John Hendrie accom- panied the Governor-General. The two battalions inspected are among the large number soon to be sent overseas from Canada, as recently ordered by the minister of militia. WOMEN’S FRANCHISE SALVATON ARMY DEFEATED AT OTTAWA DOING GREAT WORK (Special to The Daily News.) There was a large attendance Ottawa, Feb, 29. Hon. William} ,¢ aj] denominations at the Salva- moved in the House Of}tigon Army citadel last night, in- night that the franchise be given to the women leluding the local clergy, to hear Brigadier McLean lecture on the work that is being done by the The motion was defeated. Salvation Army in the war. ~ The lecturer kept his audience INCREASED INTEREST interested from start to finish. RATE ON SERIAL BONDE Phy members of the Army, like itrue soldiéts, are “doing their In discussing the bylaw cover= | yitr in every line of endeavor, jing the increasing of the interest! there being no fewer than 50,000 on the serial bonds to not less'gajyationists at present at the than six per cent. per annum al) front, The Salvation Army Am- the city council last night, Ald.! hulance corps has handled 15,000 Casey said that there seemed LO} wounded soldiers hind the Army is be some misunderstanding among i taking care of 1,800 Belgian refu- the citizens as to why this should} gees, be done. | All the Salvation Army institu- The mayor explained that it/tions have been handed over to had been done at the express wish ithe government for the use of the of the government and the bond | wounded soldiers. The lecture houses and had been strongly en-| whieh was splendidly illustrated, dorsed by the bank. He pointed | was much enjoyed by the large out that it made no material dif- | audience, ference to the city as the bonds | rere ee eee bearing six pep cent. would na-| SCHOOL ESTIMATES turally sell at a smaller discount | bi cot than bonds bearing five, while The school board estimates there was a great advantage in | were passed last night at the city that six per cent. would find a counei,. }to $30,720, including items of ex- The estimates amounted much readier market, itraordinary expenditure amount- ATTEMPTED SUICIDE ‘ing to $4,050, which items the | ‘ jfinanee eommittee recommended Charles Bloomberg, a miner |should be reduced to $4,500, This from was agreed to. Ald. Gasey asked if this included who recently came here Rocher de Boule, is in hospital suffering from loss of blood re the sulting from self-inflicted wounds | Spat Cove School, Oficer|plained that these improvements alterations in the doors at Ald. Nelson ex- in the neck and wrists. Bailey had the man removed from) were provided for, Avenue On ee Prince Rupert must have that company in the 102nd his shack on Second Sunday evening and he is how will} ecomplete progressing favorably. He in his battalion. tf. stand trial for attempted suicide. Battalion, SIAN ADVANCE-SUBMA FLUMERFELT IS MAKING FRANTIC EFFORTS 10 WIN Millions Promised for Ship Build- ng Guarantee—Measure to be Rushed Through in Ten Days. €Special t> The Dally News.) Victoria, Feb. 29—The Hon, A. C. Flumerfelt has announced that the government will introduce legislation within ten days to aid ship building and to guarantee their construction to the extent of two millions. It is proposed to build ten ships, five of these to be built at Vic- toria and five at other ports in Aid will be given to the amount of fifty per cent. of the value of the vessels, The ships will be built under govern- ment supervision and are not to be alienated the province. from the province for five years and only when the loan has been repaid. The Hon. Lorne A. Campbell is seeking to interest the Federal government in a scheme to assist in the laying down of twenty-five ships. NANAIMO RESOLUTION REGARDING COMMISSIONERS A resolution from the c ity council of Nanaimo ealling at- tention to the growing sentiment electors of the various having a voice in the selection of license in favor of the municipalities commissioners and members of the police was brought down at the council last night. The resolution called for the electing of these commission- ers in the same way as_ other representatives of the city are commission elected. Ald. Casey, in moving that the resolution be concurred in, said that the Liberal party had prom- ised reform in this direction and, as it looked as if there soon be a Liberal government in power in the province, the matter would would soon be solved. It was decided to forward a similap petition to the provincial government, Ald, Nelson dissent- ing. VARIED PROGRAM AT MAJESTIC THEATRE “The Girl from Thunder Moun- tain,” at the Majestic, is a story of the mountains.