THE DAILY NEWS axa VOL. Vit. NO. 59, - PRING Bb RU PERT, B. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1916. = = | MAN OFFENSIVE PRICE FIVE CENTS ESUMED AT VERDUN BRITISH GAINS ON THE YPRES F RONT — BRANDENBURG REGIMENT SURROUNDED BRITISH STRIKE POWERFUL BLOW ON YPRES FRONT Trenches and German Salient are Captured—Brandenburgers are Iimprisoned—-Zep- pelin Wrecked. (Special to The Dally News.) March 3.—The British London, have struck a powerful blow against the enemy in the Ypres district, taking 800 yards of 4 SHELL TORNADO PRECEDES NEW HUN OFFENSIVE Violent Attacks Renewed North of Verdun—French Hold Back Germans with Curtain of Fire, (Special to The Daily News.) March 3.—-After “a the London, femporary lull, Germans have launched a series of violent new attacks on a wide feont north and trenches. By means of a bluff the etd recaptured the trenches along the which and! Ypres - Commines~ canal, were lost on February 14th, have also captured a small salient in the German lines. the French, but that a strong Brandenburgers Help Up. { ; - barrier of artillery fire prevents Paris, March 3.—-The remnants : : ; the Germans from occupying the of the Brandenburg regiment are eX : : % position, The noise of the guns still imprisoned im thé ruins of ‘ jwas heard for a distance of 180 the Douamount fort and are with- ae ilies, out food, drink or ammunition. , ‘ : Assaults Repulsed. The fort is surrounded by French Co aes : Paris, March 3.—The German have made at- tempts to rescue their comrades, attacking six times last night.) All the attacks have been repulsed with heavy losses to the enemy. Zeppelin Gone. March 3.—A Zep- pelin has been destroyed at Zep- while engaged the Germans a series of Lroaps and desperate Amsterdam, phe, in Belgium, in military work, Portuguese Busy. London, Mareh 3,—All German steamers lying at Panjim, a Por-} tuguese colony in India, have been seized and the Portuguese | flag hoisted and the crews in- | terned. oe PRIZE DESIGN i Mr. A. C, Garde has been award- | ed the for the best design | for a badge fop the Agricultural | The new badge is! piece of ground of en- prize Association. & beautiful work and} covers the whole deavyor in this northern country, the farmer, fisherman, lumber- Man and miner being represented very effectively. POLICE COURT A man named Phillips brought up at the police this was court thorning on a charge of steal- ‘Nf @ launch, The case was ad- Journed until Monday, Beef, pork, mutton, butter, eggs ele. Phone your order, Holland’s Market, on MAJESTIC :: THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrew ESSANAY PHOTOPLAY PRESENTS EDNA MAYO Iie . “DESPAIR” Three-act Sensational Feature. “NOT MUCH FORCE” A Screaming comedy, “A LIFE IN THE BALANCE” a Thrilling Railroad Drama. - JARR BRINGS HOME A TURKEY » 2 Of the Celebrated Jarr Family 3 Serles—Comedy, eee Don't fail il to see » It—~ood Program. coming toon, the great serial “The dese.” Chaplin Comedy, “A Night In the Show.” northeast of Verdun, the attacks being preceded by a perfect tor- nado of shell fire. state that Unoflicial reports Fort Vaux has been abandoned by attacks north of Verdun have been both being ac- resumed with great violence, artillery and infantry The the enemy, ranks of the Roumanian Queen Dead, March 3.—Queen Eliz- abeth of Roumania is dead, MINING ACTIVITY IN ALICE ARM DISTRICT . MeGinnis, tive. French successfully repulsed furious assaults of the their fire decimating enemy, London, the active head which owns. the Alice the accom- of the Dolly Varden property at Arm, left for the Prince Rupert last night, Littlejohn and eis north on panied by Messrs. Singleton, who are tendering on ithe construction of the wharf at ‘Alice Arm and also on the teen of road to the It is expected that the road will miles mine. be completed in three months, when the milling plant, which will be of the type, will be taken in to the mines. The 400 of ore per older workings is showing up bet- ter at depth and good values are Its main values are in most recent mill