ee ee ae ae | ; . Monday Maret pie SHE DAILY SEW — LLL = TTR i , pr {The Virtue of the Natural Leat eee ee ge | PRINTERS PI. te pectectly prbperved'ia the aca. ee ny ; eTOQUSGiCLD HELP 7 is 7 BOWSER pretends ‘ , Ses “ CANADA FIRST” Mak is BEST Swe er 4 by Cove. acest Test. Sy TO WAVE legal SUFFRAGE meeting Better (22s row svllk for Colee, Cocoa, ; . ae alin Cestact, Drewminrs or Cockirg- = DOUBTS as to. |. WAS MET at. Smatece fs Lab ” é . . Galest for Daby Food. eh THE LENGTH of THE D t by, ‘ ; > * * TY THs ROPE = Fa i ale Be “Comada Fysst” Costzrd Pie. §«= Ly |: THE TERM, of the ss packet. Young tender leaves only 4 oon “@ Comets Pisst” Exvcrcor J — TR hront VTT 4 I e Berg “Creda Pit Eororated A | Le cisLATURE, bat wi pom grown with utmost care and with Se aa ee ee Seem 3 -— - : . e 4 Err. po hol 2, secartotene, OA | HE HAS x SANDY took | flavour as the prime object, ar little grated metmeg or grom dc ~an > 5 ctlemiiwvik }>/ Mae : e ‘ d th e used oa three tess mas exer, 2 de ps wb besen, sett, ee ~~) DOUBT that if : ee -O pro uce e famous Salada blends, sage. Lecetros=-Norc-e! ep sp se wR piscty (cep my * fut > <4 pie plates are preferaite), Sil == skein hot oven for § hour 3 - r AME t ‘ en : . ae = Ast Your Crocer T>dag—Insist on “* CANADA FIRST.” 7 - a ee 5 ' + Pias You can whi> ~ Camads Fiest™ Deaporz : nicee wiicping. oe | THE tt I - 2p ° * * eases zo ¢ THE ATLHER CONUVENSLD Miia co., LTD. ia WOULD meet the cst A > wit 1 t ue ‘ = ais ATL ONT. CAMADA = ' : % ; Vu ‘ . . Launch Ali B ies 7 i wae Se : ‘ o oes FATE of Tisdal) . : = ome Ss “ss ice SST a was P ; Cea i ee , — SS oy fos Let Et FHL be a - ~~ AND 1 a e ° * * 4 uw —_— MINIST f MI ee t M : gi; FINANCE. . SANDY sa Pe “The Dail ” HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR . ig alee z me corsian His positron is - A Li a x - os é = = 3 . y News” ii seconp HAND coops } “ES si acs a ————— a ace oe axon arin saga o> i I INDY } ish, \H LL p here | one U ' x —————_-——_---- ———— — | WwHo e Z AS LAN sl - —r — = LosT HARD TIMES SATICOFIED WITH A ' *. * * . . . ‘ — —_—_—_ SMALL PROFIT | PROM A gathering LIK} 4 erie. — Lust —iaay vid Waltham sch, two ' e ° . ng - . $ Guctes tadide. Ghert fob of tec 951% 777 SAD OF Bee, Or Pitas es Bes Ff) ca WAS peither & MAISTI BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC HANDY WORK OF AL’ Descesp. gold pieces and ome $2 1-2 piece. Re- 4 2. 3. ¢ $ «Sow ? LUMP TIONS. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED ward. Apply Miss T. Roussesn, Box CPR OOHIBITAON conference i MA AIN hoose "Th! ved stim i. enn ao ee. el < ieee aes a C O A L VACUUM CLEANING C0. LUST—Giasses ii Case near or im post- th rn We teat wink Gat sa WwW. i ges } ity a i hy Clean Homes, OF ces. Cherehes hee. hers w Dally Mews office. > ts ae ea ; ft for Va ive the May last $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Se and Scheci. rooms at lew Keward. &% join Mr. Tozeland, who is now I!o- ocd News Notes ; : 5 3 ; ‘ . oraee. FOR RENT cated in Portland, Ore. Local ee ae ee Se ee ae GOOD WORK GuaRANTEED jit li ae tees ant, Mr. Rae. Money Back If Not Satis- — aha "OR RENT—S-Reomes and Sseumes W and Mrs. D. D. Munroe. of For spring ren vating, see tne ‘ : _ . 7 ‘ - factory All Orders Attendec to im med ately. Mokse, furnttied, With pisnc. 706 Me-| Ibi values at George D. Tite's. Don Paton and A. T. Fuller, who . osses tae yz; Terrace, returned from the south | bie va a oe nutes thik ital teak Gaeas on UNION TRANSFER CO. OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE a [08 The Prince Joun last miget and! cirong boy wanted, apply 42 st, have joined a battalion 3 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 PHONE GREEN 2638. VOR RENT: Furnished Room. 855 Sum-iieft for home on the train this]... . _ % . . ‘ ae “ oe tere mit Avenue. Board if required Phone : : : Sth Avenue, East. Phone 123. f Canadian Engineers POTSIOR Biue 5068. we.) Morning. : oe et ceeeeesimemseesseemnieeeits ——— erereenneeeeerne : SS — FOR SALE : Curtains, brass rods and pole ee as Get your piano tuned by Harry te ak Oe Ee Sa ae anne ee scenic —S FOR SALE—Leench tepels, 48ft. x 11 1-210 Evans, pioneer piano tuner and) ti ttn March S: = js Evans, pioneers ano tuner and cn. z3 1-2. Built in 1912, Djinn engine, ; ’ 35 bh. p. Burns coal ofl or distillate Player expert. Leave orders at Mayor McCaffery returned from Fully equipped and im number one order. ppntgor & Penike’s (Wark’s) jew- oe a Ras ry ee Apply Wm. Sutherland, Bella Coola, B. C. age! Denike Wark JEW-| Victoria on the Prince John las a ej a $$ —————___—__ ——-——_ elry Store. 80. evenjne. aa» am SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso Oe ee Per er ie line engine, new, $165 freight paid Ww oR Holl soma sre e Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor Ah ag Messi, Eee DR. J. F. BROWN the general hospital this morning.