SIR EW NEST SHACKLETON ARR VES SA NO CHANGE IN VERDUN SITUATION--BIG RUSSIAN DRIVE ON DVINSK FRONT ———— SHAG LETON IS CA KELY ae | ik CONTI INN A gd Explorer ancl All Well Intrepi After a Hazardous Journey | Across the Seuthern Polar Region. (Special to The Dally News.) sydney, N. S. W., March. 24, nest Shackleton arrived hit afler has the from Weddell! of| Ernest was,las t| mber, 1914, when heard | \ . ’ | | for the Crossing ntinent to Rh Sea, a distance 1.7001 Sil he left > h Georgia frozen regions. | for | he party has been absent and the intrepid that all expedition are well, | \ jetais i the are} withheld publicafion mean- The expedition was largely Scotch Capital, Sir James ( the wealthy Dundee facturer who died Whe it canal that the} | expedition uuld not be carried f a shortage in the plions, Sir James pul up t necessary capital to} MEXICAN REPORTS OF VILLA'S DEFEAT wmiete e al jat Verdun yesterday, 'Woevre 1 night, ihe inteaie aaah: "PARTIES DIFFERED ON with ling }seal of pi HUNS CARRIED THE TRENCHES BY LIQUID FIRE No sts. in Verdun Situation— Military Committee Demand Reprisals in Kind—Heavy Bombardment, (8peciai to The Daily News.) Paris, March 24,—There was no change in the military situation fighting be ing confined to intermittent bom- bardments. The which | ( French trenches were carried recently by t! mans, were taken by means ¢ liquid fire attack, Phe French mnilitary committee is demandin that reprisals be made in kind. Heavy Bombardment There ments in Arg wert heavy hombard- |} nne and in the] egion throughout Mal: the incourt woods we French batterte and searched by SALARY FOR M’BRIDE| Brewster gave the] his conference After charg- “breaking the Liberal lead- had true version of ihe premier. with the the Bowser ivacy,” declared that premier misrepresented on the floor of the tou Aibert, olf er of England, First 1. On the orge, KINGS’ SONS AT ETON photograph of left Belgium; is the on t two young noblemen taken together -at Duke of Brabant, the second son of King he right is Prince Henry, third son of King (Special to The Daily News.) house what had actually taken San A March 24—Re- | place. PD. PATTULLO SLATED ~ |LIBERALS OBJECT 1 fo Mexican sources have) Dealing with tae iaterview with} FOR PUBLIC WORKS) EXTENDED MORATORIUM by General Funston | the premier on March 44th, Mr. Sacer the « t that Villa has been|Brewster said Mr. Bowser had The Vancouver World to hand (Special to The Daily News.) American-Mexican |admitted there was a doubt as to | vasterday states that ,while Mr. Victoria, March é : A ae forces at El Oso, The gener: » leg if ‘5 es after], deputation of financial men wait- ’ ‘ rh general | Ub legality of the sittin ifter Brewster, with characteristic I . ua \ i's stronghold is|/midnight that night. ‘We talked| ; 4 :| 90 on the premier and urged the tpected to take place today. the matter over,” said Mr. Brew- Scotch caution, refused to predic inclusion of a - compensation — aia “and so as not to embarass|®@ Liberal sweep at the general | ejause in the Prohibition Bill. No SUN AND TIDE the government I said I would{elections, some of his followers|decision in the matter has been af lores to a reasonable extension /are not so wary. They see noth-}announced. i th, 1916. : 3 : Sun 1 e lor the life of the legislature, four|ing ahead but the defeat of the Extended Moratorium. 5 sé a ce °AQd ¢ . . Tha apals i . sriels 2 Sun sete . ae Be MT nonths’ supplies and to defer| Bowser administration. The Liberals in the legislature St elgn eee 6:11 P. M-Jin4 general election until after} go fap has their confidence car- | ObJect to the passage of a bill to Cow aia. 7 Dy. the May court of revision on con-|pjeq them that they have been extend the moratorium, owing Lo igh ed ee nf aay +) dition that no contentious legis-|qpafting a Liberal cabinet, the a blanket clause which gives the OM OUO s 6 spa geaie :9 ¢ . cake fee aS tea 6:9 a. m, Nation was introduced. following beijag the one which | Lieutenant-Governor powel to use WEE 0 