He DAILY REWs Thursday, March 23, 1946. _ Le Sl a aaa ats EAS AUNT STORED _ — a A IIOUSEIIOLD HELP are used to produce the famous “ CANADA FIRST” Milk is BEST a A PARTY of staid, AND SNIFF, the breeze ee HUPERT business men BEFORE breakfast Better than raw miik for Coflee, Cocoa, A 6 5G 5% oe os eye Custard, Dressings or Cooking. main BOUND for, Alice Arm WHEN at sea... Safest for Baby Food. ie é iii ‘ih oac T?Y THIS RECIPE Se ON THE Prince Albert ABOI I eight aw *¢ Canada First’’ Custard Pie. a7 DUE to sail ‘ SUNDAY morning is ——, APORATED VIE OINSCO min CO wmiere HM" Lage * 2 i = ye an ‘* Canada Firct’’ Evanorated EUR ame (answstane.) hak, 10Ceatace, 7 Soy | AT 2 A. M. Jast Sunday SEVERAL ‘geptemngn, ne blends. Every leaf is fresh, fragrant 4 Eves, pinch of ea!t, suzar to taste, 7 , [AD THEY been home, $ ici ap little grated ae or grourdc fas n. Rn ute tLe milk with nity BOARDED rm vege! eRe Full of its eae Ask Your Grocer To-day—Insist on ‘‘ CANADA FIRST.” me? te Sala ey ois 3 ‘ — Ash You can whip “ Canada First’”’ Evaporated Milk, chill before whipping. NS A COMF ORTABLE, snooze. THE LAND of not , Miiede se THE AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO.,LTD. _ 350 | pupy SLEPT the sleep HOPPED OUT on deck ' AYLMER, ONT., CANADA wey ce oe ee ; vs ; j TO HAVE a look La hAl B 1 Pet tf hk, A RPA FEA setae OF THE just ce I |, 100. unc ice : i BY I YE SLI oS ne ve &L OY VE Le Ys | AND arose AT PORT Simpson, eer TTT * * * * * ee tae eaeteae re ~] = === )| BRIGHT and early ONLY to find et a by Minis * * . * er o Marine as a 1 ee SUNDAY morning THAT A long, low, lecceniee toat 6 ° 99 $| Born to Mr, and Mrs. John R. Se rae on 7 The Daily News | ehitaty its 124 Weiser Strest. a CONGRATULATING each FAMILIAR-LOOKING shed For terms and particulars 4 } 4 ~ . * * * * * * - FF. | o , : : ae . Call F | . CLASSIFIED ADS }daughter, at the general hospital| OTHER on the very BLOCKED the view, -W. J. THOMAS, Phone, i . this morning. SMOOTH passage AND THEN it dawned i z Green 301. 1 : selena se ae * * * * * * oe re os THEY WE vi Y THEM the I Lost oe Percy R. Jardine, one of the é THEY W ERE paving. ON, THEM Pat as ~ —r . abi yioneer carpenters erine _| IT IS funny how ALBERT was still LOST—Glasses in case near or in post- pigneer arpanverd pF Fetgec, Ru x * * * * * ofce. | Return to Dally News office, pert, is lying seriously ill in the} wEN who never | SECURELY moored i Don’t merely smother your cough / pai it loss i eo Lnespital. i goa ‘ DREAM of a walk AT RUPERT wharf. : FOR RENT a Be Se te ee Syrup of oe ys Cod Liver Oil not nals ‘ 2, P. Spalding v.| BEFORE BREAKFAST ashore | WHETHER they UR T promptly arrests coughing, but thanks to its toni FOR RENT: Furnished Room. 855 Sum In the case of EB. P. Spalding v. B . oe * * * strengthening properties it helps the system to throw off mit Avenue. Board if required, Phone/the Butte and Rocher de Boule] JNVARIABLY want RETURNED to bed the cold and thus effects a permanent cure. It is this quality which has won for Blue 508. tf. Gopper Compans, Judge. Young Tate ere + os : eee ee it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada. . ES : O WALK a mile WITHOUT breakfast cy ‘ WANTED. yesterday granted an injunction = oes Te aoe 35¢. large bottles, everywhere WANTED—A general servant, apply 346|t0 the defendants, pending trial. ROUND the deck IS NOT recorded. es aes i sca Us GRE cadet dara eomantar ecco P.Q. Be : 4th Avenue, Wést. 70. as Seeeeny Sepel te Sever ans chase he pale Seek bead, tack aad Rete, Bex of bow J. Darby, the mining man of! WANTED—4 or 5 room house with bath} Bill Fortune, the hold-up man and verandah, close in. Must be rea-|who spent a few days here re- Local News Notes Usk, returned from a trip sount | { sonable. P. O. Box 452. tf. is ‘ning cently as the guest of Chief Vick- this morning. | sp. | ow ° POD ODS WANTED—General servant, apply Mrs. A. = i? “ers, has been sentenced to two ; Gutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue.|~ "" See Strong boy wanted, apply 423 '} BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC 3/3 NANOY WORK OF ALL DEscriP- Phone 492. tf.