THE DAILY NEW: ” 0. NO. 62. PRINCE RUPERT, B, Un TUESDAY, MARC H 14, 1916. GERMANS PREPARE FOR THE FIN ed PRICE FIVE CENTS AL DRIVE THOUS SANDS OF GUNS. ON HUGE CURVE “= EXPERTS PREDICT GERMAN DEFEAT HUNS PREPARE MANITOBA FOR FOR FINAL DRIVE PROHIBITION BY AGAINST VERDUN LARGE MAJORITY, Thousands of Guns on Fifty-mile | iat Province goes Dry on June} Curve—Germans Bring up New Army for the Great Final Attempt. First—Pier Destroyed at Halifax—tLipton is Optimistic. (Special to The Daily News.) (Special to The Dally News.) Paris, March 14.—There is a Winnipeg, March 14.—Prohibj- cont unce of artillery activity/tion has passed in Manitoba by on the Verdun front, with very|two votes to one. In Winnipeg the violent fighting west of the river)yote was 14,172 for and 9,709 Meuse, There is also heavy can. against. nanading near Vaux and in the 3 All the soldiers in the various Woevre district. ‘ Thousands of Guns camps voted for prohibition. The | There are thousands of guns j|act becomes effective on June tst the advantage being with the French, | gt, active on a fifty-mile curve, next. Only North Winnipeg and} Boniface voted wet. who are working on the interior Halifax Pier Destroyed. lines, Halifax, Mareh 14°—-Pier No, German howitzers, which have |has been destroyed by fire and been brought from the Italian-|joss is estimated at $150.00. Bulgarian front,are now in action, i s feared that one. woman was rhe French, who are supplied | killed in the blaze. The upper} with mountains of shells, are vig- lstorey of the building was filled uusly replying. with Red Cross supplies. Final Assault. Lipton Optimistic. One hundred thousand ‘addi- New York, March 14.—Sir Thos. | tional German troops, including | Lipton has cabléd’ the New the Imperial Guards and the Corps | Yacht Club that he will race the D’Elite of the have| Shamrock for the arrived for the final smash which | next year. It will be Mili-/ Thomas had lary experts predict that the Ger- to compete in the great yacht race man defeat broke cancelling of his German army, America Cup s expected to take place during] remembered that Sir next forty-eight hours, arrangements made is certain. lwhen war out necessitating German Casualties. ithe program The official war office estimates | Evidently this great yachtsman is piace the German losses around |satisfied that the war will be over Verdun at 200,000 men and the|next summer. French losses are estimated at | 10,004 “ ” re “DON” YELF CARRIES | 8. 0. ERICH TO ENLIST FOR OVERSEAS SERVICE. MEMENTO OF | 0 OF FESTUBERT “Don” Yelf, who was reported Sidney O. Erieh, the popular | at Victoria Convalescent Hospital passeng agent of the Grand|jast week, arrived from the south lrunk Pacifle here, is giving uP lon the Prince John on Sunday Nis position to join the overseas | evening. “Don” still carries two forees, Mr. Erich has been in the | pieces of shrapnel in the neigh- City fay . a number of years and}porhood of his spine as a memen- Is deservedly | popular with thelto of his adventures against the ravelling public, As Mr, Erich! Germans. ” & married man with a family,| Mr, Yelf, who left here with the he is making a big sacrifice first contingent and was after- ‘Misting, and Mrs. Erich is show- i'wards drafted into the 7th Battal ‘ng a commendable example of jion, was wounded on May 24th at patriotism in giving up her hus-| |Festubert. He spent eight months } mand to the country’s service, We | in an English military hospital, | wish him a bright military career /where several efforts were made 4nd a safe ; 1a saf and speedy return. | to dislodge the pieces of shrapnel ee but, as there was danger of per- SUN AND TIDE manently damaging the spine,| \ ee they were left in the meantime. March 44, 1946, i : Sun rise “Don received a right hearty + 940s 0 one 6:15 a, m. , See tail Sun sets . welcome from his many friends 6h es ue 1:45 p,m. High wat P. in the city, BPR E a 4:9 we Nig eke 9:52 a. m. Low Water _ ee +0.6 aie aaa 4:09 p.m. ROCHER DE BOULE ORE Hig Sh weter. (ss 11:06 p.m, Low