00 a 0 6 4 mtbin ID ¢ | alithannn : iy a vee Capt : ' . : a. M. | Negotiations Failed. meets with most general accept | hi liscretion in regard to pay ; . ms 3 : 4 ) ‘OL t s ft ae ae | “\We agreed on a half holidayjanve among the leading party ments on coal lands, and pu Big tone ik aan lweekly for clerks and other mea-] men in the city. chases and leases of petroleum , ions in prices still | ’ ’ 3 + nile FOIng at home -fur nishing ,|sures, Then Mr. Bowser asked Premier and President of the |*%" ° ale a4 |us ) ld stand in re-|/Qouneil +. Brewster, Victoria. TT TTR 71,\" where 4d a | ( : Council, Mr. Brew . ! ; Aa Everything for 25 cents, See ar » prohibition measure orney - General, Mr. M. : : jgard to the pr ) Atlorney enera ayanalle: ke Seniesa Saas Beef, mutton, hearts, |2@ had promised to introduce, 1] Macdonald, Vancouver. = ry *le., Midway Market, cor. | asked, ‘will you refer the measure Minister of Finance, Mr. P. Don Pop spring renovating, see the ner Oth and "raser; phone 188 eo the people to become law?’ |nelly, Vancouver, big values at George.D. Tite's. : —____ejand when Mr. Bowser said ‘yes Minister of Agriculture, A. D. ‘ Re ehnenovcorccoveennebeiaientiien Fr then replied ‘then that is non-| paterson, Delta. April the 3rd is the date. MAJESTIC * THEATR leontentious.’ (applause. Minister of Mines, Mr. J. | “ " oes IHEATRE | “Then Mr. Bowser brought up}Thompson, Grand Forks, ; Tonight and Tomorrow i Lhe question of proy iding for Minister of Publie Wor! leg. ro aaa ; esthalme " heatre ee | ‘ : ; BR : iHon. Mr. Turner and Sir Richard] pattullo, Prince Rupert. ; Ty ‘ OADWAY STAR A . : 3 : yim an eee TTRACTION } 3 , f ur surprise he i step of Lands, F. A. Pau “THE MYSTER eae 1 tl ne : hould mnie 2 STOP! LOOK!! LISTEN!!! ’ iat the province shoul , Saanich, : thadh on v OF MARY” 3 Propose: | ime ni MY Be ena 3 netics cin \ “l modern drama, ‘vole a bonus of a thousand Provincial Secretary, Hr. NINE 3 ek eens atid "BLACK EYES” , pounds to pay off the private|Granbrook. 7 | | uning Comedy, debts of Mr. Turner, give him a This slate provides forthe a $ " ° . > .° “THe ee pension of $6,000 a year for life}ditional ministep whieh is to bh 3 A rr OE TRAIN" and a further pension of $3,000} areanged for this session by the} 46 Episodes in 2 Acts Each : “Ne Kallroad Drama ; f ; . 4 : hg Oe tae ek 7 a year for life to his widow in|division of the agri ulture and} . Mr, Jann 7 ee Bt ae LOOK! LOOK!! LOOK!!! Celebpat akes a Night Off” the event of his decease, and on] {finance portfolio. EMed darn Comedy: Ser Se co —| Starting = vey Series, top of that to vote an allowance = — v @ mnt to that and that we MONDAY, MARCH 27TH Coming mM ” of $15,000 a year to Sir Richardjnever cons: 1) { Great Sesies a and Tuesday, The McBride.” must regard the proposals al | Admission Selected ¢ he Goddess” and a ni ‘ I do not believe the Adults, 10c. Children 5c. ©Medy Program “T told the premier at once, contentious, : ore, , F 1d on Poge Three i a -isaid Mr. Brewster, “that we could Continued on o a i ito his | | | seerl ly ithe Nishes T HE CHAMPION SNIPER OF GALLIPOLI PENINSULA vai yw, AROUND DVINSK The the airo Evening following the an Australian graphic ac work of the story be- count of wonderful marksman the ing written by Private Frank Reed, other Gallipoh Peninsula, Australan: Trooper W. E, Australia’s Sing may well be termed champion shot, was on Gallipoli he accounted for rifle for during the time he over 200 Turks. Of course, dur- ing enemy attacks he probably shot many more, but as a sniper} ie knows that over 200 fell owing excellent marksmanship. methods were to those of the at their Sing’s sniping somewhat similar Turk. He played them own game, and beat them badly. His ‘tposy’” was so close to the Turkish trenches that their ar-| tillery rarely troubled him, He distinct targets that his tacit left to was trench rad three mates. by consent him. One an enemy 350 yards away, another was a communication 500 off, the third 1,000 yards sap a track in a distant. was