#f DAILY NEWS Tuesday, February 29, 1916 . MINERAL BELT “THE DAILY NEWs NO ALUM vw MY G.T.P. SCHEDULES THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA BEING DEVELOPED Naas Steamship Service to South Published Daily and Weekly ‘ : i. Guaranteed Largest Circulation A new mineral belt was dis- S. S. Prince Rupert Sails overy Saturday at 9 a. m. 8. S. Prince John Sails every Tuesday at 7 p. m. ~™ eovered last year in the vicinity HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. f White Sale and Emerald lakes, southwest of Ootsa lake. Benson, 1 Smithers man, has a large in- terest in there and also J. M, , Lyneh, and the probability is that DAILY EDITION wee D Tuesday, Feb. 29, 1916. considerable work will be done on Train Service to the East EA the ground. , : ’assenger Lrains » Prince Rupert o on ‘ A RUPERT COMPANY work for M. A. Macdonald in the Up to the present access to the Passenger Trains leave Prince Rupert on Monday and Thursdays at 10:30 a, m.for Edmonton, Winnipeg, Po, Montreal, Ottawa, New York and all Eastern Points. “THE ROAD OF MARVELLOUS SCENERY" nto Colonel Warden, in his speech| Vancouver election, has accepted on Friday night, emphasised/an invitation to go over to Vic-| district has been by way of Hous- ton. but to handle ore over that} f the great advantage of having/|toria to assist H. C. Brewster in| jro ute is impossible, Last season f a Prince Rupert company in|performing the Tisdall operation, stmcnanat stn —/. route was cruised over the dis- On Saturday also Mixed Train carrying passeny; iol SPATE ERAN. Tie are (Oe AL Sy Maimer felts SILVER STANDARD WILL Nae toward the coast and a very, leaves ner Edmonton at 6 a. m.,- making viose connections at present one hundred and rs Viet INSTALL 100-TON MILL | economical scheme for transpor- there with regular passenger train for Winnipeg forty men in the local contin- Parker Williams had not a little gies tation which will land the ore at For Steamship and Sleeping Car Reservations, ay full f Sete SE ered: twee -Wwould|to doswith (he Seen of the Van-| The Silver Standard Mining Go.|{he head of Dean Channel, can be information regarding travel to any part of the world a ply bring it up to company strength |couver by-election. He was right|i, panning to install ‘on their|secured. G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, THIRD AVENUE. PHONE 260. It would be a splendiu thing/there with first hand information |property a mill of 100 tons capa- The Lead Mountain mineral A. DAVIDSON, General Agent. if this stalwart battalion could/as to the little eccentricities Of | city. It is expected that within|claims consist of five groups and 8. 0. ERICH, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. boast of a district Prince Ru-|the Bowser bunch. ~ lthe next sixty days full details/a total of 27 claims. The show- Agency all Atlantic and Trans-Pacific Steamship Lines. pert unit, as the boys would wa ca jwill be available. The company|ings are numerous and _ strong, enter the trenches together and; ‘The five feet of snow whic | proposes to install it at the ear-|and the indications are that an- be able to keep up a comrade-|Victoria experienced lately sil ‘liest possible moment. other important camp is to be | vost ship which would be stronger HOt -he.& ‘patol on want Flumer-| Just now attention has been|built up in that district. oo than if they were scattered/|felt will encounter there next Sat- esata to discover a process to| Assays from a number of sam- CANADIAN PACiFIC D E N TISTRY ———_—_—_——_- throughout several companies.|Urday. : He separate the zinc from the lead.|ples gave values in gold, silver, | RAILWAY ph See enone SomtgSa te : i'When this has been worked out|lead and copper with total values | - —_ : ee i Weary "—— from here companies were split 708 popular recreation amongst satisfactorily the chief troubles|from $46 to $175 a ton. |] Lowest rates to all Eastern Points DR. J. F. BROWN up and wrtions attached to|the Liberals yesterday was pick- hee : - ’ Thite Sale lake . | la Steamer to Vancouver and the ements F pe . ; of the silver-lead miners will be The White Sale lake property via santer various depleted battalions, but} ing out ane members of the Brew- at an end. is zinc and more or less work has CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY OMce: Smith Block, Third Avenue we are assured that this would|ster cabinet. When the Silver Standard get}been done. Further development Meals and berth Included on steamer Phone 454 e.