. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE at the head of o branch of Lime Creek. office. Return to Daily News office. Reward. w WANTED—Good girl for general house ington Avenue, Victoria, B. C. 85 WANTED—House of 3 to 4 rooms t rent WANTED—Girl for house work. Apply work, family of three adults and one tails and price. E. Dusan, 3065 Wash- claim. a and further take notice that action,|, under section 85, must be commenced be- child. Salary $30 per month. Mrs. Geo./ fore the issue of such Certificate of im- Little, Terrace, B. C. 83 | provements. WANTED—Bakery Business. Give all de- Dated this 24th day of March, A.D. 1916 GEORGE R. NADEN. Basin Mineral C'%im, situate in the! Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. | Where located:—Aboui four miles from} . ' the beach on the south side of Alice arm| Booth dance on Friday? \7 TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden,} LOST—Glasses im case near or in post- | Free Miner's Certificate No. 94096B, in- | : tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to} ;a apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certifi- cate of improvements, for the purpoge of | * © obtaining a Crown Grant of the above | u . MINERAL ACT Apply P. O. Box 353, City s4 NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER Mrs. Lindsay, 1135 Park Ave. witTo J. A. ROGERS, WANTED—Genera! servant, apply Mrs.. A. Gutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue Phone 492. tf. FOR SALE FOR SALE OR CHARTER CHEAP, Cannery Tender “Wigwam,” 52 feet, 45 h. p Union gas engine, Fish tank. Apply t Adams’ Grocery Store, Seal Cove, Prince Rupert. 87 FOR SALE—Household furniture, Ancona Hens. Appply 515 Cotton Street. tf FOR SALE—Good team of horses, for cash, cheap. Apply Box 202, Daily News. tf. FOR SALE—10-Acre tract of land in Kit- sumkalum Valley. $25 per acre, #25 down, balance $10 per month. Apply P. 0. Box 174. 85. FOR SALE—Launch Impala, 48ft. x 11 1-2 x5 1-2. Built in 1912, Djinn engine, 35 b. p. Burns coal oil or distillate Fully equipped and in number one order. Apply Wm. Sutherland, Bella Coola, B. C. SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- line engine, new, $465 freight paid. Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor Co., Hamilton, Canada. tr. AKERBERG, THOMSON COMPANY Sole Agents for the PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY PHONE 525 | Prince Rupert Feed Co. P. O. Box 333. S08 Third Ave. RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS WE HANDLE Rennie’s, Ferry’s, Steele’s, and Brigg’s. Garden and Field Seeds. Also Fertilizers. We Take Orders for Nursery Stoc Hay, Grain and Feed at Vancouver Prices. Chicken Feed A Specialty. Mall Orders Promptiy Attended To. terlin THE ENGINE’ REFINEMEN — finest boats Chat flost FISHERMAN'S ENGINE 2 Cy!l.—5 1-2 In. by 7 In., 12-16 Horse Power. 4 Cyl.—3 3-4 in. by 5 1-2 in., 25 Horse Power. 4 Cyl.—6 1-2 In. by 8 In., 25-35 Horse Power. —-—_~ For Further information Apply to W. E. WILLISCROFT Prince Rupert, B. C. EE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM @oz 12—5th St. and 8rd Ave. Box 18—6tb St. and 8rd Ave. Box 14-—-8th St. and 8rd Ave. Box 15——Junction of ist, nd anda 3rd Aves. Box 1G-—1et Ave., between 8th and 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Bo« 17—ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen. tral Hotel.) CIROVIT NO. 2. Box 22-——-38rd Ave. and (Post Office.) Box 23--8rd Ave. and McBride St. Bos 24--ist ave. and McBride 8t. Box 25-—-2nd Ave. and @nd st Box 26—2nd Ave. and 6th 8st. Box 27—G. T. P. GIROUIT NO. 8. @ox 31—-5th Ave. and Fulton 8+, Box $2——Borde and Taylor Sts. Box 34—T7tb Ave. and Fulton St. Box 36-—-0th Ave. and Comox Ave. Box 87—-8th Ave. and Dodge PI. Box 38-——6tb Ave. and Thompson 8t. IRCUIT NC. 4. Box 41—4 Ave. and Emmerson PL Box 42.-5th Ave. and McBride &t, Box 435th Ave. and Green 81. Box 44—6th Ave aiid Basil 8st. Bon 45-—7th Ave. and Eberts. Box 141-—7th Ave, and Young St. PARADA AAAAIAAAAS tot Sra Bt. together with the costs of this advertise- ment, I shall; at the expiration of ninety Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C., to have your interest in the said “Ladybird No. 4” and “Stumpy” Mineral Claims vested in me in pursuance of the provisions of the Mineral Act.” . Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this Sth day of November, i915. A. LUND. Per Alex. M. Manson, bis solicitor. WATER NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that R. B. McGinnis, whose address is Alice Arm, British Columbia, will apply for a ljcence to take and use Ofteen second feet cof water out of Trout Creek, which flows Westerly ard drains into Kitsault River, about 16 miles north of its outlet at Alice Arm, B. C. