p 5 ie Salama y NEWS. : . Thursday, March 2, 1946, CAE S oe == MAX LINDER AT THE G. T.P. SC H E D U L E 5 MAJESTIC THEATRE NDS Steamship Service to South S. S. Prince Rupert Sails every Saturday at 9 a. m. S. S. Prince John Sails every THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation Max Linder provides two reels of rollicking comedy at the Ma- jestic tonight, in the role of a ae HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract —— =-|young man who cannot muster up courage to propose to a} wealthy young lady. His uncle, | “THE CASE OF BECKY” AT WESTHOLME THEATRE rates'on application. who is anxious to have him marry Tuesday at 7 p. m. : Blanche Sweet, supported by a this young lady, takes him out to DAILY EDITION agesyED Thursday, March 2, 1916. cast of exceptional ability, ap-|%¢° life in order to strengthen T 8 5 . h enheh ibe = _ pears at the Westholme tonight his nerves. Max pi i es wag rain service to t e East MINING ACTIVITY comes to a certain extent under| in ‘The Case of Becky.” It is a]®"d then some. It is one oe a Passenger Trains leave Prince Rupert on Mondays ang With the ‘war driving shes the sway of the ‘get-rieh-quick’| remarkable story in which Becky a eT ah ie oil te a Thursdays at 10:30 a. m. for E ‘dmonton, Winnipeg, Toronte price of minerals up to phe- fraternity, and it is not to belis @ youns lady burdened with a Council scat . . Ree ir be Montreal, Ottawa, New York and all Eastern Points. nomenal heights, the eyes of/ ted that northern Britisn| (Ua! Personality, the two being of| eee apes 4 st : ere “ “THE ROAD OF MARVELLOUS SCENERY” the investing public are natur-| an opposite extremes. The play gives|!¥ dramatic, particularl reo On Saturday also Mixed Train carrying passenger coach atly fg » 4 on en , 7 a 7 2 . i ere a : part of the Dominion js ey Premier Bowser has now ac-|*susie’s New Shoes” is a comedy We advise people to receive i oon ala . . Je ta + : : sags : j grade and of course the high/ceded to the demands of the pro-|which is simply side-splitting. with extreme caution the stories}; CANADIAN PACIFIC DE N TISTRY ‘ices. prevaili ce i _| hibitionis i is Sik a nae —— 7 : ‘ - — - prices prevailing make it pos-|hib ae ts in order - try and|This is a show well worth seeing. sent from Copenhagen and Rot-| RAILWAY —— sible / i hi sav si ion. > ‘ ' | CROWN AND BRIDe sible to handle properties which i a e situation v e — of terdam to this country, and print-| . “a : Sanur WORK in normal times would not/the Vancouver scare is becoming Salvation Army. ed innocently, we doubt not, in|] Lowest rates to all Eastern Points DR. J. F. BROWN tempt the capitalist. However,| more apparent every day. £3 i some papers here, re BET via Steamer to Vancouver and the BEE ees , ; Public meetings, Tuesday, | °° Beers: APG, (eee ete es DENTIST with the methods of handling eg oe 3 , "lthe gradual starvation of the! CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Siti GA ble, THe 0 2 var s i : mrO-) ' venue low grade ores steadily improv- The supply of election bait in] Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Riisnhin-soahian” Qie-ballabdsanes Meals and berth Included on steamer Phone 454 . a © e ‘ > sve, Say ing, it is to be supposed that] Victoria seems to be equal to the|8undays at 7:30 p. m.. ha: Satindagiteviow, that'« sot PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND Se oe § i ‘ E . sia, schenies wi vis supposed demand. It is no use SUNDAY, 6 P. &. schenmies will be devised for the one oo : Reta : WATER NOTICE siderable percentage of these |] princess MAY FOR ALASKA PORTS ‘ i ow . Sc n s ed whic ; ‘ handling of low grade ores at Bil. & 4 ue a << ; vaih ence Ga stories are craftily concocted in MONDAY, MARCH 6th. . . a profit ev i imes.j/even the iberals emselves A . Innis, whose} — : fe Y Agent. rt 1 profit even ie normal ne sasily .|how black the Saskatchewan Lib-|of its outlet at Alice Arm, B. C. The| — ; profitable and easily handled a RBH water “iil Bp .Aaaeenaaie the stream, fighting for vegetable soup tickets PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED PURE FRESH MILK “ece years rev in- nals e, ino ories ; > In recent years, however, min ra fis phar das A fe ons eth tay aii i= pg yey and so on, is very artful trash;] (successors to Pacific Transfer Co.) Delivered in city at 10¢ per ing as in Manitoba an ritish Columbia | Po!n: ’ . : s quar? and Sc per pint ne has undergone a great i k hite i . used for power and mining purpose|the idea is to send the British General Cartage Pree ‘-hange ¢ mati ok white in comparison. . ie : change and operating costs cone as ‘icons slats Hg Due hae “Fi ade dae cate pas public asleep, and so to cause it LADYSMITH COAL = Phone’G ; : ave w]Hon. Walter Scott wi oO every-|? , j 03—Phone—e3 _ wit hone Green 252 : have been brought down so lo hi : ible t t t y the ground on the 26th day of October,}to slacken its efforts. It would oom i . “ti hi »9-| thing possible to root out any ' * that properties which the cap-|t a I poe x y wie SN ee — a = not be at all a bad plan to make|alex M. Manson, B.A. "Ghat ib % italis y c -jevil-doers whether e appen : L. i italist would not look at form : Lib 1 C 7 ti PP “Water Act, 1914” will be Mied in the} a collection of these stories, start- Ws WR BA. hate . : indies’ alan . 