-6.% Pe PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND | not happen to a full Prince | sii | SUNDAY, 6 P. mM. sia | Rupert company in the 102d their mill running it will be the|will be undertaken this year. most complete that science can|/Omineca Herald, In revenge for what happened to his friends in Manitoba, “Bob” PRINCESS MAY FOR ALASKA PORTS Battalion . The chief reason - : eek 4 wreck |(1evise and a pattern for other pion Boo MONDAY, MARCH 6th ° ' for the breaking up of the pre-|Rogers is out to try and wreck mines to follow, The Sjlver|CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE | J. 1. PETERS, Generar Agent. Prince Rupert Dairy . ‘ es rove in Saskat- vious companies was the lack the Scott government in Saskat RUPERT | Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave . . ‘Standard will also be the first’in Simstplilics H tth chewan. The Hon. Walter Scott |> as cut the price of Milk of commanding officers, but, in} ~ " ; _ |the north to mine and treat any- INFECTIOUS DISEASES this battalion |'§ facing him four-square and in- Whenever any householder knows or in half Colonel Warden : ; pbidiis teed a : 5 . : Office corner 2nd Street and 8rd Avenur ’ ay ; ; x b high grade shipping] suspects thé TSO thin his I viting him to do his worst thing but £ £ Ipt & | suspec that any person within his family Bees ¢ “cbminatidir io eee” lore—Omineca Herald, onal as ana comtacious o° ‘= |PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED|{ PURE FRESH MILK has seen active service in the Delivered in city at 10c per The Journal referred to the ee four hours give notice thereof to the (Successors to Pacific Transfer Co.) gon ' resent war and will lead his},. : ; Medical Health OMcer. Refusal or neglect Genera! Cartage quart and 5c per pint A 2 t th f t Now then Wanendver 1eiGelide es sumeuning ree to do so renders said householder liable a n e front. Now 4 : : elas be nina: 4 men a “onusual. After next Saturday, : Seen to penalties as provided by provincial and LADYSMITH COAL EE ; boys let us have that Prince 4 fic : By F. W. Dowling. local health laws. By order, 03—Phone—os8 a “Green 252 R t tfullst th the Journal will see that it is now o4 MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICER, : ; : , Vv stren } ror 24 “Ss i D a. i a ia eae ; : penal Oe arom 2, Shade oe" to be quite usual. For 24 hours ‘ending 5:8. m _ Alex M, Manson, B.A. within the next ten days. It SET February 29th. Salvation Army. W. E. Williams, B.A., L.L.B ‘ will be distiuetive and will rep-} focal Conservatives are pro-|Barometer ............. 29.677 sprints WILLIAMS & MANSON Sterling Marine Motors | resent this city in the trenches pressing towards conyalescence|Highest temperature ...... 40.0 Public meetings, Tuesday, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. and the citizens will follow the|acain, but it is to be hoped that|Lowest Temperature ...... 26.0] Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m MONEY TO LOAN Can be purchased In town. A career of the battalion with in- : sy i Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Box 1585 Motor that wili give you en- ) ae : they are prepared for a still great- die Sects non Meas tenth Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C tire satisfaction. Built for ‘ creased interest and pride when|4, shock next saturday. Funny, y to) nce Mola £ WATER NOTICE x Dea nee nteed ! it remembers that one COM-|powser seems to favor Saturday to be funny in the kitchen sym- EAVY DUTY— | Vai bis eres . English Church Wednes-| axe not a. , JAMES GILMORE ot pany bears the name “Prince}¢o, gefeat. Of course it gives ajPhony. English Church Wednes-| paxe Notice that R. B. MeGinnts, whose ; R t. : 5 , day night. address is Alice Arm, British Columbia, FIGHERMAN’S ENGINE upert. nice quiet Sunday for partial re- oe apply ng 3 oe to take =“ use Architect 2 Cyl.—6 1-2 In. by 7 In., 12-16 ; ___ CO - - ——- , TRY p fifteen second feet of water out of Trout} . . Horee Power. eorery: LAND REGIS ACT Creek, which flows Westerly and drains| 22d Avenue, near McBride Streei @ Cyl.