| years in the penitentiary by Judge sth A ast Pht 498 2 ? LUMP | TIONS. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED . v0 Avenue, Hast. 1one av. f ‘ eee GaLh Molnnes in Vanoouver. iN CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOKS VACUUM CLEANING C0 FOR -SALE—Good team of horses, for Salvation Army. Preserved Fruit specials for 25 | 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. C O A L | pee —r — Offices, Churches cash, cheap. Apply Box 202, Daily ‘ : Was : ys 9 odge an hool. roome at lew oo ch aS a cents at Cav = . Hannan’s. Prince Rupert $9.50 Pa — Cash On $19 prices. i ublic meetings, Tuesday, 4 very a) es ogre ; FOR SALE—Launch Impala, 48ft. x 14 1-2 ; ; Concrete Works, McBride St. GOOD WORK GUARANTEED x5 1-2. Built in 1912, Djinn engine,| Phursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Curtains, brass rods and pole o oo. ’ Money Back If Not Satis- 3 — ee 35 h. p. Burns coal oil or distillate; Sundays at 7:30 p.m. trimmings at Tite’s March Sale.| —————________ ———— | factory | All Orders Attended to Immediately. Fully equipped and in number one order. * | Apply Wm. Sutherland, Bella Coola, B. C.|SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF . - : . ADVERTISE IN 3 UNION TRANSFER (CQ. 3)} office, s19 ano avenue TS tae a mee Fiat ve Bee COAST, RANGE 4. John Dybhavn left for Winni- * 3) : . i" SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- cei : ; THE D AILY NEWS 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 $| PHONE GREEN 268. a line engine, new, 8165 freight paid | o.04 Noricr that F W. Holl 5| Peg ona business trip this morn- ‘ M { Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor | . : : fe oT Co., Hamilton, Canads. tr. Surf Inlet, occupation mine superintendent, ing. a cs intends to apply for permission to pur- Sa ee Se eet tet ear etre Pe eR eT a ee 7 ee oe — FOR SALE—Hatching Eggs for sale from| base the following described lands: dottes and White Leghorns. Write now| !50 feet south from the northwest corner —— = ——— for illustrated catalogue containing in-|°f Lot 11, Range 4, Coast District; thence} visit to southern points this formation on feeding chickens and prices |S0Uth 20 chains; thence west 20 chains, A etc.. L. F. Solly, Lakeview Farm, West-|'ore or less to the shore of Surf Inlet; | Morning. holme, V. 1. B. C. 71| thence following the shore line easterly ’ * We and northerly to the place of commence_ ‘ 3 : sseee|iment, containing 40 acres more or less. For 25 cent specials, see Cave- a=» Ga» CT B | Pon aRe 3G): 4848: : naile & Hannan’s window. 70. a 4 j FREDERICK W. HOLLER. | s s = |“ SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF heavy-laying strains of White Wyan- Commencing at a post planted about L. W. Riley returned from a f=— Archie Russell goes to Vancou- CROWN AND SRIDGE WORK | COAST, RANGE 4. A SPECIALTY ver on Saturday morning to join A hild fi t d | TAKE NOTICE that Clyde Heller, of s children, our Nrs e- OR. J. F. BROWN i oe Philadelphia, occupation mine operator,|the Bantams, ; ‘ ; : DENTIST intends to apply for permission to pur- +e te mand 1s for nourishment; our ; Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue |chase the following described lands: d f f f Phone 454 | Commencing at a post planted about The executive of the Board of secon or facts. % ~ ;one hundred yards northerly from the mouth of Paradise Creek on the easterly| rade will meet in the rooms o1, ; shore of Bear Lake; Princess Royal Island;| |*riday at 2:30 p.m, |thence east 40 chains; thence south 20 * die a } F $ichains; thence west 40 chains more or 4 AUTO DELIVERY ,less to the shore of Bear Lake; thence Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wall, of , northerly along the shore of said lake to| , : i |the place of commencement, containing s0}@ranby, passed through on their Seioneen acres more or less. way north this morning. a February 18, 1916. mt EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE CLYDE A. HELLER. ee CR Raids Bit