will handle tons day. The vein in the assured, silver, with gold and lead supple- There is pect that Alice Arm district will be one of the busiest spots in the this mining and turning their tion at present. shortly be started on an hotel several stores are likely to open mentary. every pros- and men eyes in that direc- north summer many business are Construction will and up shortly, {CE STORAGE Mitchell & Currie have’ been awarded the contract for the con- struction of an ice storage in con- nection with the Plant of the Can- adian Fish and Cold Storage com- pany, Ltd., firm being the lowest tenderer, It is expected that the excavation work will be completed in the of the next three weeks, when the con. this course eee. struction work will proceed, eigh-jof ¢ JACK PICKFORD AT WESTHOLME THEATRE | which seeks to show the influences environment, advisability of forming a team of} Colt juniors, It was agreed that from among the younger ball players of the city a team would be picked, not only in order to give the senior team practice, but also to encourage the game amongst the younger set and to pick out a few who are sho ploits, promise of becoming stars. At St. Margaret’s Westminster, Londor Marquis of Granby, only son of the Duke Kathléen Tennant, youngest daughter of Mr, nant, and niece of Mrs, . mequie and Lord robbing tl the entire rwell in hand, and is anxious that the hard trair boys sible few more One moment, LORD.GRANBY AND HIS BRIDE, MISS KATHLEEN TENNANT of the and Miss Frank Ten- 1, the wedding of Rutland, and Mrs. Gleneonner, | STRIKING DRAMA AT MAJESTIC THEATRE There is another fine seven-reel Kdna Mayo, the celebrated show at the Westholme tonight;movie actress, appears at the and tomorrow when Jack Pick-!Majestie tonight in the three-act ford, a brother of the famous|drama “Despair.” She makes a Mary, stars in the’ three-act|great hit as Lois Tanner, a girl drama, “The Making of Crooks.’ | who has been brought up amongst This is a powerful modern drama|crooks, helping them in their ex- night, she is caught ie house of Spurier, a “Ham and Bud’**appear in “The | newspaper editor, Struck by her Liberty Party.” This couple are|beauty, the editor gives her a seen at their funniest in this|/chance to redeem her past. She comedy. In “The Highwayman” | succeeds and falls in love with we have Wallie Van, more popu-|Spurier, but reverts to the old life larly known on the screen as | When Spurier gets married. She “Cutey Chis most entertaining ultimately is shot in an attempt gentleman, with the everlasting|to rob the editor’s house. It is smile, has a desperate time with}@ most dramatic story, splendidly the dad of the young lady who} told. has captivated his heart, but “Not Much Force” is a scream- finally escapes, taking the young | inely funny comedy, while the lady with him. “Rescue” and] Jarr family provide their second “Think. Mothers,” two g00d| inst tallment of fun. “A Life jin dramas, conclude a good bill jthe Balance” is a thrilling rail- jroad drama. BASEBALL Ree an bss | A The Colt baseball club met last} LOCAL CONTINGENT - evening and the following officers TO GO SOUTH SHORTLY were elected for the coming sea- son: President, J. McAleenan,; The local contingent of the secy.-treas., W. Anderson; direct-|102nd Battalion is under orders he: A. Manson, H, Fraser and|to be ready to proceed to Comox Jack Ratehford. for training at a few days’ notice. Besides the election of officers,|Colonel Warden has the final ar- a discussion came up as to the;rangements for the locating of battalion in the south should get down to real 1ing at the earliest pos- There are but a days in which recruits may bring the Prince Rupert con- tingent u and it is more will p to company hoped that at least fifty join within a week, strength, M.A. MACDONALD TAKES HIS SEAT IN LEGISLATURE New Member Introduced by Bow- ser and Parker Williams—A Busy Session Foreshadowed In Speech. (Special to The Dally News.) Victeria, March 3.