2 j rvativ ‘ i a erly are eagerly sought for to-jto be Liberal or Conse e, office of the Water Recorder at Prince ing from the copper kettle and WILLIAMS & MANSON Sterling Marine Motors A dav In South Africa. where s s s Rupert, B. C. Objections to the application ii E rae Ponen , : : . may be filed with the said Water Recorder | door-handle myths of a year ago Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. —=—= = so much of the Empire's gold “Give it a name, and it’s alllor with the Comptroller of Water Rights, almost, reprint them, and di MONEY TO LOAN Can be purchasea In town, A en : e = ; hin | ‘ ro ee a Box 1585 Motor that will give you en- as bee > . yours” is the new policy of the| Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C., wit : 9 y has been mined, come aes ‘ P f thirty days after the first appearance of|tribute them under the heading Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C tire satisfaction. Built for today working over the tailings | Bowser government. this notice in a local newspaper. The date +“ 5 ‘; Me A c ae 4 . . ee Menacdha caret as es of the first publication of this notice is} 2! “Made in Germany Let the hard work. Guaranteed aera . " ; : 3 ; November 9th, 1915. publie beware. JAMES GILMORE —HEAVY DUTY— value, and find that they pro- In a farming community they R. B. McGINNIS, Applicant. ee -—— duce dividends. Mines which|say that “a pound of March dust By H. C. Ingle, Agent. LAND REGISTRY ACT. Architect FISHERMAN’S ENGINE ; : : : ‘ ” Sec e 2 Cyl.—6 1-2 In. by 7 In., 12-1 had been shut down as worked! is worth its weight in gold.’ There ND REGISTRY ACT. Notice Under tion 36 ¥ LAND TR A , . ; , . McBride. Stree Horse Power. , satis oa of thi: vaiwaln TAKE NOTICE that an application has|2nd Avenue, near McBride.Streei ETT te bee te one . out have produced millions on| was a good deal o is valuable ———— been made to register Sven Holmquist, of yl. owe Tl ” being reopened and up-to-date|commodity flying around yester- Notice Under Section 36. Prince Rupert, as the owner in Fee-simple, g * TAKE NOTICE that an application has|under two Tax Sale Deeds from the col- Do your remodeling with a first j inethods employed. day. been made to register Olaf Hanson, of|iector of the City of Prince Rupert, to B C UNDERTAKERS clase engine In a mining boom, and there Ss By aie Prince ae B. C., ee hae it in a ene eae date me 17th day . ° iene % d : ; i : Fee-simple, under a Tax Sale Dee rom |of September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance of For Further Information r is every sign that a boom in The Bowser bunch will be kept] ing Collector of the City of Prince Rupert|4 Tax Sale held by said Municipality on FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- ? Apply to © this line will set in here before| extremely busy for the next few |to Olaf Hanson, bearing date the 10th day|or about the ¥th day of September, 1914, BALWERS — SATISFACTION QUAR- W. E. Williscroft, Phone 7 : 7 3 = ; ea i ,_ |of September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance jof all and singular certain parce! or tract ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Bh 508 D Brown Eleo- ng, there is always “wild-cat-| weeks answering awkward ques-| a Tax Sale held by said Municipality on|of land and premises situate, lying, and 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 ue i i; or Ph 4 383 ting.’ Every mining country|tions put by H. ©. Brewster and |er about the 9th day of September, 1914,] being in the City of Prince Rupert, in the = trician, one . . ; 7 ee of all and singular certain parcel or tract} Province of British Columbia, more par , in entering an era of prosperity|M. A. Macdonald, of land and premises situate, lying, and|ticularly known and described as:-—Lot x - ——— SS @Q——_—s “=== |being in the City of Prince Rupert tn the|threé (3), Block forty-five (45), Section Province of British Columbia, more pra-|eight (8), and Lot four (4), Block thirty p ticularly known and described as:—Lot|tive (35), Section eight (8), Map 923. ‘ ,jten (10), Block eighteen (18), Section You and those claiming through or under 3 E , six (6), Map 923. you, and all persons claiming any interest F ] You and those claiming through or under]|in the said land by descent whose title {}you, and all persons claiming any interesi|is not registered under the provisions of t eet got it Sas - in the said land by descent whose title|the “Land Registry Act” are required to \ ins (jis not registered under the provisions of|contest the claim of the tax purchaser ¥ 710 SECOND AVE ‘|the “Land Registry Act’ are required to] within forty-five days of the service of : contest the claim of the tax purchaser|this notice upon you. Otherwise you and ; i Carpenters’ Tools Suiidere’ Hardware Ship Chandlery ,| Within forty-ve days of the service of|each of you will be forever estopped and av le {|} this notice upon you. Otherwise you and|debarred from Setting up any claim to or Wire Cablo Stee! Blocks Fishing Taok ) each of you will be forever estopped andjin respect of the said land, and I shall Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns } debarred from setting up any claim to or|register the sald Sven Holmquist as owner Ammunition in respect of the said land, and I shalljin fee. Rope Valves } register the said Olaf Hanson as owner Your attention is called to section 36 Pumps Hose Paint { in fee. of the “Land Registry Act” and amend Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated iron Your attention is called to section 36|ments, and especially to the following ex- of the “Land Registry Act” and amend- | tract therefrom which relates to the above ments, and especially to the following ex- | notice. tract therefrom which relates to the above “And In default of a caveat or certificate notice, of lis pendens being file4 before the “And in default of a caveat or certificate} registration as owner of the persons en- of lis pendens being filed before the| titled under such tax sale, all persons so registration as owner of the persons en-|served with notice, or served with notice titled under such tax sale, all persons sojunder subsection (6) of section 155 of served with notice, or served with notice | the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” nt = = = =<——= | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ewe _—$ Cc under subsection (6) of section 155 of] tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section Here’ h h sa bal the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec-]139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903,’ or eres where we test the _— _ —= = a tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section} section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases choicest samples of Canada's on 2ee 139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903,’ or|in which notice under this Act is dispensed * ii h TEAMSHIP CO. OF B. C,, LIMITED Section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases| with as hereinafter provided, and those ex milion acre wheat crop. i THE UNION § in wee notice under this Act is dispensed | claiming through or under them and all We grind them into flour in the f With as hereinafter provided, and those | persons claiming any interest in : ‘ i Ss. 8 VENTURE Sails for Granby, Naas, Simpson, every Monday, claiming through or under them and all|by virtue of any a egistered a et little mill you see on the left of | a.m. Sails for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, persons claiming any ‘nterest in the land|and all persons claiming any interest in | the picture, Then comes the | ee mu aaevery Tuesday at 8 p.m. by virtue of any unregistered instrument,|the land by descent whose title is not | supreme test--bread-bakin If 8 5 S. CAM SuIN. iY” Salls for Stewart, Granby, Simpson, Saturdays, and all persons claiming any interest in|regisiered under the provisions of this Act, P ;. . & | 8 a.m. January 8th, 22nd. February 5th, 19th. the land by descent whose title is not|shall be for ever estopped and de barred | the bread is perfect in every | March 4th and 18th. Sails for Massett, Port Clements, Sundays, p. m., registered under the provisions of this Act, | from setting up any claim to or in respect | wa th h t { January 9th, 23rd, February 6th 20th, March 5th and 19th. shall be for ever estopped and debarred|of the land so sold for taxes.” y we pronounce the whea 2 Sails for Skidegate, Jedway, Ikeda, Mondays, p.m., January 10th and from setting up any claim to or in respect] Dated at the Land Registry Omce, at Al and the flour-ROYAL P 24th, February 7th and 2ist, March 6th and 20th, of the land so sold for taxes.” the City of Prince Rupert, Province of STANDARD Sails for Bella Coola, Rivers Inlet, Vancouver, January 13th and 27th. Pated at the Land Registry Omce, at} British Columbia, this 19th day of January , February 10th and 24th. March 9th and 28rd. the City of Prince Rupert, Province oflaA. D, 1916. | AT YOUR GROCER'’S JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent. HWW ince, this 19th day of January, H. F, MACLEOD, District Registrar. | V; > | 623 Second Avenue. Phone 5668. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar, | Tide : Pr cas seas es Mrs. | yancouver Milling 8 Grain alte ° ve fone - wree e'To Paul M. Schubert, Lily Schubert, C, R, McDonald, "| QVencouver. New Westminster, Nanaimo. Victoria. = — a — —— = — EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR PRINCE RUPERT, ®