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 500 vertical feet above point: of use, near its mouth, and will be used for power and mining pyrpose upon the land described as Wolf Group of Mining Claims. This notice was posted on the ground on the 26th day of October, 1915. A copy of this notice and an ap- plication pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914” will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice ts November 9th, 1915. RK. B. McGINNIS, Applicant. By H. C. Ingle, Agent. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE Rivermouth Fractional mineral claim, situated in the Skeena Mininy Division of Cassiar District. Where located:—At the head of Alice Arm, adjoining the Rivermouth and Cari- @| boo mineral claims. | TAKE NOTICE that I, G. R. Naden, Free | Miners’ Certificate No. 94,096B, acting as | agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners’ Cer- }tificate No. 93,917B, intend, sixty days 'rr®m the date hereof, to apply to the | Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Im- | provements, for the purpose of obtaining la Crown Grant of the above claim. | And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- provements. Dated this 23rd day of December, A. D. 1915. Apr. 2. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located:—At the head of a branch of Lime Creek about four miles from the beach on the south side of Alice Arm. WAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, Free Miner’s Certificate No. 94096B, acting as agent for Thos. McRostie, Free Miner’s Certificate No, 69991B, and James L. Hatch, Free Miner’s Certificate No. 87966B, in- tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certifi- cate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim, And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be- fore.the issue of such Certificate of Im- provements, Dated this 24th day of March, A.D. 1916. GEORGE R. NADEN. ——__—__—__—-- TAKE NOTICE that, whereas I have | * . . caused to be dome the assessment work for the year 1915 on the mineral clams; Mrs. F. G, known as “Ladybird No. 4” Minera] Claim, | ae : . situated in Cascade Creek valley, north of | this morning from a visit to the} Silver Lake, in the Stewart, 8. C., Mining District; and the “Stumpy” Mineral Claim, | situated on the east side of Cascade Creek | 2 ee at the head, in the said Stewart Mining | fistrict, and have paid for said assess- | ment work the sum of $200.00; unless| Visit to the southern states this you pay to me the sum of $100.00 tor | morning your share of the said assessment work a. Gays from the date hereof, apply to the F. W. HART AUCTIONEER OFFICE CORNER 83RD AVE. AND 5TH ST., REAR OF HART BLOCK HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND HAND GOODS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOL HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT Try 828 3rd Ave., Or Phone Red 268 fue DAILY NEW! Thursday, April 6 916 | Local News Notes ‘ } ' ; Will you be at the Russian|a * . * ’ | A fish special of six cars left | for the east this morning. J. H, Hilditch arrived from Vic- ; |toria on the Prince Rupert. ! 6”. Ss j ,sorth on the Prince Rupert today j pu os Mr. Harris, travelling freieint | e r : nd passenger agent of the Chi- A D ly T t ago. Milwaukee & St. Paul, ani al ea a» Always Acceptable and Delicious R, G. Moseiey, of Hazelton, re- lturned from Vancouver today. . .* . The Russian Booth Dance is on Friday in the McIntyre Hall, Be i ithere. Dawson returned ore nd left for Alaska on the Print e| ohn. ° {| | ee. @ A. H. Tomlinson announces that e has accepted a position on the | taff of the Ontario Agricultural | lleze. Owing to lack of type-| tting time, we are unable to | The Tea of all Teas. E isa ] t : e official a CCC OOOOOO—— Se th Micial an Black, Green } Get a package and enjoy —- or Mixed a cup of Tea “in Periection", te SPECIAL EVERY DAY TOMATO SAUSAGE HARRY ATKINS FAMILY BUTCHER QUALITY IN ALL MEATS POPPER POO Oy eeanet te Launch AliceB, SS south. ‘Dad’ Corley returned from a Wells, who has been W. J. THOMAS. CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. > S Phone reen 391 Prince Rupert Lnorce . shediess | Concrete Works, McBride St. = setae : " os D: spending a few days in town, left for Usk today. oo —_—_—————- on’t merely smother your coUug Best quality of househgld lump and nut coal. Prince Rupert Coa! Mathien’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oi! not only CURE ——-promptly arrests coughing, but thanks to its tonic and strengthening properties it helps the system to throw of the cold and thus effects a permanent cure. It is this quality which has won for it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada. DENTISTRY} CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK The Glide brought in 3,000 Ibs.! of spring salmon this morning, which sold at 9 cents per pound. +. FS R, K. Sterling, manager for the} Borden Milk Company, arrived in| town from the south this morning. * * * | | F. F. Henderson, of the Kauf-| mann Rubber Company of Berlin, | Co., phone 15. se : A GPECIALTY | 3s¢. large bottles, everywhere. s 3 : DR. J. F. BROWN J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop, SHERBROOKE, P.0. Alec Grey was amongst the men DENTIST your ait is teveriah Mathieu's Nervine Powder, the wwnter'si hewiache com. wit of the 11th Mounted Rifles who|$ Mes: Smith Block, Thire Avenue 3) ee . Phone 454 | arrived, on the Prince Rupert. — . . . oe errr. PPEPOPOOD OO ILO Walker’s Music Store Removed to Werner's Oid Stand On Second Avenue. PIANOS | HANDY WORK OF ALL DEScaip. 3 BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC TIONS. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED ‘ LUMP COAL toe Lo $9.50 per Ton — Cash on ee en COs ot tee Deli . a ae PRAYER Fane: CRO °s rere GOOD WORK GUARANTEED ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND Money Back If Not Satis- ei ee ; SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. factory All Orders Attended to Immediately. Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. ; UNION TRANSFER C0. OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. Pianos to Rent. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 PHONE GREEN 268. Ont., came north on the Prince!% Rupert. ks * * * There were fifty-eight appeals} before the Court of Revision yes-| terday morning. The court sits} again today, s = s If you want to serve your King} and country see Charles Young- man, recruiting sergeant for the {02nd Battalion. tf} The Princess Maquinna, which leaves Prince Rupert for the north on Friday at 11 p, m., will call at Alice Arm. s s s J. D. McLeod Vancouver this 7 returned from morning, where | he has been taking an officer's | training course. . * . G. R, Naden expects to make a trip to Alice Arm by way of Gran- by this evening. Mr, Naden is in- terested in mining in Alice Arm. Mr, and Mrs. Don. Peck left for the Peace River country this morning. Mr. Peck has been given charge of a river boat on the Peace. . . . C. B. Lockhart, one of Prince Rupert’s most popular pioneers, arrived from the south today. He is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Youngman. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bone left this morning for Detroit, Mich., where they will make their home. A large gathering of friends was at the wharf to bid them goodbye. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEWs ~ AUTO DELIVERY ——___ __ EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE ee wee it le ae oe | Phone Red 339 ? reg = fi Fi O Brown Learned A\ I -_ There is a man who makes shoes for children- and sells them to stores all over Canada But he is only just learning how people buy. It was this way: His wife—let us call her Mrs. rama phoned to him and asked him to buy some underwear for little Brown. Picture Brown now among the throng of mothers at the ‘‘ Children’s Underwear”’ counter. He asks for Underwear for a child of six. He looks it over help- lessly. What on earth does he know about Children’s Underwear? For lack of anything better to say he asks: ‘‘Is this good qualityP’’ The answer is short and quite conclusive: ‘‘It’s Blank’s’’—naming a well- advertised line. That short word says everything. Brown pays his money and goes home, quite satisfied with his purchase. *» Now what bothers Brown —a manufacturer of shoes, is this: How would it affect the purchase of a child’s shoes if the salesman said “ Phey're Brown's”? Nobody knows Brown’s shoes. Brown doesn’t advertise. The name Brown signifies nothing when used in con- nection with children’s shoes. The salesman must use all his persuasive wiles to induce people to buy them. eer ; . : , The point is—If the name Brown was as synonomous with Children s Shoes as “Blank’s’”’ is with Underwear, wouldn’t Brown sell more shoes with less effort P If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising Department of this newsoape:, If you are doing a provincial or national busines it would be v fou to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto, p SPIE ET TTA