Water, a eee 4:52 a.m, ADlain , 20, ~ See \in J. MeGe M. M.S.A. D. J. Williams, superintendent The schooner Leif Kk of the Rocher de Boule, intimates Leif E, came in ‘On With 10,000 pounds this forens that this mine will shortly start of halibut. shipping its ore to the Tacoma see smelter, this arrangement having I her cccenernsscnigsion se, been made necessary by reason EAGLES’ WHIST DRIVE of the fact that the Granby Com- AND D DANCE pany have all the ore they can All ; paix 4 oe : tana tm thelr wives and lady handle, While in the south, Mr, ON Wednesa ted to be present Williams will complete the ar- eSdaY evening, H in K, - 1 wk Whist Commences at aa rangements with the Tacoma peo- EY «a BALA : 2 ‘ GNO oR fple. The ore of course will still Wines: CHESTRA $f! er epoonnococorcccconooes be shipped through Prince Rupert. FOR TACOMA SMELTER | | | | ‘ | Zeppelins are again | borhood of Liverpool and after they | testify to the success of the | ON MEXICAN BORDER (Special to The Daily News.) Washington, government has entered into a reciprocal agreement with Car- ranza in regard to United States Mexican bor- Villa troops créssing the der in pursuit of and his gang. Twelve thor forty-e on the Arizona, Villa wires from sand with troops ight batteries are located} border between and El Paso, eastward. Texas. The been cut Villa is Santa has gone Juarez have that Galenna on the from the Railway. and it is reported now at Maria Mexican Central River, fifty miles PARCEL POST SALE ON FRIDAY FIRST Do not fail to attend and Parcel Post Sale,” in pa- tronjse the * aid of the Red Cross Rooms, Third ss fund, next to Wrath- between Red Cre all’s store, Avenue, the hours of 10:00 a, m, and 8:00 p. m., Friday, March 17th, St 'Patrick’s Day. Parcels have bee jrece ived from all parts of the Do Iminion of Ganada and the United These placed on sale for | States. parcels will Db | 25 cents each, without opening, be as received, ling contributed by friends of the | different this sale, and the safely parce will ladies assisting in public can be assured that each jcontain the value of at lcants, and from the outward ap- safe to as the value least 25 pearance, it is quite ilsume, in most cases, thi: lof contents will exceed | amount. The sale will be 1 charge of Mrs, Arnold, Mrs. Ee gert, Mrs, Sweet, Mrs McNicholl Mrs. Kergin and Mrs. Mehan. If you have eye strain Bulge! & Denike’s thorough and complete examination will discover the Od. cause, active in their “* ! . raiaers, March 14.—The| | Douglas, | iihat about five hundred | | | at the | }dow, was won by Mrs, J. the time ‘Hotel with intent to defraud. INTERIOR OF AN ENGLISH HOME WHICH WAS DESTROYED BY ZEPPELIN BOMBS. Recently they swooped down in the neigh- of dead raids on England. had retreated a number The Dae shows a number of and wounded were left to dwellings which were destroyed. ae UNITED. STATES TROOPS “BIG DEVELOPMENT AT SURF INLET MINE) Mr. P. W. Anderson early this morning from Surf In- | let on Roya! Island, e has completed the build- Princess where h ing of a wharf. Mr. ports that a e has been exposed at this-mine, Anderson re- large body of valuable which is about seven miles inland. The ore will be treated the ground. right on Surveyors are busy at present planning for the construction of with the big dam in connection power plant which the compay is putting in, and it is expecte: men wil be employed at this camp during the summer. MYSTERIOUS CLOCK The prize offered by Bulger }Denike for the of the best explanation workings of the mysterious which is fixed on their win W. Potte nd Mrs. McInnis. swers of these two ladies were clock, Norman the best sent in and each provided a drawing of the details of struetion, Mr. that the answers equally good. Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Mc- lunis have kindly offered the prize to the the engraved glass pitcher will be raffled at the forthcoming Carni- val of the Allies, Anyone may see the of the alling at jewelry cone Bulger deciding were Red Cross Society so that solution mystery by the store. POLICE : COURT At the police court this morn- W.d 8 to five days in ampson was sentencee jail, dating of his arrest, for obtain- from ve board and room at the Royal Ac- cused asked the magistrate if this ‘feared him of the bill. told that it did, he said that he would pay up just the same, On being ! returned | X the liquor, The} CRUEL DISAPPOINTMENT. FOR THIRSTY SOULS Two stalwarts be epoki a labor- ious time last night in an en- i'deavor to provide some of their friends with a free drink. Spotting a life-size keg of the one of the these liquor in hotels, an effort to coax interrupted in rear of |worthies made ‘it away, but were ithe midst of the Foiled, they went on the hunt for ‘more of the same, evidently think- if there was one keg at there might possibly be proceedings. ing that, hotel, at one of the others, one another It so happened that there was a keg lying behind the Royal, but |**Bud” got wind of the ‘quest in time to exchange it for la keg of ‘Adam’s Ale.” The ' worthies surrounded the keg, not and transported it by |devious ways to their temporary and invite \their friends to have a few. The |keg was broached but the drinks Corley labode proceeded to |were insipid and particularly un- had “Heather to palates which sampling satisfying already been Mixture,” . ee RED CROSS WHIST Mrs. MeColl jolly little whist party at her home last the funds of the Russian booth of the Car- mival of the Allies. forty were present and all had a most delightful time. The prizes were won by Mrs, T. H. Seal Cove, and Mr, William Turn- bull. After the whist, a dainty lunch was served and a most en- musical program Mrs. McColl wisies to thank all who so kindly assisted in making the evening a success. The realised, George P. gave a evening in aid of Over Johnson, of joyable was rendered, sum of $12 was Don't forget the Sheet and Pil- low-slip Skating Carnival at rink tonight. M. A. MACDONALD AND BREWSTER INVESTIGATING Conservatives Discuss Prohibition in Caucus last Night—Mac- donald Calis for Public Accounts Enquiry. (Special to The Pally News.) Victoria, March 14.—A caucus was held last night to discuss the prohibition policy of the Bowser government. It is rumored that the Conservative slate will be changed to include Jonathan Rogers, president of the British Columbia Prohibition party. Macdonald Investigating. M. A. Macdonald is moving for an investigation of the public ac- counts since 1912. Many Questions. H. C. Brewster has filed a list of thirty-two questions in regard to the Canadian Northern Railway and the Canadian Northern Pacific finances and the relations of these with the British Co- lumbia government, M. A. Macdonald is today de- manding the early closing of the companies legislature. He argues that the four-year period expires this week. STEAMSHIPS WILL CALL AT ALICE ARM Starting on Saturday next, the Union Steamship Company will give a fortnightly service from Prince Rupert to. Alice Arm. If the trade warrants it the service will be increased to once weekly. The Prince Albert of the G. T, P. fleet, which will operate in con- junction with the Union steamers, will make the first trip. CITY COUNCIL HAD VERY BRIEF SESSION The council meeting last night was very brief, there being no business of importahce to trans- act. After the routine work of passing on supplies had been got through, Ald. Casey drew atten- tion to the fact that no report had yet been turned in by the building inspector and fire chief in regard to the proposed im- provement in the exits from Seal Cove School. Ald. Casey also pointed out that no report had been made, as re- quested, with regard to the re- duction of the curve at MecBriue and Seventh Avenue. He felt that something should be done at once in order to make this point safer for traffic, Acting Mayor Nelson said that he was not familiar with the details, but he would take these matters up with the officials immediately. ao TO LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES a Tie Ti ee pli. eS ae ry