Better than raw mi‘k for Coffee, Cocea, - little grated nutmeg or grourdc san. , A. Aap peng A_LiQUSEMOLD_HELP “ CANADA FIRST” Milk is BEST by Government Test. Custard, Dressings or Cooking. Safest for Baby Fcod. f Ly TRY THIS RECIPE Si *€ Canada First’’ Custard Pie. - dats . 1 con “Canada First’? Evaporated \, (unsw-eetene.) hiuk, 10 Cent size, 4s Ww + 4 Ee~s, pinch of ealt, sugar to taste, Dilute the milk with pie plates are preferable), fill and Lakein hot oven for § hour. N Ask Your Crocer To-day—Insist on “‘ CANADA FIRST.” = You can whip “ Canada First”’ I:'vaporated Milk, chill before whipping. . three times as much water, ald e .3 weil beaten, salt, mutmeg, vi sugar. Lisetwos.nallor one Inr,2 pie plate with pastry (Jeep me THE AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO., LTD. wv sey AYLMER, ONT., CANADA As A ee qe arty Oto ArAytyhy rh oad ink oe bet bert, lad jail Boek: Dieu Dah La dork eek, LEE a “The Daily News ” | Local News Notes | CLASSIFIED ADS. LOST LOST—Lady’s gold Waltham watch, two Photos inside. Short fob of two $5 gold pieces and one $2 1-2 piece. Re- ward. Apply Miss T. Rousseau, Box 9, Anyox, B. C. LOST—Glasses in case near or in post- office. Return to Daily News office. Reward. w FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished Room. 855 Sum mit Avenue. Board if required, Phone Blue 508. tr. WANTED. WANTED—A general servant, apply 346 4th Avenue, West. 70. WANTED—4 or 5 room house with bath and verandah, close in. Must be rea- sonable. P. O. Box 452. tf. WANTED—General servant, apply Mrs. A. Gutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue. Tuesday, March 94 see PRINTERS’ “PL” There’s a Subtle Charm A MILLION, mosquitos ARE TO BE bred | BY THE health DEPARTMENT | of ‘ NEW YORK, and DISTRIBUTED safely PACKED in jars AMONG the schools * * * AS PART of a. CAMPAIGN to educate * . * CHILDREN in the * * * STUDY of the needs AND HABITS of the MOSQUITO so they may RECOGNISE THE dangerous KIND at a glance. Strong bey wanted, apply 423 5th Avenue, East. Phone 123. . . * Curtains, brass rods and pole trimmings at Tite’s March Sale. a . s Lynch left for Smithers Wirks on yesterday's train. Fop spring renovating, see the big values at George D. Tite’s. . * * * For Sale: Gooseberry and cur- rant bushes and rhubarb roots. 1124 Hays Cove Ave., Section- 7. * . * “The Goddess,” the great serial at the Majestic, begins March 27, and 28, Anita Stewart leads. tf * * * The Sample Suits must Soon Phone 492. . tf. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Launch Impala, 48ft. x 11 1-2 x5 1-2. Built in 1912, Djinn engine, 35 h. p. Burns coal pil or distillate Fully equipped and in number one order. SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- line engine, new, $165 freight paid. Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor Co., Hamilton, Canada. tr. FOR SALE—Hatching Eggs for sale from heavy-laying strains of White Wyan- dottes and White Leghorns. Write now for illustrated catalogue containing in- formation on feeding chickens and prices ete. L. F. Solly, Lakeview Farm, West- holme, V. L, B. C. 71 DENT!STRY | CROWN AND SRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY OR. J. F. BROWN DENTIST Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 AUTO DELIVERY EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE ne hdeabs a Phone Red 339 AKERBERG, THOMSON COMPANY Sole Agents for the PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY ; PHONE 526 F. W. HART AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER OFFICE CORNER 3RD AVE. AND 6TH 6T., REAR OF HART BLOCK Prince Rupert Feed Co. cenerune oun ae : ao WE HANDLE Rennie’s, Ferry’s, Steele's, and Brigg’s. Garden and Field Seeds. Also Fertilizers. We Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Grain and Feed at Vancouver Prices. Hay, — Chicken Feed A Specialty. Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. be returned, Select your” ex- elusive model now—Wallace’s. * * * Blankets, sheets, pillows, mat- tresses and springs, big discounts for March at Tite’s sale. 71 * * . Osborne Adamson, who repre- sents the Curtis Publishing Com- pany from the Great “akes to the coast, is in the city on a business trip. 26 Howe & McNulty for 1,200 pounds of pig-lead at A tender by 8% cents per pound was opened at. the council meeting last night and referred to the board of works with power to act. Sah Get your piano tuned by Harry ©. Evans, pioneer piano tuner and player expert. orders at Bulger & Denike’s (Wark’s) jew- elry Store. 80. = * 2 Berg H. Barton, of the Interna- tional Bible Students’ Association, will lecture in the Empress Thea- tre on Friday, Saturday and Sun™ day, All are welcome and no col- lection will be made. Leave MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE Rivermouth Fractional mineral claim, situated in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District, Where Jocated:—At the head of Alice Arm, adjoining the Rivermouth and Cari- boo mineral claims. TAKE NOTICE that I, G. RR, Naden, Free Miners’ Certificate No. 94,096B, acting as agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners’ Cer- tificate No. 93,917B,~intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Im- provements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim, And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- provements, Dated this 23rd day of December, A. D. 1915, Apr. 2. SPECIAL EVERY DAY TOMATO SAUSAGE HARRY ATKINS FAMILY BUTCHER QUALITY IN ALL MEATE , o HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND HAND GOODS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD HARD TIMES ‘SATISFIED WITH A SMAL.L PROFIT Try 828 3rd Ave., Or Phone Red 268 SUPPOSE a Jar BREAKS when | PROFESSOR Baldhead . . * IS LECTURING on the coos about the delicious flavour of NEEDS and, habits, OF THOSE cheerful OF THE harmless, but SALADA" LITTLE insects AND A swarm | This flavour is unique and never foung in cheap, ordinary teas. Let us mail you a sample. Black, Mixed or Green INDUSTRIOUS sort LAND on * * HIS pate * * AND THE back of. —— HIS neck etn o Soren, WHILE a solitary 4 3 * * 4 : DANGEROUS member , Launch Alice ATTACKS his left ankle, _ WOULD he proceed Approved by Minis * * * | ter of Marine as mn . ’ ai tina tis ‘ ro CALMLY inve tig ube device ¢ : THE VARIOUS brands For terms and Darticulars pete sc Call oe be ° : -W. J. THOMAS, Phong SPARING the life of . Green 394. THE HARMLESS kind? ms — ~ WE WONDER, GERMAN UNDERSEA PETROL SUPPLY TANKS (Continued From Page One.