THE DAILY NEWS — ————— NO, a4. a vee. VII. ————— _ THURSDAY, “MARC H ee 1916. PRING K RU PERT, a hiaieetmnasimaitieismmamin temic er es FIVE snorted astas cass one ATTA’ K ON VERDUN NOW DWINDLING AWAY — ALLIED All .MEN RAID KRUPP WORKS--DUTCH LINER TORPEDOED IN NORTH SEA SERMAN ATTACK ON WEST FRONT NOW DWINDLING: No Weak Spots in French Line— All German Efforts to Break Through are Beaten Back, (Special to The Dally News.) Paris, Mareh 16.—The third at attempt to take Verdun has Attempts were made to grt stopped. break the Prneh line at new points particularly at Le Mort D’Somme, success than bu& with no more the others. The attack of the enemy has dwindled down to a feeble artillery fire. Charges Faiied, Many altemptstobreak through were made, but all were complete- ly stopped by a heavy curtain of Three but with big losses. fire from the French guns. times the enemy charged failed each time looking for but apparently the able to find none. They are weak spots in line, are THE CANADIAN SCOTTISH HAVE NEW PUBLICATION has sent to The Daily News a copy of the first issue of The Brazier, the regi- mental journal of the 16th Cana- dian Scottish and the latest and best in the Perey Godenrath way of trench news- papers. Its first issue saw the light on the anniversary of the arrival of the Canadian Scottish in France—VFebruary 15th, and is full of newsy little items, sport- ing “dope,” news of the trench “movie” shows, in faet everything but news of fighting. P. F. Goden- rath is manager and the mechan- ival staff consists of Drummer A. RK, MeCreadie George and Piper Inglis, and The Brazier does those gentlemen much credit. There are now no fewer than ‘ine trench newspapers published but The Bra- distinction of being | by Canadian units, zier has the the only sheet actually printed by } Gis : . Y*OYS serving in one of the regi- ments. One of the bést things | in the paper is an open letter to | Johnny Cannuck by Mr. Goden- rath in which, for the boys at Winter life the benefit of home, he deseribes in the trenches, MALASPINA GOES SOUTH The fisheries patrol boat Mal- 4spina Came into port yesterday i her way south from the Alas- kan fishing ' grounds. Captain Neweombe reports that this been the roughest season_he ever *xperienced on the coast, the fish- Ng boats in the horth encounter- io lerrifie and returning Port sheathed in ice, The Maki falaspina had a very dirty pas™ sage Saming. south, ee has rales ST. PATRICK'S DAY CELEBRATION Brand Concert in Empress ®atre on Friday, March 17th, 8:15 Pp. m, Admission 50 Cents, TURK CAMPAIGN IS COLLAPSING ON EVERY HAND Reinforcements Arrive too Late! to be of use—Dutch Liner Torpedoed — French Ship Escapes. (Special to The Daily News.) Mareh 16— Petrograd London, Reports that the Russians in Mesopotamia have so from state far been virtually with the British The Turks late to be of any use and are now in full flight, The paign is collapsing. Submarine Warfare. The big Dutch with nine hundred passengers on co-operating forces in Persia. were reinforced too whole cam- liner Tubantia board is in a sinking condition in | the North Sea through being tor- pedoed by a German submarine. The liner was bound for Buenos \yres and was torpedoed without! | being given. The; any warning passengers have been taken off. York | | steamer | Despatches from New that the Patris while in the Mediterranean state French was missed by twenty feet by a torpedo, The vessel had twenty} Americans on board and no warn- She was unarmed. | making in- ing’ was given, Washington is busy vestigations. RED ROSE PROPERTY ‘ OPENING UP WELL The Red Rose mine, on Rocher | de Boule ing developed by a “Bill” McA newspaper mountain, which is be- | company of dams, the Kd- | the | splendid | which monton man, is head, is opening shape and Mr. McAdams fident that it big shipper. up in Is cone to be a will prove B. B, KELLIHER PASSED THROUGH THIS MORNING | Kelliher, chief engi- Trunk Mr.. B. B. neer of the Grand Pacific Railroad, arrived from the south this morning, aecompanied by Mrs. Kelliher, They left for the east on the train. Mr. Kelliher Ru- | rope for health and, returning to this con™ last. fall, the winter in California. has been in some time in search of| tinent spent R. P, Williams brother of W. Ek, Williams of this city, ‘arrived from California this morning and | will visit here for a few days. | Mr. Williams has been located in | Saskatoon for the past few years. Rooms lately McNeil, with adjoining without, Fop Rent occu. pied by Dr. rooms, or as desired, at ow rental. H. 8. WALLACE CO, LTD. If you have eye strain, Bulger & Denike’s thorough and complete examination will discover the cause. 