en All through life we go about searching for information. e oe We make a new acquaintance; but before we will accept him as a friend or invite him to our home we ask for facts about him. | The Sample Suits must soon cre SPECIAL EVERY DAY be returned, Select your” ex- a Phone Red 339 TOMATO SAUSAGE clusive mone Rone CBUACE #: We visita foreign land; and from : iy on the moment we step across its ne HARRY ATKINS “The Goddess,” the great serial b d Ls P ° 4: | FAMILY BUTCHER ° at the Majestic, begins March 27, ° or or We are asking questions— is sessecsesocsecorseeseses 4B QUALITY IN ALL MEATS § jand 28, Anita Stewart leads. tf) searching for facts. l aha: lee POOTESS . oe oo ei AKERBERG, THOMSON 3 th nk aty (Ata Sag die en a We are asked to try a new food product; isn’t it instinctive a | 5, »~u. uu, sé § fs - COMPANY 3 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR 3/10 her home with an attack of la with us to ask at once: to Sole Agents for the | srippe. Her , friends wis j ‘ ‘ | PALMER ae atau a | SECOND HAND GOODS Brippe AP, OAD MGA wink “Who makes this new article re F PANY 3) OF ALL Kinpe her a speedy recovery. H d } “é . . . . oe PHONE 525 was ow is it made? what goes into it ? : ’ | BOUGHT AND SOLD Ole Evindsen, who is building “yr : a h . h ed f . >" ae HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A an hotel at Alice Arm, arrived s it worth the price charg or it .. F. W. HART SMALL PROFIT from the south this morning, ac- Facts—we are simply hungry for them. i AUCTIONEER Try 828 3rd Ave., Or Phone Red 268 companied by Mrs, Evindsen. S See h h Id ft ‘ h f ba T24! e trange, isn t it, that we should so often have to search tor i. AND APPRAISER ‘ . : ° ie OFFIOE CORNER aRD ave. AND $/ Couohing scatters Judge Young left for Hazelton them ? Odd, that some manufacturers still withhold the facts mr STH ST., REAR OF HART BLOCK Suing SCPME | inis morning where he will hear about their product, Not always because they are facts to be 4 —Stop it © @ the suit of Smith & Eggleston v. ashamed of—for there are many worthy articles yet unadvertised. inebing’ “4 in Edward Frantzen for the recovery A . Prince Rupert Feed Co irritation of the already ins of some $45. But it will not be so much longer. The fact-hunger of the ° flamed inucuons membranes "yaa eae human race is becomi k d k Th re facts P. O. Box 333. 808 Third Ave. aud is moreover apt to carry Ing Keener an eener. e mo RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS w Mathieu's Gyrnpol Ter and Per eee apendker with we get, the keener our relish for more of them. WE HANDLE Cod Liver Oil promptly sto Miss Barbeau, has returned from : : ° - ~ ° . cougliing, and soon, thanks Vancouver and Seattle and will Soon it will be impossible to scll a man or a woman anything Rennie's, Ferry’s, Steele's, a 4 Se oe © J |be pleased to welcome her cus- until everything has been told about the goods that can be tol | and Brigg’s. a ae Swognaetel Sopalerity tomers again. through Advertising. Garden and Field Seeds. and Cod Lives Oil is epectally Rane. : i | L Also Fertilizers. om to ‘its reat value as @ ae Mnaiting the Bpoxane|? 4 The public has discovered that Advertising tells much-needed facts— we Fake rae munnery ay pet h 1 mining man who is interested in that, in fact, Advertising satisfies fact-hunger. | ° everywhere, i : oblems Hay, Grain and Feed at bottles. : sil col si the Highland Boy property on If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising pr with the Vancouver Prices. & L. MATHIEU CO. Prop. Rocher de Boule, left for Hazel- Advertising Department of this newspaper. : well for yo" Sherbrooke, P.Q. ton this morning uf you are deing a, provincial, or matignal business t would ne will be Ma ° 0 have the c ; ertisi cy. ; Chicken Feed A Specialty. Pera aegis hace - “TATE SAS ee a ‘ais fwrnished, withers eee or dhlenion, ‘Agro Soconary "ol Canadian Press Associabo! 8 ee ee Mette claenden ree The Daily News delivered by eom 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. ; ene ane carrier, 50. cents per month. a