fortably esconced in his nest, ing lay with a couple of tele- copes foeused on likely places. | \n officer lay near with another lescope. So afraid were the Purks of these unlucky spots that patient sniper often lay al getting a whole day witheat slimpse of the enemy. On other Turks (new troops prob- for They into view at a bare days the ably looked walked boldly and Sing trouble, 900 yards, “It's sport.” them ovep exclaimed, too called Locating His Posy. Every time Billy Sing felt sorry for the poor Turks he remembered easy to be snipers picked off the the how their Australian officers in early days of the landing, ened his heart. at a stretcher-bearer or at any af the soldiers who were trying to rescue wounded first the enemy had not the slight- est idea whence the death-dealing bullets came, Often Sing bag a Turk, and the ¢nemy would} yards Com-.} as he toppled | and he hard-| But he never fired | | Turks. At} would | RUSSIAN DRIVE IS SUCCESSFUL Three Lines of German Trenches are Taken — Deadly Russian Bayonet Work—Activity in Black Sea. ‘ (Special to The Dally News.) March 24.—A Rus- | the Dvinsk region | by three armies on a seventy mile | | | | Petrograd, sian drive in 'front has resulted in the capture of three lines of German trenches at Lake Marocz. as a result of the bay- There was much slaughter onet work of the Russians and a twelve thousand Germans and |machine guns were taken. Black Sea Activity. Bucharest reports great activity iby the Russian fleet in the Black iSea. Russian submarines entered jthe Bulgarian port of Varna and torpedoed the ships in the har- bor. dreadnoughts ironclads encountered Three Russian jand three ia fleet of Turco-German vessels lof Constana with a convoy and lsunk them all. with petrol and cereals. The Russian bombarded Trebizond three times ‘and Sinope once. FATAL COLLISION ON GRAND TRUNK ROAD (Special to The Dally News.) They were taden squadron has March 24—There has been a collision at Port Credit Grand Trunk eastern Eng flier, Toronto, i between the | lier and a coal train. ineer Harry of the /killed with his hand on the throt- ‘tle W. O. Anderson iwas also While Brakeman Ed- Overend, was fireman killed, missing. and Fireman injured, i; Ward is ward Hanahan was Wi as the Canadian Express | | Nattress, route agent of Company, Alaska to work in lis here on his way to establish conjunction with the sailings of the G. T. P. fleet. branches to | blaze furiously at some of wai a . | loopholes a hundred yards away. | ESTHOLM But after a time they located him,|% W 1K . and the sandbags and_ bushes | OPERA HOUSE around his “posy’ were riddled | Rupert's Popular Play House : } with bullets. On ome occasion a} TONIGHT AND TOMORROW bullet found its way through the | : | Monstrous 7-Reel Shew, featuring a loophole, badly wounding a ser-| GREAT DETECTIVE DRAMA } geant who was observing, and} “THE THUMB PRINT” : : ~ | In 4 acts—Thrilling situations, keeps slightly wounding Sing, Another You Spellbound. sergeant took the telescope, and} SELIG TRIBUNE ° Sing, -after having his wound | Showjng the World’s Latest Events dressed, resumed his sniping. Ham and Bud Comedy—‘HAM THE A Hit that Didn’t Count. STATUG"—1t's 8 : Boar. i One day a well known General | TOO MUCH TURKEY” ‘ a oak - Side- “splitting Comedy, crawled up into Sing's ‘‘posy”’ to ee ; : od 2 eee eS aoe | Coming Monday “and Tuesday, “The observe for him, Sing was in @)3° piamonD,” Wednesday and Thurs- bad mood, for it was blowing hard|% day, Hazel Dawn in “The Masquer- : | $- aders,” in Five acts. and he had missed a man—actu- 2 ally missed a man at 300 yards.|~ “Ill have to start and learn ; shooting again,” he said dis- ao TO gustedly. Just then a hat showed E on a parapet 500 yards off, Once LONDON CAF more Sing sighted and waited, FOR THE BEST MEALS Soon a head appeared and Sing STRICTLY UNION HOUSE pulled the trigger. As he fired Hart Bik. Third Ave. two things happened. A gus ae eee ps eee wa happened. “A gust of BOXES FOR LADIES (Continued on Page 4) - -