64, The New Suit for Kaster—-se. cured by a small deposit, at Wal- |mans around Verdun are piled 25 ‘are being called upon for military | service, }jously } faround Verdun. PRETTY MILITARY WEDDING AT ST. JOHN, N. B. Lieut.-Col. J. B, McPhee, of 20th Battalion and came Barrie, Ont., who went to France back on the Metagam married in St, with the this week a mew command, John's John, B., to Miss Eva Hamlin Harrison, Mrs. Ss. of Toronto, to accept Church, St, daughter of CRITICAL STAGE OF VERDUN FIGHT OVER Courtesy Hotel Rupert. March 15.,—A French that the dead Ger- was Episcopal of Toronto, of St. John. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR ASSENTS TO EXTENSION (Special to The Dally News.) Victoria, March 16.—Hon, F. 8 Lieutenant-Gover- Cowan, formerly London, Barnard, the nor, yesterday afternoon gave his formal assent to the bill for the extansion of the life of the pres- officer states feet high, The same officer states that the French staff considers that the critical stage of the great/ent parliament until June 1st, battle is past. and in this the premier has scored one over the opposition. been resi- five Neutrals who have Germany for dents in years |SEITISH COLUMBIA HOLDS PROUD RECORD Turks and Bulgars. The Turks and Bulgarians are and are anx- Columbia holds’ the sending more men to British record for the Allied armies than any other division of the Empire of Great anxjous for peace watching developments Britain. In one month 1,200 men Dutch Liner Sunk. came up the Fraser river from Having struck a mine or been points on the old Cariboo Trail hit by a torpedo, the big Dutch to join the regiment there. Wal- steamer Turbantia is disabled and lawhinioe Aopen ani: Anbatealt gent is in a sinking condition, All the forty-seven men to the front out passengers have been taken off. of sixty-seven eligible citizens of | Duboh torpedo boats :heve' been the town, Vancouver sent 10,000 jrushed to the scene of the dis- men out of its population of 110,- aster. 000, Prince Rupert went over Ct nee tee, eee this ratio. Every settlement in PROMIGING PROPERTY the province has its. soldier in : the ranks.—Tit Bits. O. W. James, of Smithers, re- 8 i » al 8 artners ee lports that he and his p ‘ ROWING CLUB lhave struck a five-foot vein of |silver-lead ore which runs about The Prince Rupert Rowing and [ene tothe ton, in the Owen Lake Yacht Club held its annual meet- jeountry, The ore body has been}ing on Tuesday evening, when J. stripped for about sixty to seventy}. Glaney was elected commo- feet and holds great promise all dore; H. 8, Wallace, rear-commo- the way, The property is about] j\:e; Mp, Boldrick, secretary; Mr, twenty miles from the railroad) syower, assistant seeretary; F. and Should it come-up to expecta~|i; Mobley, captain and W, J. tions, the ore should be easily) ,ygie, Leo Ives and A. T. Parkin, handled. Mm Teprrtyt es of committee, ere ee ~ lr’. H. Mobley presided and a The following were amongst) vaiament for the year was sub- those who sent floral tributes to} jitted. The question of collect- the funeral of the late John M, ing dues was discussed and it Lynch: Mr, and Mrs. George) vas felt that some plan of col- Eckerman, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Frank|igetion should be decided anon, Barker, Mr. and Mrs. George se Sig Nima is Spee ate Bes. EAGLES: DANCE and Mrs, Olier Citizens’ Rupert Association, Frizzell, Mr. ner, Smithers Associa- Retail | and dance of the held last evening in Hall, was greatly en- Mrs: C. H. The floor proprietor of the Omineca He srald, | cig in fivst-rate condition and vif rhe Kagles’ social Club, OL. yyed hy those present, tion, and Prince Merchants’ tie | Sawle, wife of beach returned from a visit south this!Messrs. Balagno and Harvey gave morning and left for home on the/of their best. Owing to the epi- of measles in the city, the attendance train, demic large as not so Those little dances feature of Fagles' edn ne er was Ladies’ Suits;--A small deposit|} was expected, will secure you one for Master. | are to bea lace's, 64.) Club entertainments in future, Wallace's SCHOONER WRECKED DURING SNOWSTORM About two o’clock this after- noon a phone message was re- ceived from Metlakatlah stating that a Seattle schooner had been Rocks about