} warn her neighbor when from the latter vessel also the sus- picious object was seen. A pretty game at once developed between the two which had been fatal to subma- ships. It was a game rines of the enemy before, but on this occasion the prospective victim was unresponsive. The supposed _ periscope remained where it first appeared, despite the wiles of the cruisers. The uncertainty did not last very long, and as soon as it was realized that, whatever the object was, it certainly was not a_ periscope, there was an examination by launch, and the young naval of- ficer in charge of the eXamining party received what was perhaps the greatest surprise of his careers A Great Stee! Tank. The object which had sent the h : cruisers on a merry dance was a very unpretentious buoy, made in Germany. It was hauled aboard the launch, and the light tackle which held it was carefully gath- ered in. Then came, swirled in seaweed, heavier tackle which had lain on the ocean floor, and with the heavier tackle came the sur- prise. Running gear, devised and shackled with great ingenuity, was set free, and the launch crew hauled away happily. Up to the surface hove a great steel tank, and as its crusted top threw off heave, a voice from the launch remarked, it is said, ‘‘What price the Great Eastern!” Thus wae found one of the first petrol- supply depots set under the sea, whilst we were wrangling over domestic affairs, for the use of an enemy who had no thought of war! The tank was carefully ex- amined, and the surprise occa- sioned by its discovery was no greater than the respect evoked by the skill displayed in its con- struction. Without difficulty, and in complete safety, the U boats draw oil fuel from this store, either by bringing it to the surface or by submerging beside it. There was provision for com- pensation by weight of water for petrol withdrawn, The examination of such a find was interesting enough to lead to delay, but with the submarines of the enemy probably not far off, and with little prospect of speed- ily detaching the tank from its anchorage, the finders were wel] advised to destroy it. A single shot from a light gun smashed the tank to atoms, and the oil that spread over the surface of the sea was not the last film of oil whieh from such a source floated far to puzzle the mariners and praise strange tales.--Ex, eould the load of water with a sidelong| j j | THE WEATHER Don’t merely smother your cough ree : tie Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil By F. W. Dowling. CURE ——-promptly arrests coughing, but thanks to ie tonie dat strengthening properties it helps the system to throw off the cold and thus effects a permanentcure. It is this quality which has won for For 24 hours ending 5 a. m.| it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada. ase. large bottles, everywhere. J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. March 21st. BOPOMOler si. aos 8 Fe 8 . Le If your cold \s feverish Mathieu's Nervine Powders, the wonderful headache cur, wil Highest temperature ...... i7.0 FEAAEY inpel Whe fever and chase the pain frou heed, teek sed Nenin Ben wf is the. . bog Lowest temperature ...... 36.0 PROTO TOY oesicssikcs 506 sid oe sie bie 3617 There was a rumor around HANDY WORK OF ALL DEScRip. TIONS. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED VACUUM CLEANING CO. . We Clean Homes, Offices, Churches Lodge and School. rooms at lew BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on town the other day that a case of smallpox had been discovered. As the doubled and two cases are spoken POPP + Oe rumor has now been of, it might be as well to say that | Delivery Ce ee Dr. Cade says most emphatically Money Back If Not Satis- GOOD WORK GUARANTEED that there is no sign of this 4 noranes factory Ail Orders Attended to immediately. disease in the city, “"*____|| UNION TRANSFER C0. The Daily News delivered by ; 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 carrier, 50 cents per month. it. 4 OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. PHONE GREEN 268. - FACT HUNGER - As children, ae tek de- mand is for nourishment; our second for facts. All through life we go about searching for information. | We make a new acquaintance; but before we will accept him as a friend or invite him to our home we ask for facts about him. We visit a foreign land; and from the moment we step across its border we are asking questions— searching for facts. I * We are asked to try a new food produc; isn’t it instinctive with us to ask at once: “Who makes this new article ?" “‘ How is it made ? what goes into it ?”” “Is it worth the price charged for it ?” Facts—we are simply hungry for them. Strange, isn’t it, that we should so often have to search for them 2 Odd, that some manufacturers still withhold the facts about their product, Not always because they are facts to be ‘ ashamed of —for there are many worthy articles yet unadvertised. But it will not be so much longer. The fact-hunger of the human race is becoming keener and keener. The more facts we get, the keener our relish for more of them. Soon it will be impossible to sell a man or a woman anythin until everything has been told about the goods that can be tol through Advertising. The public has discovered that Advertising tells much-needed facts— that, in fact, Advertising satisfies fact-hunger. If you are doing a local business talk over your edvertising problems Advertising Department of this newspaper. well for yo" If you are doing a provincial or national business it would bee will b to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these thot furnished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Pres (10) Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. with the W |