—B 1-2 In. by 8 In. 25-38 A NOTES AND COMMENTS asst bis a ; ce F , , eee into Kitsault River, about 16 miles north — Horse Power. — Jones makes a valiant effort to Notice Under Section 36. of its outlet at Alice Arm, B. C. The st have b tl d hot i ; : TAKE NOTICE that an application has/water will be diverted from the stream Do your remodeling with a first- : It must have been the re O'lreach high C with the fire irons]|peen made to register Olaf Hanson, of at a point about 500 vertical feet above B C UNDERTAKERS class engine. election news of Saturday even-|jn the kitchen symphony. English corer nue: i Se a point of use, near its mouth, and will e —-- 4 é ns ioe eg . = % : ee-simple, under a Ta) e Dee Nibe used for power and mining purpose For Further Information ing which put kinks in the Do-/Church Wednesday night. the Collector of the City of Prince Rupert| upon the land described as Wolf Group of FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- Apply to 5 minion government telegraph ie ie Wee on Nese ag 10th day) Mining Claims, This notice was posted on BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- W. E. Williscroft, Phone sas . . of September, A. D. 5, in pursuance > gr aa stober f . ’ ires yesterday A sensitive woman is a growing 4 Dp a ein she 5 p the _ground on the 26th day of October, ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Blue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- | wires yes ay, of a Tax Sale held by said Municipality on] 14915. A copy of this notice and an ap 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 trician, Phone 383. i Te plant, every hard rain beats them |er about the 9th day of September, 1914,] plication pursuant thereto and to the : » i F of all and singular certain parcel or tract} «water Act, 1914” will be filed in the ; T. D .Pattullo, who put in great|down. of land and premises situate, lying, and|omce of the Water Recorder at Prince = ea being in the City of Prince Rupert in the Rupert, B. C, Objections to the application aaa ss Province of British Columbia, more pra-|may be filed with the said Water Recorder Ucularly known and described as:—Lot|or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ten (10), Block eighteen (18), Section | parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within six (6), Map 923. thirty days after the first appearance of } You and those claiming through or under |tnis notice in a local newspaper. The date you, and all persons claiming any interest|or the first publication of this notice lin the said land by descent whose title |November 9th, 1915. is not registered under the provisions of R. B. McGINNIS, Applicant, is 715 SECOND AVE the “Land Registry Act” are required to bri, 6. faite Agens, ch contest the claim of the tax purchaser | _ peat Sa a - } Carp . J Guilders’ Hardware Shi andier within forty-five days of the service of ne )) wi as te weit Steel Biccks aor — this notice Plo wom Otherwise you and LAND REGISTRY ACT {{ re Gable each of you will be forever estopped and ans tron Pipe Pipe Fittings : Rifles and Shotguns debarred from setting up any claim to or] IN THE MATTER OF An application for Rope Valves Ammunition in respect of the said land, and I shall/the issue of a fresh Certificate of Title rh Paint register the said Olaf Hanson as owner|to Lot Fifty (50), Block three (3), Sec- ca Pumps Hose n ‘ in fee, tion seven (7), City of Prince Rupert, Map st ) lon is called to section 36 | 923. : ves and Ranges Rubbercid Roofing Corrugated Iron Your attent a Sto 9 of the “Land Registry Act” and amend- Proof of the loss of the certificate of “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” ments, and especiafly to the following ex-|title to the above lands having been nled tract therefrom which relates to the above|in this office, Netice is hereby given that a = = = —_ notice. it Is my intention to issue, at the expiration “And in default of a caveat or certificate |of one (1) month from the frst publica- 9 of lis pendens being filed before the|tion hereof, a fresh certificate of title to FRED STORK S HARDWARE registration as owner of the persons en-|the above lot in the name of John R. titled under such tax sale, all persons so] Rodcof, which Certificate of Title is dated served with notice, or served with notice |15th December, 1911, and is numbered i under subsection (6) of section 155 of | 959-1. : ’ F the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec- H. F, MACLEOD, District Registrar. Here's where we test the : 5 ; tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section | Land Registry Omice, Prince Rupert, B. C., choicest samples of Canada’s oe ee