The was on her way from wrecked on Rachel fifteen miles from here. schooner Seattle to Ketchikan when she struck in a blinding snowstorm. One of the crew rowed to Metla- katlah in a small boat and sent in a call to Prince Rupert for as- sistance, Provincial Chief of Police and Mr. J, H. McLeod at once proceed- ‘1 to make arrangements for a boat to put out to her assistance. ——— -— FISHERMEN’S STRIKE HAS BEEN SETTLED Seattle state that the fishermen’s dispute with the that the men will proceed to sign The of the settlement are not yet known, but it is supposed that a compromise has been effected. SPLENDID CONCERT IN PRESBYTERIAN HALL Communications from boat owners if over and up today. details The Presbyterian Hall was packed to the door last evening, when the ladies of the church provided an excellent concert. Mr. Fred, Stork, who presided, put the large great humo,p at the outset with well-told stories. The program opened with a pianoforte duet by the Misses which was heartily ap- plauded, Mrs. J. H. MeLeod’s singing of ‘Killarney’? was so much appreciated that the soloist had to respond with “Believe Me If All.’ Mr, Darton sang “A Son of the Desert” in splendid voice. Mrs. Bryant and Messrs. Edmunds and, Duffy, in a guitar and man- doline trio, delighted the audience and had to respond to an encore. Mrs. W. E. Burritt’s recitation, “An Imminent Peril,’’ which kept audience in good a few Stevens, the audiance rocking with laugh- ter, was also encored. Pte, An- accompanied by Pte. created much derson, Avery on the banjo, amusement with his comic songs. Mrs. J. H. McLeod gave a spirited rendering of “Keep the Home Fires Burning,” for which she Pte, Collier's cor- was one of the finest things of the evening. A beauti- fully played pianoforte duet by the Misses Stevens concluded a most enjoyable program. The ac- companiments were tastefully played by Mrs. Darton, Mrs. Arm- strong and Miss Irwin, After tha singing of “God Save the King,’ the ladies provided an abundant supply of dainty, eat- ables. The hall was prettily dec- orated with the harp and the shamrock of Ireland, the, enter- tainment being by way of a St. Patrick's Day celebration. The committee who organised the concert are to be congratulated upon the success which attended their efforts, was recalled. net solo KRUPP’S SHEDS DESTROYED BY OUR’ AVIATORS Report of Several Successful Air Raids by the Allies—Derby List is Now Being Revised. (Special to The Dally News.) Amsterdam, March 16,—Allied aviators raided the Krupp gun shops at Essen yesterday and de- royed six sheds. Essen is one hundred and seventy miles north of Verdun, Other aviators raided Munich and Cladbach jin Bavaria. London neither confirms nor*denies the report but there was great re- joicing in the metropolis over the cecount of the raid. Revision of Derby List. Londorg, March 16.--The call- ing of the second group of mar- ried men who attested under the Derby scheme has been delayed indefinitely. The war office will first revise the starred list of single men, It has always been contended that there were far too many exemptions amongst the < single men on the list and the re- vision will likely result in many of these being put on the active service list. _— PARCEL POST SALE ON FRIDAY FIRST Do not fail to attend and pa- tronise the ‘Parcel Post Sale,” in aid of the Red Cross fund, at the Red Cross Rooms, next to Wrath- all’s store, Third Avenue, between the hours of 10:00 a, m. and 8:00 p. m., Friday, March 417th, St. Patrick’s Day. Parcels have been received from all parts of the Do- minion of Canada and the United States. These parcels will be placéd on sale for 25 cents each, as received, without opening, be- ing contributed by friends of the different ladies assisting in. this sale, and the public can. safely be assured that each parcel will contain the value of at least 25 cents, and from the outward ap- pearance, it is quite safe to as- sume, in most cases, the value of contents will exceed that amount. The sale will be in charge of Mrs, Arnold, Mrs. Eg- gert, Mrs. Sweet, Mrs. MeNicholl, Mrs. Kergin and Mrs. Mehan., DESERTER A man named William Fortune is at present in care of Chief Vickers on a charge of deserting from the 122nd regiment at New Westminster. Accused was. ar- rested at Granby and brought here. It seems that he is a hold- up man and is wanted on a charge, of assaulting an officer in the south, @o TO LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES