rut DAILY RuWwes . Tuesday, April 14, 1946. = = “THE GODDESS” HOLDS SWAY AT THE MaJEsTIO|} 7 car News Notes 1 Fresh from the Gardens ; , Eee The fourth episode of “The of the finest Tea-producing country in Goddess” was screened before a Best quality of household lump the world. , crowded’ house at the Majestic|/4nq nut coal. Prince Rupert Coal last night and proved highly in-|¢o,, phone 15. { teresting and amusing, In this Ss Br: € “J installment, the ‘‘goddess” ar- Charles D. Jones, our popular rives in New York and creates no}. .ajist, has returned from the and of a sensation, being followed|_ . Naas river, by crowds of people on her way Yo” er from the station. This is prov- zz B74 ee ee ionaeriahetinententeemmninenenetaneemeeenseseeeten eee ag ON Se RS EE ing to be one of the greatest Re ee eee ee Sealed Packets Only. serials ever staged. received and adopted the auditor's Try it—it’s delicious. BLACK GREEN or MIXED. . An exciting railroad drama,/|report for 1915. ae ——— : : ———— - ¢ two laughable comedies and a Bie os o aia The American schooner Eagle i : t an ' “Istirring Jittle drama — entitled ; . “Trapped,” along with a very fine | brought in 14,000 pounds of hal- ‘ $ i g Tribune Wes but this morning. Launch AliceB. ith Selig Tribune Weekly make up ajibut this morning. unc ice h t . * . | Ey splendid program. There is an-| ss ; , other big Paramount attraction| /[f you wapt to serve your King TE Approved by Minis 3 Tee coming for next Wednesday and |@"d country see Charles Young- on ee | ee ter of Marine as qa 4 Thursday ° jman, recruiting sergeant for the Pre ogee i : Passenger Boa! 3 : coe take }102nd Battalion. tf eae Ey | For terms and particulars P Be Jee Call “ . FINAL INSTALLMENT OF r : PROVED. , ee CANADA'S FOR SALE “DIAMOND FROM THE SKY”, The council got through a lot Wem Me gl Phone a . GREATEST of work last night in the way of 3 BEST BY SEED HOUSE EVERY WHERE The watt iis wae packed last passing bylaws in connection with healt ss 8 aa EVERY TEST IN CA NADA night to see the conclusion of|the issue of serial bonds. " c ? “The Diamond from the Sky.” ee It is expected that R. Carr andj; The final stages of this famous serial are in keeping with the E. H. Maynard, two of our re- D rest of the story, the scenes be- turnsd warriors, will arrive here ing of the finest description. You] 0" Friday, - ; must see.what» becomes of the ORR ARE ig GOES Te ee | W Sta TT aLAt ele RG aes cy Secor diamond: what happens to John ‘ CREAM . ’ oom! Powell’ and what becomes of MUSIC ‘ t . vr ivi i> s “The Daily News” |) DENTESTRY. [sen oe tee Sa tit AKING POWD F There are two real good two- CFARI.ES BALAGNO CLASSIFIED ADS. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK act. dramas besides, one being a (Pianist ‘at Westholme) i . oe most dramatic story entitled ‘“Re- TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE M d f P ; ee DR. J. F. BROWN pantance” in which a man mur- Former pupil of F. @. Strong. adce from rure, Grape , Caw See ae ehiee Gaba en Seder ‘feet ree defs his partner, is not found out, TERMS MODERATE, Phone Biue 408 C £ T 7 7 Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue ream oOo: artar t 3h. p. Watkins motor, Owner can have Phone 454 but is torn to pieces by remorse |% : Same by proving property and paying Salvage and cost of this noti¢e. Joseph twenty years later when his Surpasses every other baking i Ryan, Port Simpson, B. C. daughter marries the murdered } » - oon oa ; * 5 if e . i ve ee - LOST man’s son. “Silver Candlesticks PECIAL EVERY DAY owder im Mmacdn delicious ; - r ' LOST—Glasses in case near. or in post- CONCRETE CHIPANEY BLOSKS is a most impressive stery~ of TOMATO SAUSAGE « healthfu! food. 7 ate to Daily News oe ancient Italy. ‘tAmbrose’s Little 3 HARRY ATKINS eward. . oo: 3 ‘ OY > - 4 80 Cents per ft. F. 0. B. Hatchet” is a side-splitting Key- $ oe Sa is “= Pr t cts th £ c d f | ‘ 1 UTCHE: i WANTED. Prince Rupert stone comedy, and an up-to-date]? guyauiry IN ALL) MEATS : ote € 100 ‘(rom atum. “] . ‘ . + WANTED—Good girl for general house- Concrete Works, McBride St. Topical Budget completes a very] > 2 | a a { i work, family of three adults and one we le bill ‘ child. Salary $30 per month. Mrs. Geo. ne ul. eee eT ~— eee _ _ _ Little, Terrace, B. C. 83 ere ne agen eee = y WANTED—Three Loggers. Apply Williams | § : “2. a Site, 87/3 AKERBERG, THOMSON Sri 1h Sone eran , WANTED—Kitchen Range. Must be cheap. COMPANY THE ENGINEYREFIN Phone Red 517. 86. For the ,. ee ~ finest boats Hat Sioet WANTED—General servant, apply Mrs. A. Sole Agents for the 2 Gutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue. PALER GAS ENGINE, COMPANY FISHERMAN'S ENGINE Phone 492. tf. PHONE 525 2 Cyl.—S 1-2 In. by 7 In. 12-15 , Horse Power. FOR SALE sa ; @ Cyl—3 3-4 in. by & 4-2 In., 25 FOR SALE—Cecilian Buttercup eggs for] ~~ f — Horse Power. e setting, $1.50 per setting, guaranteed. MINERA @ Cyl.—6 1-2 In. by & In., 25-35 ar Messrs. Leys, Porcher Island. 90 L ACT ; v Horse Power. : sone - — » g " 3 > . owes shai So ere : FOR. SALE OR CHARTER CHEAP, Cannery Certificate of Improvements if Tender “Wigwam,” 52 feet, 45 h. p.J > asain baie For Further Information 1 Union gas engine, Fish tank. Apply tO} «sinion” and “Sunbeam” Mineral ‘Claims Apply to eae Cracany Piney, Peet Sore, age situate in the Skeena Mining Division of piers fe : ____. ** | Cassiar District. W. E. WILLISCROFT FOR SALE-—-Household furniture, Ancona Where located:—About five miles from ‘ Hens. Appply 515 Cotton Street. tf.] the head of Alice Arm on “Middle Creek.” 4 Prince Rupert, B. C, re ae 5 pees re ree ty aes TAKE NOTICE that I, Wm. T. Kergin . wn FOR SALE—Good team of horses, for]or prince Rupert, B. C,, Free Miner’s Cer- f cash, cheap. Apply Box 202, me tificate No, 94035B, intend sixty days from|<* 23 News. i. » ds ore , > e. RRA OR CD NRT Ck _ the date hereof, to apply to the Mining HANDY WoRK OF ALL DESCRIP- ae = Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements i} OR SALE—10-/ ol. ; FOR SALE—10-Acre tract of land in Kit for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant TIONS. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED sumkalum Valley. $25 per acre, $25 7 of the above claim. cova, palace $10 per mont. > Apply P: And further take notice that action, un- VACUUM CLEANING CO. t O. Box 174. 85. " der section 37, must be commenced before ..We Slean Homes, Offices, Churches aes FOR SALE—Launch Impala, 48ft. x 11 1-2] !he Issue of such Certificate of Improve-} Lodge and School. rooms at low Th : h k h f hild 1 x5 1-2. Built in 1912, Djinn engine, | ™ents. ; * m — ia ‘ re h. p. Burns coal oil or diétillate Dated this’ 16th day of March, A. D. erect x z ere 1S a man w Oo a es s oes or c ren Wl , Fully equipped and in number one order. | 1916. je7 GOOD WORKG UARANTEED ; it Apply Wm. Sutherland, Bella Coola, B. C. WM. T. KERGIN. ‘ and sells them to stores all over Canada - oe PEM Sree net ee re All Orders Attendei to Immediately. a ee ° ° 3 SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- MINERAL ACT . But he is only just learning how people buy. i= line engine, new, 8165 freight paid OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE — Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motcr 2 ’ * 2) | Co., Hamilton, Canada. tr. Certificate of Improvements . PHONE GREEN 268. } i Py ae Tl OR es’ hea ooned| It was this way: His wife—Jet us call her Mrs. wah Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate in the caeee ee ; i et i Prince Ru ert F d Co Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. Brown phoned to him and asked him to buy some ‘ p ee ° Where located:—At the head of a branch MINERAL ACT ; } underwear for little Brown. ’ j P. 0. Box 333. 808 Third Ave. of Lime Creek about four miles from the pea § A B Li aes beac 30 Je lice Arm, RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS {12°20 the south side of Alice Arm. Gavildiate U6 tabierersenta Picture Brown now. among the throng of mothers at TAKE NOTICE that I, George R, Naden, ‘6 Ch ] ’ 23 H f a ehase Se eee eee tg ‘ the ildren’s Underwear’’ counter. He asks for e as dgent for Thos. Menostie, Free Miner’s| | Rivermouth Fractional nuineral claim, Underwear for a child of six. He looks it over help- peerarermene Certificate No, 69991B, and James L. Hatch, | Situated in the Skeena Mining Division of i Wiiknlele: Petry’a. eteaie’s, ee ee ie T rascar thé lessly. What on earth does he know about Children’s : and Brigg’s. tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to Where located:—At the head of Alice Underwear P For lack of anythin better to say he , ; apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certifi-| Arm, adjoining the Rivermouth and Cari- roe $6 ‘thi i 9 i “4 Garden and Field Seeds. cate ef Improvements, for the purpose of| boo mhineral claims. asks: Is this good quality P ’ he Bapwer - short | Also Fertilizers. obtaining a Crown Grant of the above| TAKE NOTICE that I, G. R. Naden, Free and quite conclusive: ‘‘It’s Blank’s’’— naming a well- claim. Miners’ Certificate No. 94,096B, acting as , : ' ing. Pia. We Take Orders for Nursery And further take notice that action,| agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners’ Cier- advertised line. That short word eaye everything oo Stock B h fied mi) , under section 85, must be commenced be- | tificate No. 93,917B, intend, sixty days rown pays his mopey and goes home, quite satisfie ‘ Hay, Grain and Feed at 3/rore tne issue of such Certificate of Im-|from the date hereof, to apply to the with his purchase. Vancouver Prices. $| provements, Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Im- Dated this 24th day of March, A.D. 1916.| provements, for the purpose of obt«ining , re eerchmeneneerctie oe swer os Mena A.0, ay tenga ae any veep 09 Now what bothers Brown —a manufacturer of shoes, pecialty. And* #UMiler taxe notice stiat. » eon, is this: How would it affect the purchase of a child’s . MINERAL ACT under section 85, must be commence d be- shoes if the salesman said ‘ They’re Brown's” ? Mali Orders Promptly At , 5 ptly Attended To, fore .the issue of such Certificate of Im- Nobody knows B ’s sho B d 't advertise t -_—_——_ provements.’ : : obody Ws Drown s shoes. Drown doesn t adve ae | Certificate of improvements Dated this 28rd day of December, A. D. As ae . Ps ms ~- peter 1915. Apr. 2. The name Brown signifies nothing when used in con- ae ns coer | atin _ainared ‘Claim, situate ita thie : nection with children's shoes. The salesman must use all his Skeena ning Division of Cassiar District. eo ODL wrrre ersuasive wiles i the ° . 2 BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC Where located:—About four miles from P d ” induce people to buy ” LUMP te beach on the south side of Alice Arm 4 y at the head of a branch of Lime Creek. . : r : s ’ ( : O A L TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden,|% AUTO DELIVERY The point is — If {he name Brown was as synonomous with Children s Free Miner's Certificate No, 94006B, .in-|% ; Prey Pe) Shoat as Blank s’' is with Underwear, wouldn’t Brown sell more shoes ; tend, siaty days from the date hereof, to clean with’ less effort P $9.50 ore am © on apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certifi- . very cate of Improvements, for the purpose of EX) RESS AND BAGGAGE obtaining a Crown Grant of the above a ; If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising Money Back If Not Satis- claim, 3 + ‘ - +b RB... - é Department of this nv wspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national businese factory / And further take notice that action, it would be well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. 3 under section 85, must be commenced be- - ' A list of these will be furnished, without cost of obligation, by of UNION TRANSFER CO | fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- Phone Red 339 Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto, m provements, ' , 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 3 Dated this 24th day of Marchy A.D. 1916, od GEORGE R, NADEN, a io -