—Lieutenant- Governor Barnard opened the last session of the provincial legisla« ture yesterday. M. A. Macdonald, the for Vancouver, entered the house between Prem- and Mr. Wil- new member ier Bowser Parker liams, The from the throne the speech foreshadowed granting of a retiring allowance to J. H. Tur- ner, the late agent-general in London: the introduetion of the the for- ination of a new portfolio of Agri- Agricultural Credits Bill; culture; the immediate develop- ment of the Songhees Reserve; the of the Workmen’s Com- Act; Prohibition passing pensation the presenting of the and the granting of aid for the com- pletion of the Pacific Great East- ern Railway. No Labor Candidates. March 3.—Vancou- and Labor after a heated session last night, Referendum Vancouver, ver Trades Council, decided to withdraw its six can- from the This leaves the mem- bers free to support the regular didates forthcoming elections. party candidates. — BRISK BIDDING FOR HALIBUT CATCHES Three halibut boats came in overnight, the Magnolia with 9,- 000 pounds, the Murinae with 8,- six cents per pound and the fish still with eight cents unsold at noon bid. were FAREWELL TO 102ND. At the Red Cross dance in the Catholic Hall last night, Mr. Geo. W. Morrow announced that a farewell would be given to the boys of the 102nd Battalion next Thursday evening in the Empress Theatre the auspices of the ladies who are in charge of the British booth at the Carnival of the Allies. will be charged and the proceeds devoted to patriotic work. under An admission fee THE WEATHER By F. W. Dowling. For 24 hours ending 5 a. in. March 38rd. Barometer ..... ech eats 29.405 Highest temperature ...... 32.0 Lowest temperature ...... 22.0 Get your piano tuned by Harry C, Evans, pioneer piano tuner and player expert. Leave orders at Bulger & Denike'’s (Wark's) jew- elry Store, 80. Olde Tyme Songs, Olde Tyme Ye Methody Meeting 53. costumes, House, 000 and the Viking with 4,000.]° Bidding for the fish started at CHINESE OPIUM DEN 1S RAIDED BY DETECTIVES Two Detectives and Six Chinese are Injured — Keeper sets Building on Fire—Police Jump to Street. (Special to The Dally Newe) Vancouver, March 3.—Detec- tives Ricci and Sinclair, of the city police force, and six Chineses were injured last night in a raid on a notorious opium den on Shanghai Alley. Two of the Chinese are serjously injured. When the detectives reached the upper room, the keeper of the den flung a kerosene lamp with a number of opium pipes in the stove, the flames cutting off oe stairway. The detectives cut their way through with axes; forced the iron bars on the win- dows, and leaped to the street, twenty feet below, after forcing the Chinese oecupants of the den to jump for safety. The fire brigade was quickly on the scene and prevented the fire from spreading to the adjoining build- ings. RED CROSS DANCE The dance held in the Catholic Hall last night in aid of the Red Cross fund, under the auspices of Mrs. Frizzell, Mrs. Henning, Mrs. Morrow and Mrs. Morrissey, the ladies on the committee of the British booth at the Carnival of the Allies, was a pronounced suc- cess, about sixty being present. The ladies wish to thank all who contributed to the success of the evening, especially the Rev. Father Bunoz for his kindness in granting the use of the hall and Mrs. Wells and Messrs. Balagno and Harvey for the splendid music which they provided. All present had a most enjoyable time and about $30 was realized. Wanted, Boy to deliver grocer- afternoons, apply Bramly, Hays Cove Ave. 53. ies grocer, WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE Rupert’s Popular Play House TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Special feature for Weds. and Thurs. SELIG PRESENTS JACK PIOK FORD “MAKING OF CROOKS” Drama in three acts. “THINK MOTHERS” Drama. “RESCUE” Drama. “THE LIBERTY PARTY" Ham comedy, featuring Ham and Bud, the Mutt and Jeff of the screen. “THE HIGHWAYMAN” Comedy, featuring Wallie Van as Cutey. Mondayand Tuesday ere “Diamond” Nights. N POOR 5 @o TO LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES a Ae ‘4