|) 1 Se ; it " tr th | a8 friend of invite him on DENTIST 3 “ sat 7 las Deen Visiting In 1@ soOuLn, re- ss i}) Offices: Smith Block, Third Avenue ‘ =o tee ee : : turmed home this morning. home we ask for facts about him. i Phone 454 New furniture at Tite’s March} BB a Hl Dea ae eS tar wet ae : ue boat Ji cocoa ne Blankets, sheets, pillows, mat-| ‘ We visit a foreign land » and from i} ) awh hor tresses and springs, big discounts| the moment we Step across its H Silat for March at Tite's sale. i . border we are asking questions— I! . . . , rovements ‘ AUTO DELIVERY Covtinomte oe . | KR. J: Williams, who has been| searching for facts. In ~<- N : } | Rivermouth Practional~ mineral claim,| Visiting his brother, W. E, Wil-| , ee ae A : : situated in the Skeena Mining Division Of! jjam< for a few days, left for| We are asked to try a new food product ; isn t it instinctive | Cassiar District. iss a . | EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE “Where Joeaied:—At the head of ailée|Saskatoon this morning. with us to ask at once: <4 Se /4rm, adjoining the Rivermouth and Cari- | e628 “ . : ” oe hom, adjeiaing tae | ppepemargee eh Who makes this new article ? TAKE NOTICE that I, G. R. Naden, Free 1@ Sample Sulls mus SOUT | 2g i / ee Pho Red 339 Miners’ Certificate No. 94,096B, acting a8 | bo returned Select your fae) a How 1s it made ? what goes into it >? ne l agent for Carrie Pratt, Pree Miners’ Cer- | Y “ - ‘ : oe 5 j tificate No. 93,917B, intend, sixty days|Clusive model mow—Wallace’s. ‘Is it worth the price charged for it ?”” * fron the date hereof, to apply to the * * * Pp Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Im-| wep, a Kan 99 » great seri: ‘ — eaisl Moteineh ae tas pareane cs cotaining| PO Cnadess,” the Great seria! Facts—we are simply hungry for them. ia Crown Grant of the above claim. jat the Majestic, begins March 27, i | And further take notice that action,|, ‘ cel hn ie estas 2ads iS comet ¢ SPECIAL EVERY DAY snder section #5, must be commenced be- ane oS, Anika. pxomar' Mee . Strange, 1s t it, that we should so often have to searc - TOMATO SAUSAGE | fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- them > Odd, that some manufacturers still withhold the facts | provements. kh, KE. Allen, of Hazelton, who | about their product, Not always because they are facts to be HARRY ATKINS | Dated this 23rd day of December, A. LD Pies oe Ree S Eyes RAED Neer cere ae ashamed of —for there are many worthy articles yet unadvertised. FAY, SUTONER Ts * few days, left for the interior to- ve lay. But it will not be so much longer. The fact-hunger of the QUALITY IN ALL MEATY —— ——— |f Prince Rupert Feed Co. ee hurnan race is becoming keener and keener. The more facts | Tha Cans . . or G or 4 1} ©, @ mex 908. < 00s viies are, 3} The Canadian schooner Gilford we get, the keener our relish for more of them. F. W. HART | RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS brought in 12,000 pounds and the - eS : ; : AUCTIONEER WE HANDLE |Margalice 3,000 pounds of hali- Soon it will be impossible to sell a man or a woman anythin t 1 . . AND APPRAISER. sali but Sunday, intil everything has been told about the goods that can be tol OFFICE CORNER 3RD AVE. AND Rennie’s, Ferry’s, Steele’s, 3 ik 2 through Advertising. 5TH ST., REAR OF HART BLOCK and Brigg’s. The American schooners Lin- ” Garden and Field Seeds. § $) eoln and Jersey came in yesterday The public has discovered that Advertising tells much-needed facts— colernreeteer rs arrerser Also Fertilizers. with 12,000 and 4,000 pounds re- that, in fact, Advertising satisfies fact-hunger. We Take Orders for Nurser | spectively. . P . , ante siteies If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the AKERBERG, THOMSON eck | * * * os ; s Advertising Department of this newspaper. COMPANY Hay, Grain and Feed at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bullen left If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well 7 Vancouver Prices, Mi as at a Nikta aibtie to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these w! Role Agents for the — YY. a for Minne apo is on nel pr Ivale furnished, with »ut cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Associa bo PALMAR NE. COMPANY Chicken Feed A Specialty. ear this morning. Mr. Bullen is (10) Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. ! oor Grand Trunk freight agent at =F PHONE 525 Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. 9 ’ . bly I Scenes ergpeoneteoreeeeer eee een eee eae =0 "a Minneapolis. C) See —e—e—EeEe—E—e—EEeEooe—Ee—E—EEEEeEeESo ee — oe ie a eo Ue cies Soa Be a eas ee as tee Ne el i nsddiemntiorenies eee SPM tae ae eke BS Ne tt a . eee GEORGE D. TITE’S SALE O OMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS CONTINUES TO THE END OF MARCH : : A TERT OT AATF OR pconsememel Vee tomtom